mummies, never been caught [telstar],
or the 2nd nuggets box from rhino [freakbeat]
mummies, never been caught [telstar],
or the 2nd nuggets box from rhino [freakbeat]
Is it bad if I suggest my own album? The Scarred Live Fast Die Poor!
The Nomads - WHERE THE WOLF BANE BLOOMS (MLP) Amigo AMMP 302/1983
That's it... I NEED a new music fix or I might go into withdraw!
Hey, if I could figure out a way to tune into GaragePunk Pirate Radio in my car, I'd have it on all the time!
Does anyone else find it absolutely necessary to blast some music on the way into work?
I have two have two things before I get to work, some good music, and strong coffee. And if I had to choose one over the other, I'd go with music over coffee. Honestly, I pretty much need music to drive anywhere, it's my mental gasoline!
I just started going through some of the songs that are being considered for a 7th volume, and 6 of the first 9 songs I checked are friggin' MP3s!! People aren't reading the submission instructions very closely. As it stands right now, I don't think I have enough for a 7th volume. We may just have to push this one back a while.
In Switzerland we have to say Reverend Beat-Man !
If you mean Fuzztones, the band, well they play those funny Vox guitars with 3 humbuckers and a whammy bar; a Telecaster is quite different, it has a lot of attack and bright tones, few 'middles' and very few sustain, yet you can try...
would you recommend the mex tele fotr a sort of fuzztones type tone?
BARON S:A:D said:
Mexican Fender Telecaster into Boss CS3, then into a Morley ABY splitting the signal into two different amps: Peavey Classic 30 combo, single cone and a vintage Sound City tube head and cabinet. Sometimes I add an Electro Harmonix Big Muff on one channel; for fun.
Gringo Starr said:
Huh? What you see on your phone is what you see on your computer. As far as I'm aware there is no specific mobile site; gives a site not found error and typing gives a 404 error.
If you're an iphone user you won't see any of the flash content unless you've jail-breaked your iphone so it can install flash.
I can post in the groups from my phone, but it is an Android, maybe this is an iphone specific issue?
Mike said:
Maybe I just haven't figured it out, but I don't think the mobile version of the site allows access to your groups. That'd be nice.
Great idea, more power to ya elbow.
Maybe I just haven't figured it out, but I don't think the mobile version of the site allows access to your groups. That'd be nice.
Being smartphoneless, I really have no idea how these things work, but I would suggest having a way to play/listen to the latest shows on GaragePunk Pirate Radio. I guess the RSS feed would be good for that, right?
Thanks for doing this!
I don't have one anywhere any longer. They were simple Avery mailing labels ran through a copier.
kopper said:
I remember meeting you at TrebleFest '96 in Denver, too! So, do you still have any of those stickers? It'd be cool to scan one and post it here.
Christerious said:Some of those people probably went and had kids n stuff. I made stickers and brought them to garage shock '94? I made some good friends through that site!
I remember meeting you at TrebleFest '96 in Denver, too! So, do you still have any of those stickers? It'd be cool to scan one and post it here.
Christerious said:
Some of those people probably went and had kids n stuff. I made stickers and brought them to garage shock '94? I made some good friends through that site!
Some of those people probably went and had kids n stuff. I made stickers and brought them to garage shock '94? I made some good friends through that site!
actually, now I've checked PCM recordings captured in Hi-MD mode on Hi-MD equipment *are* considered lossless... it's been a long day...
Are you thinking about the Sony ATRAC compression? PCM isn't considered it?
craig wood said:
MiniDisk isn't true wav, though. PCM has a lossy compression algorithm...
I'll get my coat....
MiniDisk isn't true wav, though. PCM has a lossy compression algorithm...
I'll get my coat....
I use a Sony Hi-MD portable with stealth mikes. The Sony Hi-MD units will record an uncompressed PCM track. Fantastic recordings!
wow great intresting facts
RIP bobby :(