I like where you are going with this one.
Justin Bieber for no.1
I like where you are going with this one.
Justin Bieber for no.1
Now on the GaragePunk podcast, it's MAL THURSDAY'S TEXAS TYME MACHINE #1. The all-Texan garage/punk/psychedelic podcast is now officially spun off from THE MAL THURSDAY SHOW as its own 'cast.
Here's the pilot episode: MAL THURSDAY'S TEXAS TYME MACHINE #1: A Journey to Tyme
It's amazing what the Cramps have done for us! Isn't "Wild Zero" that really wild exploitation/grindhouse-type flick that came out a few years back that had zombies, maybe? I thought I had seen it advertised in the pages of "Videoscope" and "Rue Morgue"...
electrocute your cock said:
Off The Bone/Songs the Lord Taught Us. That's where I'm pinning the blame for all this. Before that I'd only heard MC5, The Stooges and a few songs here and there so I knew I'd like this stuff if I knew who the hell anyone was, but it's The Cramps who showed me the way. Guitar Wolf get an honourable mention for their appearance in Wild Zero.
"Action Woman", for me, hands down, is probably one of my all time fave garage rockin' tunes...the Litter version, that is...
Dan said:
I think it was Pebbles Vol 1, sometime around 1990 - that skip in 'Action Woman' won me over straight away. Beaver Patrol, Potato Chip, 1-2-5, Going All The Way, etc...
It's amazing how much the Cramps have turned us onto so much great music, that otherwise, some of us had no idea existed!
BonzoB said:
I was a punk, and followed the line back. Clash, Pistols to Stooges, MC5, and then connections from there.THE one that truly hooked me had to Off the Bone by The Cramps. It took me a long time to track down the originals of their covers, but when I did Rockabilly Psychosis and the Garage Disease Vol 1 made another leap. For those who don't know it the record combined classics by The Trashmen, Sonics, Novas, Hazil Adkins, Legendary Stardust Cowboy etc, with tracks by The Cramps, Panther Burns, Jimmy Dickinson, Gun Club, and UK psychobilly pioneers Meteors, Guana Batz, Sting Rays and Milkshakes...The sleeve was a brilliant cartoon comic book cover, with the whole thing allegedly recorded in "Monstereo". The total package just rocked...After that my world exploded and like the Universe it continues to expand...I feel an honourable mention must also go the The Fuzztones Lysergic Emanations. First hearing for a load more garage covers that need tracked down.
Yeah, tunes with that organ really turned me on! Plus that punky sneer you hear in the vocals of other tunes...Sadly, most oldies stations nowadays only play Motown and the top hits from back in the day, which does include some great gems, but overlooks way too many...
Jeremy Hall said:
That's easy. Surfin' Bird. When I first heard it as a kid in the 70's, I thought it was the best thing ever. It took a while to attach the sound to other records and find those records as a teen (oh to have had the internet). I'll also say 96 tears, because even as a kid I recognized that there were "oldies", and then there was strange shit on the radio that sounded like 96 tears.
That's easy. Surfin' Bird. When I first heard it as a kid in the 70's, I thought it was the best thing ever. It took a while to attach the sound to other records and find those records as a teen (oh to have had the internet). I'll also say 96 tears, because even as a kid I recognized that there were "oldies", and then there was strange shit on the radio that sounded like 96 tears.
I was a punk, and followed the line back. Clash, Pistols to Stooges, MC5, and then connections from there.THE one that truly hooked me had to Off the Bone by The Cramps. It took me a long time to track down the originals of their covers, but when I did Rockabilly Psychosis and the Garage Disease Vol 1 made another leap. For those who don't know it the record combined classics by The Trashmen, Sonics, Novas, Hazil Adkins, Legendary Stardust Cowboy etc, with tracks by The Cramps, Panther Burns, Jimmy Dickinson, Gun Club, and UK psychobilly pioneers Meteors, Guana Batz, Sting Rays and Milkshakes...The sleeve was a brilliant cartoon comic book cover, with the whole thing allegedly recorded in "Monstereo". The total package just rocked...After that my world exploded and like the Universe it continues to expand...I feel an honourable mention must also go the The Fuzztones Lysergic Emanations. First hearing for a load more garage covers that need tracked down.
I think it was Pebbles Vol 1, sometime around 1990 - that skip in 'Action Woman' won me over straight away. Beaver Patrol, Potato Chip, 1-2-5, Going All The Way, etc...
Hi, I'm looking for the lyrics to the song Born Loser by Murphy and the Mob.
also remade by great '80 bands like the Morlocks, Fuzztones and so on.
many thanks!
I agree, all their stuff is quite excellent, and very inexpensive. For us punks on a budget (by the sounds of it, most of us here at GP are anyway), you can get a great rig for a fraction of the Guitar Center costs.
Mardy Pune said:
They sell some great stuff. Their pickups are good value for money.
KK Dirty Money said:
Also, this company makes good stuff for cheap:
They sell some great stuff. Their pickups are good value for money.
KK Dirty Money said:
Also, this company makes good stuff for cheap:
Also, this company makes good stuff for cheap:
These are all excellent recommendations. Surf Craigslist for good deals on used pedals. Look on ebay to see what the good price range is. Go to a couple music stores and just demo as many different pedals as possible. Take notes on what you discover. Once you do a little bit of homework, you can probably nab a good deal on a gently used pedal (patience is also a good ingredient).
If you put in that little bit of extra work, chances are you'll find a happy deal.
But, Danelectro and Behringer (if you're really strapped for cash) are always good for the money. You may find everything you need in one of these pedals, in new condition, for under $50 (especially if you're not too picky).
It is a good time to be playing guitar because there are so many choices out there for good prices.
Good luck.
Jamie; Your right, they do filter the repeats to make sound analogue. Most companies just cut the top end of the repeat to make it sound like an analogue repeat, but the repeats don't degrade like the analogue ones do.
Giannis; sorry the link should have read "Memory Toy" not "Memory Boy" and your also right, the Memory Toy was given bad reviews when it was released. The issues have been addressed by EHX and it's a great little pedal now. I use one as my number one delay now instead of my old Boss DM-2, which seems to be developing a mind of its own.
Jamie said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have much experience with delays, but I thought the "lo-fi" aspect of analog delays could be captured with digital if they were "filtered" in the same way. However the time between repeats for analog delays decreases over time and stays the same with digital.. Hope that makes sense.
Also, Giannis did you try the Digitech Hardwire reverb in your reverb search? I'm interested in comparisons between that one and the FRV-1.
* New Hope for the Wretched/Metal Priestess by The Plasmatics. I recently rented a DVD of the late Tom Snyder's Tomorrow Show interviews with "punk and New Wave" groups -- which also includes the performances of the bands and musicians, In fact, it includes the entire shows. The Rev. Rex Humbard, the world's first televangelist was a guest on the show the night that Wendy O. Williams and the boys blew up a car in the NBC studios while performing the song "Masterplan.". The good Rev.was surprisingly mellow about the band. Less tolerant preachers would have condemned them as porn-rock demons from Hell.
Big favorite of mine is Kid Congo Powers' post-Cramps band Fur Bible who released one towering 4-song EP then disappeared in the face of widespread derision. Wish someone cared enough to do a Kid Congo career perspective collection.
Back in the day... England, early 80's.. I went to a regular little club that was full of goths, rockabillies, punks and general new wavers. All the music was just a mixture of everything. There was no music rule. Everyone jumped around to everything. I was a wannabe psychobilly dressed like a rockabilly; and my girlfriend was a gorgeous Goth with big black hair and white make up. it just didnt matter. Our record collections would cross over and overlap. I saw Bauhaus live several times, Souixie numerous times... while I dragged my poor girlfriend along to wreck to the Guana Batz and Meteors gigs.
I still listen to most kinds of music (to a limit, obviously), but I will always have a fondness for the Goth scene. There is a lot of humour behind the black and white make up and morbid lyrics.
I wonder what my gothy girlfriend is listening to now, 25 years later... will never know.
Well, of course, that's the purpose..
Mardy Pune said:
If you are using that as a live setup you could always get the engineer to throw a mic in front of the amp or just mic it yerself.
If you are using that as a live setup you could always get the engineer to throw a mic in front of the amp or just mic it yerself.
Teddy Jungle King said:
I still haven't bought any tube preamp but I did some tests with a setting inspired by what you all recommanded: Shure 55sh (basically a shure sm57, nothing fancy) into preamp/delay pedal into germanium overdrive into small vox amp (30 years old, the only controls are Tone and Volume, and I'm not even sure about the wattage but I think it's something like 15 watts).
IT SOUNDED GREAT! I used a 50ms delay, the echo having less volume than the dry signal, so you almost can't hear it in normal conditions, but when you turn on the overdrive you start noticing it, it gives a very good rockabilly vibe! It's the first time that I'm using an OD on a mike, but I instantly thought of this one: the Germanium OD by Electro Harmonix, I often use it in guitar because with an other OD before, and the nice setting of course, you can get a Sonics like sound (yes, it sounds like a cranked amp with a pierced speaker, just like the sound of Louie Louie, that made me fall in love with garage instantly). This OD doesn't have a lot of gain, and a very unique texture, very warm (like all effects equipped with germanium transistors), that's why it's perfect for vocals! I'm actually really impressed by this pedal, I usually don't trust big brands when it comes to effects, nothing sounds worse than Boss to my ears for exemple, but Ehx seems to manage to make great sounding pedals with a low cost.
I don't know what this setting will be like without a small amp, because I can't really bring the amp during rehearsals every week, but I'll try it straight into the console, if it doesn't sound well, I'll try to use a tube preamp to see if it helps.
I would recommand to anyone into garage to test the od I talked about, or at least to listen to some demo on youtube, because I've never been that much impressed by a pedal, considering it's price, and I own quite a few boutique pedals!
And no I'm not paid by ehx to do advertising (Though that would be a sweet job for a 18 years old like I am), I'm just very much in love with the sound I got :), I'll try to record something when I have some time so you can judge by yourself the tone you can get this way.
I still haven't bought any tube preamp but I did some tests with a setting inspired by what you all recommanded: Shure 55sh (basically a shure sm57, nothing fancy) into preamp/delay pedal into germanium overdrive into small vox amp (30 years old, the only controls are Tone and Volume, and I'm not even sure about the wattage but I think it's something like 15 watts).
IT SOUNDED GREAT! I used a 50ms delay, the echo having less volume than the dry signal, so you almost can't hear it in normal conditions, but when you turn on the overdrive you start noticing it, it gives a very good rockabilly vibe! It's the first time that I'm using an OD on a mike, but I instantly thought of this one: the Germanium OD by Electro Harmonix, I often use it in guitar because with an other OD before, and the nice setting of course, you can get a Sonics like sound (yes, it sounds like a cranked amp with a pierced speaker, just like the sound of Louie Louie, that made me fall in love with garage instantly). This OD doesn't have a lot of gain, and a very unique texture, very warm (like all effects equipped with germanium transistors), that's why it's perfect for vocals! I'm actually really impressed by this pedal, I usually don't trust big brands when it comes to effects, nothing sounds worse than Boss to my ears for exemple, but Ehx seems to manage to make great sounding pedals with a low cost.
I don't know what this setting will be like without a small amp, because I can't really bring the amp during rehearsals every week, but I'll try it straight into the console, if it doesn't sound well, I'll try to use a tube preamp to see if it helps.
I would recommand to anyone into garage to test the od I talked about, or at least to listen to some demo on youtube, because I've never been that much impressed by a pedal, considering it's price, and I own quite a few boutique pedals!
And no I'm not paid by ehx to do advertising (Though that would be a sweet job for a 18 years old like I am), I'm just very much in love with the sound I got :), I'll try to record something when I have some time so you can judge by yourself the tone you can get this way.
Ive used Blip on and off... sometimes it's a lot of hard work to find the good stuff. But maybe that's how it's supposed to be.. a little reseach can repay big time.
But on the other hand.. Last.FM is much more accessible, and runs more smoothly, with a whole world of info and groups etc. Last.fm is great for music discovery, and hearing stuff you never knew existed; with quite a lot of information about the band/artist etc.
Whilst Grooveshark.com is pretty good; although a little less classy. Grooveshark will find music for you, if you know what you are looking for. Not so imformative, and slightly anonymous feel to it all.
rock'n'roll girl - the beat
fashion victim - reatards
switchin in the kitchen - pretty boy
i want you back - jackson five
frothing at the mouth - carbonas
let's dance on - monkees
you belong to me - duprees
i wanna die (but not right now) - hubble bubble
can't stand the midwest - dow jones and the industrials
wiggle it around - brian's dirty business
well if you think the sonics are gonna sound just as they did back in their hey day , it ain't gonna happen. larry puripya (SIC)still has a cool guitar sound. their worth seeing them if you've never seen them before
it wasnt cald Punk .........back then!!! get your shit together!!!!!
TeenFink said:
the FIRST punk era was from '65-'67, not '76-'80.