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    • November 13, 2012 12:43 PM CST

    • November 13, 2012 12:16 PM CST
    • This is just sublime. Outwith Liz Fraser, Lisa Gerrard has the most beautiful voice and technique i've ever heard and had the pleasure to see. The way her voice cracks near the end is amazing. Beautiful

    • November 13, 2012 4:12 AM CST
    • Haha Sleazy! Looks like you wanna piece your personal "Pirelli Calendar " together! ;)

      Here my choose :
      I suspect both having more testicles than most male peers!

      Lydia Lunch 

      Diamanda Galas

      (video selection inspired by Andy Climax)

    • November 13, 2012 12:18 PM CST
    • We haven't yet played out of town but from my experiences thus far (and they are definitely somewhat limited), is that we definitely like to play earlier in the lineup (second seems to be the sweet spot in a four-band lineup), especially if it's not a Friday or Saturday - that way people will have already gone in to see the other bands but it's still early enough before people start to leave. Obviously, weekends don't pose this kind of a problem near as much, but as a newish band, we have been playing a decent amount of weeknight/Sundays and going later has proven difficult to keep people around in many regards.

    • November 13, 2012 12:11 PM CST
    • Thought i'd throw this in the mix. My fave Who song very much brought to life. Very early performance on an amazing Brit 60's tv show 'Ready Steady Go' Everyone who was anyone played this show first. Check out the early Animals performances as well. The Yardbirds did an amazing version of 'A Certain Girl' on there as well. Check it out. Roger and co may have their critics. Apart from the early 80's pop guff, The Who abide on many plains.

    • November 13, 2012 9:07 AM CST
    • Thee 'OO!! Probably third place in the 'Holy Trinity' of the British Invasion by most enthusiasts but they are my favorite! Yes, I am an American, a total U.S. 'Garage-in-the-mid-sixties' freak and a die-hard Who fan!! Arguably the first Punk band in Rock and Roll history as well as having one member blow away the song writing skills of Lennon/Macartney (spelling?) and Jagger/Richards in a single bound (starting with The Who Sells Out). I love the whole sordid story of these boys, the four opposite personalities, the fights onstage and the love that would come later. The music of the Who is by far the most timeless out of the other two bands mentioned above and I expect time will prove that out (in time). Way too much for me to say about these lads so just let me get on the board here; I am one of the Who-Heads!

    • November 13, 2012 8:57 AM CST
    • Despite hearing the song a hundred thousand times, I still max the volume for My Generation every time I catch it on the radio.  I also need a regular dose of Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere (including the Live Five version which I just clicked on to complete this post).  

      The early stuff is just downright incredible (all their stuff is but in regards to punk).  But obviously their talent was too big to just stay in the lo-fi garage standard.  Amazing to think Tommy was their 4th studio album, they had evolved that much, that quickly.  By 1967 they had horns in their tracks (Pictures of Lily).  After all, Entwistle was a french horn player I have read.

      Obviously, for the overall world of Rock-n-Roll we should be pleased they developed the way they did.  But I wish they had put out another album or two before they went so rock opera so I had a few more raw songs.  Probably timing, maybe if they came out just a year or two earlier things would have moved differently.  To me, their best return to the veracity of the early stuff was their cover of "Summertime Blues".  

    • November 13, 2012 1:49 AM CST
    • Hmmmm, I seem to recall several conversations regarding The 'OO and garage... Are the Who so incredibly tied to STADIUM RAWK now that they're not worth discussing re garage? I just can't believe it's true! Did the '70's block our Who-dar in the Hideout?

      Too commercial to discuss? I'm interested in hearing about who have been influenced by the Who musically, personally, whatever. Me? I can't think of garagepunk without thinking about a certain 'attitude' -- and a sound that ingested early R&B, blues, then spit it back out in a new form. The Who had that basement, raw, obnoxious sound.

      Could there be any more opinionated, snot-nosed, punks than Townsend in his prime? Could anyone mess up their kit better than Moon? There'd be no '70's punk without 'em. And certainly no Jam (well, duh).

      Who are the Who-Heads? :D

    • November 13, 2012 11:59 AM CST
    • Oh, and forgot to add these two legends

    • November 13, 2012 11:57 AM CST
    • Holly Golightly & Micky (Milkshake) Hampshire aka Hipbone Slim.

      But there are a ton of great 'duets' and probably some better examples of her style out there that Holly has done with of course Billy Childish, Dan Melchoir, in the Brokeoffs, etc etc etc etc etc....

      Now for the 70's/80's.....

      There is Lemmy & Kelly Johnson singing Johnny Kid's song as Motorheadschool or Headgirl (I think it )

      The Rezillos - 

      Debbie Harry doing backing vocals for the Ramones

    • November 13, 2012 4:50 AM CST
    • Mark lanegan and isobel Campbell. Two voices that were made for each other. Saw him in Aberdeen last month and he was just awesome. Enjoy!

    • November 13, 2012 4:34 AM CST
    • Beautiful. I have two albums by Gry. Not sure if she's released more. Nancy and Lee's version is the ultimate, but this is an amazing version of Summer Wine. I wish some of my friends were as understanding. They just think ahm weird for liking this kinda stuff, haha

    • November 13, 2012 3:34 AM CST
    • Andy, fantastic! We got the LINKAGE at the end!!
      Hear to this version of Summer Wine sung by Gray, FM and Alexander Hacke:

      Andy Climax said:

      Its getting late meine fraeulein. gotta sleep, so i will leave you with this chunk of madness. Gry with FM Einheit of Einsturzende Neubauten. Gry isn't well known over here, but I love her voice and they compliment each other beautifully. If you haven't heard Gry before? Enjoy an buy some of her stuff. Sorry about goin' off subject again. Night Y'all!

      Tersicore said:

      Haha, fräulein is right! can be also written fraeulein without the german keypad.
      i make lot of mistakes in your language, so don´t worry!

      Yep, i guess we do got same taste in music (and I love Clint Ruin as well!) 

    • November 12, 2012 6:05 PM CST
    • Its getting late meine fraeulein. gotta sleep, so i will leave you with this chunk of madness. Gry with FM Einheit of Einsturzende Neubauten. Gry isn't well known over here, but I love her voice and they compliment each other beautifully. If you haven't heard Gry before? Enjoy an buy some of her stuff. Sorry about goin' off subject again. Night Y'all!

      Tersicore said:

      Haha, fräulein is right! can be also written fraeulein without the german keypad.
      i make lot of mistakes in your language, so don´t worry!

      Yep, i guess we do got same taste in music (and I love Clint Ruin as well!) 

    • November 12, 2012 5:46 PM CST
    • Haha, fräulein is right! can be also written fraeulein without the german keypad.
      i make lot of mistakes in your language, so don´t worry!

      Yep, i guess we do got same taste in music (and I love Clint Ruin as well!) 

    • November 12, 2012 5:25 PM CST
    • You're more than welcome meine frauline (hope this is the right context, and i haven't just insulted you) I love the stuff Lydia did with Foetus, but then i just love Foetus anyway. Diamanda Galas is just sublime. Two of a number of singer / performers that you just can't pin a label on. They keep it dark and they keep it strange. Just how we like and love it. Sounds like we got the same tastes in music. Fabulous
      Tersicore said:

      Oh! I DO love both since about 30 years!!
      I´ve seen Lydia Lunch a couple of times in Berlin (80s-90s - Horny!;) 
      and last winter She played with Gallon Drunk (in a place i´m working so i also got to know and talk to them). She didn´t change much! Still the same beautiful slut! She´s splendid!
      I wanna thank you for the Diamanda Galas video, long time i haven´t hear from her
      (same story: seen in berlin back then) but now i recall why i loved her so much. What a voice!! What a presence!!

      Andy Climax said:

      Yep. Their music that should be shared with the world. I know i went a bt off subject but.... Y'gotta love'em

    • November 13, 2012 9:01 AM CST
    • Or maybe I'll just give it away on my radio show.

      swt said:

      I've got an extra promo copy of The Chesterfield Kings' Live Onstage ... If You Want It. Comes with a DVD of the performance.

      I'll send it to the first one who sends me his or her street address.


    • November 13, 2012 5:32 AM CST
    • Yep! they're still lookin for the mold mate, so they can break it. Good luck wi that search. I think it's still in Ivy's closet

    • November 12, 2012 7:03 PM CST
    • Oh, I got ya. You reminded of a funny story , regarding Lux Interior. Actually , I have some good ones of my own , and some that other people told me. They don't make 'em like him , and they never did , either.

    • November 12, 2012 5:19 PM CST
    • Hehe. We're all on standby to walk up them stairs man! I guess i was trying to see, dead or alive, who could take the elevator?

    • November 13, 2012 1:02 AM CST
    • You've just added about 10 more names to my list... gee thanks,   ; )

      John Battles said:

      Of course , the late Ronnie Dawson NEVER failed , and the late Janis Martin kicked major ass. Great lady.

      John Battles said:

      Yeah , that's the deal . When I go to these Rockabilly fests (I only went to the first Viva Las Vegas , but , the next one actually looks good.) , I catch a few new acts on the flip flop , but go see the older cats , out of respect....The best have included Art Adams , Huelyn Duvall , Joe Clay , The Collins Kids (Of course) , Wanda Jackson (Ditto.) , Charlie Gracie , Billy Lee Riley , and Hayden Thompson and Sonny Burgess (But he was TERRIBLE the last time I saw him , and I missed the Batusis to go , again , out of respect , and , while he usually BLAZES , he failed.
      Joe said:

      I recently saw both Ray Campi and Mac Curtis for the first time, at last April's Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend.  Both are a little worse for wear - hell, they're in their eighties! - but it was cool to see them perform, nonetheless. 

    • November 12, 2012 4:59 PM CST
    • I regret not having seen the whole Nirvana-concert dec.91 in Chicago. I catch just the end!

      Back to ´84, Virgin Prunes were suppose to play in Catania/Italy (of course at that time everything was organized in a different way), so i got myself 2 piles of tickets to sell.
      After a couple of weeks and after selling about 150 tickets, the band communicated they won´t come anymore!! (i don´t recall the reason) and so, a wile after that, i had lot of fun to give all the money back and recollect the tickets! :/
      Newer saw them again!

    • November 12, 2012 7:08 PM CST
    • Kid Congo is all around the bend , stylistically speaking. His last album , "Dracula Boots" is my favorite. I found a beatup copy of "Dr. Rhythm" , one of two of The Dave Clark Five's Freakbeat singles. I forget the other one. But , I gave him the copy I'd just found , as I have two copies , already. I hope he covers it.