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    • September 27, 2011 5:28 PM CDT
    • Do my spider-senses detect the makings of a comic book themed podcast in this thread?

      Someone really should get working on it…

    • September 27, 2011 1:10 PM CDT
    • "The Sensational Guitars of DAN AND DALE - BATMAN AND ROBIN" album come highly recommended. Both were rumored to feature Lou Reed on guitar  . The latter LP , MORE RECENTLY , WAS REVEALED TO FEATURE SUN RA (On organ) , with The Blues Project."


      I used to have that lp as a kid!  Loved it!


      In the 70’s, the Kinks did a song called Superman.  It was on Low Budget, I think.

    • September 27, 2011 5:14 PM CDT
    • Only on occasion do the masses get it right. Not sure if these qualify but Nikka Costa, Amy Winehouse, Gorilla's, Outkast, MGMT, Flaming Lips, The New Pornographers are all pretty good in my book, but I have a very wide range of music that I like. I think Christina Aguilera is quite talented.  Also, there was a lot of really horrible horrible pop in the 50's 60's and 70's, what you hear now from those eras are the songs that made the cut.

    • September 27, 2011 5:13 PM CDT
    • best british pop artist in years Jamie T


    • September 27, 2011 4:33 PM CDT
    • I honestly stopped listening to "pop" music (Top 40-type stuff) when I discovered punk in the early '80s, so it's hard for me to comment on what's currently popular. At least in the early '80s we had a lot of new wave stuff that was in the charts, so it wasn't completely bad. The '70s had its moments, too. But these days, it's hard for me to comment (but I will!)... I hear a lot of shit when I'm out amongst the zombies in the general public, in retail stores and public places (like getting my hair cut at Great Clips, for example), that is really awful, and I can only assume it's modern-day pop music. It always amazes me just how bad it is and I'm floored that I often see people actually singing along to it. This is why I can't stomach shows like American Idol—it's exactly the same way. Take modern country music, for example. It's downright terrible. I mean really, really bad pop music that just so happens to be about a guy and his truck or some stupid shit. Aside from the goofy lyrics and singer's down-home good ol' boy (or gal) accent, it sounds just like the rest of the pop music shit. And don't get me started on "modern rock," modern R&B or hip hop. Try comparing modern R&B to the stuff of the '60s & '70s... completely different animals. All that stuff appears to be very popular and in the mainstream, so while Mike makes a good point that some music being produced today isn't terrible, you just don't hear it as often as you hear the completely awful shit.

      I stumbled across this tune (below) on not too long ago. I don't know if it was popular in the UK a couple of years ago or not, but it's a great song and definitely should've been if it wasn't...

      New (well, 2009 new):

    • September 27, 2011 3:04 PM CDT
    • I know this is a garage website and the fashions of those decades are more relevant to this site but pop music is as it has generally been.

      Melodic songs will always be around though and every so often a bigwig will back a band that's able to make one and it will hit the charts. It's important to remember that every decade produces a lot of shit, and I really can't get much of today's pop music but it'd be a bit ignorant to just assume there's nothing good out there.





    • September 27, 2011 2:43 PM CDT
    • Wow that Turtles song is amazing, I never heard it before. Thank you!

    • September 27, 2011 1:35 PM CDT
    • When I listen to nice pop songs from the 50's/60's/70's I often think why aren't pop songs today so melodic and catchy? Who decided that modern popular music should be hell?

      post some good smooth pop songs people..





    • September 27, 2011 4:33 PM CDT
    • mp3s at 64kbps sound absolutely horrible too, even to the thickest of ears

    • September 27, 2011 3:56 PM CDT
    • How is this different from the podcasts that you are already hosting?


    • September 27, 2011 11:57 AM CDT
    • Have any of you ever thought about (or tried/succeeded) in setting up an Internet station? I have always thought this would be a great thing to incorporate into to complement the podcasts, but the costs, requirements and legalities of the whole thing blow my mind. Check this article and the included links for more info. Ugh!

      So, avoiding trying to set it up the hard way (above) and deal with SoundExchange directly, the other alternative is to go with because they basically take care of all of the royalty payments and paperwork for a monthly fee. The PRO packages are the best, but are very expensive. On the other hand, the Personal broadcasting packages ("for individuals only"), are much more affordable, but you're pretty limited in how much music you can include, and you have to keep a close eye on listening hours per month. The top tier personal broadcasting package sounds pretty good... you get 6 gb storage space for your MP3s, which, if ripped at 64 kbps, is equivalent to aprox. 208 hours of music. You also get plenty of listening hours to cover a pretty sizable audience (most likely more than adequate for this site). But this package also goes for $95/month. How do you cover your costs? I barely make enough money from ads and fund drives on the Hideout to cover my hosting costs as it is... I can't imagine having to come up with another $1,200 a year! So that's the big stumbling block as far as I can see it. If I could find a way to drum up a hundred bucks a month for this, we could do it.

      Anyway, I just wanted to toss the subject out there to get some input or thoughts from some of you... and hopefully from some people who have actually done this (and succeeded).


    • September 27, 2011 3:20 PM CDT
    • I guess it all depends on the promoter/organizer putting it on .....i do the annual VLV rockabilly weekend for instance & i get sent a cheque for my DJ services a month BEFORE the event takes place !  

       Any promoter who expects you to bring your own 'equipment' to an overseas gig is SERIOUSLY DELUSIONAL !

    • September 27, 2011 9:06 AM CDT
    • Yeah, I'm getting there myself...Thanks Mr. A! The feeling's mutual, my friend! Oh, glad to see there's a new show Matt! Lookin' forward to checkin' it out!

      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      I got my face in the swill !

      Oh and Joey, Kopper and Soul Preacher, Mr A LOVES YOU and all YOU DO.

      I've learnt to live with self criticism!

    • September 27, 2011 8:38 AM CDT
    • I got my face in the swill !

      Oh and Joey, Kopper and Soul Preacher, Mr A LOVES YOU and all YOU DO.

      I've learnt to live with self criticism!

    • September 27, 2011 2:04 AM CDT
    • Can't believe this !!! First LIVE FROM THE SHAMROCK MOTEL then a brand new episode of SOUTH BAY PORK !!!

      Ring the bells and raise your glasses high, sisters and brothers !!! Matt seems to be back at last !!!

      Wonderful news !

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      New episode posted!


    • September 27, 2011 12:22 AM CDT
    • Bring the Pork!!!!

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      I know I keep saying this, but really, I'm working on a new South Bay PORK now. Just trying to get some time set aside to mess with changing file hosting around and get my turntable up and running again!



      Thanks for all the compliments! 

    • September 26, 2011 8:21 PM CDT
    • New episode posted!


    • September 27, 2011 8:20 AM CDT
    • I may has missed reading about this one, I'm sure you've all heard about it but you never know 'The Wild Wild World of Mondo Movie Music' on Big Beat

      Read on some blog reviewing Wavy Gravy "That you can't listen to these for too long as they loose their novelty/weirdness" I beg to differ, I don't listen to much else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • September 27, 2011 4:48 AM CDT
    • Danilo said:

      Have the at the party comps too but the others are abolutely new to me - any chance to get soundfiles of these please ?


      Sorry, but I'm not into sound files. "Real Weird Man, Like Wow!" and "Creatures From Outer Space" are fairly recent in-print Australian releases. "Beat, Beat, Beatsville!" has the CD version pictured earlier but there was also a vinyl release with different front cover and title:



      "Rock 'n' Roll - The Untold Story Vol. Six" was part of a bigger series of comps with different themes for each volume, with #6 being the novelty / party record.

    • September 27, 2011 2:19 AM CDT
    • Right you are, Preacher. I did a Twisted Tales set on this podcast:


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Great comps indeed !!! These are more on the roots & country side of lunacy. And I remember you even done a show about this cool serie once but, right now, I'm too dumb to find the link and post it here...

      In a similar vein (I mean hillbilly psychos, rednecks on drugs and other kind of maniac cowboys), I'd also recommend the fabulous GOD LESS AMERICA compilation.

      swt said:

      I love the Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands series. I wrote about those in my column a few months back



      There were 8 volumes then. Since then a 9th has been released. 


    • September 27, 2011 1:55 AM CDT
    • Oh, on a more 60s vein, how can we have forgotten the fabulous wonderful groovy super great SCUM OF THE EARTH comiplations  ?!??!!???

    • September 27, 2011 1:52 AM CDT
    • Great comps indeed !!! These are more on the roots & country side of lunacy. And I remember you even done a show about this cool serie once but, right now, I'm too dumb to find the link and post it here...

      In a similar vein (I mean hillbilly psychos, rednecks on drugs and other kind of maniac cowboys), I'd also recommend the fabulous GOD LESS AMERICA compilation.

      swt said:

      I love the Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands series. I wrote about those in my column a few months back



      There were 8 volumes then. Since then a 9th has been released. 


    • September 26, 2011 8:28 PM CDT
    • Sounds like someone's been drinking Garth Brooks' kool-aid. Look, used records are NOT the same as pirated downloads. Used records/CDs have already been bought and paid for once. This is one thing that idiots like Metallica and Garth Brooks couldn't get through their thick skulls. Buying used records does not take any money away from the artist. Saying that buying them doesn't support the artist is like saying buying a used car doesn't support the automaker. It's just not relevant to the conversation.

      I should also point out that any " room" on Soulseek is in no way connected to or endorsed by this website.

      Bald Bill & His One Man Band said: is great if you have a P.C. There is also a chat room on there.


      I use it for rare, live bootlegs, & out of print stuff.


      I can see why people are getting in a twist about downloading as it doesn't support the artist. But nether does buying used lp's & cd's.

