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    • November 26, 2012 3:25 PM CST

    • November 26, 2012 3:17 PM CST
    • "Brass Knobs". HUH HUH HUH   HUH HUH.

      melissa scott said:

      Yeah, I missed half a convo on ThreeD Radio Adelaide (dunchya hate that) about this band and some of the shows people had been to. Not much info recently except they're recording... And I missed them at the Grace Emily while I was in Yankland. That would be right.

      Here's the poop from FU-Book: "Four men, a guitar, a bass, some drums, some organ and some vocals, Green Circles have released three albums in Australia- Get on the outside of this released by Sexy Diablo in 2001, followed by Brass knobs, bevelled edges (and in 23 different positions) in 2003 and Tavistock Street (2008) - both released by the wonderful Off the Hip Records. Early 2006 saw the release of the album Black Vinyl Heart a UK compilation of 17 songs from the first two Australian albums, plus an extra track, released by Biff Bang Pow"

      Still groovin' on the band name, I mean, us garageheads have gotta dig that...

      Must be incredibly hard to be from Adelaide and play garage... Just glad there's a few bands here that live in the garage, at least some of the time.

      Catchy tune that... dun dun dundun.... da dun dun dundun. 8-)

      And when their song says Brown House in Stepney, they don't mean London.

      IDON MINE said:

      Dito to that. I also like how straight forward it is. MEL: Nice find!

      John Battles said:

      I like the reference too.....Someone was saying how underappreciated The Small Faces are , today. I'D SAY IT'S DEAD ON GARAGE , the tremolo/fuzz sound is ace. It's melodic , some harmonies , no singing thru the nose , so , maybe it's part Power Pop , part Garage.

    • November 26, 2012 7:43 AM CST
    • Alright and fine. Thanks for the info stash!

      melissa scott said:

      Yeah, I missed half a convo on ThreeD Radio Adelaide (dunchya hate that) about this band and some of the shows people had been to. Not much info recently except they're recording... And I missed them at the Grace Emily while I was in Yankland. That would be right.

      Here's the poop from FU-Book: "Four men, a guitar, a bass, some drums, some organ and some vocals, Green Circles have released three albums in Australia- Get on the outside of this released by Sexy Diablo in 2001, followed by Brass knobs, bevelled edges (and in 23 different positions) in 2003 and Tavistock Street (2008) - both released by the wonderful Off the Hip Records. Early 2006 saw the release of the album Black Vinyl Heart a UK compilation of 17 songs from the first two Australian albums, plus an extra track, released by Biff Bang Pow"

      Still groovin' on the band name, I mean, us garageheads have gotta dig that...

      Must be incredibly hard to be from Adelaide and play garage... Just glad there's a few bands here that live in the garage, at least some of the time.

      Catchy tune that... dun dun dundun.... da dun dun dundun. 8-)

      And when their song says Brown House in Stepney, they don't mean London.


    • November 26, 2012 7:39 AM CST
    • Yeah, I missed half a convo on ThreeD Radio Adelaide (dunchya hate that) about this band and some of the shows people had been to. Not much info recently except they're recording... And I missed them at the Grace Emily while I was in Yankland. That would be right.

      Here's the poop from FU-Book: "Four men, a guitar, a bass, some drums, some organ and some vocals, Green Circles have released three albums in Australia- Get on the outside of this released by Sexy Diablo in 2001, followed by Brass knobs, bevelled edges (and in 23 different positions) in 2003 and Tavistock Street (2008) - both released by the wonderful Off the Hip Records. Early 2006 saw the release of the album Black Vinyl Heart a UK compilation of 17 songs from the first two Australian albums, plus an extra track, released by Biff Bang Pow"

      Still groovin' on the band name, I mean, us garageheads have gotta dig that...

      Must be incredibly hard to be from Adelaide and play garage... Just glad there's a few bands here that live in the garage, at least some of the time.

      Catchy tune that... dun dun dundun.... da dun dun dundun. 8-)

      And when their song says Brown House in Stepney, they don't mean London.

      IDON MINE said:

      Dito to that. I also like how straight forward it is. MEL: Nice find!

      John Battles said:

      I like the reference too.....Someone was saying how underappreciated The Small Faces are , today. I'D SAY IT'S DEAD ON GARAGE , the tremolo/fuzz sound is ace. It's melodic , some harmonies , no singing thru the nose , so , maybe it's part Power Pop , part Garage.

    • November 26, 2012 7:09 AM CST
    • ...OKey it's not a straight instro, so ...natch.

      IDON MINE said:

      My faves are when they burst into classic style fast and tough punk instrumentals like this:

    • November 26, 2012 7:08 AM CST
    • I found out about SWEARIN' from Brooklyn today (told to come from a band of Twin sisters I hadn't heard of). Their album swings from twangy melodic songs to the noisier side of the new Brooklyn sound. Which I can't always get into, but here it just clicks for me. I like their rather recent album, see here --->

      My faves are when they burst into classic style fast and tough punk instrumentals like this:

    • November 26, 2012 6:59 AM CST
    • I like the repetitive lyrics thing: "They wanna take meeeee..." eery.

      Andy Climax said:

       Discovered today!

    • November 26, 2012 6:56 AM CST
    • Yep, I was surprised that his voice has quite the rusty tone to it, let's see and hope he can keep that and not be "cleaned" too much in later recordings. I'm not too crazy on the folk side but I like this ok.

      First listen gives me the obvious Zimmerman feel, maybe it makes me recall Joe South a bit? It's fine for a guy that goes on tour with a oasis brother (no hate there, hyuk), I'd take this kid over their stuff any day. But that's just my snob ass.

      John Battles said:

      Bugg is doing , or just did , a very low key US tour , as his record is'nt out here , yet , and being that he's underage (He might be 18. Makes no difference.), they can't advertise his club dates . I know he was supposed to play here , don't know if that happened....He's expected to be very big by this time , next year.....I'll level , I'm not crazy about it , but , it's good for what it is.

    • November 26, 2012 6:49 AM CST
    • Dito to that. I also like how straight forward it is. MEL: Nice find!

      John Battles said:

      I like the reference too.....Someone was saying how underappreciated The Small Faces are , today. I'D SAY IT'S DEAD ON GARAGE , the tremolo/fuzz sound is ace. It's melodic , some harmonies , no singing thru the nose , so , maybe it's part Power Pop , part Garage.

    • November 26, 2012 6:28 AM CST
    • Discovered today!

      Jake Bugg's out on tour with Noel Gallacher (Oasis) just now, and getting a hell'ova time. Loved one minute, slated the next. The problem here is indeed age and the music he's doing. Like there's an age limit on writing folk and blues??? The critics over here need to 'get a fucking grip!' He still has the difficult 2nd album to go through. The critically acclamed 3rd. The being seen out with Scarlett Johannsen rumours, the first solo tour, the last tour, the 'well we thought the last tour was my last tour' gigs all to go with yet. Give the guy some space to develop for fuck sake! If age has any bearing then i have 2 words to say.... 'Arctic Monkeys' Still throwin out classic Rock'n'Roll and started at the tender age of 16

    • November 25, 2012 7:02 PM CST
    • Bugg is doing , or just did , a very low key US tour , as his record is'nt out here , yet , and being that he's underage (He might be 18. Makes no difference.), they can't advertise his club dates . I know he was supposed to play here , don't know if that happened....He's expected to be very big by this time , next year.....I'll level , I'm not crazy about it , but , it's good for what it is.

    • November 25, 2012 6:59 PM CST
    • I like the reference too.....Someone was saying how underappreciated The Small Faces are , today. I'D SAY IT'S DEAD ON GARAGE , the tremolo/fuzz sound is ace. It's melodic , some harmonies , no singing thru the nose , so , maybe it's part Power Pop , part Garage.

    • November 25, 2012 6:35 PM CST
    • Cool, a Hideout Discovery Thread... m'kay, I'll bite... 

      The Green Circles...

      A little bit o' power pop from Adelaide... I like the reference in the band name...

    • November 26, 2012 3:13 PM CST
    • Idon Mine ....You're right , Doctors have been known to write off a collection of conditions as being Schizophrenia, all there in black and white. It has'nt been proven that Roky has Schizophrenia, nor has it been proven that he does'nt....It's more difficult to diagnose than people seem to think. The point is , as you said , Roky is going from strength to strength , today , detractors be damned (Most likely.). And , we are seeing what would have been deemed impossible only 10 years ago , in all it's glory.

    • November 26, 2012 3:02 PM CST
    •  I would'nt say that the headbutting thing had anything to do with exacerbating his Schizophrenia , Chris , but , it's a good question. What I disagreed with was the fact that he'd go around head - butting total strangers. I would'nt want to get head - butted by a guy one - third his size , but , that's just me. Some people wanted to be head - butted , that's all good and well. But he seemed unable , or too uncaring , to differentiate between the two. I think he mainly got kicked out of clubs because he intimidated paying customers , when it's extremely unlikely that he ever had to pay for anything at venues where he was known , at least. I once saw him try to pay for a burrito at a taqueria with one of his CDs. Someone told him , Wesley , that won't fly here , you HAVE to pay the guy. I could'nt help but notice when he opened his wallet , right in front of me  . There must have been about a hundred to two hundred dollars within , and he was trying to barter with a man that did'nt speak English , nor know of his local celebrity.   The other thing , I would imagine , is , well , his hygeine issues are well - documented , I don't need to go there.

      The first time I saw him have an episode (And this was after I'd seen him in passing for years , and did'nt know he heard voices.) he was screaming that he had a gun and a knife , and he was going to kill somebody.

       I think all the hipsters knew the score , but , hey , I did'nt. I did'nt think he was really armed , but , he sounded like something out of "Scared Straight". He used intimidation with people to try to get them to by his CDs. I saw him practically crush a woman's arm , one time , yelling "BUY MY CD !!", and she was even apologetic  about it , saying she just did'nt have the money..... I never saw the charming sweetheart that people always said he was , but, I'll say this , when he got on meds , he did seem like he was doing better. I don't know if he stayed on them , later on.   I don't know. I , personally , never had a bad run - in with him , but , i DID'NT GET IT WITH HIM , EITHER . He had some funny songs , just not , in my opinion , funny or interesting enough for me to consider purchasing. He had some hilarious catch phrases , too. But Chicago is full of what JAMES PORTER DUBBED "R'n'B ECCENTRICS". i'LL TAKE LORD OF LIGHTNING , BIG DOO - WOPPER AND EVEN SHARKULA OVER WESLEY , GOD REST HIS SOUL , JUST THE SAME.

      Roky Erickson , of course , was also diagnosed with Schizophrenia (That diagnosis was later put to question.). Schizoprenia , of course , is incurable and is not the fault of those who have it. The big difference , here , though , is that Roky is a musical genius.

      Chris Henniker said:

      He greeted people with a headbutt, but I wonder whether this exacerbated his Schizophrenia. He harangued his audience with insults, which is why he got kicked out, but didn't he try and control his outbursts?

      IDON MINE said:

      Various reasons I think. He could be quite vocal at times and coming from his illness, could burst into fits, that he sometimes wasn't able to control. Beyond being a charming guy, in his own way. Wes was just an intense fella.

      Also as you sure have heard, his favorite way to say "hi" was to headbutt you (and all kinds of objects, he liked or didn't), hence the mark on his forehead. But John can sure tell more, being local and all.

      Chris Henniker said:

      Why was he thrown out of venues? He wasn't like GG Allin.

      John Battles said:

      The Hipsters in Chicago DID devour Wesley , so to speak. But , I think his following was on the wane , and , as noted earlier , I'd been told , by an employee at one of the few places that still admitted him , that every other club in town had banned him , probably meaning every club that , up to that point , he frequented. I used to see him around , with his drawing pad , before he made his way into the Rock club scene , and when he still had an afro. I was'nt even aware that he was mentally ill. He seemed about as low - key as a person his size could probably be. I don't know when he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia , but , many people who are , turn out to be misdiagnosed , they may have something similar , but not always the same thing.
      IDON MINE said:

      Oh yeah, Wes is the thing! Coming to think of it:

      I can only imagine that he would have been eaten up by the new "performance art show" crowd of nowadays, for his, uhm, all natural looking "act." Only to headbutt them  for a hello, haha!

      Chris Henniker said:

      Anyone like Wesley Willis? A true outsider musician if there ever was one, who was so bad, he was great.

    • November 26, 2012 12:46 PM CST
    • He greeted people with a headbutt, but I wonder whether this exacerbated his Schizophrenia. He harangued his audience with insults, which is why he got kicked out, but didn't he try and control his outbursts?

      IDON MINE said:

      Various reasons I think. He could be quite vocal at times and coming from his illness, could burst into fits, that he sometimes wasn't able to control. Beyond being a charming guy, in his own way. Wes was just an intense fella.

      Also as you sure have heard, his favorite way to say "hi" was to headbutt you (and all kinds of objects, he liked or didn't), hence the mark on his forehead. But John can sure tell more, being local and all.

      Chris Henniker said:

      Why was he thrown out of venues? He wasn't like GG Allin.

      John Battles said:

      The Hipsters in Chicago DID devour Wesley , so to speak. But , I think his following was on the wane , and , as noted earlier , I'd been told , by an employee at one of the few places that still admitted him , that every other club in town had banned him , probably meaning every club that , up to that point , he frequented. I used to see him around , with his drawing pad , before he made his way into the Rock club scene , and when he still had an afro. I was'nt even aware that he was mentally ill. He seemed about as low - key as a person his size could probably be. I don't know when he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia , but , many people who are , turn out to be misdiagnosed , they may have something similar , but not always the same thing.
      IDON MINE said:

      Oh yeah, Wes is the thing! Coming to think of it:

      I can only imagine that he would have been eaten up by the new "performance art show" crowd of nowadays, for his, uhm, all natural looking "act." Only to headbutt them  for a hello, haha!

      Chris Henniker said:

      Anyone like Wesley Willis? A true outsider musician if there ever was one, who was so bad, he was great.

    • November 26, 2012 7:25 AM CST
    • Various reasons I think. He could be quite vocal at times and coming from his illness, could burst into fits, that he sometimes wasn't able to control. Beyond being a charming guy, in his own way. Wes was just an intense fella.

      Also as you sure have heard, his favorite way to say "hi" was to headbutt you (and all kinds of objects, he liked or didn't), hence the mark on his forehead. But John can sure tell more, being local and all.

      Chris Henniker said:

      Why was he thrown out of venues? He wasn't like GG Allin.

      John Battles said:

      The Hipsters in Chicago DID devour Wesley , so to speak. But , I think his following was on the wane , and , as noted earlier , I'd been told , by an employee at one of the few places that still admitted him , that every other club in town had banned him , probably meaning every club that , up to that point , he frequented. I used to see him around , with his drawing pad , before he made his way into the Rock club scene , and when he still had an afro. I was'nt even aware that he was mentally ill. He seemed about as low - key as a person his size could probably be. I don't know when he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia , but , many people who are , turn out to be misdiagnosed , they may have something similar , but not always the same thing.
      IDON MINE said:

      Oh yeah, Wes is the thing! Coming to think of it:

      I can only imagine that he would have been eaten up by the new "performance art show" crowd of nowadays, for his, uhm, all natural looking "act." Only to headbutt them  for a hello, haha!

      Chris Henniker said:

      Anyone like Wesley Willis? A true outsider musician if there ever was one, who was so bad, he was great.

    • November 26, 2012 7:20 AM CST
    • Darn, I always forget that you're from Chicago John!

      Yeah, the Schiz has a history of being the "easy way out" for doctors when a group of mental  illnesses surface, or just don't surface enough to give them a good enough idea. It's awful when that strong medication goes all the wrong way i.e. has no sickness to hit.

      Speaking of misdiagnosed: My least favourite "story" is the way Roky was treated on base of that joint. It was a long way off for him, but he sure showed those shits was he was able to do all those years later. Not that they care I think...

      OK, I'll stay ON topic now.

      John Battles said:

      The Hipsters in Chicago DID devour Wesley , so to speak. But , I think his following was on the wane , and , as noted earlier , I'd been told , by an employee at one of the few places that still admitted him , that every other club in town had banned him , probably meaning every club that , up to that point , he frequented. I used to see him around , with his drawing pad , before he made his way into the Rock club scene , and when he still had an afro. I was'nt even aware that he was mentally ill. He seemed about as low - key as a person his size could probably be. I don't know when he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia , but , many people who are , turn out to be misdiagnosed , they may have something similar , but not always the same thing.
      IDON MINE said:

      Oh yeah, Wes is the thing! Coming to think of it:

      I can only imagine that he would have been eaten up by the new "performance art show" crowd of nowadays, for his, uhm, all natural looking "act." Only to headbutt them  for a hello, haha!

      Chris Henniker said:

      Anyone like Wesley Willis? A true outsider musician if there ever was one, who was so bad, he was great.

    • November 26, 2012 12:34 PM CST
    • That's quite sad. One off the best comic song writers no longer has a sense of humour. It's so ironic, I have to laugh.

      Grazianohmygod said:

      I really love "The Queen is Dead" and many of their other singles. Some good jangly stuff in there.

      But I find it fascinating that someone who wrote so many funny songs has absolutely no sense of humor anymore.

    • November 26, 2012 12:26 PM CST
    • I really love "The Queen is Dead" and many of their other singles. Some good jangly stuff in there.

      But I find it fascinating that someone who wrote so many funny songs has absolutely no sense of humor anymore.

    • November 26, 2012 10:20 AM CST
    • Man, so many... Oblivians, Billy Childish, Davy Allen, etc etc etc. Largely because I couldn't "get anyone to go with me"... and too lazy to go by myself.

      Joe Strummer came to Philly around Thanksgiving and I was too "busy" to go. Regret it to this day. 

    • November 26, 2012 7:35 AM CST
    • The JSBX ...twice in one year! Just a one day delay in traveling and it's: "No show for you sir!"

    • November 25, 2012 8:58 PM CST
    • What station are you on, Tommy?

      $10.95/mo. sounds like a pretty decent deal.

      Tommy Unit said:

      you can get a 50 listener Shoutcast server (128 Kbps and a 24/7 auto DJ) for $10.95 per month here.

      We use it for the station where I broadcast LIVE, every Tuesday night!

    • November 25, 2012 6:47 PM CST
    • REALLY? NEVER HEARD ABOUT THAT.....Of course , McCartney's real Supergroup was the band on "Run , Devil , Run " and the "Live at The Cavern " DVD - Mick Green , Ian Paice and David Gilmour.....YEAH , THAT'S WHAT I WAS ON ABOUT , WHAT'S NOW CALLED "THE LOST WEEKEND".   Did'nt know about Crystal DEATH going back that far....I knew a guy that just seemed to know a little too much about street drugs and their origins. The only thing he did'nt know , sadly , was how to survive them. 

    • November 25, 2012 6:30 PM CST
    • Crystal Meth goes back to WW1, from what I've heard. I've heard about "The Lost Weekend", when Lennon went out for a year & got pissed. Shame he never got a supergroup going. Even Paul McCartney has one with people from Killing Joke.

      John Battles said:

      Yeah , it was'nt generally known that "Cold Turkey" was autobiographical for years. I don't think he was into it for that long , but , everyone knows he relocated to L.A. , upon his separation from Yoko , and began drinking heavily with his buds , The Hollywood Vampires -Keith Moon , Mickey Dolenz , Alice Cooper , Ringo Starr and Harry Nilsson , playing Baseball on the side , when they could have formed a band .

      I don't know about Lennon being a secret Republican , but, I've heard that , too. Nixon took him a LOT more seriously (As a threat.) than he did Elvis (As a potential ally.).

      The closest thing to a Hollywood Vampires band  was probably the makeshift band in Nilsson's "Son of Dracula"( Nilsson with Moon , Bonham , Frampton , and others.).

      Did crystal meth even exist in the late 60's? I guess it did , but amphetamine tablets, and other stimulants , were still readily available , on the street , or from pharmacies.
      Chris Henniker said:

      I heard rumours that Lennon was a secret Republican, which really is weird and hypocritical. I never knew he was an nascent smackhead, slagged off the NY Dolls as "faggots" and acted like "Whispering" Bob Harris in the process. JUst as well it wasn't crystal meth he was getting addicted to, he would have really ruined it for everyone. 

      John Battles said:

      That's the Hell of it , though. Some people were probably thinking "What's a Millionaire Rock Star doing , getting political on us?" ,when there's no way they could have known , LENNON WAS DESCENDING INTO HEROIN ADDICTION , AND ALLEN KLEIN WAS SIPHONING NEARLY EVERY LAST RED CENT HE OWNED.....Of course (Apple Recording Artists) Badfinger's story was the most tragic of it's time.....Lennon claimed to get it with Glam Rock , telling David Bowie , "It's just Rock'n'Roll with makeup" , then, doing a Bob Harris and calling The New York Dolls "Faggots".  David Johansen let him have it ,with both barrells , " You know that song of his , "Gimme Some Truth'',  where he says , "No short haired yellow bellied son of Tricky Dickie..." , well , he's acting just like Tricky Dickie , as far as I can see!". 

      Would Lennon have benefitted from seeing what has happening at CBGB's , Hurrah , Mudd Club , ETC.? Let's ask Keef - "We tried to find John Lennon and get him back into the scene. I MEAN , WHAT THE FUCK IS LENNON DOING , FARMING COWS IN UPSTATE NEW YORK ?!".
      Andy Climax said:

      Its an amazing track from their debut album. I saw them Support Mudhoney last year and they totally blew me away. Check'em out. John Lennon and his love ins, bed in's etc. A wonderful period of social upheaval and musical diversity the 60's. Y'gotta love it!
      Tersicore said:

      The story of those Pirate Radios in Britain belongs to the most fascinating in all Radio History to me. I wish i could have heard at one...

      Like a lot the song you´ve posted!

      Lennonesque love? :D

      Andy Climax said:

      get a room you lot, haha. Is this a Lennonesque love in here??? In Britain, we had Pirate radio. All the jocks who were anyone in the 60's and 70's cut their teeth there. A boat would be just out of British waters and have international clearance. If you were in the know, you knew the frequencies to listen on. The reception was sketchy at times and sometimes you would have half a record and half fuzz and interference, but we listened. Radio Luxembourg being a particular fave of mine. Then wonderful Auntie Beeb (BBC) thought lets get 'em on board (pardon the pun) and Radio One was born. Then you had Peel or Whisperin' Bob Harris (A total fanny). Peel won by a country mile. After what Harris said live on telly about the Dolls he became an even larger fanny or dare i say it 'A C**T! Peel played everything from Krautrack to Pyche to power pop and everything in between. Admittedly he played some absolute shite but for every show, i would always have a notebook and at least 15 new bands to check out. This was before the internet and downloading, of course, which meant a bus journey to town and a trip to ma fave record shops, Groucho's (stiil living) and Rockpile (now very sadly defunct). Them was the days. Now i can hear a band and within 10 minutes know their entire history, who they've slept with and favourite chocolate bar, and have their entire back catalogue at the push of an 'enter' button. It's taken the whole personality out of music collecting. The days when collecting meant physically speaking face to face with someone. I miss those days, but dem's da breaks. Peel's death was a national catastrophe and even if you think the last 10 were pants it was still better than watchin fuckin' MTV, let's face it. I'm gonna come down off ma soapbox now and get back to 'Rock'n'Roll Radio.' Keep it real and keep it live!