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    • September 30, 2010 7:29 PM CDT
    • fuck me: Meg White (ha! that's what you get for putting out a sex tape)

      fuck you: Wendy O' Williams

    • September 30, 2010 6:23 PM CDT
    • Hello Kopper... you are absolutely right about early Blondie (my very favorite era of this band)... but, I have to say Debbie crossed over to the "dark side" when Blondie released the crap album Autoamerican... and their hit single "Rapture." That was Debbie Harry at her fu*k me best. Maybe I should have said Gwen Stefani instead!

    • September 30, 2010 11:45 AM CDT
    • f me- every girl in top 40 music for last 15 years

      f you- Rachel Nagy (Detriot Cobras)
      Pearl Harbor especially the song "I wish I were you"

    • September 30, 2010 11:29 AM CDT
    • Fuck me: Madonna
      Fuck You: Amy Gore- Gore Gore Girls.

      Cool thread. Agree with Kopper on Debbie Harry.

    • September 30, 2010 10:32 AM CDT
    • Wait, why is Debbie Harry in the "Fuck me" camp again? I think you're dead wrong there. She was anything BUT a packaged singer when Blondie started out playing gigs in the mid-'70s at clubs like CBGB and Max's Kansas City. It wasn't until Parallel Lines came out in '78 that they had any sort of commercial success. Sexy as hell? Yes! But she wasn't part of the machine... and to place her in a league with shit like Britney Spears? Fuck that!

    • September 30, 2010 3:30 PM CDT
    • i think a lot of the photos in 'we never learn' are pretty cool, too

    • September 30, 2010 3:06 PM CDT
    • thanks for the great suggestons!

    • September 30, 2010 1:32 PM CDT
    • The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Try "I have fun everywhere I go" by the fantastic Mike Edison
      and "Rock Stardom for Dumbshits" by The wonderful Phantom Surfers !
      Your life will better then !
      I think that i'm a guest star into Sharky's book..where i can git it??!!

    • September 30, 2010 12:39 PM CDT
    • "I have fun everywhere I go" by the fantastic Mike Edison>>

      YES! The CD of Edison reading parts of the book and Jon Spencer going nuts in the background is lotsa fun too.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Try "I have fun everywhere I go" by the fantastic Mike Edison
      and "Rock Stardom for Dumbshits" by The wonderful Phantom Surfers !
      Your life will better then !

    • September 30, 2010 3:08 PM CDT
    • Aren't both of those on the same Killed By Death comp?

      Mike said:

      F-Word "Hillside Strangler" different song than the Child Molester's song.

    • September 30, 2010 3:05 PM CDT
    • F-Word "Hillside Strangler" different song than the Child Molester's song.

    • September 30, 2010 2:40 PM CDT
    • The Child Molesters - (I'm The) Hillside Strangler

    • September 30, 2010 2:00 PM CDT
    • I'm pretty sure this one is based on a true story.
      the Fools- Psycho Chicken

    • September 30, 2010 1:38 PM CDT
    • Nick Cave's album "Murder Ballads"

    • September 30, 2010 12:51 PM CDT
    • Supercharger/Rip Off's - Zodiac
      Talking Heads - Psycho Killer
      Adverts - Looking Through Gary Gilmores Eyes

    • September 30, 2010 12:26 PM CDT
    • My friend Mike has a copy of Death Dealers. It is probably the best LP i have ever seen on the subject.
      A1 Eddie Noack - Dolores 2:45
      A2 Ed Kemper - Interview 3:21
      A3 Eddie Noack - Psycho 3:28
      A4 Charles Manson - Interview 1:05
      A5 Red River Dave - California Hippie Murders 2:13
      A6 Ed Gein - Interview 0:34
      A7 Uncalled 4, The - Grind Her Up 2:20
      A8 Ottis Toole - Interview 1:05
      B1 John Wayne Gacy - Interview 2:25
      B2 Mentally Ill - Gacy's Place 1:24
      B3 Bugs, The (2) - Albert Albert 1:59
      B4 Albert Desalvo - Police Press Conference 0:47
      B5 Albert* - Strangler In The Night 2:07
      B6 Johnny Legend (2) - The Tower 3:56
      B7 Jeffrey Dahmer - Interview 2:55

    • September 30, 2010 12:13 PM CDT
    • Michael Myers - The Meteors

    • September 30, 2010 12:07 PM CDT
    • Yes.
      Psycho - Eddie Noak - covered by Beasts of Bourbon
      Jack the Ripper - The Sharks
      Norman Bates - The tailgaters
      Killer - The Meteors

      to start

    • September 30, 2010 10:58 AM CDT
    • Red River Dave's ode to the Manson Family "The California Hippie Murders".

    • September 30, 2010 10:05 AM CDT
    • Obviously "Jack the Ripper" by Screaming Lord Sutch is one, but can you think of any others?

    • September 30, 2010 1:51 PM CDT
    • BTW, another recommendation I would like to make is "I Slept With Joey Ramone," which is a very upclose and personal look at Joey Ramone, written by his brother and Legs McNeil. Sadly, you're going to find out that Joey could be a real asshole too in his own strange way, although a lot of it was due to his OCD.

    • September 30, 2010 11:38 AM CDT
    • The first music book i ever read was No One Here Gets Out Alive during my Doors Faze. Several other books on music that i recomend would be.
      Tattooed on their tongues- a journey through the backrooms of american music- Colin Escott
      Fargo Rock City- Chuck Klosterman
      Rockabilly- Billy Poore
      Hound Dog: The Leiber & Stoller Autobiography

    • September 30, 2010 10:26 AM CDT
    • I should be pretty easy to spot. I'm tall, short hair, sideburns, short goatee on my chin and I'll be wearing my white T-shirt with the fuzzbox logo on the front and "Kicks Just Got Easier to Find" on the back. I'll also be wearing my GRGPNK Pro-Keds!

      Oh, and I'll be with three other tall guys from St. Louis: Ryan Katastrophe, Tom Quistorff and Kevin Schneider (be sure and send 'em lots of friend requests!).

    • September 30, 2010 10:07 AM CDT
    • Stick to the records. Avoid them live, though. She can be a real bitch on stage.