there's the gist of the question! how do you define punk rock? somebody please enlighten me, i've only just discovered what garage means? i play ping-pong in mine.
there's the gist of the question! how do you define punk rock? somebody please enlighten me, i've only just discovered what garage means? i play ping-pong in mine.
I think it's safe to say we all agree they're Punk..some of us just question if the music is pure Punk musically.
clash is punk, I know that probably doesn't bring much to the conversation, haha
The band put on a good show, but what I really liked was watching "The T.A.M.I. Show," which was screened before the band hit the stage. That was my first time watching it, and I'll definitely have to get the DVD.
Anyone else here ever see ? and the Mysterians or "The T.A.M.I. Show"? If so, do you have any thoughts to share?
Burns Double Six..epic guitars.
I like the sound of that, actually...Could be a great opportunity to put the Hideout in the spotlight too...
kopper said:
You could call it the Norfuck Fest.
joey fuckup said:Ha! The closest I would get to starting up something like that would be something locally, and it would just be a few punk bands around...I would have better luck in Norfolk, though...And that probably wouldn't be too hard...I do know enough people from such bands as the Strap Ons, the Villains, Trauma Dolls, Hydeouts, thee Apostles, Sleaze Stacks, and more... Hmmm....And if I was able to throw something together there, I would have plenty of help...And it wouldn't be that hard to get Larry May down, too...
You have a right to brag! Amazing line-up! Will have to check out some online articles on past Gonerfests, too!
DammitDave said:
Everyone. Check it. I played rhythm guitar with Armitage Shanks the same night as New Bomb Turks and Guitar Wolf. Yes, I am bragging. I can die happy now.
You could call it the Norfuck Fest.
joey fuckup said:
Ha! The closest I would get to starting up something like that would be something locally, and it would just be a few punk bands around...I would have better luck in Norfolk, though...And that probably wouldn't be too hard...I do know enough people from such bands as the Strap Ons, the Villains, Trauma Dolls, Hydeouts, thee Apostles, Sleaze Stacks, and more... Hmmm....And if I was able to throw something together there, I would have plenty of help...And it wouldn't be that hard to get Larry May down, too...
Everyone. Check it. I played rhythm guitar with Armitage Shanks the same night as New Bomb Turks and Guitar Wolf. Yes, I am bragging. I can die happy now.
Are The Undertones too obvious, or did someone name them already?
The Quick I think got missed.Cant leave out The Quick.
Recently I discovered Exploding Hearts and the Cute Lepers, and this thread gave me some real nice similar bands.
I tried looking up similar bands through, but found mostly 77 punk of the less poppy kind, and when I searched for powerpop I mostly found over produced emo/poppunk.
The suggestions from this thread are great!
Redd-Kross, yes yes yes desperate Teenage Love Dolls, like ametuer Russian Porn!!!!
Robert Cravens said:
Hell yeah, your like, totally into this shit... right!
Johnny Bean said:
A few favourites
The Stems
The Pleasers
The Prisoners
The Knack :)
The Beat
what is included here? Real Kids, Hoodoo Gurus a million billion others?
power pop is a sucky genre title it makes me think of Dwight Twilley,Paley Brothers and Sean Cassidy and other no song acts who got major lable deals and then bombed in the late seventies. The real kings of power pop are probably Cheap Trick or Redd Kross :)
You should make a cheasy Pod-cast and submit it, I'll rather listen to that than search bOOB-TUBE.
Robert Cravens said:
Hell yeah, your like, totally into this shit... right!
Johnny Bean said:
A few favourites
The Stems
The Pleasers
The Prisoners
The Knack :)
The Beat
what is included here? Real Kids, Hoodoo Gurus a million billion others?
power pop is a sucky genre title it makes me think of Dwight Twilley,Paley Brothers and Sean Cassidy and other no song acts who got major lable deals and then bombed in the late seventies. The real kings of power pop are probably Cheap Trick or Redd Kross :)
Hell yeah, your like, totally into this shit... right!
Johnny Bean said:
A few favourites
The Stems
The Pleasers
The Prisoners
The Knack :)
The Beat
what is included here? Real Kids, Hoodoo Gurus a million billion others?
power pop is a sucky genre title it makes me think of Dwight Twilley,Paley Brothers and Sean Cassidy and other no song acts who got major lable deals and then bombed in the late seventies. The real kings of power pop are probably Cheap Trick or Redd Kross :)
none of the bands here are fun and still raw, they are old, and if you like power pop you should just listen to the first Saints Album and practice it in the mirror till you realize your... and in fact, I did, it sounds good I went into the garage and forgot how to record and such, still it aint about that, it's about having fun!!! here here, cheers. Play the same song without a symbol or something, and then wait, you'll be waiting for long. But waiting is the game, aint it!!!
Ass-piss !!! guess what I have the same amp as nick-X, except mine is a fender and it has one big hole it's orange cause the guy that sold it to me spray painted it with the word fuck, and had a shot-gun... hmm ex-military, I hate myself, but I looked up all these bands and I liked the scientists, then I bought the movie the last pogo, the wretching Red, whore-house of rep is from here, guess what I'm DRUNK, I like the trailer boys.
I gotta get outta here immediately
1.) scared of chakka
2.) Grimple
3.) burrito electric dude has some kind of man-love for Tim Pop.
4. Alcohol
5.) teh Suicidal Supermarket Trollies.
666.) Joel at suburban White Trash records.
777.) Blah, Blah,Blah.
Love it.
Diggin it - UP!
You done good my good barber, puttin that FRIGGS track in YAY-AH! All tunes make me wanna jump and give my ceiling some new decoration.
Watcha Weird-ohs
Any of you lovely people use Spotify? I'm putting together a playlist (whiles the hours at work!) and thought I'd open it up to other people to add to. The List is called Andyuzz's List - feel free to subscribe to list and put on some kicking toons!
If you don't belong to Spotify - what should I put on (the choice of music is not exhaustive!)
laters believers
MIKE and MUSKRAT: Thanks a ton guys!