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    • January 27, 2011 10:04 PM CST
    • Wow.

      Sounds like being a podcaster is a pretty fuckin' thankless job.

      Is that what it takes to get some recognition?

      Just Die Off?

      I'm sorry to see the kid go.

      I know I dug the shit he threw.

      Peace out , Mr. Kaiser.

      I never posted any shit to him, rarely do I to any of them.

      Not to say I didn't, or don't appreciate the hours on end that I listen.

      He will be missed.


    • January 27, 2011 9:34 PM CST
    • What? Well, this is news to me. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time, Michael!

    • January 27, 2011 8:31 PM CST
    • Hell, it's no secret even good things must join the local hunting grounds at some point, but normaly they don't draw their last breath with a series of BOOMS!

      So when RADIOBLIVION went out into orbit one last time today, I already had some fun moments to think back at on this gemstone of TRASH!


      What are you thinking? Will Michael Kaiser remain in the hall over at the MOJO WORKOUT punk rock knitting cirlce along with the other goons errrrr Kings of comedy?

      OR will he return in triumph, once his alien life blood has filled up with enough spacerays to stand the terrible feats our atmosphere offers, for high energy Freakazoids like him and explode with a new format like Kopper and Ryan did? OR will the RADIO' be cast together a new from it's former parts, to bring better living thru discarded music once again in future aeons?? Will we live to see that???


      Questions over questions, let's start with some momentary ones: Your fondest and funnest memories of this format??

    • January 27, 2011 8:35 PM CST
    • If it'll help you get laid...


      Sometimes I Wish I Was a Pretty Girl-R Hitchcock

      Speedy Marie-Frank Black


      Red Sails in the Sunset-Ray Sharpe

      Nadine-Chuck Berry

      Peach Poussay-Phantom Surfers

      First Mrs. Jones-Porter Wagoner

      Ida Red-Bob Wills


      Send pics, dude.


    • January 27, 2011 4:46 PM CST
    • Appreciate that!  VERY glad that folks are diggin' it!

      ixnayray said:

      Welcome aboard Joey! Great first show and i'm looking forward to more!!

    • January 27, 2011 4:00 AM CST
    • Welcome aboard Joey! Great first show and i'm looking forward to more!!

    • January 26, 2011 7:40 PM CST
    • Thanks Freddi!  Really dig your show by the way!

      FREDDI said:

      Welcome Joey!!

    • January 27, 2011 11:34 AM CST
    • A private Woggles show...damn, I know that was something you will never forget!  Oh, yeah, and I dug Coast To Coast AM too!

      Max Reverb said:

      That reminds me of another time I saw the Woggles in portsmouth @ the Elvis room. All the Woggles were really cool guys to hang out with and friendly to talk too. at this particular show it was a weird night like a sunday and me and a couple friends had seen them play a great show in Maine the night before and they said if we weren't doing anything we should come to NH the next day and they would put us all on the list. Fuck yeah we went, and it was a good thing we did because there was maybe 2 or 3 other people there. Basically we had our own private Woggles show and they still gave it everything they had and we danced our asses off and they played every song we called out for. So we hung out with em all night and I took them to BullMoose Music, which is a great huge shop with lots of vinyl up the street. I remember Montague secretly buying an old Metallica tape which he confided to me that he was going to use to torture the other guys. I remember I had just found out about Coast to Coast with Art Bell and Montague was obsessed with it so we talked about that at length. Back in those days he carried these sheets with him that had every radio station in every state so he could listen every night on tour in the van. He was a great guitar player and great guy and he is missed.
      The stories about walking in on people reminded me of a story they told me that night. They had stopped at a truck stop on tour so that they could take showers. There was a truckstop woman that apparently took a liking to one of the Woggles, if memory serves it was Dan Electro, and she hopped in the truck stop shower with him in an effort of seduction, and it took some persuading from him to get her to leave! Ah the hazards of the road!

      i'd love to hear the stories about the mummies.

      Erin - thats so cool you got to hang out with Jeff from the Dead Boys!

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
      Which reminds me....I accidently walked in on him when he was changing in the band room of one place they were playing and he had only a shirt on.  Luckily his back was turned to me so I was able to back out of the room before he noticed I was there.

    • January 27, 2011 11:29 AM CST
    • That reminds me of another time I saw the Woggles in portsmouth @ the Elvis room. All the Woggles were really cool guys to hang out with and friendly to talk too. at this particular show it was a weird night like a sunday and me and a couple friends had seen them play a great show in Maine the night before and they said if we weren't doing anything we should come to NH the next day and they would put us all on the list. Fuck yeah we went, and it was a good thing we did because there was maybe 2 or 3 other people there. Basically we had our own private Woggles show and they still gave it everything they had and we danced our asses off and they played every song we called out for. So we hung out with em all night and I took them to BullMoose Music, which is a great huge shop with lots of vinyl up the street. I remember Montague secretly buying an old Metallica tape which he confided to me that he was going to use to torture the other guys. I remember I had just found out about Coast to Coast with Art Bell and Montague was obsessed with it so we talked about that at length. Back in those days he carried these sheets with him that had every radio station in every state so he could listen every night on tour in the van. He was a great guitar player and great guy and he is missed. The stories about walking in on people reminded me of a story they told me that night. They had stopped at a truck stop on tour so that they could take showers. There was a truckstop woman that apparently took a liking to one of the Woggles, if memory serves it was Dan Electro, and she hopped in the truck stop shower with him in an effort of seduction, and it took some persuading from him to get her to leave! Ah the hazards of the road! i'd love to hear the stories about the mummies. Erin - thats so cool you got to hang out with Jeff from the Dead Boys!

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Which reminds me....I accidently walked in on him when he was changing in the band room of one place they were playing and he had only a shirt on.  Luckily his back was turned to me so I was able to back out of the room before he noticed I was there.

    • January 26, 2011 10:49 PM CST
    • Which reminds me....I accidently walked in on him when he was changing in the band room of one place they were playing and he had only a shirt on.  Luckily his back was turned to me so I was able to back out of the room before he noticed I was there.

    • January 26, 2011 10:46 PM CST
    • Manfred's one of the coolest guys I've ever met and am really honored to be his friend.  That was really awesome of him to do that.

      Max Reverb said:

      I could probably go on all day with this one but the most appropriate story that comes to mind is when The Woggles came and played with the Brood (Maine Garage legends in their own right) in Portland. This was about 11 years ago and I was underage for the bar. I had seen the woggles rip it up previously at an all ages with SCOTS so I had emailed them and said it was a bummer i couldn't get in to the next show. I will never forget this and always love the Woggles for it. The Professor emailed me back and told me to meet him around the corner from the club and he'd get me in! And he did too, totally came through, met me around the corner and told the door guy i was his little brother! Way above and beyond the call of duty, and it was an epic show.

    • January 26, 2011 9:35 PM CST
    • you are correct, jesco definitely likes to party ; )

      joey fuckup said:

      Oh wow, staying at Jeff's place!  That's awesome!  I would really like to knock a few beers back with 'ole Jesco; I bought the "Wild & Wonderful Whites" dvd, really enjoyed it, and felt like he was just a good country guy that likes to party!  Did you see the pre-party vids for the film's release with Johnny Knoxville on You Tube?  Would've been a blast!

      erin said:

      one time i accidentally walked in on paul collins (the nerves/paul collins beat) changing into his pajama pants. boy was i red in the face.


      i stayed at jeff magnum of the dead boys house. he put us up in his basement/rock'n'roll bunker, which was filled with his record collection and dead boys memorabilia (photos, original tour posters with the dead boys and damned, etc). he was a very gracious host! he has been a guest on my radio show several times.


      i hung out in a basement with jesco white the dancing outlaw. jesco lifted up his shirt and showed me his tattoos (specifically elvis/manson on his back). then he squeezed his nipple and sang songs at me. he's something else.

    • January 26, 2011 7:30 PM CST
    • Shit!  That's awesome!!

      Max Reverb said:

      I could probably go on all day with this one but the most appropriate story that comes to mind is when The Woggles came and played with the Brood (Maine Garage legends in their own right) in Portland. This was about 11 years ago and I was underage for the bar. I had seen the woggles rip it up previously at an all ages with SCOTS so I had emailed them and said it was a bummer i couldn't get in to the next show. I will never forget this and always love the Woggles for it. The Professor emailed me back and told me to meet him around the corner from the club and he'd get me in! And he did too, totally came through, met me around the corner and told the door guy i was his little brother! Way above and beyond the call of duty, and it was an epic show.

    • January 26, 2011 7:29 PM CST
    • Too bad you couldn't have taped all that!

      Dana V. Hatch said:

      Hard to pick just one but what about the Demolition Doll Rods? All three were totally nude when I met them backstage at Brownie's in NYC. One time a clubowner caught Danny naked in the ladies' room and cancelled the show on the spot. The cops were called and someone (me) launched and M-100 at 'em. Once in Boston a drunk jock was making google eyes at Danny onstage until he found out Danny was a dude then he got hostile. Danny turned around and stuck his ass in the guy's face and spread. The audience went wild and the jock stormed out in a fit of homosexual panic. Once the Slicks were on tour and Margaret gave us rolls of admission tickets in four different colors so we never ran out of drink tickets at clubs. Margaret and Christine used to do yoga in our front yard when they'd stay over, attracting a lot of gawkers (ok, maybe just one).

    • January 26, 2011 7:27 PM CST
    • Oh wow, staying at Jeff's place!  That's awesome!  I would really like to knock a few beers back with 'ole Jesco; I bought the "Wild & Wonderful Whites" dvd, really enjoyed it, and felt like he was just a good country guy that likes to party!  Did you see the pre-party vids for the film's release with Johnny Knoxville on You Tube?  Would've been a blast!

      erin said:

      one time i accidentally walked in on paul collins (the nerves/paul collins beat) changing into his pajama pants. boy was i red in the face.


      i stayed at jeff magnum of the dead boys house. he put us up in his basement/rock'n'roll bunker, which was filled with his record collection and dead boys memorabilia (photos, original tour posters with the dead boys and damned, etc). he was a very gracious host! he has been a guest on my radio show several times.


      i hung out in a basement with jesco white the dancing outlaw. jesco lifted up his shirt and showed me his tattoos (specifically elvis/manson on his back). then he squeezed his nipple and sang songs at me. he's something else.

    • January 27, 2011 2:31 AM CST
    • Holy crap that's GG ? What ever happened to him ...thanks for the replies.

      kopper said:

      Always Was, Is and Always Shall Be LP (1980) is indeed fantastic. There are a couple of other early 7" EPs that are worth hunting down, too. The S/T 7" on Orange Records from 1980 is one, GG Allin & The Scumfucs 7" on Blood Rec. (1982?) is another.

    • January 27, 2011 1:19 AM CST
    • Only saw GG once. Way late. Maybe early to mid 90's up in San Francisco. I wasn't impressed. Just watched him do his poo thing and chase people around the club. Musically, it was boring and pretty generic sounding. With that said, I do like the two singles I have - 'Gimme Some Head' & 'No Rules' which it seems alot of people I know don't like. There was a CD that came out around '99/2000 that had most of his early stuff on it. i really liked it but can't find it now. Anyone know what it was called?

    • January 26, 2011 10:31 PM CST
    • Always Was, Is and Always Shall Be LP (1980) is indeed fantastic. There are a couple of other early 7" EPs that are worth hunting down, too. The S/T 7" on Orange Records from 1980 is one, GG Allin & The Scumfucs 7" on Blood Rec. (1982?) is another.

    • January 27, 2011 1:34 AM CST
    • I don't own that single, but didn't they have some tracks on the Hope & Anchor comp, or maybe the Live at the Vortex comp? I guess I should look.

    • January 26, 2011 10:58 PM CST
    • Start with Archive From 1959.  It is a two disk (or record) collection with a good sampling of his different bands.  You can see which you like most and go from there. 

      Gonzo said:

      Christ....anyone got any ideas where I can start ?

    • January 26, 2011 9:41 PM CST
    • i've always heard that he had many many records but to actually see it compiled like that is amazing.

    • January 26, 2011 10:12 PM CST
    • HELL YES THE SNEAKY PINKS. trent and justin are the best!

      Blaine said:

      The Victims

      Angry Samoans

      Teenage Head

      Useless eaters

      Marked Men




      The Spits

      Sneaky Pinks


      Can't say I have a top 10 but, those bands have gotten a lot of play over the last few years.  Just the first off the top of my head.

    • January 26, 2011 9:38 PM CST
    • In No particular order:

      The Misfits
      Black Flag
      Dead Kennedys
      Minor Threat
      The Meat-Men
      GG ALLIN & various
      The Ramones
      Nipple Violator
      The Dwarves

    • January 26, 2011 8:30 PM CST

    • daniel darling said:

      I like alot of Nirvana's music. I don't get into it as much these days but when i was in my early teens it was great cause here was a band that pissed of every kids parents. They sounded way more "dangerous" than Michael Jackson!

      I don't believe kurt was murdered though. I think he felt like shit because most of the people who were buying his music were the people he disliked. Although there is a quote from him in his biography that says something like "i wanna be a famous rockstar and die young like Jimi Hendrix". So maybe he got his wish.


      Like em or not they were the last band in commercial history to change the face of rock music. I just couldn't stand all those shitty copy cat grunge bands that came out years later like Nickelback and shit uuurrghh!


      Is anyone into Ty Segall at all ?? I hear alot of Kurt Cobain influence in his music (and his dress sense too) But that kid does it right! If you like Nirvana Lady Strange you should get Ty Segall's album "Lemons" if you don't have it already of course :-)


      Yeah I completely agree with what you're saying :) Although I still believe he was murdered. But hey that's just my opinion.// Haha and yeah I know right; nickelback *insert barf noises* Oh and thank-you for that. I can't believe I haven't heard of it before. I'll definitely give it a listen :)