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    • April 29, 2011 11:56 AM CDT
    • Very nearly finished it. I thought his descriptions of his heroin addiction were fascinating. He never became ill as he only got good stuff and from what he says didn't mainline, so less risk of OD. he did cold turkey several times before eventually getting clean. he implies it helped him work through long recording sessions, but he does sleep a lot!


    • April 29, 2011 8:55 AM CDT
    • We have a new podcast that will be debuting on the GaragePunk Podcast Network soon featuring Latin American garage/punk/trash/rock'n'roll of all flavors. The host is kletzl from Argentina, and he has a lot of older ('60s) garage from the area, but not a lot of stuff by current/modern bands. So if you have a band from the area (the Caribbean, Central and South America) then please send us your music! You can mail us a CD, upload your music to Mevio's Music Alley, or attach some MP3s to your replies in this thread. But the more music he gets for his show, the better it will be. And, of course, please include some info about the band like where you're from and stuff.



    • April 29, 2011 8:08 AM CDT
    • My 3 favourites, not in a specific order are (at this moment...)


      - The Ramones at some festival in Belgium in around 1992 I think. Joey got in a fight with some asshole who threw a beer at him. He jumped into the audience en won!

      - The False Prophets in the Melkweg in Amsterdam. It was a really weird, but also great show!

      - The Mummies in Patronaat Haarlem. It was an unbelievebly good show! They rocked their asses of and played the roof off!


      Ask me tomorow and I'll come up with a completely differend list... (maybe with Monstermagnet, the Kift, Mudhoney, Nirvana, NoMeansNo...)

    • April 28, 2011 12:45 PM CDT
    • The Ramones -  1986 Glasgow Barrowlands. The freaks came out - a mental atmosphere and the songs soo fast live.

      The Pixies - Doolittle tour (year?), Edinburgh. Just excellent.

      The Phantom Band - Norwich Feb 2011 - yes very recent but fantastic live, as are their records.

    • April 27, 2011 2:04 PM CDT
    • The Fall, what a band, Mark E Smith, what a ....front, man, still i've had the good luck to have never seen a bad show, i've caught them several times between 1985 and 2010...

      Live Unsigned said:

      It was probably The Fall at the Astoria in '87 although Husker Du at Glasto the same year was pretty awesome. Also PiL touring the Seattle material (also at the Astoria). There, I seem to have thought of three: there are a lot more contenders though, like Agent Orange, who I saw for the first time last year at the Underworld in Camden after being into them for 25 years!

    • April 27, 2011 2:02 PM CDT
    • Yeah i caught Roky at Jarvis Cocker's Meltdown - it was unbelievably good. Truth is I don't get to that many gigs coz of KIng Bastard Cash and so I have to pick and choose which means I don't get to see much crap either.


      The Only Ones were top notch in a small venue last year, The Linkmen were fucking awesome way back when in a dive in London, just like The Pink Fairies.


      The Damned always give value for money and Iggy before he did Insurance ads...


      lemmy's a god and motorhead never fail...


      Also a lot of bands just don't get the crowd reaction from some, well most, manchester audiences, god knows why, well i've got a theory but i don't want to be shot out on the streets, so i've stopped going to some manchester venues.


      Max Reverb said:

      Roky Erickson and the Explosives @ webber hall in NYC

      The Mummies @ maxwells in NJ,

      The Cramps, Bomboras, Royal Crowns @ the Asylum in Portland ME

    • April 27, 2011 1:46 PM CDT
    • I was at a backyard show  back in like 2002 when I lived in California, watching RUN-A-MUCK. I got mistaken for someone else, and we got chased out by another drunk punx crew. Along with my girlfriend at the time, my two buddies and their girlfriends as well. Chased out by a mob of 30+ punks. Luckily, a random guy saw our situation, crammed us all into his hatchback civic and sped outta there. Intense stuff! i didn't even get to see the band =/.

    • April 28, 2011 11:48 PM CDT
    • I love Mudhoney and Tad.

    • April 28, 2011 1:17 PM CDT
    • I think Mudhoney was probably one of my favorites from that era/location (even though they were pretty much just your typical garage rock band, but they got labeled "grunge"). 

      Does anyone have any "obscure" bands worth mentioning that got that "grunge" label (obscure meaning not Nirvana, Soundgarden, Melvins, Pearljam, Alice In Chains, etc. or any other well-known 90's Seattle bands; they were all pretty good, but they are household names, whereas I'm looking for bands a little more under the radar.)


    • April 28, 2011 8:18 AM CDT
    • I really like Babes in Toyland. Kats screaming vocals setting off the music briliantly.

    • April 28, 2011 7:54 AM CDT
    • Most of these I already have, but I just thought I'd mention them here as my favorites.


      "All The Stuff And More," Volumes One and Two, by the Ramones.


      "Up And Around The Bend:  Definitive Collection," by Hanoi Rocks.


      "20th Century Boy," by T-Rex.


      "Gems"  by Aerosmith (I used to have a cassette tape, and lately I've been meaning to get the CD).


      "Nuggets" and "Children of Nuggets" boxed sets.


      "Wide Awake In The Spirit World" by Outrageous Cherry.


      "Sweet Originals" by the Sweet.


      "Barbarella Girl God" by the Chevelles.





    • April 28, 2011 5:10 AM CDT
    • For some unknown reason I tend to only buy industrial compilations, and I prefer to get my punk in band releases. Thanks for bringing a previously unreflected-on idiosyncrasy to my attention. So yeah, Endzeit Bunkertracks: expensive, but I buy each one on release.

    • April 28, 2011 12:52 AM CDT
    • Back from the Grave, Pebbles, Highs in the Mid Sixties, Cleveland Confidential, Scum of the Earth, Hipsville 29BC, Maximum R&R, Chocolate Soup for Diabetics, Battle of the Garages 1 & 2, Ear Piercing Punk, Shakin' Fit, Swing for a Crime, Mind Blowers Vol 1... but the most essential... What a Way To Die! Go baby, go!

    • April 27, 2011 8:10 PM CDT
    • To start with, my immediate wants!

      Back From The Grave lp's series, the original ones! i have only vol. 2

      Texas Flashback lp's, Original too, have vol. 1 and 2

      Boulders series.


      trying to think what else.......

    • April 27, 2011 9:37 AM CDT
    • BFTG and KBD obviously. I only have a couple of them so far but I love The Big Itch.

    • April 27, 2011 9:24 AM CDT
    • Bloodstains Across Spain.  Haven't been able to find it for a reasonable price.

    • April 27, 2011 8:40 AM CDT
    • What a Way to Die, Garage Punk Unknowns 9, Scum of the Earth 2, Bloodstains Across Sweden, New England Teen Scene, Swing For a Crime, and The Lavender Jungle are some of my all-time favorites.

    • April 27, 2011 8:08 PM CDT
    • yeah ive got the humbuckers which i believe are schallers. For a surf tone theyre surprisingly good clean, even though theyre humbuckers. They sound great. Mines got the wraparound tailpiece(no trem). Also the price i got it for is totally thrown off by the fact i picked it up in Ecuador in what i think might be the only used guitars shop in the country, thats to say i think i got a good deal.

      I cant personally speak for how they compare to the eastwoods, but id like to play one for sure.

    • April 27, 2011 8:01 PM CDT
    • I've always liked the Univox, hi flyer, but man, a decent one on ebay can get kinda pricey. How are the pick ups in yours? Looks like there's two versions, black P-90's and some kind of off white version. Hang on, I'm coming from a surf guitar perspective, so keep that in mind.

    • April 27, 2011 7:53 PM CDT
    • I picked up a 70's univox hi-flier and it has exceeded all expectations. Just another option for a mosrite copy for you to check out.

      The guitar player from OFF! has at least two of them, and Kurt cobain used them on bleach and in utero.

      I picked mine up for 450$ with the case and some spare strings/cables.

    • April 27, 2011 7:51 PM CDT
    • I've been reading up, checking out the videos, reading the reviews and  I'm kicking around the idea of getting an Eastwood Hi-Flyer, anyone on this board have any experiences they'd like to share? I'm mostly concerned with the tremolo, is it crap or will it stay in tune? Thanks in advance!

    • April 27, 2011 1:11 PM CDT
    • What a drag.