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    • May 3, 2011 12:15 PM CDT
    • Knuckel Drager!


      Don't forget Phantom Surfers!


    • May 3, 2011 11:25 AM CDT
    • The Apemen.

    • May 3, 2011 6:35 AM CDT
    • A good choice!

      trashman said:

      --and for pure fun I need to throw the Neanderthals into the mix of masked bands.


    • May 3, 2011 4:16 AM CDT
    • ZZ en de Maskers (ZZ and the Masks)

      Dutch band - started out doing Shadows style instros, later added vocals. They always wore little masks in their early days but in this clip of their song "Dracula" I think only the bass player is still wearing a mask.


    • May 2, 2011 10:14 PM CDT
    • Chicago's own The Goblins:

      (And The Mummies, Kongsmen and Los Straitjackets are a given)


    • May 2, 2011 9:28 PM CDT
    • Nice to meet a fellow KISS fan.  And I like pre-78 KISS too:)

      The Ultimatemost High said:

      KISS (pre-'78)

    • May 2, 2011 5:34 PM CDT
    • yup!!

      whatwave dave said:

      Los Straitjackets

    • May 2, 2011 5:30 PM CDT
    • KISS (pre-'78)

    • May 2, 2011 4:11 PM CDT
    • The Damned Evangelist from New Zealand is pretty cool. 

    • May 2, 2011 1:43 PM CDT
    • Can someone give me some insight to the Zombie IV?  They were (are) an obvious Mummies emulator, much of the same as the Flying Dutchmen, but zombie IV also wear masks.  I love the one 7inch they released but don't know anything about them or can dig up anything on the web. 

      --and for pure fun I need to throw the Neanderthals into the mix of masked bands.


    • May 2, 2011 12:56 PM CDT
    • LOL, trashman!  That story is priceless:)

      trashman said:

      Oh man.  I have to share a story - the night KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park aired for the first time I walked into a room and found my babysitter changing her top into a halloween costume.  First boobies ever.  As an 9yr old it probably changed my life.  I always link that movie with that event.  I can re-envision them now. 


      MikeL said:

      I'm probably going to get some shit for this, but I still like KISS.  Keep in mind that I was in elementary school back during their 70s heyday, and I was drawn to their super hero image.  Before you ask, yes, I did have the Marvel comic book, and I also watched "KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park" when it was aired on NBC in October 1978.  Back then, I thought it was the second greatest movie ever made, after "Star Wars."  Yes, please feel free to laugh;)


    • May 2, 2011 12:47 PM CDT
    • Oh man.  I have to share a story - the night KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park aired for the first time I walked into a room and found my babysitter changing her top into a halloween costume.  First boobies ever.  As an 9yr old it probably changed my life.  I always link that movie with that event.  I can re-envision them now. 


      MikeL said:

      I'm probably going to get some shit for this, but I still like KISS.  Keep in mind that I was in elementary school back during their 70s heyday, and I was drawn to their super hero image.  Before you ask, yes, I did have the Marvel comic book, and I also watched "KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park" when it was aired on NBC in October 1978.  Back then, I thought it was the second greatest movie ever made, after "Star Wars."  Yes, please feel free to laugh;)


    • May 2, 2011 11:46 AM CDT
    • Los Straitjackets

    • May 2, 2011 10:47 AM CDT
    • I'm probably going to get some shit for this, but I still like KISS.  Keep in mind that I was in elementary school back during their 70s heyday, and I was drawn to their super hero image.  Before you ask, yes, I did have the Marvel comic book, and I also watched "KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park" when it was aired on NBC in October 1978.  Back then, I thought it was the second greatest movie ever made, after "Star Wars."  Yes, please feel free to laugh;)


      Now that I'm a little older and wiser (although the latter claim is still open for debate), I now realize that KISS was, at their best, a musically mediocre band with a clever gimmick and marketing plan.  I still occasionally listen to their classic albums.  They did have a few moments of brilliance, i.e. Paul Stanley's great Stones' rip-off "Tomorrow and Tonight," along with his other brilliant rip-off of the Nazz's "In My Eyes" with "Love Her All I Can," and lets not forget Gene Simmons' brilliant bubblegum/glam homage to statutory rape, "Christine Sixteen."  Aside from that, their material really left a something to be desired.


      BTW, liking KISS is one reason why I like bands like the New York Dolls and the Ramones.  Yes, both of those bands are considered to be cutting edge, underground, proto-punk bands, but they also had images that were totally cartoonish, and even at my age, I still like cartoonish rock bands.

    • May 2, 2011 8:27 AM CDT
    • Hewhocannotbenamed


    • May 3, 2011 11:33 AM CDT
    • Kick Out The Jams Motherfuckers!!!!!  MC5

    • May 3, 2011 10:57 AM CDT
    • Sounds cool to me!

      WolfBoy Slim said:

      thats one of my top fav too! i think i saw you guys here in cleveland about 5-6 moths ago. we should do a show together next time you come!

      The Big John Bates Grindshow said:
      I've played with or seen most of 'em and I gotta say Reverend Deadeye. Outta Denver by the way of North Carolina and 100% fer real

    • May 3, 2011 8:33 AM CDT
    • Don't forget Bill Abel, Shake it like a Caveman or Stomping Nick.


      I could also mention Chicken Diamond :)

    • May 3, 2011 1:13 AM CDT
    • bob log - simply cos he's the only i ever see over here in Oz thats worth a shit - we gotta put up with all them "roots/blues" wankers instead!!!  xavier rudd etc... uuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhh

    • May 3, 2011 12:57 AM CDT
    • I've played with or seen most of 'em and I gotta say Reverend Deadeye. Outta Denver by the way of North Carolina and 100% fer real

    • May 3, 2011 10:32 AM CDT
    • The Creeping Ivies are my band and im a girl.  I want to hear more girls too.


      Becca Bomb x
      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      I can only make an informed guess as to how much time and effort Kopper and all the bands and artists have put into this series based on how much effort I go to putting together YOU GOT GOOD TASTE, but what an effort amazing artwork and a collection of bands that really show how diverse Garage Punk can be. Big slap on the back to you all. Thanks.

      PS I too want to hear some GIRL bands or at least GIRL singers, this would stretch the genre even more. C'mon where you all Hidin' ?

      My next show is part 2 of girls that rock the garage, any girl bands want to send me some tunes to feature on the show?

    • May 3, 2011 8:13 AM CDT
    • I tend to try and get the cleanest sound poss. from my amp then add a Tonebender pedal.

      Been using an early 60's Fender Bandmaster head as piggyback on an early 60's Vox 2 x 12 cab for the last 15 yrs and it's never let me down.

      Using just the pedal also helps when you play abroad as you don't have to spend time searching for a killer tone on someone else's set up.

    • May 2, 2011 4:25 PM CDT
    • What about the Replacements' "like a rolling pin" ?

    • May 2, 2011 2:05 PM CDT
    • The cheapest and easy way is using a freeware called AUDACITY, that's the same most use for recording podcast. You just need a mic and enter in your PC mic-in and record. It figure as a virtual multi-track recorder. It's good for start workin' in easy way, and then try to improve with required tools according to your needs.

    • May 2, 2011 10:04 AM CDT
    • Yeah, I brought The Immortal Lee County Killers twice to Wichita. Freakin' awesome. Chet is a monster guitar slinger.   Check out his new band, Silver Lions 20/20.  And of course, The Quadrajets too.