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    • January 5, 2012 8:23 PM CST
    • Love the Nomads!

      Thomas Marshall said:

      The Nomads - WHERE THE WOLF BANE BLOOMS (MLP) Amigo AMMP 302/1983

    • January 5, 2012 8:10 PM CST
    • Building up an order... The hideout comps aren't helping my budget much.

      kopper said:

      Here's one you probably don't have, but is an amazing live recording from a Minneapolis band who was around in the late '70s playing wild & raucous garage trash when no one else was! It's insanely good...

    • January 5, 2012 8:09 PM CST
    • I have 5 favorite albums within every day.

      Mark George Harrison said:

      This week, cos im playing the shit out of it in the car, my recommendation is 'the Outsiders' CQ. simply stunning! next week it will be something completelt different, hell tomorrow could be!

    • January 5, 2012 2:49 PM CST
    • This week, cos im playing the shit out of it in the car, my recommendation is 'the Outsiders' CQ. simply stunning! next week it will be something completelt different, hell tomorrow could be!

    • January 5, 2012 7:38 AM CST
    • Here's one you probably don't have, but is an amazing live recording from a Minneapolis band who was around in the late '70s playing wild & raucous garage trash when no one else was! It's insanely good...

    • January 5, 2012 6:27 AM CST
    • The Creation - we are paintermen

    • January 5, 2012 7:05 PM CST

    • Bald Bill & His One Man Band said:

      The footage isn't bad, but it's arguably the worst "music" I have ever heard. And I've listened to Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music.


    • January 5, 2012 3:05 PM CST
    • How do you top that!!!!!!! Funny creepy and bad all rolled up in one.

      Here, back to the minor league bad.

    • January 5, 2012 11:04 AM CST
    • I wouldn't say this is the worst video I've seen myself, but it might make the list for others. I find it quite hilarious, but then again I have a warped sense of humor. 

    • January 5, 2012 9:49 AM CST
    • Damn, the douchebagification of country music contained in one music video.

    • January 5, 2012 9:08 AM CST
    • Ugh, tell me about it...I was going to say pretty much ANY video that gets shown on CMT is pretty damn bad...

      SarahJayne said:

      This one is pretty bad. Text book definition of suck.

    • January 5, 2012 8:19 AM CST
    • This one is pretty bad. Text book definition of suck.

    • January 5, 2012 4:50 PM CST
    • Also , the insanely underrated Gale Garnett (Who did two fine sorta Lite Psych albums.)
       is also all over the "Mad Monster Party?" soundtrack. I never heard about an Animals connection to "The Sorcerers" , but , I'm going to look into that !

       The Cats Eye said:

      The Sorcerers 1967 with Boris Karloff.
      The club scenes are from a club called Blaises in Kensington and the band are said to be The Animals.
      Maybe someone could expand on that.Some great psychedelia from the psychedelic mind machine.

      Mad Monster Party 1967 great puppets,score is garage psyche pop jazz.
      Will check out all the above.
      RIP R D S.

    • January 5, 2012 3:09 PM CST
    • Here's what I'm looking forward to in the first few months of 2012:

      Sonic Avenues - Television Youth

      Xray Eyeballs - Splendor Squalor

      Royal Baths - Better Luck Next Life

      Terry Malts - Killing Time

      Hunx - Hairdresser Blues

      Gentleman Jesse - Leaving Atlanta

      Spiritualized - Sweet Hearth Sweet Light

    • January 5, 2012 9:47 AM CST
    • Hmmmm... should I? Oh, why the hell not!

      Click here for extraordinary compilations (Vol. 7 hopefully coming soon, too).

    • January 5, 2012 9:24 AM CST
    • It's a shame! Last year I overlooked just  too many good records and artists...

      Here are the ones I know so far for the upcoming months:


      Guided By Voices - Let's Go Eat The factory

      Cloud Nothings - Attack On Memory


      The Lemonheads - Hotel Sessions

      The Grimes - Visions

      Frankie Rose - Interstellar

      No Date:

      Verlaines - Untimely Meditations

      But what about Bandcamp releases? What about extraordinary Compilations?

    • January 5, 2012 2:24 PM CST
    • Yeah, I've got an iPod, too, I guess I'm just too lazy to put all the podcasts on it and bring it with me... especially for just a 15-minute drive to work. I usually just listen to our local community radio station (KDHX) or NPR. :)

    • January 5, 2012 12:11 PM CST
    • I do listen to GaragePunk Pirate Radio in my dirty rusty car via an old tape player (and a little grey i-pod) !!!

      See, I've listened to El Tocadiscos Salvaje #7 today !!!

      kopper said:

      Hey, if I could figure out a way to tune into GaragePunk Pirate Radio in my car, I'd have it on all the time!

    • January 5, 2012 11:36 AM CST

    • Ray Klein said:

      I can fit about a dozen of GP podcasts on a disc; that stays in my car's disc player always.

      Mina said:

      I blast music during work actually :D On my breaks, sometimes podcasts as well. :-) Yeah it's necessary, other wise I'd be cranky as hell. So first thing in the morning, coffee/tobacco/music. 

    • January 5, 2012 11:35 AM CST
    • I can fit about a dozen of GP podcasts on a disc; that stays in my cars disc player always.

      Mina said:

      I blast music during work actually :D On my breaks, sometimes podcasts as well. :-) Yeah it's necessary, other wise I'd be cranky as hell. So first thing in the morning, coffee/tobacco/music. 

    • January 5, 2012 10:57 AM CST
    • I ended up buying one of those 120G ipods to enable my ADHD music obsession! It's big enough to supply a continuous mix of music (and podcast). 

      Mina said:

      I blast music during work actually :D On my breaks, sometimes podcasts as well. :-) Yeah it's necessary, other wise I'd be cranky as hell. So first thing in the morning, coffee/tobacco/music. 

    • January 5, 2012 10:41 AM CST
    • Are there no smart-phone friendly apps that would let you stream during you drive? If not, someone needs to engineer one! 

      kopper said:

      Hey, if I could figure out a way to tune into GaragePunk Pirate Radio in my car, I'd have it on all the time!

    • January 5, 2012 8:07 AM CST
    • Incredible stuff John! Thanks for sharing these amazing tales : ).

      John Carlucci said:

        I  grew up in NYC & witnessed the C.B.G.B's/ Max's Kansas City scene first hand. My band, (The Speedies) was on the circuit, though we did not start up till 79. We were a Max's band. After the Wayne County/Manitoba incident there was a division in the scene. The NY Punk scene morphed out of the dying "Glitter Rock" scene, as it was called then. (now people refer to it as Glam Rock, but that's not what we called it when it was happening)

       Saw the Stooges in 73, NY Dolls & The Dictators in 73, Ramones & Heartbreakers in 74. Somewhere around late 75, they started calling it "Punk Rock". The first place I saw the term was in the New York Daily News. They had a  color photo of HDM & Top Ten From the Dictators on the cover of the Sunday Entertainment section with the words "Punk Rock" on the photo in large letters.  We were all so excited to see our little scene starting to get noticed.This was nearly 2 years before any English Punk bands existed. Back then, things were not so compartmentalized into seperate genre's. Most of the  CBGB's/ Max's bands were into the 60's Garage bands like The Music Machine/Standells/Seeds/Sonics etc. Some of them covered 60's Garage songs (Dead Boys/ Hey Little Girl for example) At first the term around town was Sixties Punk. This was a way of describing it so it was not confused with the 70's scene which was now called Punk.

      It was not until the 80's revival that it started to be known as Garage Punk.  I moved to LA after The Speedies broke up & the first band I played with out West was Rik L Rik's band. His band F-Word put out the first Los Angeles "Punk" record. I joined the Fuzztones in 86. They had been already going for a few years. They started as a side project/cover band of Rudi & Deb who had a Power Pop Band called Tina Peel which used to open for The Speedies a lot at Max's & Hurrah's. Rudi looked me up when he moved to LA & asked me to join The Fuzztones. I obliged, mostly because he had a tour of Europe set up. From the start, I had my apprehension. I tried to steer him away from cover songs & 60's "costumes" in favor of  the less contrived approach of some of our peer groups that I admired, like The Miracle Workers, or The Lyres (who had the songs & the look, without appearing like they were wearing uniforms) We constantly butted heads. We signed to RCA in 87. That's when the shit really hit the fan & the resulting megalomania tore the band apart. The experience left me with a sour taste in my mouth for "Garage Rock" & I drifted into the LA Blues & Rockabilly scene, until The Hexxers found me in the mid 2000's and coaxed me back into Garage.  (photo below: SpeedieJohn Carlucci onstage @ C.B.G.B.'s in 1977

    • January 5, 2012 7:46 AM CST
    •  I had a very keen sense of what punk was at a young age. I remember being 4 or 5, living in LA, and seeing groups of punk kids running around. I knew there was something 'different' about them, and something 'different' about me. I instantly identified with them. I knew I'd one day join their ranks.

       My parents took me to a sitar concert, and there was a punk girl sitting behind us. I was awestruck! I wanted this cool older girl to kidnap me so I could tag along on her punk rock adventures. But alas that didn't happen. She just gave me my first stick of gum, much to my moms dismay.

       I had an older cousin who wore tight clothes, teased her hair to high heaven, and hung Red Kross and Dead Kennedy's posters on her walls. The first (and only) time we met she dyed a chunk of my hair orange. Once again, mom was pissed. Mom redyed it so dad never knew.

       One day when riding the bus some punk kids were cussing up a storm. An elderly woman stood up and confronted them. She told them to watch their language around young children, then pointed at me. Meanwhile I thought to myself "Oh fuck you, you old hag!" haha

       Years passed and life happened. I was a product of violence, poverty, and abuse. My relationship with my mother was so bad that I often ran away for weeks at a time. We were living in Portland, OR then - the runaway capitol of America. I'd hang around the square or Burnside and meet random squatters and other street kids.

       I noticed a pink haired girl working a coffee stand near Powells Books one day. As I came closer I heard the loudest, angriest music blasting from her boombox. It was unlike anything I'd heard before. The vocalist was..... female. The whole band was. The pink haired girl told me they were called Babes in Toyland.

       I spared enough change to buy a copy of 'fontanelle' from Ozone, which I'd blast on my walkman day after day. Though not punk rock per se, Babes in Toyland opened the floodgates for me. Soon after I got into the Lunachicks, L7, and Area 51. When a goth girl approached me to ask what I was listening to, she recommended I check out Crass, and Maximum Rock & Roll magazine. I got into zines. Through zines I acquired pen pals, and though pen pals I acquired mix tapes. The ball kept rolling from there.

       At 14 I went to live with my dad in Seattle, and immersed myself in the local punk scene. I started silk screening patches and t shirts. I would get store credit from local record shops + mail order catalogs like Dr. Strange and Angry Young and Poor, and could afford obscure/expensive Brit punk records this way. My interest in 'collectors genres' had kickstarted. One thing lead to another, and here I am today.