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    • December 18, 2011 2:26 PM CST
    • This is just a stub, to start things rollin'. The Beguiled put out Blue Dirge (Crypt) in '94, which really sent me for a loop. I'm a huge Cramps fan, so when I heard them live in Austin I was an instant fan! Great stage presence, too. No-one seems to talk about this LP, which is too bad...sample song and a mention from Tim Warren here

    • December 18, 2011 2:15 PM CST
    • Hey, man, I like your writing! No problem w/ opinions, that's why I put up the question. Yeah, the Sir Douglas Quintet will always be cool, and unique. Good to see you on this site. Best, Dave

      John Battles said:


      I'm not here to argue , just to reply....I always thought "Eternally Yours" was a cool cover , in a moody sort of way (Imagine , moody and Chris Bailey together...). And I think "Kick Out The Jams " was a great use of glitter and collage from various live shots. It presented the band as very commercial and very uncommercial at the same time , like The Alice Cooper band 's "Love it To Death"....Take this , and the uncensored liner notes to "Jams",with the band wearing White Panther buttons IN THEIR SKIN ,  it blew my shit away when I was a kid and checked out my Brother's copy.


      This is'nt the original Sir Douglas Quintet , on this album cover , but , the early 80's reunion lineup (Which also included Doug Sahm's Son , Shawn.).

      Men are'nt my thing , but , while some guys are obviously handsome , others are'nt ugly , but don't really stand out too much , either . I met Doug Sahm , twice , and he looked like what he was , cool. He did'nt look like a boiler , that's for sure. Speedy Sparks (On the far right.) , I used to know him pretty well in the 80's and 90's. Like all of us , he's aged since then , but , he was always a pretty average looking guy , maybe some would say , a little better than average , in person , I don't know. His Godsons are the too pretty for words Charlie and Will Sexton , which means nothing or plenty . Augie Meyer is a friend of mine , and we should ALL look as good after we've hit 70. I guess I never gave his looks much thought , again , men are'nt my thing , but I will break code , here , concerning Alvin Crow (Second from Right.). I don't think I've EVER seen a good picture of him. But , I saw him play , once , and he was an average looking , somewhat older guy. The SDQ had BAD ASS long hair , long before most US Garage bands. Arguably , only Richard Tepp (Richard and The Young Lions) or Moulty could have touched Augie for massive long locks in 1965. And , he was bad enough to keep 'em , too.

      But , this LP looks like a rush job on a small European label , and , while it's not the most flattering photo of the band , ca. 1981 , a lot of other , unauthorized LPs like this came out of Europe in the 80's. I've got one that's also , misleadingly , called "Mendocino (It's not a re- ish of the  album of that name , but , it has some then - rare material. I told Speedy Sparks about some of the tunes , and he confessed to being unfamiliar with them. I did'nt have the heart to tell him , he's on the cover - a much better , pro shot of the same lineup.).


      Country , Polka , Religious , Xmas , Psuedo - Ethnic vocal , Bad Lounge , and many others is where the ugly hides....And it's not even hiding.    But , sure , there's some UGLY Rock'n'Roll records , too.

    • December 17, 2011 11:38 PM CST
    • I'm confused... do you mean ugly as in the people are ugly? Or the cover art itself is ugly? Because I always thought the MC5 and Saints covers were pretty cool.

      As far as ugly band members goes... well, hell, this is rock'n'roll. It ain't supposed to be played by pretty boys.

    • December 17, 2011 7:38 PM CST

      I'm not here to argue , just to reply....I always thought "Eternally Yours" was a cool cover , in a moody sort of way (Imagine , moody and Chris Bailey together...). And I think "Kick Out The Jams " was a great use of glitter and collage from various live shots. It presented the band as very commercial and very uncommercial at the same time , like The Alice Cooper band 's "Love it To Death"....Take this , and the uncensored liner notes to "Jams",with the band wearing White Panther buttons IN THEIR SKIN ,  it blew my shit away when I was a kid and checked out my Brother's copy.


      This is'nt the original Sir Douglas Quintet , on this album cover , but , the early 80's reunion lineup (Which also included Doug Sahm's Son , Shawn.).

      Men are'nt my thing , but , while some guys are obviously handsome , others are'nt ugly , but don't really stand out too much , either . I met Doug Sahm , twice , and he looked like what he was , cool. He did'nt look like a boiler , that's for sure. Speedy Sparks (On the far right.) , I used to know him pretty well in the 80's and 90's. Like all of us , he's aged since then , but , he was always a pretty average looking guy , maybe some would say , a little better than average , in person , I don't know. His Godsons are the too pretty for words Charlie and Will Sexton , which means nothing or plenty . Augie Meyer is a friend of mine , and we should ALL look as good after we've hit 70. I guess I never gave his looks much thought , again , men are'nt my thing , but I will break code , here , concerning Alvin Crow (Second from Right.). I don't think I've EVER seen a good picture of him. But , I saw him play , once , and he was an average looking , somewhat older guy. The SDQ had BAD ASS long hair , long before most US Garage bands. Arguably , only Richard Tepp (Richard and The Young Lions) or Moulty could have touched Augie for massive long locks in 1965. And , he was bad enough to keep 'em , too.

      But , this LP looks like a rush job on a small European label , and , while it's not the most flattering photo of the band , ca. 1981 , a lot of other , unauthorized LPs like this came out of Europe in the 80's. I've got one that's also , misleadingly , called "Mendocino (It's not a re- ish of the  album of that name , but , it has some then - rare material. I told Speedy Sparks about some of the tunes , and he confessed to being unfamiliar with them. I did'nt have the heart to tell him , he's on the cover - a much better , pro shot of the same lineup.).


      Country , Polka , Religious , Xmas , Psuedo - Ethnic vocal , Bad Lounge , and many others is where the ugly hides....And it's not even hiding.    But , sure , there's some UGLY Rock'n'Roll records , too.

    • December 17, 2011 3:58 PM CST
    • Buzzcocks' Different Kind of Tension is also really ugly. 

    • December 18, 2011 1:51 PM CST
    •                                             HOSTED BY:  FREDDI


    • December 18, 2011 11:39 AM CST
    • I have found that the re-issue Dan Electros are okay soundwise, but the feel of the neck, most notably, the fret dressing is sub-par. The smaller tuning pegs can also present a problem when trying to find replacement strings. You will need tapered strings that are thin enough to go through the smaller peg holes. I have a Jerry Jones Longhorn bass, which is like a Dano, but much better, and I use D'addario XL170S strings. Those are tapered enough to fit through the tiny peg holes...but a Long Scale bass will need different strings. So keep that in mind. When Dano re-issues first appeared in the 90's, they also had a line of strings for every instrument they made. I don't see those any more.

    • December 18, 2011 9:13 AM CST
    • Hell yeah!   While I wasn't as excited about the Love in Exile, I REALLY dig the self-titled.  This tune sounds promising...thanks for the info-

    • December 18, 2011 7:41 AM CST
    • The intro to that whole scene!

    • December 17, 2011 11:35 PM CST
    • Thee Headcoats! The best of 'em all, IMHO. And let's not forget The Del Monas & Thee Headcoatees. His last band was the Vermin Poets, but I've never heard any of their stuff.

      By the way, I highly recommend the 2005 documentary, Billy Childish Is Dead. Great film.

    • December 17, 2011 9:49 PM CST
    • Thee Mighty Caesars, The Buff Medways, Pop Rivets, Musicians of the British Empire, countless self named bands (Wild Billy Childish, Billy Childish and the... etc)

    • December 17, 2011 9:05 PM CST
    • How many are there? Can you name em all? Which ones your favorites including songs?

      I dont know many but of course Thee Headcoats, The Milkshakes and... im drawing a blank

    • December 17, 2011 11:47 PM CST
    • Yeah, there are other threads in here about recording with GarageBand. I'd just do a search or browse through some of the other recording topics.

    • December 17, 2011 4:04 PM CST
    • Use Dropbox to send the files to each other, it's free and if you send each other invites from it you can get some more free storage.

      I don't have a clue about GarageBand, never used it.

      There might be some information in the Offical Recording Thread.

      Good luck!

    • December 17, 2011 8:44 PM CST
    • Great post, John.

    • December 17, 2011 8:41 PM CST
    • What's the name of that place in New Orleans that looks like a Burlesque house on the inside? I'm told it was once a brothel. Great place. Warsaw in Brooklyn is a great place , too , if they still do shows. Joe "King" Carrasco's Nacho Daddy in Puerto Vallarta is pretty f'in cool , too . There's a small club in Berwyn , Illinois called Cigars 'n' Bars. I loathe cigars , but they keep that separate. The whole place is decked out in Biker , Horror and Wrestling memorabilia. There's even a mannequin dressed up like The Bride of Frankenstein. After I had five empty cabs pass me , in February , I asked the owner , an ex- Wrestling Promoter , if he knew of a more reputable cab company than the one that was turning down my business. He personally got on the horn and called the company , demanding that they have a cab for me in 10 minutes. It was more like 8. That would NOT happen in Chicago , and , probably not where you live , either....When I first went to New York , in '84 , I checked out as many venues as I could. Danceteria was actually pretty cool , when they were'nt playing House Music , or whatever Disco was called that year. They had a pavillion on the roof , with a bar , and a view of The Empire State Building. Peppermint Lounge was cool , but , it was "Rap Night" , and I was already tired of that. I did go to CBGB , but , it was too late for Punk , or anything interesting , and too early for The Punk Revival. It was'nt nearly as nasty as you've been told. The bathrooms were , but , they were downstairs . At the recently closed Ronnie's , in Chicago , the stank was in your face ! That goes double for the Fireside Bowl "Choking in The Boy's Room !!!".  CBGB's looked like an old , worn out , Western movie set , to me. It was kind of depressing , because I figured Kristal could've afforded to give it a paintjob and some minor touchups. Met some cool people there , though. I just remember the jukebox was terrible. No Punk or Protopunk 45s . All I could find to play was "Walk , Don't Run" by The Ventures and "Sittin' in The Balcony" by Eddie Cochran.


    • December 17, 2011 6:40 PM CST
    • You were right not to correct your Godchild , I think. Now it's got MONKEY meaning !

      I TURNED INTO A MONKEY - OH , WHOA , OH !...... My friend had his little girl sing "Iron Man" for us , built it up like a big production , and she goes , "OZZY lost his mind....".
      Bibliodiscoteque said:

      My godson used to sing the Misfits' Attitude as "Attitude You got some MONKEY attitude" I never though to correct her and now the song has a new meaning. 

    • December 17, 2011 4:51 PM CST
    • My godson used to sing the Misfits' Attitude as "Attitude You got some MONKEY attitude" I never though to correct her and now the song has a new meaning. 

    • December 17, 2011 4:40 PM CST
    • Fred , God bless him , has got "Beans in his ears" , too , from playing loud music for so many years. What was the line "...And he's taking my place" ? I have'nt heard it in a while.


      Then , there's your countrymen , The Dukes , with "I'm an Unskilled Worker" - "Every day , when I'm alone , I just become a lazy bone"....Oh , wait , that IS what he said.


      Or , not exactly misheard , but , The Rattles with "Las Vegas"- "LA LA LA LA , AUS ! AUS ! LAS VEGAS !!"  ("From , From Las Vegas ?!") , and "HAVE A WHISKEY ! HAVE A SODA !"  (I THINK THEY MEANT "HAVE A WHISKEY SODA" OR "HAVE A WHISKEY AND SODA", but , maybe it did'nt break down that way , to them......For which , I'm grateful.
      The Raw Cuts said:

      A friend back in Germany thought for reasons unknown to me that Fred Cole sings in 'Walking On My Grave' 'there's a new kid on the block and he's drinking my blood'. He must have had beans in his ears(a famous German saying).

    • December 17, 2011 4:22 PM CST
    • A friend back in Germany thought for reasons unknown to me that Fred Cole sings in 'Walking On My Grave' 'there's a new kid on the block and he's drinking my blood'. He must have had beans in his ears(a famous German saying).

    • December 17, 2011 3:37 PM CST
    • That's hilarious. I think the closest Johnny got to that was on "Stations of The Cross" where he's doing yet another live version of "Do You Love Me" , dedicating it to HenryVIII.


      Johnny: Yew broke mah HAHHT cuz ah cud'nt dance....SO AH FUCKIN' CUT YER HEAD OFF !!!.......Ah kin Mash POTATAH , AH KIN DO DA TWIST !


      Walter : DO THE TWIST !


      Johnny : Ah kin cut yuh head off ! Ah could fuck yo' bitch ! (??)


      Walter : I could make you piss ! (BOTH) TELL MEEEEEE , TELL MEEEE .......
      MikeL said:

      I have a good one.  Remember "Do You Love Me?" by the Contours?  The line that says, "I can mash potato," well, I seriously thought the singer sang "I'm a masturbator" when I first heard that song:)  I wondered to myself at the time, "How did they get away with releasing that song in 1962?"  I wonder if Johnny Thunders ever thought to sing it that way.

    • December 17, 2011 5:08 PM CST
    • Empty Heart (Stones), Steppin' Stone (Raiders) are well-covered classics. For new stuff, I like the Mummies' Wild Fuck, and I'm bigger than you.

    • December 17, 2011 4:02 PM CST
    • Just joined, so I don't really see too much to complain about. I like the connectivity, and the fact that it's specialized (try finding music fans on Diaspora, etc.). I would like to see a sidebar on our accounts letting us link to our fave sites, etc. Kinda lets visitors get a sense of you as well.