Radio What Wave Playlist Mar 14/2013
We've got two, count 'em, two sets of guests tonite! We've got The Shanks from Orangeville Ontario (they've been on Radio WW at least once before) and Mad Anthony, all the way from Cincinnatti who were playing together that evening at the Richmond Hotel in downtown London Ontario.
1. Black Frame Spectacle...Bored Of The Lie...from their latest,The Grady Sessions 2. 2 piece combo form just east of here who will be playing tonite at Fanshawe College along with Doghouse Rose.

Black Frame Specatacle, London Music Club, June 8/2011.
2. Almighty Rhombus...Honest Liar...from a demo and they were also in town the night of this show at The APK (Brennan's).
3. Bang 74...Bells Of Revolution...from their brand new CD, Hi-Flying Dreams. 3 piece from Spain that bring back the early 70's guitar pop sound that we all dig.
4. Cheap Speakers...Looking Backwards...from their brand new CD, Switches and Levers. Guitar pop from Toronto.
5. The Small Faces...Me You And Us Too....from Best Of The Immediate Years CD. Picked this up at Kissin' The Carpet, the monthly garagepunk show in Hamilton Ontario a couple weeks back.
6. B10...The Last Canadian Bastion....local trib to Stompin' Tom. This song was written the day after The Stomper passed away, recorded that day and then played the same day right here on Radio WW! Had to play it again this week to start our Stompin' Tom trib...
7. Stompin' Tom Connors...To It And At It...from a 7".

8. Stompin' Tom Connors...Sudbury Saturday Night....from the Northlands Zone LP.
9. Stompin' Tom Connors...My Stompin' Grounds...from a 7".
10. Stompin' Tom Connors...Horseshoe Hotel Song...from the Live At The Horseshoe LP. All of the Stomper Records were on Boot Records, his own record label.
About this time the onair studio was invaded by The Shanks and their buddy Arthur.
11. The Shanks...Feel The Holes...from the CD of the same name.

The Shanks at The Spoke, Oct 14/2011.
12. The Shanks...When We Come...from the Feel The Holes CD.
And about this time, the guys from Mad Anthony forcibly removed The Shanks and sat down to talk about Mad Anthony.
13. Mad Anthony...Bear Attack...from their latest self titled CD.
14. Mad Anthony...Yellow above.
Around this time, the University Police arrived to escort both bands and their entourages to the gates of the University campus, with promises to never return!
15. The Gruesomes...For All I Care...from the re-issue of Tyrants Of Teen Trash.

16. Les Sequelles...Un Scotch SVP!...from their Tes Chansons Cruelles LP on Dionysus Records. Quebecois combo whose record i picked up at the London Record Show a few weeks back.
17. Don't Touch The Dancers...You're Girlfriend's A Slut...from the North Of The Border download from Synicalist Records. Chris Forrest, from the Just Another Punk Show that is heard every friday at 8PM on CHRW, released this. And this combo is local and fairly new.
18. Generics...I Wanted To Be A Punk...from Slippery's Club Hits, the cassette that comes with WW 24. And speaking of WW24, thanx to all those that came up and said hi and bought a copy at the London Indy Media Fair last weekend!! There was a young girl, maybe 15, saw the zine and asked 'is that like Radio What Wave??' I was kinda shocked and answered yes and she was familiar with the show and said it was one of her faves!! And we thought it was only old guys reliving their youth listening to this show!! Or maybe it was just a dream....after all it was kind of a long day sitting at the table.
19. Black Jasper...Just Die Fast...from the Scum Of The Moon CD. Black Jasper are Jasper and King Khan playing 70's KBD punk rock.
Thanx for all the phone-ins, emails, facebook messages etc!! And a HUGE Thanx to The Shanks and Mad Anthony for taking the time to appear live on Radio What Wave!! Mad Anthony will be back in London on Friday Mar 22nd at Call The Office! You've been warned! All pictures from What Wave archives, please ask before using/posting.
Here's a link to the podcast: