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    • October 7, 2010 12:16 AM CDT
    • My visions pretty blurry cause I need to get some glasses eh...

    • October 6, 2010 9:45 PM CDT
    • It's too bad you've put this up on the internet. This is the type of thing you're really going to be embarrassed about writing in a few years.

    • October 6, 2010 8:25 PM CDT
    • I'm a bit mixed on the topic myself. I don't think there's anything wrong with emulating your heroes but at the same time you don't want to lose your identity either. I don't think I bring one original idea to the table to tell you the truth, but I've gotten a lot of compliments by people I really admire and they say I'm a real original un-original and I really like that compliment.

    • October 5, 2010 7:03 PM CDT
    • Yes, Kopper is right. be yourself, even if that takes finding yourself first. I understand that you are young & probably have not yet figured out where you are going with life, but the fact that you are thinking about it is a good start. I remember seeing Lux play at CBGB's when the Cramps first started. He was very different from the Lux he became. People grow & evolve.

      kopper said:

      What a ridiculous topic. How about just being yourself?

    • October 5, 2010 1:11 PM CDT
    • What a ridiculous topic. How about just being yourself?

    • October 5, 2010 12:42 PM CDT
    • HI i just read some things written by john who used to play the bass in the fuzztones he said.. he said about how the main guy jst used to rip off old tunes and steal tunes from past bandmates... I think im a bit like that guy just doing sonics covers and dressing like the bands i like. like a few days ago i was watching all these old horror films just cos i heard the cramps saying stuff about them and then i was like thinking about wearing leather trousers and high heels u knw like just being a poor 2nd rate version of lux interior. What you think i should do? like once i was about 16 and im 19 now and i was proper digging psychocandy by the mary chain and then i was making music like them and stuff.. Nothing original or like my own ideas. Like in garage rock and genres like that its cool 2 jst take a little bit off another song i suppose but i just steal everything cos i literally cant think of my own things i want to do. I suppose its just a simple answer , combine all your iunfluences but thats easier said than done.. i want to make like a proper amazing band not just some cover band........ I JUST WONDERED REALLY IF ANYBODY ELSE HAS HAD THIS PROBLEM OR EVEN GONE THROUGH A PHASE WHEN THEY STARTED DRESSING LIKE A FAVOURITE BAND...... i am very vein and i wanna look cool but deep down in my heart i know im not lux interior and some of those horror films i didnt really like...ideally my band would have lyrics about the wwf during its attitude era, lyrics about formula one, words about like just living in manchester in the UK, stuff about education like how insane it is, stuff about girls. and the guitars would sound like a cross between the cramps and the mary chain and it would have like the attitude of a young paul weller. and i would sing in my normal voice cos alot of the time i put on this fake american voice and i hate that i do that actually cos im jst copying people.... IM SORRY I KEEP GOING ON ABOUT MYSELF AS WELL I AM AN EGOMANIACCC but u knw i wanted to get it off my chest and this is the perfect place to do it.... DOES ANYBODY ELSE HAVE ANY COOL VISIONS THAT THEY HAVE SO FAR NOT DONE??????????????

    • October 6, 2010 8:28 PM CDT
    • The Sonics Psycho is quite a stretch. They just liked the title, and didn't even know that Alfred Hitchcock might have based it on a real person.

      Alex said:

      The Sonics - "Psycho"
      Also, any song by Hasil Adkins where he talks about cutting off girls' heads. "No More Hot Dogs," for example.

    • October 6, 2010 8:14 PM CDT
    • I rarely cuss but I 'm gonna give this a FUCK YEAH. I've been looking for this for the last five years on youtube. I have a copy on some old VHS that I recorded off AMC when they had American Pop (which wouldn't surprise me if this is the same source).

      kopper said:

    • October 6, 2010 2:32 PM CDT
    • YAY! :D

    • October 6, 2010 2:04 PM CDT
    • Saw them in LA last week & they are a great live band. The best live band I've seen in ages.

    • October 6, 2010 1:14 PM CDT
    • Yeah, there's a video of theirs posted here. It's pretty killer. Check the videos tab and search there.

    • October 6, 2010 1:01 PM CDT
    • Heard of them, but not actually heard them. Gonna have to check them out I think. Read an interview with the singer (I think) a few weeks ago, guy used to be in Thee Hypnotics. I remember them but, again, never actually heard anything they've done.

      So uh not too helpful.

    • October 6, 2010 12:50 PM CDT
    • anybody else into this great band? did a search and could find them discussed here yet.  saw them last week in new orleans and they blew me away (and the A-Bones and Flamin Groovies).  crazy energy in person and on record.  for those that don't know, think little richard meets mc5.

    • October 6, 2010 11:32 AM CDT
    • I didn't get the stoner vibe from Natural Child at all... except for visually, maybe (the bass player did look an awful lot like a stoner friend of mine from high school), but their sound was just raw, sloppy garage rock'n'roll.

      I thought Tyvek kicked ass live. Much better than their self-titled LP which I bought recently but didn't care much for (although I do include a song from it on my latest podcast).

      Oblivians did sound a bit strange at the Granada. Just wasn't the best venue for them, but they still sounded great.

      Check out some of my friend Tom's pics from the fest here:

    • October 5, 2010 8:51 PM CDT
    • Luke, As I said... your set was beautiful. I was listening to you guys & realized that the day was indeed going to be great. I hope I didn't miss picking up some vinyl from you guys while you were out here. Thanks Again!

      Luke said:

      I somehow was lucky enough to be involved in this,

    • October 5, 2010 8:32 PM CDT
    • I somehow was lucky enough to be involved in this, and it was the best possible ending to our first trip to America. the only downfall is that we (Sex Beet) were on first, which meant we played sober as hell, but were then absolutely trashed by early evening.

      As fas as I can remember, I managed to catch at least parts of: Digital Leather, Cola Freaks, Natural Child, Hunx, Thee Oh See's, The shrines, Gories, and then somehow I ended up watching the last half of Oblivians from the side of the stage. The whole day is a complete haze, but I fucking loved every band I saw. Anyone that didn't go missed out.

      I also completely loved the fact they stuck 28 garage punk bands in the same hotel, with 2 days of free alcohol and didn't seem to expect any trouble. I would have felt sorry for the security guard if it wasn't so much fun!

    • October 5, 2010 8:22 PM CDT
    • For sure! Let's all get together some time, eh?

      Recordgrooves said:

      I met a some nice folks from Lawrence, Denver, New York, KC, Brazil & California. chilled out for a sec w/Kopper & Ryan, 2 of the coolest Garage Punkers, from the Lou!

      Oh yea, free Oblivians 7"s.

      Turns out there was no trouble getting in to any of the shows with my kids & wife. The rowdiest crowd I saw there was for the Oh Sees (best set IMO)

      Here is how it worked out for me...

      Jackpot Music Hall 4:20 - 4:50 Sex Beet (Raw & Beautiful) singer asked "turn vocals down cause my singing is shit"

      Granada Theatre 4:40 - 5:10 Natural Child (Great Stoner Band)

      Jackpot Music Hall 5:10 - 5:30 White Wires (Tore it up!)

      Bottleneck 5:20 - 5:50 Nodzzz

      Jackpot Music Hall 6:00 - 6:30 Teenager (Loved It)

      Granada Theatre 6:20 - 7:00 Cloud Nothings

      Granada Theatre 7:30 - 8:10 Digital Leather

      Granada Theatre 8:40 - 9:25 Hunx and His Punx

      Bottleneck 8:30 - 9:10 Thee Oh Sees (John is a madman, keeps getting better and has great taste in guitars)

      Bottleneck 9:25 - 9:35 Tyvek (left the set / too much marshall amp sound for me)

      Jackpot Music Hall 10:00 - 11:00 The Gories (of course!) Oh wait, WTF Mick was playing a Squier!

      Granada Theatre 11:30 - 12:30 The Oblivians (shitty sound for the Oblivians but still had a good time, Greg is my hero anyways.)

      Somewhere after 7:30 the times get fucked up, but I came back home Sunday and saw Gentleman + King Khan/Shrines, best funky time since I've seen James Brown.

      Khan even took a second to squat down and sing to my 10yr old daughter then came down later to put his hand down and heal her soul.

      We had a blast!

    • October 5, 2010 3:57 PM CDT
    • I met a some nice folks from Lawrence, Denver, New York, KC, Brazil & California. chilled out for a sec w/Kopper & Ryan, 2 of the coolest Garage Punkers, from the Lou! Oh yea, free Oblivians 7"s. Turns out there was no trouble getting in to any of the shows with my kids & wife. The rowdiest crowd I saw there was for the Oh Sees (best set IMO) Here is how it worked out for me... Jackpot Music Hall 4:20 - 4:50 Sex Beet (Raw & Beautiful) singer asked "turn vocals down cause my singing is shit" Granada Theatre 4:40 - 5:10 Natural Child (Great Stoner Band) Jackpot Music Hall 5:10 - 5:30 White Wires (Tore it up!) Bottleneck 5:20 - 5:50 Nodzzz Jackpot Music Hall 6:00 - 6:30 Teenager (Loved It) Granada Theatre 6:20 - 7:00 Cloud Nothings Granada Theatre 7:30 - 8:10 Digital Leather Granada Theatre 8:40 - 9:25 Hunx and His Punx Bottleneck 8:30 - 9:10 Thee Oh Sees (John is a madman, keeps getting better and has great taste in guitars) Bottleneck 9:25 - 9:35 Tyvek (left the set / too much marshall amp sound for me) Jackpot Music Hall 10:00 - 11:00 The Gories (of course!) Oh wait, WTF Mick was playing a Squier! Granada Theatre 11:30 - 12:30 The Oblivians (shitty sound for the Oblivians but still had a good time, Greg is my hero anyways.) Somewhere after 7:30 the times get fucked up, but I came back home Sunday and saw Gentleman + King Khan/Shrines, best funky time since I've seen James Brown. Khan even took a second to squat down and sing to my 10yr old daughter then came down later to put his hand down and heal her soul. We had a blast!

    • October 5, 2010 11:14 AM CDT
    • Scary, how did I manage to avoid seeing you there (or am I just not remembering it... wouldn't surprise me; I drank a lot of beer.) Really wish I would've caught Human Eye now. Sounds like theirs might have been one of the best sets at the fest. Drat.

      Scary Manilow said:

      It was awesome to meet you, Sara-- and thanks for making it out to the show on Friday!

      Sara said:
      Had SUCH a blast!! We saw: Tyvek, Greg Oblivian, and Nodzzz at an in-store Friday, and Fag Cop and Spook Lights Friday night at the awesomely boozy Replay. Then Bad Sports, Gentleman Jesse, Cola Freaks, HUMAN EYE (!!! wow !!!, so glad I got to see Timmy Vulgar!), Happy Birthday, and the GORIES! That was the second Gories show for me, the first being last summer in Detroit at the Majestic. It was super nice to see them in a little place and really get down with them. After the show, we were somehow able to also catch Gino Washington with KK and the Shrines which was amazing!! and catch the end of the Oblivians as well. Lines were never a problem. The whole festival atmosphere tends to make me rather manic, and this was no exception. By the end of the night though, when it was time to head to the Spits after party, I was totally spent. Hope to catch them some day.

      Lawrence had great thrifting opportunities and we met lotsa cool people. Got to say hello to our illustrious leader Kopper and to meet Dave, and saw a TON of Denver people there. It was a super BLAST. Let's all do it again real soon, ok?!?

    • October 5, 2010 11:20 AM CDT

    • listen here

      Watcha Weird'ohs

      I’m Mr A the Barber 

      and welcome to 'Come Sin with Me', vol. 25 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE

      This month's theme is all about SIN, or to be exact the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. So for the next hour your gonna be hearing songs related to seven sins of pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth.

      The initial idea for this mix was suggested to me by a certain Miss Dee Claw of The Persian Claws. She knows  I love a challenge! So how could I refuse the lady.

      Luckily Dee was keen to help me out and so she's chosen 7 of her favourite Deadly Sin songs. See if you can guess which ones are Dee's tunes or if psychology's not your thing then just go to the playlist.

      As a weird coincidence October 5th the day this podcast is released is also Dee's birthday, so don't forget to drop by The Persian Claws page on the GaragePunk Hideout  and have a listen to her band's tunes and while your there wish Dee a happy birthday.

      Persian Claws

      Let me know what you fink.
      Mr A