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    • September 8, 2011 1:44 PM CDT
    • take that did smells like teen spirit live in like 96 or sumin ! arguably not what kurt died for

    • September 8, 2011 1:08 PM CDT
    • the two at the top of my head are also not garage, but Alien Ant farms cover of Smooth Criminal and then there was this ska version of Iron Man that didn't go so well (can't remember the band). On the flip side I love Hugo's cover of 99 Problems.

    • September 8, 2011 10:10 AM CDT
    • Great topic!

      I'm sure I can come up with more if I think long and hard about this, but one that comes to mind would be Smash Mouth's cover of ? and the Mysterians' "Can't Get Enough of You Baby." That one would irritate me to no end. Luckily, I haven't heard that cover in years! That band was also responsible for butchering The Monkees' "I'm a Believer." Ugh...

      Others off the top of my head:

      Not garage related, but Duran Duran covered Public Enemy's "911 Is a Joke," too. Unforgivable.

      Motley Crue doing "Anarchy in the UK"

      Michael Bolton's complete awful cover of Otis Redding's "Dock of the Bay"

      Limp Bizkit murdering the Who's "Behind Blue Eyes"

      And I'll leave it at this:

    • September 8, 2011 10:02 AM CDT

      I always hated the Mudhoney version of hate the police -

      the original by the dicks is far superior, but good on em for trying


    • September 8, 2011 9:27 AM CDT
    • There is a show on the local community radio station that I listen to during the morning drive.  The show is usually pretty good but the hosts seem to go out of their way to play rotten covers of well known songs.  They're usually so bad that it almost ruins the original.  Today it was Lost In The Supermarket (Clash) covered by the Afgan Whigs ... execrable!  What lousy covers have gotten you angry?

    • September 8, 2011 12:31 PM CDT
    • No doubt! If anyone knows how one goes about making money from music, please share.




    • September 8, 2011 11:47 AM CDT
    • The best way to make a small fortune in music is to start with a large one.

    • September 7, 2011 2:32 PM CDT
    • How to make money from music?

      1. I hear exotic dancers make good tips
      2. Sell beer to people playing music
      3. Rent practice space 
      4. Pay To Play / Battle of the Bands entry fee

      These are only a few ways to make money from music.  I could go on but you're all glad I don't.  Thank you good night!

    • September 7, 2011 2:26 PM CDT
    • you can make money from music???

    • September 7, 2011 1:59 PM CDT
    • Im from canada, but I would tell them that music is a money losing business. Which I am fine with... Do painters look at it as a business? Take all your business basics and turn them upside down and there you have it. The real question is how are you LOSING money from music.

      These guys do have good intentions though.

    • September 8, 2011 12:28 PM CDT
    • I don't know REALLY what effect the guitarist is using, but it sounds a heckuva lot like the British Stack effect on my Digitech pedal.

    • September 8, 2011 10:16 AM CDT

    • September 7, 2011 9:33 PM CDT
    • I wanna go so bad.

    • September 8, 2011 5:57 AM CDT
    • we got pointed here by you because we are trying to sell out but nobody's buying. seriously though (one eyebrow up /slanted smiles) this brings up something that is probably one of the hardest things a band must do. describing yourself. giving yourself a label that will attract people who might otherwise pass you by. this is loathesome to all of us bands as we are unique. that is what we must believe in order to keep going. we worry that maybe strictly speaking we do not belong on gph. we have heroes and inspirations that are firmly in the canon but we do not really sound like them. kopper is there a gph tribunal that passes judgement on who is really gp? we firmly believe in such a thing as good music and bad music. it is not a matter of opinion. it is a fact. facts (despite what the republicans think) are solid and immovable objects. they exist and there is nothing you can do about it. most of those whiny sensitive bear shit bands on pitchfork are BAD MUSIC. there is a terrible pretense to having soul that just makes us fucking angry. having said all that  probably none of it belongs here. just forget it.

      kopper said:

      Hell yeah, it's trendy as fuck right now. And it's really annoying. I keep hearing or reading of "garage" sounds or influences in bands that sound NOTHING like garage rock (or "garage punk," for that matter). I think it's just the state of the music scene right now. Bands like the Hives, White Stripes, and Black Lips (amongst others) really put "garage rock" in the mainstream, and then you had labels like Vice Records jump on the bandwagon with lots of money to promote it with the help of corporations like Scion, and BOOM. It's the "next big thing." Problem is, too many of these bands are just plain BORING, and I bet most of 'em wouldn't know a Sonics or Oblivians tune if it hit 'em on their heads.

      Oh, and by the way, I never could stand the Strokes. As far as I'm concerned they were the "Pearl Jam of Garage Rock," a fabricated band, totally fake, with crappy music that might be OK when compared with the rest of mainstream "rock music," but pales in comparison to most of the real garage rock/punk out there.

    • September 7, 2011 10:00 PM CDT
    • The false labeling is annoying, but imagine rock n roll music being played on the radio, at high school dances. Even if it becomes "main stream" it doesnt sound all that bad to me. But at the moment im showing all kinds of freinds my rock and roll, and they're digging it just fine, so again, i dont think its such a huge deal.

    • September 7, 2011 2:09 PM CDT
    • yeah, i'd almost rather talk politics or religion with the squares than try to get them to understand the music that i like...

      Old School Hero said:

      I don't know man I feel like the biggest loser in the world when I tell people what I like. (Not that I care...) I tell people and I get the whole O_O look or the awkward, "Ooohhh''. Sometimes people even have the nerve to say they listen to it all the time and clearly don't. I definitely agree with Kop on what he said earlier. I think to a degree it is trendy for car comercials and stuff like that...and there are some bands that definitely improperly label themselves as Garage or whatever. I don't know why that is, but then again some people call Metal Rock 'n' Roll and I definitely couldn't agree less.

      On a side note: I do think it could go big in a real and honest way. I think this because there are a ton of people who can't stand rap or techno..and that's all you have a choice to dance to these days. I find that pure Rock 'n Roll is quite dancable and could make a huge comeback if done by the right bands, with the right DJ's, and the right people starting it.

    • September 7, 2011 6:50 PM CDT
    • King Sickabilly

    • September 8, 2011 12:42 AM CDT
    • amazing...

    • September 7, 2011 6:16 PM CDT
    • cool!


    • September 7, 2011 4:55 PM CDT
    • Iggy was doing the peanut butter during this period too....yum!!!

      Who knows what else is lingering out there under someone's bed???

      Tanx for posting....tres cool!

    • September 7, 2011 1:54 PM CDT
    • These pics are super, and the website is very, very cool as well...


      Muchas Gracias, Kopper

    • September 7, 2011 2:14 PM CDT
    • WOW!!

      Mike said:

      Here is the Spongebob episode with Lux.