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    • October 5, 2010 10:28 AM CDT
    • Those shoes are awesome! Just have to make up my mind between the high or low tops. Getting old does suck as I too would have liked to have seen the Spits! Diners, yeah, I miss Drakes (home fries) and Paradise (spinach jack enchildas)....

      kopper said:

      Great time! Weather was perfect, too. We saw the Gories, Oblivians, Tyvek, Thee Oh Sees, Cola Freaks, Hunx & His Punx (the only band that bored me enough to leave mid-set), Teenanger, White Wires, Digital Leather, and Natural Child. Then we caught Greg Cartwright DJing and Brimstone Howl playing live at the Replay Lounge. We'd gotten a tip that the Spits were playing a house party afterward, but we were too beat to go (getting old sucks), so we got back to the Motel 6 around 2:30 and crashed.

      Turned out the express pass was really unnecessary, which was a good thing since they couldn't find Ryan's name on their list, even though he liked the page the day before like he was supposed to have done. Weird.

      It was also great to meet Ruby and her husband and several others from this site. Got lotsa comments about my GRGPNK fuzzbox logo tee I was wearing! A couple of people even noticed the shoes. :)

      But I couldn't believe there are NO DINERS in Lawrence! We drove all around on Sunday morning looking for a good greasy spoon to get a quick, cheap breakfast but there were none to be found. Strange. So we ended up just going to McDonald's. Some enterprising person should really open a diner on Massachusetts. I'm sure it'd do well.

    • October 4, 2010 4:06 PM CDT
    • It was awesome to meet you, Sara-- and thanks for making it out to the show on Friday!

      Sara said:

      Had SUCH a blast!! We saw: Tyvek, Greg Oblivian, and Nodzzz at an in-store Friday, and Fag Cop and Spook Lights Friday night at the awesomely boozy Replay. Then Bad Sports, Gentleman Jesse, Cola Freaks, HUMAN EYE (!!! wow !!!, so glad I got to see Timmy Vulgar!), Happy Birthday, and the GORIES! That was the second Gories show for me, the first being last summer in Detroit at the Majestic. It was super nice to see them in a little place and really get down with them. After the show, we were somehow able to also catch Gino Washington with KK and the Shrines which was amazing!! and catch the end of the Oblivians as well. Lines were never a problem. The whole festival atmosphere tends to make me rather manic, and this was no exception. By the end of the night though, when it was time to head to the Spits after party, I was totally spent. Hope to catch them some day.

      Lawrence had great thrifting opportunities and we met lotsa cool people. Got to say hello to our illustrious leader Kopper and to meet Dave, and saw a TON of Denver people there. It was a super BLAST. Let's all do it again real soon, ok?!?

    • October 4, 2010 4:00 PM CDT
    • Had SUCH a blast!! We saw: Tyvek, Greg Oblivian, and Nodzzz at an in-store Friday, and Fag Cop and Spook Lights Friday night at the awesomely boozy Replay. Then Bad Sports, Gentleman Jesse, Cola Freaks, HUMAN EYE (!!! wow !!!, so glad I got to see Timmy Vulgar!), Happy Birthday, and the GORIES! That was the second Gories show for me, the first being last summer in Detroit at the Majestic. It was super nice to see them in a little place and really get down with them. After the show, we were somehow able to also catch Gino Washington with KK and the Shrines which was amazing!! and catch the end of the Oblivians as well. Lines were never a problem. The whole festival atmosphere tends to make me rather manic, and this was no exception. By the end of the night though, when it was time to head to the Spits after party, I was totally spent. Hope to catch them some day.

      Lawrence had great thrifting opportunities and we met lotsa cool people. Got to say hello to our illustrious leader Kopper and to meet Dave, and saw a TON of Denver people there. It was a super BLAST. Let's all do it again real soon, ok?!?

    • October 4, 2010 3:24 PM CDT
    • Always good to see ya, Dave! Jason and Kat were indeed at the RBG show.

      DammitDave said:

      Thanks for the review, Ryan. I need to buy some records (and get out more). Also thanks for the tip re King Khan. Good to see you and Kevin. I expect Jason and Kat were at the RBG show. Good turnout though, I thought, and a very good set. I enjoyed the originals as well as the Suicide and Saints covers. Maybe not Stax Review London 67 but still, for StL, very enthusiastic.

    • October 4, 2010 3:11 PM CDT
    • The best I saw: HUMAN EYE and HUNX & HIS PUNX (I'm a sucker for cross-dressing, 60's pop, and shallow punk rock posturing, what can I say?)... Still kicking myself for missing THE SHRINES, but I couldn't pass up seeing THE GORIES at the bar where I work. Too bad stage divers and an apathetic sound guy killed their set for me.

      OBLIVIANS were great, FUCKING great, but this is my 4th time seeing them and... maybe it was the giant stage and budweiser-drunk fratboys, I dunno. Something about the atmosphere pulled me out of their set. Greg called it when he said, "You guys like subwoofers? Cuz this fucking place has GOT EM!"

      Still the best thing that's happened to Lawrence since the 90's, when we saw shit like this around here all the time. Hopefully this will start bringing those days back...

    • October 4, 2010 2:16 PM CDT
    • Thanks for the review, Ryan. I need to buy some records (and get out more). Also thanks for the tip re King Khan. Good to see you and Kevin. I expect Jason and Kat were at the RBG show. Good turnout though, I thought, and a very good set. I enjoyed the originals as well as the Suicide and Saints covers. Maybe not Stax Review London 67 but still, for StL, very enthusiastic.

    • October 4, 2010 9:05 AM CDT
    • Great time! Weather was perfect, too. We saw the Gories, Oblivians, Tyvek, Thee Oh Sees, Cola Freaks, Hunx & His Punx (the only band that bored me enough to leave mid-set), Teenanger, White Wires, Digital Leather, and Natural Child. Then we caught Greg Cartwright DJing and Brimstone Howl playing live at the Replay Lounge. We'd gotten a tip that the Spits were playing a house party afterward, but we were too beat to go (getting old sucks), so we got back to the Motel 6 around 2:30 and crashed.

      Turned out the express pass was really unnecessary, which was a good thing since they couldn't find Ryan's name on their list, even though he liked the page the day before like he was supposed to have done. Weird.

      It was also great to meet Ruby and her husband and several others from this site. Got lotsa comments about my GRGPNK fuzzbox logo tee I was wearing! A couple of people even noticed the shoes. :)

      But I couldn't believe there are NO DINERS in Lawrence! We drove all around on Sunday morning looking for a good greasy spoon to get a quick, cheap breakfast but there were none to be found. Strange. So we ended up just going to McDonald's. Some enterprising person should really open a diner on Massachusetts. I'm sure it'd do well.

    • October 5, 2010 7:32 AM CDT
    • Hi Johnny!

      No, you're still in time for your reply - I haven't had the money yet. But good to know that there won't be difficulties, and yeah, the cheap spirit is what makes this guitar so sweet in a way.

      Cheers, Doc

    • October 4, 2010 6:31 PM CDT
    • thanks for your answers. I recently had the chance to play a Dano Dead on 67, and it sounded quite like I need it (with a similar equipment as mine). The guy in the guitar store told me, he had to exchange the aluminum nut with one made of steel, for the aluminum nut made the guitar hard to tune. Do you know anything about that?
      I've got that guitar -- nothing hard about tuning it at all, and it stays in tune. It's a Dano - replacing the cheap components with expensive ones is kinda against the spirit of the thing :-) (just saw the date stamp -- I'm way in the future (or is it th epast) for this reply)

    • October 4, 2010 10:09 PM CDT
    • "Albert De Salvo" - Frantic Flintstones
      "Richard Speck" -Gun Club

      you can find the entire John Legend album on WFMU, it's all true crime!

    • October 4, 2010 2:05 PM CDT
    • The Chesterfield Kings: "Richard Speck" (who may be classified as a spree killer or mass murderer)
      Jane's Addiction: "Ted, Just Admit It" (that'd be Bundy)

    • October 3, 2010 5:13 PM CDT
    • Mack Stevens & The Texas Infidels - BTK

      in fact, pretty much their whole "Kill! Kill! Kill!" album.

    • October 3, 2010 7:43 AM CDT
    • Oh - J Church "Hate so Real"

    • October 2, 2010 12:36 PM CDT
    • Hi!

      There was this german band called "Die Honkas" after the serial killer Fritz Honka, and they had this funny, brillant song "Lied für Fritz" (Song for Fritz). The singer, by the way, is Max Müller from the incredible band Mutter.

    • October 2, 2010 2:03 AM CDT
    • On The A-Bones' last album, NOT NOW, there's a song called "Shallow Grave" written by Andy Schernoff ol The Dictators. It's about an Arizona serial killer named Charles “Smitty” Schmid, who was called "The Pied Piper of Tucson." Someone mentioned "Strangler in the Night" which allegedly was written by The Boston Strangler himself, Albert De Carlo. T Tex Edwards did a great cover of it on his album Pardon Me I've Got Someone to Kill. That album also has a cover of a twisted country song called "Dolores," which is a first-person serial killer song. "The Ballad of Charles Whitman" by Kinky Friedman & The Texas Jewboys is about a spree killer, not a serial killer, It's about the guy who shot and killed 16 people and wounded 32 others when he took a bunch of guns up to the top of the belltower at the University of Texas in Austin back in 1966.

    • October 4, 2010 6:40 PM CDT
    • I happen to dig Shonen Knife... makes me want to eat a bunch of gyoza! By the way, they do a cover of the Kinks song Til' the End of the Day!

    • October 4, 2010 2:12 PM CDT
    • I saw both bands recently. I saw the former at the 31st Street Pub on the Friday before last week, and I saw the latter last night at Mr. Small's Theater.

      Shonen Knife was fun, but very one note. Just about every song sounded the same. Good pop tunes, all of them, but after a while I just wanted to hear something a little different. Teenage Fanclub was better, although a bit too mellow for my tastes. Don't get me wrong, they write good songs, but I just kept waiting to hear something that really rocked. BTW, Teenage Fanclub is another band I discovered thanks to Little Steven; "Metal Baby" is a staple on the Sirius/XM Underground Garage Channel.

      Anyone else here a fan of either band, or both of them? If so, tell me what you think.

    • October 4, 2010 12:30 AM CDT
    • So on the reverb front I recently picked up a used Digitech Digiverb and it seems to be a pretty good choice if you can find one for cheap. The spring setting is really the only one I use and it sounds good at relatively subtle levels and not too bad for washed out surf. It does the palm mute surf "drip" sound very easily and it might do it too much for some people. I don't know if it's on par with a real outboard tank in that respect or not. Be aware that although it's capable of running on batteries some won't actually work with batteries it has a high current draw so you'll want to get an adapter. All in all I think it's a good option for people on a budget (garage rockers) and digital effects seem to be getting better and better, but of course it won't be as good as some real springs.

    • October 3, 2010 4:19 PM CDT
    • I know Steve Hager has a profile here, but anyone else familiar with Soul Assassins? I picked up the 7 inch for a couple of bucks because I misremembered where I knew the name from. The 4 songs here are pretty good, just wondered if it was worth seeking out more of their stuff.

    • October 2, 2010 10:42 PM CDT
    • Debbie Harry= fuck me and fuck you which rules!!

      kopper said:

      Wait, why is Debbie Harry in the "Fuck me" camp again? I think you're dead wrong there. She was anything BUT a packaged singer when Blondie started out playing gigs in the mid-'70s at clubs like CBGB and Max's Kansas City. It wasn't until Parallel Lines came out in '78 that they had any sort of commercial success. Sexy as hell? Yes! But she wasn't part of the machine... and to place her in a league with shit like Britney Spears? Fuck that!

    • October 2, 2010 3:08 PM CDT
    • Fuck me: cherie curie
      Fuck you: joan jett

    • October 2, 2010 7:44 PM CDT
    • What about Specimen?

    • October 2, 2010 12:50 PM CDT
    • I was there it was hot, crowded and rocking. Fuck yeah it was.

    • October 2, 2010 12:13 PM CDT
    • * It's Dance Time!by King Coleman. This is one I've been meaning to download for a longtime. I finally was spurred to do it after Carlton "King" Coleman died on Sept. 11 at the age of 78. All the "hits" from the late 50s and early '60s are here -- at least they should have been hits. "The Boo Boo Song" is a strange and wonderful thing. He carries on hsi knack for fracturing nursery rhymes in "Three Soulful Mice." There's "(Do the) Mashed Potatoes" -- to which Joey Dee and The Starliters later added hot pastrami. There's Coleman's sequel "The Mashed Potato Man" and other dance craze ditties like "Do the Hully Gully," "Do the Booga-Lou" and "Let's Shimmy." He sums it all up in the title song where he commands his hypnotized legions on the dance floor to all of these and more. Just about every one of the tracks here sounds like a party I wish I'd have gone to. * 1950s Rock N' Roll & Rockabilly Rare Masters. Another great eMusic bargain compilation. Fifty six tracks for 12 credits. (I picked up the Hasil Adkins track "Ducken" last month. It's still one of my favorites on this album.) These masters are rare. I only had one of them, "You Shake Me Up by Andy Anderson. (I wrote about him last year. He's a Mississippi rockabilly who used to live in Taos, N.M.) Besides Adkins, the most recognizable names here are Freddy Fender, whose "Mean Woman" is included here, and Rudy "Tutti" Grayzell, whose "Duck Tail" should have been a universal anthem of the greasy '50s. Then there's a guy named Creep. I've known lots of creeps, but not this one. There are two tracks by him, including "Betty Lou's Got a New Tattoo," later covered by The A-Bones. And if you're lookin' for a song to remind you of Elvis' "Trouble," you've come to the right place with Creep's tune "I'm Wise." * Malaikat dan Singa by Arrington de Dionyso. Last month I downloaded Varieties of Religious Experience: 1993-2003 by de Dionyso and the Old Time Relijun. This newer album by de Dionyso if anything is even wilder. On this one he's singing in the Indonesian language translated lyrics of William Blake and Zohar. But this is no intellectual excercise. This stuff rocks! The first song, "Kedalaman Air," reminds me of a frantic version of The Talking Heads' "Psycho Killer" with a feral fuzztone guitar. The next one "Mani Malaikat" slows down into a swamp voodoo groove. The droning sax and fiddle remind me of "Up in Flames," the David Lynch-Angelo Badalamente song that Koko Taylor sang in Wild at Heart. And then, the music starts to get really crazy ... * 10 tracks from Hi De Ho Man by Cab Calloway. When I graduated from college in 1976 the only job I could find was managing a trailer park -- Vagabond Trailer Park on Cerrillos Road. Crappy job, but free rent, a block from a Lotaburger and an actual paycheck! One of the first things I did was go on a record buying binge. Some of those titles still are among my favorites -- Transformer by Lou Reed, Legalize It by Peter Tosh, How Late'll Ya Play 'Til? by David Bromberg, Radio Ethiopia by The Patti Smith Group and this one by Cab Calloway. I know I've written this somewhere before, but I had seen Calloway in concert back in the early '60s at a Harlem Globetrotters game with my grandmother. So I was somewhat hep to the jive. But this record -- a double LP in its original release -- sealed it for me. Through the years I picked up several of these tunes from other Calloway collections. But among the classics I downloaded now are "San Francisco Fan" -- about a golden-hearted gal who "gave her life to save her man, a man who wasn't worth a shovel full of Earth from the grave of San Francisco Fan." And then there's Nagasaki, recorded in 1935. It's a place "where the fellers chew tobaccy/And the women wicky-wacky Woo." Sounds like a pretty swingin' town. Before we nuked it. You got your basic "Jumpin' Jive," the scat-crazy "Abi Gezunt," a truly spooky "St. James Infirmary" and a fun workout called "15 Minute Intermission." But some of my favorites are the slow ballads like "My Gal" and "I'll Be Around." On these you get a true sense of Cab's vocal talents. If you're new to Cab Calloway, this album is an excellent introduction. It worked for me. ALEX MAAS of THE BLACK ANGELS * The first five tracks of Phosphene Dream by The Black Angels. It's a psychedelic WHUMP! Austin's Black Angels are back for their third full-length album. These guys, who I first saw at a Roky Erikson Ice Cream Social during SXSW a couple of years ago, play psychedelic music. Not your fairy-fey flower-power fluff, but intense, throbbing hypnotic excursions to other worlds. It's trippy, but not all trips are happy affairs. Some are downright scary. And thus, The Black Angels have titles like "River of Blood" and "Bad Vibrations." The first thing a fan will notice about Phospene Dream is that the sound is far more varied than their previous albums. "Sunday Afternoon" even has a little Texas funk in it. I could easily imagine Hundred Year Flood having a go at this one. And the last half or so of "Yellow Elevator #2" even has a little Beatles vibe in it. (Think "I Want You/She's So Heavy.") The songs are shorter too. No 16-minute odysseys like they had on their previous ones I only had enough credits to get half of the 10  tracks, but my account refreshes next week so I can complete this trip.