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    • March 1, 2012 8:29 PM CST
    • I don't know how much you'd like these guitars (they aren't very Vox-y), but check out Rondo Music online. They have a ton of cool guitars for very little money. They are great guitars for the price. 

    • March 1, 2012 5:58 PM CST
    • Thank you for mentioning The Nervebreakers....Though , I never really thought of "My Girlfriend is a Rock" as being misogynist or not "P.C." , but , literally about a guy who carries a rock around as his girlfriend , after the "Pet Rock" craze in The U.S. came and went.
      Romanne Blouin said:

      We'll probably never stop finding new outrageous songs, but for now, I think about: Rolling Stones' ''Star star'', Kim Fowley's ''Animal Man'', ''My Girlfriend is a Rock'' by The Nervebreakers, Dead Boys' ''Caught with the Meat in your Mouth'' and a fuckload of Guizmos' songs.

    • March 1, 2012 4:29 PM CST
    • I love Sonic Avenues and I love garage in French, like Les Breastfeeders - are they still around?

    • March 1, 2012 1:05 AM CST
    • There's a lot of stuff happenin' in Montreal right now.

      There's Bloodshot Bill, Jimmy Target & The Triggers (garage/surf), Sonic Avenues (power pop), Grand Trine (not really good live, tho), but my current favorite is Le Kid et les Marinellis. Awesome garage in french. 

    • March 1, 2012 4:09 PM CST
    • *Sigh*  I have already apologized, but you seem intent on twisting my statements to make it seem like I'm this complete troublemakin' troll.  I suppose I should shut up at this point, but I just wish you would consider that as a member, having the moderator publicly shut down your post for not being good enough in quality can feel both insulting and embarrassing.

      Instead, consider posting a discussion asking members what they think the most appropriate topics are for the main discussion forum.  Consider then taking the consensus opinions and posting them as "strong suggestions" for posting under the network guidelines.  When someone posts a topic that is not "thought provoking enough" consider emailing the member and asking them to change the topic so it will be more discussion oriented, thus educating the member, allowing them to stay in control of their own posts, and preventing them from being embarrassed.

      joey fuckup said:

      I know you said your remarks about Gringo were "tongue in cheek", but this has happened before. Gringo had to shut down two threads by the same member because they turned into an outright battle. So the member decides to publicly on here insult him because he was doing his job. How are any of us to know that what you posted wasn't serious?

      Also, you said it was in your nature to "challenge authority". Look, we have enough to look into than a Hideout member willfully wanting to challenge us and push our buttons. I'm not trying to be a bully here, but if you think it's funny to do that, think again.

    • March 1, 2012 3:38 PM CST
    • Here's your Fun & Games group:

      (Seriously, what better place is there to post silly shit like that than in a chat room?)

      Divaluxe said:

      The Pulsebeats wrote:

      "It's all fun and games" group where these threads could have been moved to. That way those who want to continue the chain reaction or post what they're listening to at the moment are free to, while others do not have them cluttering up the main thread. This is something that you do with other types of posts and works excellently as you can discover discussions that would ultimately be lost under a pile of "What's your favourite animal related song?" posts.

      While I understand that threads can not be moved between groups, I think this suggestion is a viable compromise. How 'bout it? Create a new group for fun and games? After all, this community is supposed to be fun :o)


    • March 1, 2012 3:35 PM CST
    • Steve, we're talking about threads where the ONLY responses are YouTube videos, one after the other, after the other, after the other. Don't blow this out of proportion.

    • March 1, 2012 1:47 PM CST
    • I don't think there should be any moderation until lives are threatened. If the discussions, whether its the 'chain reaction' type thing or not, get a popular response then it's relevant to the members. And if a discussion turns nasty then people should have the common sense, and the right, to ignore it.

      If you expect every member to give serious thought to everything they were considering posting about then they'll probably end up not bothering, and in turn you'll just end up with no variety or personality in what does get discussed. I mean seriously, has it really come down to 'we only want people to discuss what the moderators feel is relevant?' How the hell is anyone supposed to second guess that?!? Maybe that's not what you're saying but that's how it reads to me.

      I mean sure, the moderators do a good job and I'm certainly not trying to 'stir shit up' but after reading all these responses it just makes me wonder where all this is headed. As I said, I'm not making light of the hard work the moderators put into this but I'm sure the bad apples can have their account suspended if they are blatantly causing trouble? I may have used some harsh words on someone myself a couple of weeks ago, but that was only because I felt that they were bullying the person who started a thread asking what I felt to be a pretty legitimate question [that discussion was one of the ones that was shut down].

      Ultimately I think this is being taken far too seriously and it is only going to make people less sociable. Which is pretty dumb for a 'social' network. I just want to state once again that I'm not stirring shit up. I'm just trying to put my perspective on the situation.

    • March 1, 2012 12:41 PM CST
    • The Pulsebeats wrote:

      "It's all fun and games" group where these threads could have been moved to. That way those who want to continue the chain reaction or post what they're listening to at the moment are free to, while others do not have them cluttering up the main thread. This is something that you do with other types of posts and works excellently as you can discover discussions that would ultimately be lost under a pile of "What's your favourite animal related song?" posts.

      While I understand that threads can not be moved between groups, I think this suggestion is a viable compromise. How 'bout it? Create a new group for fun and games? After all, this community is supposed to be fun :o)


    • March 1, 2012 11:44 AM CST
    • I know you said your remarks about Gringo were "tongue in cheek", but this has happened before. Gringo had to shut down two threads by the same member because they turned into an outright battle. So the member decides to publicly on here insult him because he was doing his job. How are any of us to know that what you posted wasn't serious?

      Also, you said it was in your nature to "challenge authority". Look, we have enough to look into than a Hideout member willfully wanting to challenge us and push our buttons. I'm not trying to be a bully here, but if you think it's funny to do that, think again.

      Alison said:

      Whoaaa.  Seriously, did not mean to offend you guys, and I certainly do not have an "intense problem" or feel there is a "conspiracy."  I very much appreciate your hard work with this site and your podcasts.  So I do intensely apologize if I have put anyone in a "bulls eye" because that was not my intention. I have a very teasing, silly nature so my post was meant very tongue in cheek - of course I do not actually think Gringo Starr is a fascist. It is just in my nature to challenge authority, and like it or not, as moderators, you guys are the authority here so you will have to expect push back sometimes (I also hope at some point you will see that push back can be a healthy thing).

      I can understand how you can often be in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with moderating.  Perhaps there could be a more democratic, communal way of handling these situations so you won't have the pressure of being the bad guy?  Some sites have ways for members to flag comments and posts so they will be removed after so many flags.  I don't know what the solutions is, I just think it warrants further discussion amongst all the members which is why I didn't just email Kopper about it.  I think it would be good for the group to talk about what type of posts they like or don't like.

      My point about the caveman, cavewoman thing is that people often don't always analyze why they like something, they just feel it in their gut and want to share it which is probably why people often respond to discussions with videos, which is not the same thing as being a troll or an asshole, or even trying to play a game.  I'm not saying it is good or bad, just what's been happening.   Now that you have stated you want to raise the bar, you will need to he more descriptive about what your expectations are. 

      Anyhoo, I will qualify my earlier statement with, don't take me so seriously. Just take care and keep up your good work.

    • March 1, 2012 10:07 AM CST
    • We can't move forum discussion topics to groups, nor can we even move them between group forums. That's not even possible with Ning, despite the fact that I and many other network admins have been requesting this functionality for years now.

      Also, if new members would simply read the friggin' network guidelines like we ask them to when they join, then a lot of this shit could be avoided right from the start.

      The Pulsebeats said:

      First off you guys do do a top-notch job and of course if you've got members leaving due to a perceived low quality of discussion threads then this will lead you to consider removing them, but perhaps the better course of action would have been to set up an "It's all fun and games" group where these threads could have been moved to. That way those who want to continue the chain reaction or post what they're listening to at the moment are free to, while others do not have them cluttering up the main thread. This is something that you do with other types of posts and works excellently as you can discover discussions that would ultimately be lost under a pile of "What's your favourite animal related song?" posts. (Rocky Racoon for me). In doing that, when future members join, you won't be shutting down more posts by those who do not realise that you have set certain standards as by shutting down posts of newcomers you risk them leaving immediately and not engaging further with the community and with those posts that you do want to see more of. The danger is that now you've set a precident and I'm sure you'll be shutting down more posts in the future in the name of quality control. I'm all for raising the bar, but everyone's gotta be able to jump it.

      The other discussions, such as the selling out one, when they turn nasty of course you have to step in and shut that down. This is the problem with internet anonymity. I was a little pissed at the time (not at you guys, at those who'd turned it nasty) as I had spent a few days considering the issue and had a whole response planned about pride, clique behaviour and group dynamics (it's the social scientist in me!), but found it locked when I went back. That would certainly be a discussion I'd like to see again, but a reasoned discussion where people back up their arguments, respect others' points of view and not start slinging shit. As my granny used to say, "It's an opinion, it can't be wrong."

    • March 1, 2012 11:17 AM CST
    • Check out my blog for an exclusive interview I did with two former members of The Gruesomes (a Montreal Garage Punk band from the 80s).  There is also a link to download the radio program that I did on The Gruesomes. (The Interview.  Download links to the show at the end of the play list)

      Here's The play list:

      Gruesomes Play List:
      1. No No No (Cave-In! 2000)

      2. I Can Tell (Gruesomania 1987)

      3. You Gotta Believe Me (Cave-In! 2000)

      4. You're Not The Boss of Me (Cave-In! 2000)

      5. Thanks For Nothing (Hey! 1988)

      6. Won't You Listen? (Hey! 1988)

      7. I Try (1985 Garbage Pail Kids Demo)

      8. For All I Care (1985 Garbage Pail Kids Demo)

      9. Bikers From Hell (Live In Hell 2007)

      10. Jack The Ripper (Part II) (Jack The Ripper EP 1985)

      11. No More Lies (Jack The Ripper EP 1985)

      12. What's Your Problem? (Tyrants of Teen Trash 1986)

      13. Things She Does To Me (Jack The Ripper EP 1985)

      14. Fuad & The Feztones - Valley of the Kings (Valley Of The Kings 2002)

      15. Gerry Alvarez Odyssey - No Man's Island (Omega Tea Time 2010)

      16. What Wave (Mr. Garager’s Neighbourhood Compilation 1989)

      17. El Diablo (Hey! 1988)

      18. Undecided (Live In Hell 2007)

      19. Leave My Kitten Alone (Gruesomania 1987)

      20. Unchain My Heart (Unchained EP 1985)

      21. Fuad & The Feztones - Welcome To My Castle (Nardwuar The Human Serviette and The Evaporators Present Busy Doing Nothing! 2012)

      22. Gerry Alvarez Odyssey - Candy Prankster (Candy Prankster 2006)

      23. Cave-In! (Cave-In! 2000) 24. Hip-no-tyzed (Cave-In! 2000)

      25. Way Down Below (Gruesomania 1987)

      26. I'm Down(Live In Hell 2007)

      27. Hey! Live In Hell 2007)

    • March 1, 2012 10:08 AM CST
    • The Byrds So You Want to be a Rock n Roll Star and the Kinks Top of the Pops both prove Kopper's point in my opinion lyrically speaking. Both are boring to hear and have the same message that might have been more original at the time but now has been regurgitated so many times.

      I think if you are going to bitch then bitch about stuff people care about like the way countries are run, the bad cultures that exist, our reliance on oil etc. The only people who care about the music industry are those in it, talk about the 1%.

    • February 29, 2012 5:31 PM CST
    • It is especially annoying when rich and famous artists complain - you know the ones who make it big on there first album and then their second album is all tears about how lonely it is at the top, and no one knows who they really are, but everyone wants to get a piece... Gag!

      The band fighting is also pretty stupid, but nothing is worse than the rap world when it comes to that issue! 

    • February 29, 2012 3:41 PM CST
    •  I agree. Here's a guy that had everything (Short of talent.) , and he sabotoged his own gigs at every given opportunity. Most famously (And I'm NOT a Metallica fan, either.) the time Metallica preceded Guns'n'Roses , and James Hetfield was severely burned in a pyrotechnics mishap. Axl Rose could have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by giving the show of his life . He bailed after about 5 minutes , and a riot ensued.....And people are supposed to care if this band reforms , or already did ?

    • March 1, 2012 9:41 AM CST
    • I'm goin and wingin it... can't wait! been rsvping for these free parties like a mad woman.

    • March 1, 2012 8:39 AM CST
    • Hi there...We're playing Paisley Umbrella's 4th Annual International Psychout. We're talking a fantastic mini-festival of local, national, and international Garage, Psych, and Guitar Pop bands. The venue is Tom's Tabooley - 2928 Guadalupe Street Austin. Our slot is at 3pm Thursday, March 15th. It's a FREE Non-SXSW gig. We'll be giving away copies of our come on down ! Cheers, Wig

    • March 1, 2012 4:23 AM CST
    • babes in toyland!!

    • March 1, 2012 3:55 AM CST
    • impossible to follow up the hamburglars...

      just wanted to say how i like this network! what a great display of affection in all those comments, awesome. you guys are great.

      The Obsidians believe in stage outfits. and stage outfits don't have to be expensive. especially when you throw in some black. we're lucky when it comes to body type - four extremly skinny guys and one super big one.

    • February 29, 2012 9:29 PM CST
    • Sandals are a fireable offense! ;)

      Thee Mighty Shake Spears said:

      Just wear SOMETHING!!  It's called a SHOW.  Don't get up on stage if you're just gunna wear your stupid cargo shorts & sandals with a backwards ball cap & play your stupid 6 string bass up high while reading charted music on a music stand.....there's A LOT of that shit here in nashville....yech!!!  XD

    • February 29, 2012 9:02 PM CST
    • Just wear SOMETHING!!  It's called a SHOW.  Don't get up on stage if you're just gunna wear your stupid cargo shorts & sandals with a backwards ball cap & play your stupid 6 string bass up high while reading charted music on a music stand.....there's A LOT of that shit here in nashville....yech!!!  XD

    • February 29, 2012 5:09 PM CST
    • Nothing wrong with it - just not currently in style, but check these kids out:


      TeenFink said:

      oh, come on.....BROWN HAIR? hello, fashion nazi!!!! also, wtf is wrong with vox guitars???


    • February 29, 2012 6:07 PM CST
    • You rock Eli!

    • February 29, 2012 5:34 PM CST
    • Just a quick message to say I also think these comps are are an amazing asset to the Hideout.

      It's allowed me to find loads of bands I would have otherwise missed out on hearing and as a podcaster that's a real plus. I hope the small effort I make to spread the WORD about Hideout bands whether on my show or on the various social networks helps give some bands a bit more exposure.

      In addition I'm just about to start my first monthly clubnite WEIRDSVILLE on the 3rd March and I gotta say these comps have also helped me make a fair few new contacts with bands for possible future gigs too.

      Thanks Kopper