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    • May 25, 2012 1:32 PM CDT
    • I'm no bruce fan; I am sure he has a great record collection and digs great records-he has made it clear in interviews i've read that he's a big fan of suicide....a band that is clearly not for everyone. 

      the odd thing is that bruce springsteen is, to my ears, america's number one synth-pop band!  he's got 4 guitars in the band, sax, bass, drums, yet the synth is always way way up in the mix!! where are the goddamn guitars!

      bruce springsteen; the working man's depache mode!

    • May 25, 2012 11:26 AM CDT
    • I kind of agree with everyone on this, in various ways:

      I sure as hell wouldn't pay to see Springsteen, let alone Steven, not even if I could afford tickets that cost thousands of dollars. I am not a fan. But, as far as radio stations go (and trust me, I am NOT a fan of commercial radio), Steven's is better than most, and he does offer a better lot of music to the masses and squares that wouldn't normally hear music pointed in the direction of true garage. Does he spin tunes that we at the GPHO forum consider cool garage? Probably not. His stuff sounds relatively boring to me, but it might be provocative to the squares and they might eventually wind up here at GPHO enjoying our little forums and podcasts. 

      Also, if Steven truly is trying to raise a good chunk of cash for music education in schools, good for him. Of course, I don't know what kinds of schools (public vs. private, needy vs. not-so-needy, etc.), where they are located, how much he is raising, how much he gives away, how much he pockets, etc. It seems like a good cause, but only rich people can afford to buy those super-inflated tickets. I hope that is not the only way you can get rich people to give back to their communities and to public services. 

    • May 25, 2012 11:25 AM CDT
    • Cheap Trick kicks Springstink's ass, though.

      zacharythax said:

      Really, who WOULD care about Springsteen tickets? Plus I remember one Halloween he had the "Cheap Trick or Treat" [GROAN] 

    • May 25, 2012 11:14 AM CDT
    • Really, who WOULD care about Springsteen tickets? Plus I remember one Halloween he had the "Cheap Trick or Treat" [GROAN] 

    • May 25, 2012 11:11 AM CDT
    • I gotta give Little Steven credit for bringing garage to the masses. He definitely gave the Creatures of the Golden Dawn much deserved national exposure. I see it as creating an appetite for what WE have to offer. Have you listened to the Sirius channel? It's OK and frankly it's more palatable to the average Joe on the street than a lot of the GP podcasts, but there's too much Springsteen, Cheap Trick, Beatles, and other stuff that has me reaching for the dial. 

    • May 25, 2012 12:59 PM CDT
    • Thanks Peter!!

    • May 25, 2012 12:57 PM CDT
    • Hail Ryan!

      Loved all those One Cup O Coffee podcast, (still got em) looking forward to hearing getting more Cheap Thrills!

    • May 25, 2012 11:56 AM CDT
    • If you aren't familiar with the Cheap Thrills podcast just yet, it's completely understandable. We've been few and far between since the programs inception back in May of 2009. A little background: For those of you who've been fans of GaragePunk Pirate Radio for a while now, you may recall my first podcast, One Cup of Coffee & a Cigarette, one of the original podcasts. It made its debut back in August of 2005 and featured 60's garage, rockabilly, soul, punk and modern noise. When I decided to end that show and start Cheap Thrills, I wanted the focus to be primarily new punk and garagepunk with a tinge of 70's-80's punk and KBD-style punk tossed in for good measure. On the other hand, don't be surprised if you hear some 60's jammers thrown in from time to time.

      With all that said, today marks the Cheap Thrills Podcast relaunch! I'm happy to announce that we have added a new co-host to the show, Ashley! Ashley has played in some cool bands over the years and currently plays bass and sings in one of the best St. Louis bands going with Doom Town. In addition to that, she had a great radio show called Talkin' Trash on KDHX St. Louis Community Radio and regularly DJ's around the town.

      Going forward, we plan to bring you a new episode on the 25th of every month. We are both pretty busy people so forgive us if we fail from time to time. I hope you all will enjoy the brand spanking new episode, Cheap Thrills #8. Thanx!


    • May 25, 2012 12:42 PM CDT
    • I was right about to name OG but of course whatwave dave beat me to it! 

    • May 25, 2012 11:32 AM CDT
    • I miss OG Records the most....Canuck label for Gruesomes, Deja Voodoo, Jerry Jerry and others....bur i'm biased cause i'm a Canuck.

    • May 25, 2012 10:14 AM CDT
    • Oh yeah, good one!

      juicylungs said:

      How about Junk Records!   Miss them so

    • May 25, 2012 3:01 AM CDT
    • i miss MGM

    • May 24, 2012 11:40 PM CDT
    • How about Junk Records!   Miss them so

    • May 24, 2012 10:54 PM CDT
    • Thought of a few more: Voxx, Scooch Pooch, Hillsdale, Super Electro and Lookout!

      I don't think Gearhead or Alien Snatch have released anything lately, either.

    • May 24, 2012 3:15 PM CDT
    • All those, but Estrus the most, pretty much?? AND FUCK YEAH, SYMPATHY FTRI! Gosh, if this thread adds up with more posts, it could get depressing, haha.

    • May 24, 2012 12:17 PM CDT
    • Sympathy for the Record Industry

      Amphetamine Reptile

      eMpTy Records

      Bag of Hammers



      I'm sure there are more... but that's all i can think of right now.

    • May 24, 2012 11:58 AM CDT
    • so.... today i was digging through some of my cherished '90s garage crud when i came across a stack of Zodiac Killers records. man, what a great band. got me to thinking... what old (thinking '80s/'90s/early '00s here mainly) "garage" labels do you miss thee most??? i gotta say the top two I can think of would be ESTRUS and RIP OFF. yessir, they both released some duds, but who fuckin' doesn't?!! i also miss the mighty garagepunk skronk of CRYPT RECORDS.

      which ones do you miss the most..... or want to come "back from the grave"???


    • May 25, 2012 12:28 AM CDT
    • My initial reactions were like this:  

      In order






    • May 24, 2012 1:17 PM CDT
    • I know there were boot LP's of peel sessions and demos back in the 80s-90s.

      But I don't own any...and haven't heard them either.

    • May 24, 2012 12:03 PM CDT
    • i think everyone's missing the obvious question here for mr. kabong, and that is...... WHERE CAN WE GET OUR HANDS ON MORE OF THESE "ROUGH DEMOS" BY QUEEN????!!!!!!!!

    • May 24, 2012 11:34 PM CDT
    • Adding Takeshi Terauchi to my list...totally fits my love for the East meets West thing.

    • May 24, 2012 12:58 PM CDT
    • Beatles, but I'm a Stones fan, too. I heard an interview with Mark Hertsgaard, the author of A Day in the Life several years ago--one of the best books about the Beatles. He was one of the people who got access to the EMI tape library when they were putting together the Anthology and his book came out around that time. Someone asked him if would write a book about the Stones now that he had written a book about the Beatles. His answer was something to the effect that the Stones were a great band but the Beatles transformed the culture. I thought that pretty much summed it up. The Stones released some great albums and they had a great influence on music, but the Beatles were operating as much on a different level.

    • May 24, 2012 12:01 PM CDT
    • Beatles or Stones??? that's easy! BEACH BOYS!!

    • May 24, 2012 12:18 PM CDT
    • Thee Tee Pees
      Paint Fumes