That's your logic not Rockin' Rod's.
They were also influenced by Buddy Holly.If he stated he was influenced by his grandad would that mean by "your logic" The Beatles were influenced by Buddy Hollys grandad!!!
RJFait said:
Absolutey. Everybody said they were influenced by The Beatles (they were completey inundated with them, how could they not be). They all (including The Beatles) said Elvis influenced them. Elvis claimed gospel as his biggest influence. So by Rockin' Rod's logic, garage and/or psych music never could have happened without... gospel? (bullshit sneeze) There were enough influences bouncing all around that by removing any one of them, (even the damned Beatles) the end product would have no discernible difference. But if you took away all the numerous influence on any one band (including the damned Beatles) that one band would be very different.
Don said:
But isn't it true that all music cross pollinates? Who are my influences? Some I can name but most I cannot.
Stealing a song or an arrangement without giving credit is one thing, but the rest of this IMO is mostly sour grapes.
Don't want to have anyone influenced by your music? Play in your room with the door shut.-don