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    • May 23, 2012 8:36 AM CDT
    • I was into the "heavier" psychedelic stuff already in 1970, but I do dig Grapefruit. Great heads up man:):)

    • May 23, 2012 3:03 AM CDT
    • Yea I have this rekkid too , but haven't given it a spin for some tyme.... thanx for reminding me !

    • May 22, 2012 11:23 AM CDT
    • Just found a copy of this LP yesterday. Been looking out for it for a while. 1968 Stateside records. Not many people I know are familiar with this band. Anybody here into this album?

    • May 23, 2012 8:16 AM CDT
    • Smoggersssssssssss from Spain


    • May 22, 2012 10:57 PM CDT
    • I'm hoping some people answer this. The closest I know to 'new' is The Ponys or Nashville Pussy.

    • May 22, 2012 3:22 PM CDT
    • I need some fresh shit. anything psych, garage, experimental.

      Give me some fresh 2012 masterpiece.

    • May 23, 2012 3:53 AM CDT
    • They actually released the fast version before on Live Killers! They play WWRY twice on that record, opening version is the fast one, encore version is the lamer one.

      But the demo version is dirtier/cooler than the live one.

      I don't care much for the boom boom clap, cheerleader version...that is all worn out.

    • May 23, 2012 3:37 AM CDT
    • Ha! that's crazy and dare I say it, that demo version is way better than the actual released version.

    • May 22, 2012 6:14 PM CDT
    • That fucking ROCKS!!!! Never would have expected noise like that from Queen!!! I'd written them off many many years ago.....

    • May 22, 2012 5:11 PM CDT
    • Without Freddie, the only way they could do "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" is as a surf instrumental. They encompassed everything from Beatles-esque pop to funk, to more barking stuff, so it's no suprise there. WHen I heard "Killer Queen" as a kid, I originally thought it was by The Beatles.

    • May 22, 2012 1:33 PM CDT
    • You're absolutely right. They both sound identical at the beginning. But I never would have known that unless I was familiar with the "We Will Rock You" demo, which I have never heard before. Very cool!

    • May 22, 2012 1:25 PM CDT
    • I realize queen is is neither garage nor punk...but I figured somebody would at least weigh in or...something. Anybody even listen to the tunes in question?

    • May 22, 2012 11:36 PM CDT
    • Don't mind me. I'm just old and cranky. Now get off of my lawn.

    • May 22, 2012 10:06 PM CDT
    • Hey thanks. If you hadn't just taught me that opinions don't matter, I might have had another one.

      swt said:

      Not true. I grew up in the 60s listening to and loving both and so did most the people I knew. I never even heard this either/or absolutism until nearly 20 years after The Beatles broke up.

      Now that I'm older, I like The Animals better than either.

      RJFait said:

      It's funny that you ask this. I've always said, there are 2 kinds of people, Beatles and Stones, and they don't mix well. I am definitely Stones, my wife is Beatles. If only I'd asked 11 years ago...

    • May 22, 2012 10:00 PM CDT
    • Not true. I grew up in the 60s listening to and loving both and so did most the people I knew. I never even heard this either/or absolutism until nearly 20 years after The Beatles broke up.

      Now that I'm older, I like The Animals better than either.

      RJFait said:

      It's funny that you ask this. I've always said, there are 2 kinds of people, Beatles and Stones, and they don't mix well. I am definitely Stones, my wife is Beatles. If only I'd asked 11 years ago...

    • May 22, 2012 7:15 PM CDT
    • If I had to choose I'd go with The Beatles. Though I love (Brian Jones era) Stones.

      Bob Spitz does a good job covering the early years of the Beatles (Ringo doesn't even appear until about half way through, and the book is 1000+ pages). They were definitely a lot rougher than their Fab Four image. Great stories about John bangining 15 year old twins, Brian Epstein having to get doctors to deal the with the lad's VD, and Paul having to leave town to avoid the angry father of a girl he knocked up. Good read!

    • May 22, 2012 4:52 PM CDT
    • Can I vote for The Kinks?

    • May 22, 2012 1:54 PM CDT
    • Not a band tribute, but...

    • May 22, 2012 11:12 AM CDT
    •  This isn’t a woman’s dress, this is a man’s dress.
      —Iggy Pop, circa 1971.

      You can't feed strawberries to pigs.-Lou Reed on the negative reaction to Metal Machine Music

      See, them at the hospital, they tried to keep me in there but they didn't realize my power. How could they?-Roky Erickson

    • May 22, 2012 10:46 AM CDT
    • Love the Fab Four,nuthin' but love!

    • May 22, 2012 5:12 AM CDT
    • You are right, Tiffin, the 'gay' remark was uncalled for. Please read ALL of this before replying. The problem is that the branch of the topic you chimed in on had nothing to do with England and everything to do with garage/psych. I didn't just throw those in last second. There was a claim made that garage/psych would not be if it weren't for The Beatles. I called bullshit. That's when Rockin' Rod started making ridiculous statements about The Beatles inventing genres that they barely even played and even went as far as to say psych wouldn't exist without gospel. Those are fan boy statements. YOU (maybe accidentally or inadvertently, by not reading what you were replying to) claimed to agree with them. I, once again, maintain the same claims that I've ended damned near every reply with, GARAGE AND PSYCH (all caps so you see it this time) AND rock and roll in general, especially here in the United States of America (where it was already chuggin' along) would have happened WITH or WITHOUT THE BEATLES!!!

      Time For Tiffin said:

      As i thought you know very little of what was happening over here.

      So you've now come out swinging and adding key words such as "garage" to the end of your sentences which completely change the thread just to try and prove your theory.

      I doubt there's one person on this site that would state The Beatles were a garage band never mind had success at it.That wasn't the debate.

      And as for calling people "gay" cause the don't buy into the crap your spoutin'?!?......well i never.

      RJFait said:

      Seriously? I was being really generous saying they were one of the first to achieve success at garage or psych music. They NEVER played real garage and  psych was well established before they even gave it a try. Your comment about what kids were listening to in England only reinforces my argument, because in America, they were listening to rock 'n' roll. In California and Washington State, many of them were listening to garage. To answer the original question of this whole thread, "The Beatles... why not?" -  because all the gay little Beatles fan boys are sickening and have ruined what could have been a decent band. If you could just appreciate The Beatles as just another rock 'n' roll band who you happen to prefer instead of trying to give them credit for inventing the wheel, maybe others wouldn't be so disgusted by the whole thing.
      Time For Tiffin said:

      "They were just ONE of the first to achieve commercial success at it"

      Wow!!!.......who were the others?

      As i said ya have to know what the vast majority of kids were listenin' to over here pre Beatles.
      RJFait said:

      Perhaps you've been misreading it all along. Your "That's your logic not Rockin' Rod's" is so incorrect. I've been saying the exact opposite the whole time and Rod admitted that he believes there would not have been Texas psych (the best kind) without gospel. I think that's nonsense. If the first person to beat out a rhythm with a stick hadn't done it, someone else would have. Period! And to say the Beatles were the first to do any genre is also nonsense. They were just one of the first to achieve commercial success at it.

      Time For Tiffin said:

      Don't back out on my account man.

      Surely discission/debate/banter are what it's all about,ain't it?

      I have read the thread,infact i was the first to reply to it.I simply don't agree with ya statements.

      To know what The Beatles changed ya have to know what dross the vast majority of English kids were listenin' too before em......Cliff Richard,Billy Fury,Joe Brown and worse.

      Record companies had artists not bands.EMI took a chance and it paid off.The Beatles went huge over here and the kids went bonkers.Every other company went lookin' for their own Beatles on the back of that success.Even Decca took on another guitar band after statin' "guitar bands had had their day"....The Rolling Stones.

      Love em or hate em,take away The Beatles and ya take away most of the other bands from the era.

      Take away The Beatles success in the US and ya take away The British Invasion that followed.

      Take away The Beatles and ya take away the most excitin' time in pop when every 15 year old lad wanted to pick up a guitar and play in a band.

      It would have been a very lonely path for Cliff Richard and Billy Fury to walk down from 63 to mid sixties psych (and i'm not sure they'd have made it) without The Stones,Kinks,Animals,Yardbirds etc.And they wouldn't have been anywhere if The Beatles hadn't done it first.

      The Beatles changes EVERYTHING.

      own Beatles

      RJFait said:

      Alright, I'm going to have to back out of this now because people are just saying stupid shit that absolutely no basis in reality. If you're not going to bother reading a thread, you really shouldn't comment on it.
      Time For Tiffin said:


      That's your logic not Rockin' Rod's.

      They were also influenced by Buddy Holly.If he stated he was influenced by his grandad would that mean by "your logic" The Beatles were influenced by Buddy Hollys grandad!!!

      DOG DIRT!!!

      RJFait said:

      Absolutey. Everybody said they were influenced by The Beatles (they were completey inundated with them, how could they not be). They all (including The Beatles) said Elvis influenced them. Elvis claimed gospel as his biggest influence. So by Rockin' Rod's logic, garage and/or psych music never could have happened without... gospel? (bullshit sneeze) There were enough influences bouncing all around that by removing any one of them, (even the damned Beatles) the end product would have no discernible difference. But if you took away all the numerous influence on any one band (including the damned Beatles) that one band would be very different.

      Don said:

      But isn't it true that all music cross pollinates? Who are my influences? Some I can name but most I cannot.

      Stealing a song or an arrangement without giving credit is one thing, but the rest of this IMO is mostly sour grapes.

      Don't want to have anyone influenced by your music? Play in your room with the door shut.
