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    • November 15, 2012 2:56 AM CST

    • November 15, 2012 2:54 AM CST
    • RIP to Kelly:(:(

      John Battles said:

      Kelly JOHNSON was the Guitarist/Singer with Girlschool , sorry for the mixup.
      John Battles said:

      I just read that Jo Dunne , Guitarist from Fuzzbox (AKA We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It.) passed away at just 43 years of age , from Cancer.

      I know Fuzzbox were'nt one of those bands that it was considered cool to like. I did. Still do , to a point. I just listened to their first EP a few weeks ago . It's a lot more abrasive and "DIY" than their later work , though their 1st LP IS'NT A RADICAL DEPARTURE FROM THE GARAGE REVIVAL sounds going around at the time , save for the poppier - sounding vocals. Rumor had it the album was recorded for about $200. Another rumor had it that their not so secret weapon , a REAL fuzzbox , was the one used on "Pushin' Too Hard", a record that does'nt even appear to have a fuzztone on it . Truth is , when I first heard their record , I thought it was The Pandoras' new album , and if those were the concessions to commercial rock they were threatening to make , I was fine with it. Moreso than when I actually heard The Pandoras' own final EP.    Cancer also took Kelli Clarkson from Girlschool , another misunderstood all - female band. Cancer is'nt pissing around , but , if we don't live to piss on Cancer's grave , future generations will .

    • November 14, 2012 6:28 PM CST
    • Andy , You don't arf - fancy her , then . Who could blame ya? I always thought Vik was lovely , but , Tina was so pretty , oh so pretty , too. In America , their first LP was just called "We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It". The artwork differs slightly , but , the paint by numbers Steve Austin appears on the sleeve.  Well , in my opinion , MacLaren's biggest crime with The Dolls was taking shock and outrage in a direction even they could'nt pull off , namely , copping a phony Maoist stance. That just was not done in America , at the time. Even if he'd had a better plan, the bottom line was , he tried , and failed , to save a sinking ship. I don't think anyone could have , unfortunately.
      Andy Climax said:

      Yep! but look what Mclaren did to the Dolls and we still love'em. Once the majors got their grubby mitts onto Jo an co, the game was up. Still, through it all they still didn't take themselves too seriously. 2nd album Big Bang was all nonsense and unlistenable really. But Bostin' Steve Austin should be in every punks record box. XX Sex is an amazing song, and lets just say i've had many sleepless nights thinkin 'bout Tina the drummer, hehe

      In fact i think i'll put it in the great songs under 2 minutes thread.
      John Battles said:

      Amen to that , but , I liked that , at least early on , they were'nt a manufactured image , they just were what they were. I had no objections to how they LOOKED on the "International Rescue" 45 , with the Barbarella/Thunderbirds parody , but , it was an indication that the worst was yet to come. Their second album , I could'nt hang with that at all , sorry.
      Andy Climax said:

      On Fuzzbox. Sad to hear the passing of Jo the lead singer last week. After a long battle with illness. Say wot you want about Fuzzbox, they coloured a very drab and serious late 80's and 90's Britain. She'll be sorely missed. Great lass and an even wickeder sense of humour. R.I.P

    • November 14, 2012 3:17 PM CST
    • Yep! but look what Mclaren did to the Dolls and we still love'em. Once the majors got their grubby mitts onto Jo an co, the game was up. Still, through it all they still didn't take themselves too seriously. 2nd album Big Bang was all nonsense and unlistenable really. But Bostin' Steve Austin should be in every punks record box. XX Sex is an amazing song, and lets just say i've had many sleepless nights thinkin 'bout Tina the drummer, hehe

      In fact i think i'll put it in the great songs under 2 minutes thread.
      John Battles said:

      Amen to that , but , I liked that , at least early on , they were'nt a manufactured image , they just were what they were. I had no objections to how they LOOKED on the "International Rescue" 45 , with the Barbarella/Thunderbirds parody , but , it was an indication that the worst was yet to come. Their second album , I could'nt hang with that at all , sorry.
      Andy Climax said:

      On Fuzzbox. Sad to hear the passing of Jo the lead singer last week. After a long battle with illness. Say wot you want about Fuzzbox, they coloured a very drab and serious late 80's and 90's Britain. She'll be sorely missed. Great lass and an even wickeder sense of humour. R.I.P

    • November 14, 2012 2:51 PM CST
    • Kelly JOHNSON was the Guitarist/Singer with Girlschool , sorry for the mixup.
      John Battles said:

      I just read that Jo Dunne , Guitarist from Fuzzbox (AKA We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It.) passed away at just 43 years of age , from Cancer.

      I know Fuzzbox were'nt one of those bands that it was considered cool to like. I did. Still do , to a point. I just listened to their first EP a few weeks ago . It's a lot more abrasive and "DIY" than their later work , though their 1st LP IS'NT A RADICAL DEPARTURE FROM THE GARAGE REVIVAL sounds going around at the time , save for the poppier - sounding vocals. Rumor had it the album was recorded for about $200. Another rumor had it that their not so secret weapon , a REAL fuzzbox , was the one used on "Pushin' Too Hard", a record that does'nt even appear to have a fuzztone on it . Truth is , when I first heard their record , I thought it was The Pandoras' new album , and if those were the concessions to commercial rock they were threatening to make , I was fine with it. Moreso than when I actually heard The Pandoras' own final EP.    Cancer also took Kelli Clarkson from Girlschool , another misunderstood all - female band. Cancer is'nt pissing around , but , if we don't live to piss on Cancer's grave , future generations will .

    • November 14, 2012 2:47 PM CST
    • Amen to that , but , I liked that , at least early on , they were'nt a manufactured image , they just were what they were. I had no objections to how they LOOKED on the "International Rescue" 45 , with the Barbarella/Thunderbirds parody , but , it was an indication that the worst was yet to come. Their second album , I could'nt hang with that at all , sorry.
      Andy Climax said:

      On Fuzzbox. Sad to hear the passing of Jo the lead singer last week. After a long battle with illness. Say wot you want about Fuzzbox, they coloured a very drab and serious late 80's and 90's Britain. She'll be sorely missed. Great lass and an even wickeder sense of humour. R.I.P

    • November 14, 2012 2:42 PM CST
      She reminds me of Jaco Pastorius. I like her , anyway.
      sleazy said:

      JULIE SLICK :)

    • November 14, 2012 2:39 PM CST
      The Fnords said:

      Just in case anyone's interested (and since you mention them), the Rezillos are touring in the USA at the moment.


    • November 14, 2012 11:23 PM CST
    • Hey all,

      Fairly new to this - our band recently cut some tracks that we're currently in the process of mixing. We have five tracks (but could record more, as we have a home studio) and are looking to cut a 7" release with digital download for our first release.

      We are based in Brooklyn and I have been doing some research on pressing vinyls and releasing ourselves (as we are without a label/distro). We have checked out some local stuff, along with Morphius, Rainbo, United, some of the bigger ones and they seem pretty reasonable but I am just wondering if anyone has had any other good experiences, specifically with getting good, cheap 7"s?

    • November 14, 2012 11:05 PM CST
    • Have any of you heard any good Rock'n'Roll rumors ? They don't have to be incriminating. Some might be things you WISH would have happened , e.g. the New York/Boston super - bill at The Warsaw in Brooklyn with The Dictators , Fleshtones , Real Kids and DMZ. I asked Handsome Dick about it , and he said "That's the first I've heard of it. But , it's a good idea."

      Then there's rumors that are pure libel , like the one about Lux Interior dying of a Heroin overdose in 1987. I knew right off the bat that it was bullshit , but the damage was done.

      Or some that are fun to think about even if the likelihood of their having happened is slim.

      Such as it's true The Beatles visited Elvis Presley at one of his California homes in '64 or '65 (?). What's unlikely is that The Beatles and Elvis broke into a jam session , or that they played Monopoly with real money. Does'nt seem like the world will ever know.

      Likewise , The Rolling Stones supposedly did a recording session at Chess Records with Muddy Waters , probably in '65.

      Then there's pure trash urban legend that only a fool would believe.

      My Coach in Jr. High told me that Frank Zappa staged a "World's Grossest Band" contest , which his band won. I asked him , what did they do , and he told me , "I can't tell you what they did , but the band that LOST crushed live baby chicks on stage!"

      Even my naive as Hell Teenage Head was'nt buying that one.

    • November 14, 2012 10:15 PM CST
    • Harmonica Frank Floyd. Early Sun Records Artist. Played Harmonica and Guitar , sang through the Harmonica , through his teeth. Crazy Hillbilly Blooze , sadly underdocumented. 

    • November 14, 2012 9:48 PM CST
    • wow, that took a while!'s an awesome package

    • November 14, 2012 9:36 PM CST
    • We have a winner. I'll send it tomorrow, Rob.

      Rob Filardo said:

      hay if you still have it, i'd love to get a copy of it. Rob Filardo/455-C South Goodman Street/Rochester, NY 14607/USA

      swt said:

      I've got an extra promo copy of The Chesterfield Kings' Live Onstage ... If You Want It. Comes with a DVD of the performance.

      I'll send it to the first one who sends me his or her street address.


    • November 14, 2012 6:47 PM CST
    • hay if you still have it, i'd love to get a copy of it. Rob Filardo/455-C South Goodman Street/Rochester, NY 14607/USA

      swt said:

      I've got an extra promo copy of The Chesterfield Kings' Live Onstage ... If You Want It. Comes with a DVD of the performance.

      I'll send it to the first one who sends me his or her street address.


    • November 14, 2012 8:32 PM CST
    • Like cool duets? Check out the Rockwiz duets on YouTube -- some really cool ones featured on that show (shot at The Espy, in Melbourne). I've posted some of my faves elsewhere on the Hideout, including some killers with Chrissy Amphlett :D.

      I can't go past the vocal pairings in X as faves (already mentioned above) still the best in my book. 

      Best duets are the impromptu ones that occur at live shows when different bands get together on a crazy night. Most of the time, they're left unrecorded, etched in the audience's memory.

    • November 14, 2012 6:15 PM CST
    • Andy ,

      No....  I have no pull in that department. I did open for The Legendary Stardust Cowboy , on a two - night stand , when Klaus Flouride was playing Bass in his band (As far as I know , he still is.) . I saw him a few years later , he did'nt remember having done that show with me , though the other guys in the band did. You probably know the story about what happened between Jello and the rest of the band. Jello , Mr. "Down with Businessmen !" had been pocketing all or most of the profits from the band's back catalogue and Alternative Tentacles Records in general.....OR , the band might have still been getting paid, but , not what they felt they should have (The first version is the official complaint.), so they took him to court , and , in the end , the band was awarded the right to play out as The Dead Kennedys , with or without Jello. Former childstar and Dr. Know frontman , Brandon Cruz , took the gig , singing , after one or two others did'nt pan out. I think the court awarded them back - royalties , too. Needless to say , Biafra is furious . They even asked him to rejoin at one point , and , he said "HELL , NO". This story is remarkably similar , and almost concurrent , to The Misfits'  property/ loyalty battle.  Could'nt tell ya. I met The DKs in 1982 , when I was a huge fan. No offense intended , but , I'M YEARS PAST CARING. No doubt , they're very good musicians , but , Jello's voice drives me up the wall , now. He was nice enough when I met him , but , others have said he was a real asshole to them. I saw Jello at The Purple Onion in San Francisco in '99 at a Loons/Dukes of Hamburg/Tee and The Crumpets show. He was standing right behind me. I could'nt figure why he looked so familiar at first . He was brooding and looking unapproachable , or , I would have at least said "Hey , Jello".

      What's funny is that you asked  "JOHN" about reforming "THE DEAD KENNEDYS".

      It'd be in very bad taste to say so , but.......They ARE reformed , now. (I could'nt resist , sorry.).

    • November 14, 2012 3:31 PM CST
    • If ye've got any push across there John. Could you get the Kennedys back together and in the spirit of bands touring albums from long ago which seems to be the 'thing' just now. Get them to tour Plastic Surgery Disaster. Me an Jello need to sit down and have a long chat about this, that, and the other. On the subject of bands touring. I'm off to Glasgow on Friday to see 'The Swans'. One of my alltime bands. Original lineup as well. Cannae wait. Saw them the 1st time in 89 and have seen them a few times since. I think the wife is doing her hair that night haha (she hates the Swans) Would love them to tour the Cop or Greed albums.... Preferably both. Enjoy the Rezillos. Hell! theres nodoubtin' you will.

    • November 14, 2012 2:32 PM CST
    • Good to know , but hardly surprising. I've heard nothing but rave reviews about The Rezillos , since they started touring the states VERY sporadically in  , or around , 2004 , which was when they were tentatively set to play Chicago. But , now
       , they're going to be here in exactly one week , at a venue three blocks from my place ! I would be on the guest list , but , I have'nt met my "Connection" , SO I WAS PLANNING TO GO BUY A TICKET , IN PERSON , TONIGHT , AND SAVE THE IDIOT SERVICE FEE.

      Yeah  , F.F. IS ALL THAT AND A BAG OF CRISPS. Dundee should be proud to claim here , and , OH ! , for the Pirate , Don Dirk of Dundee , he was as wicked as wicked could be....Oh , sorry.....
      Andy Climax said:

      Hows' bout this. One of few tracks i would play in my set, over the original. Fay Fife, who was born not far from my home town Dundee, is an absolute goddess. Saw them in Aberdeen about 6 months ago and they still RAWK! Even the new stuff had balls the size of King Kong's!!!

    • November 14, 2012 8:04 PM CST
    • Hey Gringo -- you posted my fave recent garage video. Love the Freak Out vid. It is sooooo goood.


      Gringo Starr said:

      This one was done by the same guys that did The Monsters 'Blow Um Mau Mau' that you feature above. 

      The Jackets - Freak Out

    • November 14, 2012 7:10 PM CST
    • Is that Neil Innes' You Tube page ? I've seen him several times. If you like The Bonzos , as you do , you should check out Martin Mull's music LPs from The 70's. Before he broke on TV ,with Fernwood 2Nite , America 2Nite , and later......(Ulp)  Rosanne , he was , easily , America's answer to The Bonzo Dog Band. 

    • November 14, 2012 6:12 PM CST
    • IMO The best amp for Keys is the Roland Jazz Chorus 120. We use it in my current band, (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) It's also what Dave Klein used in the Ghastly Ones & what Jason Savall used when he played in The Fuzztones. They are clean/clear/reliable amps that never ever break. Plus they have two seperate channels in case you are playing 2 different keys.

    • November 14, 2012 5:54 PM CST
    • Dylan wins simply because he never wrote somthing as awful as mello yellow!


    • November 14, 2012 3:46 PM CST
    • I grew up in a Podunk town. The radio stations there were top 40 for the most part. So I heard Dylan more than Donovan. If you hear someones music enough times it eventually starts to grow on you. At least for me that is what happened. The only Donovan song I think I heard for the longest time was Sunshine Superman.

    • November 14, 2012 2:22 PM CST
    •  I don't know the song, but , that's pretty funny.

      I thought of a few good ones , but , forgot to write 'em down. Oh , wait.....

      (The BAAAAD) Mitch Ryder "Devil With The Blue Dress On/ Good Golly Miss Molly "

      " Can't get so nerved when you can't stay high"

      "Cats get so nervous , they can't say "Hi"".

      Screaming Lord Sutch "Jack The Ripper" "Well , he walks down the street , every girl he meets he says ......Donate blood."

      Actually , he's just gurgling something nonsensical. Sutch later remade that song , changing the line to "Every girl he meets , he says .... Is your name Mary Kelly ?", after the one woman to survive an attack by The Ripper.