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    • September 28, 2011 2:54 PM CDT
    • I don't think "best of"-type collections should count. Then all we'd be listing are best-of comps. Let's try to stick to original studio LPs.

      Axel Björnsson said:

      this is very hard question. But I have felt in love with this little compelation. 

















    • September 28, 2011 2:50 PM CDT
    • Off the top of my head...


      Dead Boys: Young, Loud & Snotty

      The Sonics: Here Are The Sonics!!!

      New Bomb Turks: Destroy-Oh-Boy!

      The Real Kids self-titled LP

      Monks: Black Monk Time

      The Mummies: (any)

      Oblivians: Soul Food, Popular Favorites & Play 9 Songs With Mr. Quintron

      The Hex Dispensers self-title LP

      Buzzcocks: A Different Kind of Tension

      Howlin' Wolf: self-titled LP ('62) & Moanin' in the Moonlight

      13th Floor Elevators: The Psychedelic Sounds of... & Easter Everywhere

      Wipers: Over the Edge

      The Gun Club: Fire of Love & Miami


      OK, I'd better stop.

    • September 28, 2011 2:42 PM CDT
    • this is very hard question. But I have felt in love with this little compelation. 

















    • September 28, 2011 2:25 PM CDT
    • what are your favourite albums, the ones that every track is good and you can listen to again and again!

    • September 28, 2011 2:39 PM CDT
    • check out this guy


    • September 28, 2011 1:56 PM CDT
    • You can never hear everything. Period. Even accounting for released material that's yet to be re-discovered, there are literally tons of unreleased reels, acetates etc., still out there. Hot gear turning up all the time! I can't imagine it ever drying up - least, I hope it never does!!!

    • September 28, 2011 3:08 AM CDT
    • YAY, another fan of english early 80s Garage !!!!  My formative years , one of the best gigs ever for me was The Stingrays & Vibes at Retford Porterhouse ....great days !

      Bloodshot Bill is great ....a worthy successor to Charlie Feathers !

      SarahJayne said:

      It's for this reason that I don't limit my tastes to just a few genres. I can find at least one song I'll dig from ANY genre - even mainstream pop music, lol.

      As far as 60s style tunes, I'm big on the whole trash revival that evolved from the early psychobilly scene, and consider those bands underrated. THE VIBES (!!!!!), Russian Roulette (pick up the 'fuckin' car 7" if you're into the Cramps), Stingrays, etc. etc. Garage covers with an upright bass, fuck yeah!

      I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for them : ).

      PS, new G&R blows. Amen.

    • September 28, 2011 2:08 PM CDT
    • Ken , wow , this looks great. A bit like Vampirella , when she gets her comeuppance on would - be "She's just a GIRL!" attackers...In the last panel , the Priest looks VERY much like Question Mark. I just saw him two weeks ago , so I remember his visage well. What I could see of it.

      Ken said:

      Well, and to toot my own horn... Lots of music stuff in my own comic.  Here's  page from my first issue drawn by Michael Neno.  The main character for these stories is a monster hunting "priest" who plays in a rock band and scours seedy bars for creatures of the night.  (I told Michael to borrow from Joey Ramone and Question Mark for the character's general appearance.)


    • September 28, 2011 1:37 PM CDT
    • Ken , I've got that Marvel  Alice Cooper comic book. It's great ! It's done in an EC Horror / Mad comics style , with similar attention to detail. Gunther Toody and Francis Muldoon from "Car 54 , Where are You" even appear in one panel...   I happen to know the guy who created the "Howlin' Wolf" character you mention , BUT , I scarcely see him , anymore , and I think he'd be glad that someone even knew where he got the name !  Another company did an Alice Cooper comic book tie - in with his low - key return to form CD "The Last Temptation" . OK, "lOST IN aMERICA " WAS'NT SO LOW KEY , WITH THE INCLUSION ON " BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD" , whom Alice said he wrote the song for , anyway.

      Ken said:

      Alice Cooper had a one shot deal with marvel in the late 70s.


      There was a great Spider-Man comic in the 80s where he was singing an Elvis Costello song.  I can't remember which one, but I remember as a kid it was the first time I had heard of him.  (Not long afterwards, Mad did a parody of him where they called him Elfish Costello.)


      Marvel did a REALLY bad character in the 90s who was named after Howlin' Wolf. He... uh... turned into a wolf.


      It was either the Statics or the 145s that did a song about the Human Torch in the 90s that was really funny.

    • September 28, 2011 9:59 AM CDT
    • Well, and to toot my own horn... Lots of music stuff in my own comic.  Here's  page from my first issue drawn by Michael Neno.  The main character for these stories is a monster hunting "priest" who plays in a rock band and scours seedy bars for creatures of the night.  (I told Michael to borrow from Joey Ramone and Question Mark for the character's general appearance.)


    • September 28, 2011 9:49 AM CDT
    • Alice Cooper had a one shot deal with marvel in the late 70s.


      There was a great Spider-Man comic in the 80s where he was singing an Elvis Costello song.  I can't remember which one, but I remember as a kid it was the first time I had heard of him.  (Not long afterwards, Mad did a parody of him where they called him Elfish Costello.)


      Marvel did a REALLY bad character in the 90s who was named after Howlin' Wolf. He... uh... turned into a wolf.


      It was either the Statics or the 145s that did a song about the Human Torch in the 90s that was really funny.

    • September 27, 2011 6:09 PM CDT
    • It's such a great record, but , hard to find in decent shape , since kids used to leave their records lying around to get stepped on , or whatever...Now that records are "Coming back" , maybe the tradition will continue. I recently found a rpretty good copy ,not perfect....It was reissued under Sun - Ra's name (Even though he did'nt have much to do onit.) ca. 1999 or 2000 , w/o the great DC comic art cover....
      "Superman" was on "Low Budget" ....I think. I have more Kinks records than I have time to play. In the 90's ,I 'd find 'em  for a dollar all the time...But , I like their Late 70's "Comeback" material. I have a boot , on tape , somewhere , they're very drunk (Say it ain't so !!! ) ,doing "Superman " and the "Batman" theme , which, of course , they'd done since The Year of Our Lord , The Batman , 1966
      DammitDave said:

      "The Sensational Guitars of DAN AND DALE - BATMAN AND ROBIN" album come highly recommended. Both were rumored to feature Lou Reed on guitar  . The latter LP , MORE RECENTLY , WAS REVEALED TO FEATURE SUN RA (On organ) , with The Blues Project."


      I used to have that lp as a kid!  Loved it!


      In the 70’s, the Kinks did a song called Superman.  It was on Low Budget, I think.

    • September 28, 2011 1:48 PM CDT
    • Johnny , Good ones. Tho' I get the feeling "Belsen" was written with very dry sarcasm as an anti - Nazi /NF song. When Lydon says "JOIN THE ARMY ! BE A MAN !" , then , you can really hear the venom start to boil. Sid took a songrwriting credit , but , Johnny later claimed he let him have it , because he needed the money. Sid got a little TOO into the Swastika bit (Did he ever take that shirt off?), for which he got his ass beat , for wearing said T- Shirt in a Jewish neighborhood. But , while I think Lydon's politics were complex , Sid did'nt really seem to have any. A recent article in "The Chicago Reader" tried to say "Anarchy in The UK" WAS NOT A POLITICAL SONG......HUHN ?!!!!

      BTW I'm really not into politics , just citing an example.

      Johnny sic said:

      "BELSEN WAS A GAS"   SeX PisToLs

      "HOMOSEXUAl" Angry Samoans

    • September 28, 2011 1:26 PM CDT
    • The Frankenstein Five , from Canada , eh? I booked , or co - booked , you guys in Chicago , with Lava Sutra , many years ago... Yeah , The New Fugitives got away with murder , but I think they figured that not many people were going to hear it. "When the rumors start around that I did it to my girl last night.  When all we did , that time , was watch the movies and go home and fight ! THAT'S QUEER !". iT'S LIKE THAT SONG "LISTEN GIRL" , " I'll shoot YOU in the head !!".
      "I Found a Peanut " by the mighty ,mighty Thee Midniters, ranks up there with "Spazz" , tho' it's not really offensive to any particular group...... JOHN.
      The Frankenstein Five said:

      "That's Queer" by The NEw Fugitives (Back From the Grave) : "My father calls me black boy, but really I'm as white as a ghost". Jeesh!


    • September 28, 2011 10:09 AM CDT
    • I haven't seen them mentioned yet, but I'll have to say pretty much the entire Mentors catalog.

    • September 27, 2011 6:47 PM CDT
    • No , they can't , but , that's Johnny humor. It's hard to imagine anyone taking it seriously.

      I heard "Midnight Rambler" earlier today. For years , I thought the line was "I'm gonna hit and run rape her in anger...." But , now , I think he was saying "Hit and Run Rapier" , since he's reading off a list of weapons....I realize all this info is available elsewhere , but I only posess the sufficient lack of laziness to keep up with THIS.     ALSO , tHE STONES WERE JUST REGARDED , BY MANY , AS A "yin/yang" opposite to The Beatles' more vulnerable love song repertoirre ....even though "Run For Your Life " or "You Can't Do That" , to cite only two examples , COULD have been regular staples in Johnny Thunders' act  , except there's nothing funny about either of them. John Lennon and Johnny Thunders both had woman issues , and for similar reasons.

      MikeL said:

      How about "Under My Thumb" by the Rolling Stones?  The singer is bragging about his girlfriend's submissiveness, and the line that really gets me is when he sings, "I can still look at someone else."  Yeah, I know it's a mild example, but it's the one that stands out in my mind.


      Oh, wait, I just thought of a far more horrible example..."Little Bit of Whore" by Johnny Thunders when he briefly worked with Wayne Kramer.  It's a great rock'n'roll song, but the lyrics can NEVER be heard in mixed company.

    • September 28, 2011 12:06 PM CDT
    • no she is not this super popular. but one of her song was in the film Coffee and Cicarets. But I agree she dosent fit to modern "pop" music..


      and Mina this adolf hitler song kicks ass lol

      kopper said:

      Of course! Holly Golightly can do no wrong, in my opinion (she was in Thee Headcoatees, after all!), but is she really "popular"? Has any of her stuff ever reached the charts? We are talking about POP music here, right?

      Axel Björnsson said:

      since the discussion have changed (to better) than I'm gonna post some modern pop that I like.

      This chick Holly Golightly is pretty wicked.. Some of her song are nice "garage". She have defenitly influenced this popular english chicks with this retro sound like Amy Winehouse and the other I forgot the name....

    • September 28, 2011 9:53 AM CDT
    • Of course! Holly Golightly can do no wrong, in my opinion (she was in Thee Headcoatees, after all!), but is she really "popular"? Has any of her stuff ever reached the charts? We are talking about POP music here, right?

      Axel Björnsson said:

      since the discussion have changed (to better) than I'm gonna post some modern pop that I like.

      This chick Holly Golightly is pretty wicked.. Some of her song are nice "garage". She have defenitly influenced this popular english chicks with this retro sound like Amy Winehouse and the other I forgot the name....

    • September 28, 2011 9:11 AM CDT
    • I think MTV had a lot to do with the decline of popular music. I also think a lot of it has to do with style and what is fashionable.

    • September 28, 2011 8:43 AM CDT
    • since the discussion have changed (to better) than I'm gonna post some modern pop that I like.

      This chick Holly Golightly is pretty wicked.. Some of her song are nice "garage". She have defenitly influenced this popular english chicks with this retro sound like Amy Winehouse and the other I forgot the name....



      But when we go even more "pop" I can still find few songs who are listenable.. 


      common this is smooth :P

      and this brand new .. lol


      and this Jamie dude has a attitute..

    • September 28, 2011 8:16 AM CDT
    • Come on my dear Barber, is the swill really the right place for LOVE declarations and sentimental confessions ???

      Now, swipe that mud from your cheeks and feel reassured my friend, as Joey said, the feeling's mutual !

      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      I got my face in the swill !

      Oh and Joey, Kopper and Soul Preacher, Mr A LOVES YOU and all YOU DO.

      I've learnt to live with self criticism!

    • September 28, 2011 8:10 AM CDT
    • Still have to listen to this but I swear it won't be long now !!!

      By the way, it's probably none of my business but I couldn't help wondering : Why, o why this episode is not part of the GaragePunk Podcast Network ?

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      New episode posted!


    • September 28, 2011 3:28 AM CDT
    • I had a live365 show called Consolidated Fuzz for about 4 years. The plan I was on cost about $15 a month and for that I think I got 300 MB which I was happy with because I only ever did shows that were a maximum of 4 hours long, so at 64kbps bitrate I never used up my allotted space anyhow. I was limited to 25 concurrent listeners on that plan. My total listening hours per month got as high as 1400, but average about 1000 I guess. I don't know if that qualifies as "succeeded" but I felt I did OK considering I did virtually no promotion for it.

      The best thing is that people can search by genre and that's how I think most of my listeners found me.

      My live365 show was basically an extension of my "real" radio show and what I used to do was compile a "best of" what I had played on radio every 3 weeks or so and leave that show up for that time. I don't think I would've wanted to get into programming hugely long shows because it is just too time consuming.

      I was happy with live365 overall, just got a bit bored with it in the end. If I were you I'd try it out on a low cost plan for a bit. You can cancel anytime anyhow.

      Incidentally yes 64kbps mp3s normally do sound horrible but on live365 they seemed to come across OK.  If you want to upload higher quality you can, it just costs more.