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    • April 2, 2010 6:30 PM CDT
    • That's brilliant! Petulant Child said:

      alse my brother takes a hardware store screw and screws it in then tugs till it comes out!

      Petulant Child said:
      I had to use a pair of tweezers to do that on my wedding night!!!

      High Lord Mardy Pune said:
      what about other inventions for opening wine bottles that have corks? cause that's a real bitch to do without a corkscrew.

    • April 2, 2010 5:59 PM CDT
    • alse my brother takes a hardware store screw and screws it in then tugs till it comes out! Petulant Child said:

      I had to use a pair of tweezers to do that on my wedding night!!!

      High Lord Mardy Pune said:
      what about other inventions for opening wine bottles that have corks? cause that's a real bitch to do without a corkscrew.

    • April 2, 2010 5:57 PM CDT
    • I had to use a pair of tweezers to do that on my wedding night!!! High Lord Mardy Pune said:

      what about other inventions for opening wine bottles that have corks? cause that's a real bitch to do without a corkscrew.

    • April 1, 2010 10:24 PM CDT
    • My roomate and friend, Mike, uses random instruments frequently as bottle openers. I've seen him use the back flat end of a hammer, every screwdriver in the apartment, the corner of his blackberry phone (used quite frequently), counters or table corners, of course lighters. He has used more things, but I'm drawing blanks. His biggest challenge was to open a bottle with a tomato. This was his only fail, so far.

    • April 1, 2010 7:11 PM CDT
    • what about other inventions for opening wine bottles that have corks? cause that's a real bitch to do without a corkscrew.

    • March 31, 2010 9:25 PM CDT
    • loving the sound of the words Church Key tonight....seriously no other inventions that don't include opening a beer bottle?

    • April 1, 2010 6:17 PM CDT
    • Pumphouse Blueberry Ale is a great little micro brew out of New Brunswick, Canada, and I'll always love my Moosehead Lager; the best beer comes in green bottles! I know we're supposed to stay local, but I really must give credit to the Belgians as well; after spending some time in Bruges this past summer, I agree that they really do brew some of the greatest beer in the world. Tasty, tasty!!

    • April 1, 2010 6:51 AM CDT
    • OK dog fondlers, the state of Tasmania has leaned too far to the right (politically speaking) so my heart has to swing to that great South Australia beverage Coopers Pale Ale.
      In fact any beer from the Coopers Brewery will rate an instant 9.5 out of 10. I even drank one out of a can when I was at the Golden Plains festival, I think it was called Dr Tim and it rocked.

    • April 1, 2010 12:39 AM CDT
    • Ahhhh...the wonderful, glorious beer topic! I love North Coast Brewery "Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout"...such a tasty hearty goodness!! It's a great winter beer! They also have a really good red ale, "Red Seal Ale" clean it knocks your socks off!!
      Fortunately in Cali, we have many microbreweries scattered about. I try to hit up as many as possible when traveling through areas that have 'em. I mean really...need I say more-lol!
      As for my shwag beer of choice...PBR or Naughty Ice ;D

    • March 30, 2010 11:22 AM CDT
    • I have yet to try this, but have had the amazing bourbon, so I am starting to drool looking at this one. ash said:

      better whisky barrel beers? do tell... i'll be needing to try some (all in the name of research, obviously!)
      Stagnant Artist said:
      yes... it's rather tasty, but there are way better whiskey barrel beers out there.

      ash said:
      has anyone done Innes & Gunn yet? whisky beer...

    • March 27, 2010 10:04 PM CDT
    • The Triple-Floyd out of Munster IN., That there 321 Goose Island Chicago. Delirium Tremens.

    • March 26, 2010 1:53 AM CDT
    • rouge brewery is the shit

    • March 24, 2010 4:06 AM CDT
    • better whisky barrel beers? do tell... i'll be needing to try some (all in the name of research, obviously!) Stagnant Artist said:

      yes... it's rather tasty, but there are way better whiskey barrel beers out there.

      ash said:
      has anyone done Innes & Gunn yet? whisky beer...

    • March 23, 2010 10:27 PM CDT
    • yes... it's rather tasty, but there are way better whiskey barrel beers out there. ash said:

      has anyone done Innes & Gunn yet? whisky beer...

    • March 23, 2010 7:19 PM CDT
    • the best drink is guinness or corona----its simple.

    • March 23, 2010 3:55 PM CDT
    • has anyone done Innes & Gunn yet? whisky beer...

    • March 23, 2010 2:45 PM CDT
    • I am a huge huge fan of Schneider Aventinus. it's 8.2% and a good size. I am a fan of Belgian beers in general. This winter I was getting into some stouts, such as Young's chocolate. So fucking tasty. Did really enjoy the new combo coming from Brooklyn Brewery called Brooklyn-Schneider Hopfen-Weisse. Give me a tasty high alcohol beer, and I am a happy woman!

    • March 21, 2010 6:56 PM CDT
    • Jesus Christ. whatwave dave said:

      I make my own beer, 50L at a time at a local You-Brew....haven't found any commercial beers anywhere near as tasty. Plus i know what's in the beer...LOL...

    • March 21, 2010 3:32 PM CDT
    • So any FOOD you eat is takeout? whatwave dave said:

      I make my own beer, 50L at a time at a local You-Brew....haven't found any commercial beers anywhere near as tasty. Plus i know what's in the beer...LOL...

    • March 21, 2010 12:56 PM CDT
    • Chimay the blue one

    • April 1, 2010 10:22 AM CDT
    • Here's a quick run down of what is coming out this springy summer season from your humble Comic servants:

      Peter Bagge is on with a new series from DARK HORSE called RESET (clickety click here & check out some preview pages!), a 2nd of 4 issue has just come out on the 16th. Looks like a romp!

      DRAWN AND QUARTERLY has the complete selection of their ambitious Yoshihiro Tatsumi short story collection out as handy soft covers, along with the NEWly published FALLEN WORDS that just came out this month: GO GO Go check out his complete catalog here!  Watch out though, his work is poetic and beautiful, but mercilessly disturbing.

      For more wig-out Japanese avant-guarde action, check out SHIGERU MIZUKI's first ever english translation of ghost storie's in NONNONBA (Click the fat word!) and Imiri Sakabashira's exceptional BOX MAN.*

      Speaking of disturbingly surreal/real tales of the human spirit, D&Q is also bringing out a collection of CHESTER BROWNS ED THE HAPPY CLOWN. This surrealist classic made Chester realize what he was wanting for in his work - and what a ride he took to get there!

      *Needless to say, these books all are milestones in their own right and should give you a good overview of what the wild Japanese comics literature is, looking beyond all the crazy Sci-Fi trash (sic!) kids TV is floored with right now. Previews of all books should be availible on the site! Thanks for reading!

      All pictures and work owned by the artists and/or respective owners.


      COMICS WATCH #1 + DORKY intro:

      So I was jus' wantin' to let ya know what a steamin' hot cool load of books came out from FANTAGRAPHICS this April, you know the splendid folks that brought you the likes of EIGHTBALL, LOVE AND ROCKETs and BLACK HOLE. Click on the fat titles to get linked to FANTA SITE where you can read real info (as opposed to my clutters) and best of all preview the books either via video or .pdf. Now, ain't that some sweet providin'??? AWright, here is the run down:

      #1 WALLY GROPIOUS by Tim Hensley

      FIRST OFF, I want to shine a light on a book that's near and dear to my cringed little heart: The Wally Gropious Collection by Tim Hensley. It's a whipcrack of sweet cartoon sounds, strips bathed in the molten sauce of their own history and crafted to perferction ba the marvelous hands of Mr. Hensley. WALLY is what undedicated mainstream readers would decline as ABSTRACT, but really it's the source of classical cartooning brought up to modern hights, by way of keeping all of the profoundly whack standards intact that make it so great.  It's quick, it's sharp, it's terrifying but with all the sweetness you can think off. Kind of like GARAGEPUNK, it's so rough, it will cast off most, but those who dig it, are most likely to stay forever in this rich and wondrous world.

      #2 Sand & Fury: A Scream Queen Adventure by Ho Che Anderson

      Ho Che Anderson in Black an' White! The awesome painted cover and the broad Horror and B-Movie refferences (don't take it from me kids - see for yourself!) in this one make it a jump into your-kind-of-temprature water and will most likely please your garagerockin' eyzzzzz. Nuff said!

      #3 Classic Pin-up Art of Jack Cole

      In line with our nod #1 to sweet Cahmics and their background, Jack Coles Cartoons (yes, it says classic!) bring back the grandour of a time when you could still read the papers and find something else but Garfield and your local syndicated Flinstones rip off strip. If ya dig yerself some 50's raunch from the likes of the covers of the "Mens Adventure" mags and pulps, this is the cartoon stuff that would fill the space inbetween those crazy ass stories! Also of PLAYBOY fame.

      #4 It Was the War of the Trenches by Jacques Tardi

      Tardi is another Noir Classic, this time around from the other side of the nightpan called the Atlantic. His Books and stories around odd looking detectives and their just as odd opponents and lovers inherit low life cult status and are a thing to themselves. It's crime in black and white and just as you know that things are going to go sour for your PI/Cop character, it's likely that the story is going to be bedded in a big knockover unitl the end swings around to finally blow out the stars swirling over ones head.

      #5 BLAZING COMBAT by Archie Goodwin and Various Artists  

      To take a flight back to 'merica in the mid 60's, here is what Comics were when they were Comics, errrrm, you know: Classic stuff, Adventure, Horror, Romance, Pulps and of course: War Comics. Just a genre as all genres back then, but with a knack and regraded with highest praise when it comes to artists that would fill the pages: ALEX TOTH, WALLY WOOD, FRANK FRAZETTA, you name 'em they are in this book. Now I am a Punk and I couldn't give less of a damn about all this warrin' business. Neither could the authors it seems, so this is more about the gruesome effects of the warmachine and the losses connected to it. Brought to you in stark Black an' White artwork, straight from the genepool of Comics. So I'm takin' my dive into that one.


      "This book is funny, doh!" I really need not say more, as I just know good ol' Basil has a bunch of interested readers around the corners of the GARAGEPUNK network. But just for the sake of it: IT'S WOLVERTON DOING STRIPS! YAY!

      #7 HATE ANNUAL #8 by Peter Bagge

      Some new BUDDY stuff, some compiled stories from varied sources from over the year. Hell, you just gotta know that this years HATE Annual is out and you don't need to scorn thru every single magazine that the stuff in it was published in, but can read it all in a handy volume. Perfect for school when you need to hide it behind your CHEMISTRY books and do something REALLY useful. What?!?! You actually liked school? Get outta here! 

      #8 ABANDONED CARS (Softcover!) by TIM LANE

      Ok, I plead to end this summeration with a SLAMMER! Granted? OK: Just check out the fabulous covers on this one please, it's TIM LANE, man with a plan when it comes to his Comics. Fat as lard artwork, smooth as chevy seat leather writing. Again all in Black and White, wrapping his tales of urban confusion into one hell of sandwich.
      Now it's stuuuuuupid in my op to say "this is good because it looks like that", but Tim is a living testament of the Awesomness (Capital!) of the modern Underground-gone-art-novel style Comics of CRUMB, BURNS and CLOWES and slammin' that to the table with his own finesse. He is the latest in their DNA string. But see for yourself and be petrified!

    • April 1, 2010 12:13 AM CDT
    • I think that someone else got it on time..or I can't find it..
      Anyway I saw various shots of the movie,around,some downloaded, I just have put it together :-D .-D
      Thank you!!

    • March 31, 2010 11:11 PM CDT
    • I have this movie. Its pretty good for what it is. It stars Jack Yarber a.k.a. Jack oblivian from the oblivians, and Mike Maker from the makers as well as D'Lana Tunnell which is the cover girl from all those Oblivians movies. Its low budget,indie, but is really kinda cool. The story is a little too complicated for its own good, but the aesthetic value alone is worth the watch. I saw it on ebay for like 30 or more bucks then found it in a collection called "hotter than Hell" for like 5 bucks. SCORE!!! If you want to know more just hit me up!

    • March 31, 2010 10:55 PM CDT
    • I've been fortunate to have seen it and I absolutely LOVE it! It's got everything a classic somewhat sci-fi B flic should have and more. I really can't say enough about it. Then again, I like what some might call "weird shit".
      Of course the soundtrack is flippin' awesome, which makes the movie even just adds to it in all the right ways. You might want to try finding it on Ebay. I know for sure you can score the movie there on DVD. Good luck man and let me know what you think after you watch it. I think it takes a certain type of person to appreciate this sort of movie. Hope to hear your feedback.

    • March 22, 2010 3:01 PM CDT
    • And how does everyone feel now? Instead of just voter fraud, how about riding roughshod over our civil rights? The unconstitutionality of the health care bill...and the fact that our lawmakers just made the American people write a blank check...where's the K.Y. we just got reamed!