i'm havin a real tough time here........hasil adkins for sure. besides him i think its a tie between bloodshot bill and dead elvis and his one man grave. whats yer thoughts?
i'm havin a real tough time here........hasil adkins for sure. besides him i think its a tie between bloodshot bill and dead elvis and his one man grave. whats yer thoughts?
Always was, is, and always shall be is a great record. Most of his other records are crap (especially his records from late 80s/early 90s).
Btw. If youre interested in the records with Wayne Kramer and Dennis Thompson backing him up I think they are called GG Allin and the Motor City Bad Boys.
whatwave dave said:
GG's earliest recordings are actually quite good and many on this forum might actually enjoy them. As well as most of the Bay City Rollers songs...LOL..
Track down anything that was released on Orange Records...most of that stuff is late 70's punk/powerpop oriented and some of this actually features members of the MC5 backing him up. The LP Always Was, Is And Always Shall Be collects a lot of this material, but not easy to find....anything after that is pretty much predicatable GG Allin fodder for the kiddies.
I was a huge GG fan back in the day. Everyone is dead on about his older stuff being his best. I would agree that his acoustic is fairly good, Blood For You and Sitting in This Room are a couple of my faves. He does have alot of ppl that hate him and his music, but I don't think he would have it any other way.
Don't Talk To Me is a super fun tune!
kopper said:
Always Was, Is and Always Shall Be LP (1980) is indeed fantastic. There are a couple of other early 7" EPs that are worth hunting down, too. The S/T 7" on Orange Records from 1980 is one, GG Allin & The Scumfucs 7" on Blood Rec. (1982?) is another.
gettin' too good fer us, Pally?
Here's hopin' your just taking a break...
I emailed him about it two days ago. No reply. I have no idea what's going on.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for this to be a hoax and the hood to lift on it, with all of you in the know. Haha, now that would be a mean thing!
kopper said:What? Well, this is news to me. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time, Michael!
Say it ain't so.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for this to be a hoax and the hood to lift on it, with all of you in the know. Haha, now that would be a mean thing!
kopper said:
What? Well, this is news to me. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time, Michael!
Dammit! That was my favorite podcast. What gives?!?
It will be remembered fondly.
Yes... remains the archive of awesome it leaves behind.
Sectmaniac said:
Radioblivion will be truly missed.
You got that right!
Alex said:
Radioblivion will be truly missed.
Oblivians- Then I fucked her
Rev Horton Heat - Love Whip
Andre Williams - Let Me Put It In
Big Black - Fists of Love
Digger & the Pussycats - Why Won't She Marry Me?
Ian Dury & the Blockheads - Wake up & Make Love to Me
daniel darling said:I like alot of Nirvana's music. I don't get into it as much these days but when i was in my early teens it was great cause here was a band that pissed of every kids parents. They sounded way more "dangerous" than Michael Jackson!
I don't believe kurt was murdered though. I think he felt like shit because most of the people who were buying his music were the people he disliked. Although there is a quote from him in his biography that says something like "i wanna be a famous rockstar and die young like Jimi Hendrix". So maybe he got his wish.
Like em or not they were the last band in commercial history to change the face of rock music. I just couldn't stand all those shitty copy cat grunge bands that came out years later like Nickelback and shit uuurrghh!
Is anyone into Ty Segall at all ?? I hear alot of Kurt Cobain influence in his music (and his dress sense too) But that kid does it right! If you like Nirvana Lady Strange you should get Ty Segall's album "Lemons" if you don't have it already of course :-)
Yeah I completely agree with what you're saying :) Although I still believe he was murdered. But hey that's just my opinion.//
Haha and yeah I know right; nickelback *insert barf noises*
Oh and thank-you for that. I can't believe I haven't heard of it before. I'll definitely give it a listen :)
YES! Desperate Hour is great! The recent Computer programmed episodes Alex shot out are totally swell.
fuzzybeb said:
I love the "The Desparate Hour," "the Big Enchilada," "Noise Annoys" but it's pleasant to listen at all of them!
Oh sure thing Mal! Yours and everyones work here is very appreciated, it wouldn't be the same in any way without it. I usually am a fan of each and every episode coming along, but as it is, some just stick with you and keep things extra crazy, right?
I just discovered "UGLY THINGS..." and heard you mention it on the show. Checked it out, it's a lot of fun and quite informative.
"OUT OF THE VAULTS..." is amazing, the GORIES and PENETRATORS shows come to mind!
Mal Thursday said:
Thanks, man. All of my fellow podcasters deliver the goods so it's hard to single out any one show, although I will say UGLY THINGS ON THE RADIO is a fine addition to the line-up. The OUT OF THE VAULTS, INTO YOUR EARS series has some great, great stuff on it if you've never checked it out.
I love the "The Desparate Hour," "the Big Enchilada," "Noise Annoys" but it's pleasant to listen at all of them!
Thanks, man. All of my fellow podcasters deliver the goods so it's hard to single out any one show, although I will say UGLY THINGS ON THE RADIO is a fine addition to the line-up. The OUT OF THE VAULTS, INTO YOUR EARS series has some great, great stuff on it if you've never checked it out.
OKs... I'll start out with some recent Action (just what I had time to listen to now, the list will be longer, so don't think I'll be dismissing out on you:
The recently exiled Michael Kaisers RADIOBLIVION #68, #69 really blew it up! #69 kicks off with some Guitar Wolf, that's always welcome of course, then the whole thing just BLOWS UP! I can't even remember to tell what I enjoyed most, cause I still couldn't pick my mind up from the floor, walls and ceiling.
Mal Thursday's never one to let candy go to waste. He has programmed some excellent stuff in the recent MAL THURSDAY show #34 (has a new Kim Fowley produced track among other swell stuff) and the numbers #1-3 of the TEXAS TYME MACHINE that kicks ass in a complete fashion. There's a JESSE SUBLET interview in there, where they are talking about the history of the SKUNKS.
Koppers newest issue of NOISE ANNOYS #13 is chock full with good stuff: DEVO, THE SPITS, THE DRAGS (which is specially good to me!)... LAZY COWGIRLS, Hell, I could go on forever.
Freddies KICKS FROM THE BOOT #18 is a Killer collection of distortion, this time he teams up with Sara to throw out a SPECIAL FEMALE FORCE issue! I sure like that, there's a lot of cool stuff in there.
Steve dishes out more of the BIG ENCHILADA in #32, actually he's slapping it together, bringing some of my fave LOVESTRUCK from Brooklyn and some other stuff, i can't pass by.
I know I should add direct links, but just do the search-a-roo please!
I know this network is filled with more sounds than one brain can handle, thus there is a truckload of people providing all kinds of crazy PODCASTS for all kinds of minds to dig into! There's a lot going on, which makes it easy to miss a nugget or two, so...
I don't know if there is already a discussion profiling some of your favorite GARAGEPUNK PODCAST mindblowers, but I figured it would be cool to pool all the shows that have had a lasting impression on yourselfs, for people to pick out and dig thru and not lastly, give some extra applause to the folks dishing them out to us for NADA but the love of it!
You KNOW I dig it!
Here's Scott's page on the Hideout:
Enjoy every minute of life, folks. You never know when it's your turn to punch your ticket.
Holy shit. This is shocking. I never met the guy, but he was ALWAYS an avid supporter of all things garage-punk and, yes indeed, this very website and podcasts, as Mal and Heather said. Very sorry to hear this news. Just terrible.
Check it out!
Subscribe already. :)