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    • November 24, 2012 7:31 PM CST
    • No sweat. I just can't resist opening the ol' jpegs. lol

    • November 24, 2012 7:21 PM CST
    • Thanx!  (I´m slooooooow sometimes;)

    • November 24, 2012 6:51 PM CST
    • It's

      I found it in the second of the two jpegs.

      Tersicore said:

      Yes, what's the link to vote?

      kopper said:

      What's the link to vote? Sorry, John, I'll have to vote for my boys, the Nevermores, though. Their record is on my label, after all. ;)

      Stanton Woods said:

      Good luck with the contest. I voted for your band. I have to admit though, that's a pretty lousy list of songs and bands you are up against.

    • November 24, 2012 6:33 PM CST
    • Yes, what's the link to vote?

      kopper said:

      What's the link to vote? Sorry, John, I'll have to vote for my boys, the Nevermores, though. Their record is on my label, after all. ;)

      Stanton Woods said:

      Good luck with the contest. I voted for your band. I have to admit though, that's a pretty lousy list of songs and bands you are up against.

    • November 24, 2012 2:29 PM CST
    • I checked it out, and cast my vote for KKBB, but I stand with the rest of the crowd in wondering what's up with Little Steven. Aerosmith, Springsteen, Ringo? WTF? None of them, nor ol' Joe Walsh has been anything resembling garage in decades, if ever!

    • November 24, 2012 11:53 AM CST
    • What's the link to vote? Sorry, John, I'll have to vote for my boys, the Nevermores, though. Their record is on my label, after all. ;)

      Stanton Woods said:

      Good luck with the contest. I voted for your band. I have to admit though, that's a pretty lousy list of songs and bands you are up against.

    • November 24, 2012 7:15 PM CST
    • The story of those Pirate Radios in Britain belongs to the most fascinating in all Radio History to me. I wish i could have heard at one...

      Like a lot the song you´ve posted!

      Lennonesque love? :D

      Andy Climax said:

      get a room you lot, haha. Is this a Lennonesque love in here??? In Britain, we had Pirate radio. All the jocks who were anyone in the 60's and 70's cut their teeth there. A boat would be just out of British waters and have international clearance. If you were in the know, you knew the frequencies to listen on. The reception was sketchy at times and sometimes you would have half a record and half fuzz and interference, but we listened. Radio Luxembourg being a particular fave of mine. Then wonderful Auntie Beeb (BBC) thought lets get 'em on board (pardon the pun) and Radio One was born. Then you had Peel or Whisperin' Bob Harris (A total fanny). Peel won by a country mile. After what Harris said live on telly about the Dolls he became an even larger fanny or dare i say it 'A C**T! Peel played everything from Krautrack to Pyche to power pop and everything in between. Admittedly he played some absolute shite but for every show, i would always have a notebook and at least 15 new bands to check out. This was before the internet and downloading, of course, which meant a bus journey to town and a trip to ma fave record shops, Groucho's (stiil living) and Rockpile (now very sadly defunct). Them was the days. Now i can hear a band and within 10 minutes know their entire history, who they've slept with and favourite chocolate bar, and have their entire back catalogue at the push of an 'enter' button. It's taken the whole personality out of music collecting. The days when collecting meant physically speaking face to face with someone. I miss those days, but dem's da breaks. Peel's death was a national catastrophe and even if you think the last 10 were pants it was still better than watchin fuckin' MTV, let's face it. I'm gonna come down off ma soapbox now and get back to 'Rock'n'Roll Radio.' Keep it real and keep it live!

    • November 24, 2012 10:22 AM CST
    • get a room you lot, haha. Is this a Lennonesque love in here??? In Britain, we had Pirate radio. All the jocks who were anyone in the 60's and 70's cut their teeth there. A boat would be just out of British waters and have international clearance. If you were in the know, you knew the frequencies to listen on. The reception was sketchy at times and sometimes you would have half a record and half fuzz and interference, but we listened. Radio Luxembourg being a particular fave of mine. Then wonderful Auntie Beeb (BBC) thought lets get 'em on board (pardon the pun) and Radio One was born. Then you had Peel or Whisperin' Bob Harris (A total fanny). Peel won by a country mile. After what Harris said live on telly about the Dolls he became an even larger fanny or dare i say it 'A C**T! Peel played everything from Krautrack to Pyche to power pop and everything in between. Admittedly he played some absolute shite but for every show, i would always have a notebook and at least 15 new bands to check out. This was before the internet and downloading, of course, which meant a bus journey to town and a trip to ma fave record shops, Groucho's (stiil living) and Rockpile (now very sadly defunct). Them was the days. Now i can hear a band and within 10 minutes know their entire history, who they've slept with and favourite chocolate bar, and have their entire back catalogue at the push of an 'enter' button. It's taken the whole personality out of music collecting. The days when collecting meant physically speaking face to face with someone. I miss those days, but dem's da breaks. Peel's death was a national catastrophe and even if you think the last 10 were pants it was still better than watchin fuckin' MTV, let's face it. I'm gonna come down off ma soapbox now and get back to 'Rock'n'Roll Radio.' Keep it real and keep it live!

    • November 24, 2012 10:09 AM CST
    • WFMU's Rock & Soul Ichiban is my favorite when I'm not tuning in the latest podcasts on GaragePunk Pirate Radio, natch. We have a Grace Digital wifi radio in our dining room and have it on constantly!

      I also listen to a lot of KDHX here in St. Louis. It's the local community radio station with all sorts of different shows from classic country & western to rhythm & blues to punk/indie/rock'n'roll. It's also where I used to host my show, The Wayback Machine.

    • November 24, 2012 3:19 PM CST
    • How weird is that?? Just turned the TV on and a programme came on about Hattie Jacques and fuck me who comes on to talk about her but Anita "bath time toy' Harris! Haven't seen her for years! She probably sang to them JB, a popular chant from the time was the very un-pc 'your'e going home like Sandy Richardson!' or 'your'e going home in a fucking ambulance!' .

      I wonder if first in the queue was Colin Bell(end)?

      John Battles said:

      Boy , you would'nt say that about Manchester United , today , would you, or YOU'RE - GON -NA GET YOU FUCK- IN- HEAD - KICKED - IN !!!! Did they have to wave scarves around during sex , I wonder?

    • November 24, 2012 3:05 PM CST
    • Marta claimed to not believe in any kind of afterlife, but I can't shake the feeling that she'd come back and slap the crap outta me if I didn't find things to laugh about. When we were separated, she'd send me the longest most hilarious letters about what the kidz were up to. The funniest ones were about shit like "Well, Ian managed to totally destroy the dryer with a little green army-man..."

      John Battles said:

      Things like that happen.....I always tell people , you WILL find something about this to make you laugh. They'll be there to remind you. Its leading up to that point that's the hard part. I only recently learned there still IS a Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.

      Kirk Teeters said:

      She'd have found it totally appropriate. I had expected at least one of the kids to give me a hard time about it, but they all thought that she'd have wanted it that way. And many's the time we laughed because her grandma missed her own funeral, because UPS didn't deliver the urn on time. Which grandma, in turn would have thought was hilarious.

      John Battles said:


      Kirk Teeters said:

      I'd forgotten about the smoking the ashes bit! lol

      On the other hand, I keep my late wife's ashes in a Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill bottle, so what  the hell do I know?

      John Battles said:

      BTW , We forgot the greatest rumor in recent Rock'n'Roll history.....Keith Richard smoking his Dad's ashes. He even had the press believing it , momentarily.
      John Battles said:

      It may be , that it goes back that far....Or it could , still , be a variation on the story of a Football team pulling a train on Louise Brooks......WITH her consent.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      I heard a few years ago, maybe from a Marc Almond interview, that he heard the story originated in the 50s about a (head?) cheerleader and a football team that she had been 'good' to. Maybe Rods publicist was re-cycling as well?

      Kirk Teeters said:

      I didn't care for Rod when I first heard him, cause he was doing 'disco-shit' like "Do ya Think I'm Sexy". It wasn't til later when I heard stuff like "Maggie May" and "the First Cut is the Deepest" that I appreciated his voice. And, no, I don't blame him for being pissed about the rumors. I got called a variety of nicknames in school because I was "all into that pansy-ass art stuff". LOL And, just like Rod, I was ALL about the women.

      John Battles said:

      It's so true. I have no particular admiration for Marc Almond , but , not knowing what it's like to be Gay , or someone in the public eye, I still know rumors can be really damaging. I don't think the original rumor did Rod Stewart any damage , but , who could blame him for being pissed off ? It took me YEARS to appreciate his singing at all , but , I knew , centuries ago , that he was all about women , just as women were all about him.   
      Kirk Teeters said:

      It really is interesting, from a sociological point of view. Now that we have the internet, these things can spread even faster (and in some cases be 'debunked' faster as well.) But rumors have spread faster than the speed of thought probably since the beginning of time.

      John Battles said:

        If it happened , it would have been difficult for the press not to have a field day with it , and , by that I mean a few REAL newspapers , not The Sun , The Star or our own National Enquirer , Examiner , etc. Unless (Understandably) , Almond paid a lot of people off to be quiet.
      Nero said:

      I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 24, 2012 2:40 PM CST
    • Boy , you would'nt say that about Manchester United , today , would you, or YOU'RE - GON -NA GET YOU FUCK- IN- HEAD - KICKED - IN !!!! Did they have to wave scarves around during sex , I wonder?

    • November 24, 2012 8:47 AM CST
    • Could be JB, there was a story in the 70s along a similar vein about Anita Harris(mainstay on crap 70s tv shows) and the entire Manchester City football team. This was in the days when the whole team shared a bath and, allegedly, a whole lot more!

      John Battles said:

      It may be , that it goes back that far....Or it could , still , be a variation on the story of a Football team pulling a train on Louise Brooks......WITH her consent.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      I heard a few years ago, maybe from a Marc Almond interview, that he heard the story originated in the 50s about a (head?) cheerleader and a football team that she had been 'good' to. Maybe Rods publicist was re-cycling as well?

      Kirk Teeters said:

      I didn't care for Rod when I first heard him, cause he was doing 'disco-shit' like "Do ya Think I'm Sexy". It wasn't til later when I heard stuff like "Maggie May" and "the First Cut is the Deepest" that I appreciated his voice. And, no, I don't blame him for being pissed about the rumors. I got called a variety of nicknames in school because I was "all into that pansy-ass art stuff". LOL And, just like Rod, I was ALL about the women.

      John Battles said:

      It's so true. I have no particular admiration for Marc Almond , but , not knowing what it's like to be Gay , or someone in the public eye, I still know rumors can be really damaging. I don't think the original rumor did Rod Stewart any damage , but , who could blame him for being pissed off ? It took me YEARS to appreciate his singing at all , but , I knew , centuries ago , that he was all about women , just as women were all about him.   
      Kirk Teeters said:

      It really is interesting, from a sociological point of view. Now that we have the internet, these things can spread even faster (and in some cases be 'debunked' faster as well.) But rumors have spread faster than the speed of thought probably since the beginning of time.

      John Battles said:

        If it happened , it would have been difficult for the press not to have a field day with it , and , by that I mean a few REAL newspapers , not The Sun , The Star or our own National Enquirer , Examiner , etc. Unless (Understandably) , Almond paid a lot of people off to be quiet.
      Nero said:

      I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 23, 2012 11:40 PM CST
    • Things like that happen.....I always tell people , you WILL find something about this to make you laugh. They'll be there to remind you. Its leading up to that point that's the hard part. I only recently learned there still IS a Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.

      Kirk Teeters said:

      She'd have found it totally appropriate. I had expected at least one of the kids to give me a hard time about it, but they all thought that she'd have wanted it that way. And many's the time we laughed because her grandma missed her own funeral, because UPS didn't deliver the urn on time. Which grandma, in turn would have thought was hilarious.

      John Battles said:


      Kirk Teeters said:

      I'd forgotten about the smoking the ashes bit! lol

      On the other hand, I keep my late wife's ashes in a Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill bottle, so what  the hell do I know?

      John Battles said:

      BTW , We forgot the greatest rumor in recent Rock'n'Roll history.....Keith Richard smoking his Dad's ashes. He even had the press believing it , momentarily.
      John Battles said:

      It may be , that it goes back that far....Or it could , still , be a variation on the story of a Football team pulling a train on Louise Brooks......WITH her consent.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      I heard a few years ago, maybe from a Marc Almond interview, that he heard the story originated in the 50s about a (head?) cheerleader and a football team that she had been 'good' to. Maybe Rods publicist was re-cycling as well?

      Kirk Teeters said:

      I didn't care for Rod when I first heard him, cause he was doing 'disco-shit' like "Do ya Think I'm Sexy". It wasn't til later when I heard stuff like "Maggie May" and "the First Cut is the Deepest" that I appreciated his voice. And, no, I don't blame him for being pissed about the rumors. I got called a variety of nicknames in school because I was "all into that pansy-ass art stuff". LOL And, just like Rod, I was ALL about the women.

      John Battles said:

      It's so true. I have no particular admiration for Marc Almond , but , not knowing what it's like to be Gay , or someone in the public eye, I still know rumors can be really damaging. I don't think the original rumor did Rod Stewart any damage , but , who could blame him for being pissed off ? It took me YEARS to appreciate his singing at all , but , I knew , centuries ago , that he was all about women , just as women were all about him.   
      Kirk Teeters said:

      It really is interesting, from a sociological point of view. Now that we have the internet, these things can spread even faster (and in some cases be 'debunked' faster as well.) But rumors have spread faster than the speed of thought probably since the beginning of time.

      John Battles said:

        If it happened , it would have been difficult for the press not to have a field day with it , and , by that I mean a few REAL newspapers , not The Sun , The Star or our own National Enquirer , Examiner , etc. Unless (Understandably) , Almond paid a lot of people off to be quiet.
      Nero said:

      I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 23, 2012 10:35 PM CST
    • She'd have found it totally appropriate. I had expected at least one of the kids to give me a hard time about it, but they all thought that she'd have wanted it that way. And many's the time we laughed because her grandma missed her own funeral, because UPS didn't deliver the urn on time. Which grandma, in turn would have thought was hilarious.

      John Battles said:


      Kirk Teeters said:

      I'd forgotten about the smoking the ashes bit! lol

      On the other hand, I keep my late wife's ashes in a Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill bottle, so what  the hell do I know?

      John Battles said:

      BTW , We forgot the greatest rumor in recent Rock'n'Roll history.....Keith Richard smoking his Dad's ashes. He even had the press believing it , momentarily.
      John Battles said:

      It may be , that it goes back that far....Or it could , still , be a variation on the story of a Football team pulling a train on Louise Brooks......WITH her consent.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      I heard a few years ago, maybe from a Marc Almond interview, that he heard the story originated in the 50s about a (head?) cheerleader and a football team that she had been 'good' to. Maybe Rods publicist was re-cycling as well?

      Kirk Teeters said:

      I didn't care for Rod when I first heard him, cause he was doing 'disco-shit' like "Do ya Think I'm Sexy". It wasn't til later when I heard stuff like "Maggie May" and "the First Cut is the Deepest" that I appreciated his voice. And, no, I don't blame him for being pissed about the rumors. I got called a variety of nicknames in school because I was "all into that pansy-ass art stuff". LOL And, just like Rod, I was ALL about the women.

      John Battles said:

      It's so true. I have no particular admiration for Marc Almond , but , not knowing what it's like to be Gay , or someone in the public eye, I still know rumors can be really damaging. I don't think the original rumor did Rod Stewart any damage , but , who could blame him for being pissed off ? It took me YEARS to appreciate his singing at all , but , I knew , centuries ago , that he was all about women , just as women were all about him.   
      Kirk Teeters said:

      It really is interesting, from a sociological point of view. Now that we have the internet, these things can spread even faster (and in some cases be 'debunked' faster as well.) But rumors have spread faster than the speed of thought probably since the beginning of time.

      John Battles said:

        If it happened , it would have been difficult for the press not to have a field day with it , and , by that I mean a few REAL newspapers , not The Sun , The Star or our own National Enquirer , Examiner , etc. Unless (Understandably) , Almond paid a lot of people off to be quiet.
      Nero said:

      I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 23, 2012 10:27 PM CST

      Kirk Teeters said:

      I'd forgotten about the smoking the ashes bit! lol

      On the other hand, I keep my late wife's ashes in a Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill bottle, so what  the hell do I know?

      John Battles said:

      BTW , We forgot the greatest rumor in recent Rock'n'Roll history.....Keith Richard smoking his Dad's ashes. He even had the press believing it , momentarily.
      John Battles said:

      It may be , that it goes back that far....Or it could , still , be a variation on the story of a Football team pulling a train on Louise Brooks......WITH her consent.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      I heard a few years ago, maybe from a Marc Almond interview, that he heard the story originated in the 50s about a (head?) cheerleader and a football team that she had been 'good' to. Maybe Rods publicist was re-cycling as well?

      Kirk Teeters said:

      I didn't care for Rod when I first heard him, cause he was doing 'disco-shit' like "Do ya Think I'm Sexy". It wasn't til later when I heard stuff like "Maggie May" and "the First Cut is the Deepest" that I appreciated his voice. And, no, I don't blame him for being pissed about the rumors. I got called a variety of nicknames in school because I was "all into that pansy-ass art stuff". LOL And, just like Rod, I was ALL about the women.

      John Battles said:

      It's so true. I have no particular admiration for Marc Almond , but , not knowing what it's like to be Gay , or someone in the public eye, I still know rumors can be really damaging. I don't think the original rumor did Rod Stewart any damage , but , who could blame him for being pissed off ? It took me YEARS to appreciate his singing at all , but , I knew , centuries ago , that he was all about women , just as women were all about him.   
      Kirk Teeters said:

      It really is interesting, from a sociological point of view. Now that we have the internet, these things can spread even faster (and in some cases be 'debunked' faster as well.) But rumors have spread faster than the speed of thought probably since the beginning of time.

      John Battles said:

        If it happened , it would have been difficult for the press not to have a field day with it , and , by that I mean a few REAL newspapers , not The Sun , The Star or our own National Enquirer , Examiner , etc. Unless (Understandably) , Almond paid a lot of people off to be quiet.
      Nero said:

      I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 23, 2012 10:11 PM CST
    • I'd forgotten about the smoking the ashes bit! lol

      On the other hand, I keep my late wife's ashes in a Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill bottle, so what  the hell do I know?

      John Battles said:

      BTW , We forgot the greatest rumor in recent Rock'n'Roll history.....Keith Richard smoking his Dad's ashes. He even had the press believing it , momentarily.
      John Battles said:

      It may be , that it goes back that far....Or it could , still , be a variation on the story of a Football team pulling a train on Louise Brooks......WITH her consent.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      I heard a few years ago, maybe from a Marc Almond interview, that he heard the story originated in the 50s about a (head?) cheerleader and a football team that she had been 'good' to. Maybe Rods publicist was re-cycling as well?

      Kirk Teeters said:

      I didn't care for Rod when I first heard him, cause he was doing 'disco-shit' like "Do ya Think I'm Sexy". It wasn't til later when I heard stuff like "Maggie May" and "the First Cut is the Deepest" that I appreciated his voice. And, no, I don't blame him for being pissed about the rumors. I got called a variety of nicknames in school because I was "all into that pansy-ass art stuff". LOL And, just like Rod, I was ALL about the women.

      John Battles said:

      It's so true. I have no particular admiration for Marc Almond , but , not knowing what it's like to be Gay , or someone in the public eye, I still know rumors can be really damaging. I don't think the original rumor did Rod Stewart any damage , but , who could blame him for being pissed off ? It took me YEARS to appreciate his singing at all , but , I knew , centuries ago , that he was all about women , just as women were all about him.   
      Kirk Teeters said:

      It really is interesting, from a sociological point of view. Now that we have the internet, these things can spread even faster (and in some cases be 'debunked' faster as well.) But rumors have spread faster than the speed of thought probably since the beginning of time.

      John Battles said:

        If it happened , it would have been difficult for the press not to have a field day with it , and , by that I mean a few REAL newspapers , not The Sun , The Star or our own National Enquirer , Examiner , etc. Unless (Understandably) , Almond paid a lot of people off to be quiet.
      Nero said:

      I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 23, 2012 9:19 PM CST
    • You're right , Terry was Doris Day's stepson , and moving up the ladder in the record industry. Charlie might have been after Melcher's people....or , just anyone he deemed high profile , enough , in Hollywood. Maybe he thought Roman Polanski was at his home , too , when he was'nt. The original "Creepy Crawlers" murders were reportedly a buildup to the 'Celebrity Death List" , with Johnny Carson , Tom Jones and other predominant celebrities scheduled for slaughter . As Dennis Wilson said "I'm the luckiest man in the world. I only lost money.".
      Kirk Teeters said:

      I've heard the one about what ended up being called the Tate/La Bianca murders. Terry Melcher was apparently the stepson of Doris Day and a music company exec, and Manson sent (or led) his 'family' there as direct retaliation to being denied a songwriting contract. (Sidenote; the pilot for the Kojak series was based on those murders, so... Telly Savalas got some work out of it, at least.)

      John Carlucci said:

      There are a number or Rumors all involving death that I've heard throughout the years  have no idea if any are true or not...

      • Keith Relf of The Yardbirds was electrocuted while playing guitar & shaving at the same time
      • That The Labianca house, scene of one of the Manson Murders used to be the residence of Terry Melcher, an A& R Rep who rejected Manson's demo recordings & that Manson thought he still lived there and he was the actual target of the murder
      • That Jimi Hendrix was killed by The Black Panthers for not using his position to further their cause
      • That Bobby Fuller was killed by the Mafia
      • That Courtney Killed Kurt & stole all his unrecorded songs for her own band Hole

      I can probably think of a few more... Oh Yeah, suppossedly John Wayne Gacy was a big fan of Rockabilly & he used to order records from a shop in the UK in Camden. I've been to that record shop & they have a painting of Elvis on the wall, they Claim Gacy sent them.

    • November 23, 2012 8:23 PM CST
    • I've heard the one about what ended up being called the Tate/La Bianca murders. Terry Melcher was apparently the stepson of Doris Day and a music company exec, and Manson sent (or led) his 'family' there as direct retaliation to being denied a songwriting contract. (Sidenote; the pilot for the Kojak series was based on those murders, so... Telly Savalas got some work out of it, at least.)

      John Carlucci said:

      There are a number or Rumors all involving death that I've heard throughout the years  have no idea if any are true or not...

      • Keith Relf of The Yardbirds was electrocuted while playing guitar & shaving at the same time
      • That The Labianca house, scene of one of the Manson Murders used to be the residence of Terry Melcher, an A& R Rep who rejected Manson's demo recordings & that Manson thought he still lived there and he was the actual target of the murder
      • That Jimi Hendrix was killed by The Black Panthers for not using his position to further their cause
      • That Bobby Fuller was killed by the Mafia
      • That Courtney Killed Kurt & stole all his unrecorded songs for her own band Hole

      I can probably think of a few more... Oh Yeah, suppossedly John Wayne Gacy was a big fan of Rockabilly & he used to order records from a shop in the UK in Camden. I've been to that record shop & they have a painting of Elvis on the wall, they Claim Gacy sent them.

    • November 23, 2012 8:17 PM CST
    • I've heard all those stories , some only in  part.

      Relf , by all accounts, was electrocuted when he fell asleep with his guitar still plugged in , and wearing  headphones hooked up to his amp. His Son said he found him , unresponsive , but , thought he was just sleeping.

      The Manson story , I've heard. Mark Lindsay even said in Ugly Things , recently, that he saw Manson, briefly, either at Melcher's house or hanging with his entourage at Mark's own house.   Melcher was also Doris Day's Son . Also , legendary Trash Filmmaker , Al Adamson, was shooting scenes for "Satan's Sadists" on the Spahn ranch , when an unassuming Manson offered to help repair Adamson's jeep. The movie's ad campaign incorporated references to the recently incarcerated Charlie , comparing Russ Tamblyn's gang in the movie to "The Family". The sick fuck who brutally murdered Adamson , years later , would have made Manson and Gacy proud.

      How much validity there is to the Hendrix story , I can't say , though , I've heard that , too. The Panthers met with him , reportedly , about playing a benefit , but he was'nt interested in backing Black Militants , at the cost of alienating his predominately White fanbase , so he declined. I seriously doubt they had him killed as a result. His death seems like yet another  drug - related death (But , not an O.D.) , the likes of which put several of his friends and peers into an early grave. Even playing with an all Black BAND (THE BAND OF GYPSIES SHOW YOU MENTIONED, OF COURSE....)was reportedly done under duress from Black interest groups.

      In the big Fuller article in Kicks , I think Randy Fuller or Rick Stone were quoted as saying Bobby had been seeing the girlfriend of a powerful local gangster. Whether he was tied to THEE Mob was'nt clarified. I'm sure Miriam's book on Fuller will shed a LOT more light on that.  Somebody must have been paid off , as Bobby's cause of death was listed as "Suicide" when  there's no way he could have drank all that gasoline , lacerated himself in places he could'nt reach , and beaten himself to a pulp , besides.

       I heard that Courtney story , too. It seems like , in reality , Kurt had had it with Courtney , and the direction his career and his life had taken ,  and decided to take his life.  I've never heard a HOLE song that was worth killing anybody over, that's for sure. 

      Never heard about Gacy being a 'Billy boy , but , who's to say? He was selling those paintings from prison. Whether he ordered anything from that store , or they just bought the painting from him , or from a collector , who knows?

      BTW , who , here , knows about the "Jimi Hendrix Sex Tapes"?

    • November 23, 2012 7:44 PM CST
    • There are a number or Rumors all involving death that I've heard throughout the years  have no idea if any are true or not...

      • Keith Relf of The Yardbirds was electrocuted while playing guitar & shaving at the same time
      • That The Labianca house, scene of one of the Manson Murders used to be the residence of Terry Melcher, an A& R Rep who rejected Manson's demo recordings & that Manson thought he still lived there and he was the actual target of the murder
      • That Jimi Hendrix was killed by The Black Panthers for not using his position to further their cause
      • That Bobby Fuller was killed by the Mafia
      • That Courtney Killed Kurt & stole all his unrecorded songs for her own band Hole

      I can probably think of a few more... Oh Yeah, suppossedly John Wayne Gacy was a big fan of Rockabilly & he used to order records from a shop in the UK in Camden. I've been to that record shop & they have a painting of Elvis on the wall, they Claim Gacy sent them.

    • November 24, 2012 12:10 PM CST
    •  I own a 67 EB2, and while I love it for some things, it is a very limited instrument. It can be very muddy at times. Hollow Body basses played at loud volumes can feed back. So if you are playing in a loud band with a hard hitting drummer, that can be a problem. Especially with a 1 pick up EB 2 like mine.

       The EB3 or it's modern cousin the SG bass, being that it has the extra pick-up, has more tonal capabilities. The neck humbucker is a pretty powerful pickup, so just make sure you have a decent bass amp with good speakers.

       I also sometimes prefer short scale basses. The MIJ RI Fender Mustang basses are fantastic instruments. They have specially designed Seymour Duncan pickups, which make them sound like a P Bass. Before buying, I'd recommend you try one of these. ( make sure it's an MIJ Fender Mustang not a Squier) Unfortunately they only import white ones to the US now (which is a nice choice) however in Japan, they sell a wide range of colors & even the RI Competition bass. I managed to score one of those & love it.

    • November 24, 2012 10:55 AM CST
    • Otis and Carla.  I love this song...

    • November 23, 2012 10:13 PM CST
    • I mean , the Guitar Player changed from his plain black stage gear into a Captain Kirk costume after the show ! The DJ played "Where's Captain Kirk" during the soundcheck. He started playing along going "OOOOOOoooooooooowwwwOOOOOOOOO"
      John Battles said:


    • November 24, 2012 10:14 AM CST
    • Bo Diddley (died). Chuck Berry (never came to uk in the end). Michael Jackson (had ticket and he died) am I cursed?