John Battles said:
btw , HONEST , I did delete the two extra messages. Sorry.
Billy said , in Ugly Things , The Velvets ' influence on Cold Sun was not as strong as that of The Elevators , but, it was there.
Chris Stigliano wrote a good article about the influence of The Velvets on artists you would'nt have imagined , The Cars , e.g. , if only by virtue of being from Boston , where The Velvets were still gigging before and after they were regarded as nobodies , and people like Jonathan Richman drew from that.(PS , I was just told , recently , That John Felice was "Hippie Johnny" . Don't know if that's so , or why , perhaps because of head butting within the original Modern Lovers , and that was Jonathan's revenge ?).
But , I've always read Boston was the first city to really embrace VU. Tho' everytime they played Chicago , on some mismatched bill , about 100 people with shades and all - black gear would rush the stage when they came on , then leave before the next band. Of course , they played in Texas , and Roky became a big fan , tho' it's unclear whether he actually saw the band or not. He was probably at Rusk by the time they first played Houston or Austin (Didthey play Austin?) .
The earliest Velvets ' cover I could think of was The Yardbirds' "I'm Waiting For The Man" , which they may have only performed once (?) in LA in '68 . Stigliano told me there was a band from Holland who released a Pop version of Run , Run , Run and , maybe "There She Goes Again" (?) shortly after the first Velvets ' LP was released. Of course , going back to Bosstown , Willie "Loco " Alexander played in a much later version of The Velvets , minus Lou. The funniest story involving Lou Reed did'nt really involve him at all. You probably read about how David Bowie talked for 20 minutes , backstage , with Lou , only to learn it was really Doug Yule , as Reed had quit the band , telling Yule "You take it. Take all of it. ". Apparently , a lot of people thought Doug WAS Lou at the time ! HA HA HA HA HA.
I heard that version of "Run, Run, Run" on Intoxica Radio, which was quite a fun cover version, but I thought it was by a German band.