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    • April 13, 2011 10:13 AM CDT
    • Yeah, this is great stuff that I've never heard before. I'd also love to hear the first volume if anyone can find it...

    • April 13, 2011 9:52 AM CDT
    • They aren't two volumes of the same compilation, but two separate records in the same series, so they weren't a package deal. I imagine the first volume is equally hard to find.

    • April 13, 2011 9:38 AM CDT
    • Thanks! But what about the first volume?

    • April 12, 2011 7:32 PM CDT
    • i did see a few other versions floating around, but i couldn't find any copies that were above 128 kbps so I thought people might want a high-res version.


      I'm glad you guys appreciate the music!

    • April 12, 2011 7:08 PM CDT
    • Very cool! thanks for sharing the goods with the people that care!

    • April 12, 2011 5:21 PM CDT
    • It Came From The Garage II (320kbps): I Spent a good chuck of time digitizing the out-of-print compilation It Came From The Garage II from the original vinyl. I thought some people here might be interested. Here's my description from the download page: "Recorded by Wanghead Records in the summer of 1987, It Came From The Garage II is an out-of print compilation and rarity that features the first recordings by the Gories, a band that later spawned the Dirtbombs and directly influenced the White Stripes, while others bands like Termites of 1939 seemed to have recorded just one song. I recorded it from the vinyl straight into my computer. The download is a .zip file with 320kbps .mp3 files of the songs. The .zip file also includes a scan of a flyer that came with the album that has a short blurb about each band. Complete track list: Gories- You Little Nothing Artphag- Golf Zombie Surfers- Zombie Drums Termites of 1939- Shrunken Shirt 3D Invisibles-Wolfman on Your Trail Snakeout- Gopher Holes Nine Pound Hammer- Crawdaddy Elvis Hitler- Ghouls (Looking For Food!) 52 Devil Babies Born With Tails- Underdog Nine Pound Hammer- Runaway Train Jerry Vile- Rootin Tootin' Vegas Raz Experience- Kapow! Elvis Hitler- Sweet Jesus Gories- Give Me Love Lost Patrol- Commanchel Fishcats- My Lips Are on Fire Treblemakers- Little Cockroach Natives From Earth- How Can I Miss You? (If You Won't Go Away)"

    • April 13, 2011 9:37 AM CDT
    • Details:


      That's right fine people of the Internet, HoZac Records was requested to curate the BLACKOUT Fest once again and since it had been five long years since the last one, we figured it was worth a shot. No more of the four-six day marathon standing/leaning/drinking/puking all in the same room monotony (where even your favorite bands on earth can sound bland), it's now cooked down to just TWO DAYS of bands, which makes the whole "fest" experience so much more tolerable, and we know you'll agree.

      May 27-28th 2011 at Chicago's most sophisticated ballroom, THE VELVET PERINEUM in Logan Square (venue holds 500+).

      There will be 250 "golden tickets" for discounted Friday/Saturday entry, details below.
      Friday 5/27:

      The Spits
      The Brides
      TV Ghost
      The Happy Thoughts (debut LP available at the show!)
      Mickey (debut LP available at the show!)

      Saturday 5/28:
      Nervous Eaters (the original mid-70s Boston punk band!)
      Tutu & the Pirates (Chicago's 1st recorded punk band from '77 : Gizmos meets The Damned)
      Timmy's Organism
      Puffy Areolas
      Idle Times
      Reading Rainbow
      People's Temple
      Heavy Times
      Radar Eyes
      Outer Minds

      and don't forget!!
      May 26th: FREE Art Show/Blackout Opening Party at THE VELVET PERINEUM with works on display by:

      BEN LYON
      + bands TBA!

      There will be 250 "golden tickets" for discounted Friday/Saturday entry, then 250 available at the door for each date.


    • April 13, 2011 8:17 AM CDT
    • I apologize for my remark. I really thought this might be a joke. Sorry for my rudeness.

    • April 13, 2011 4:26 AM CDT
    • Great, I look forward to it. Respect, Chris

    • April 12, 2011 5:08 PM CDT
    • Yeah man im deadly serious... I'll send you link after I upload some songs to mediafire! peace!

    • April 13, 2011 6:16 AM CDT
    • A pleasure to please guys! Glad to have done something to accompany your sweet sounds!!


      This goes for all bands: Killer tunes everyone!

      Mondo Ray said:

      Grrrrreat Comp!!! Yay! Yay!!! We love it!!!!


      Thanks to Kopper all the bands and Idon Mine!!!!

      Thats a comp how it should be!!!!

      What would Little Steve say AAH!!! he he he he...


      yrs Mondo



    • April 13, 2011 6:08 AM CDT
    • I'll think of something today :)


      LoveStruck said:

      A simple generic backcover w song titles/ tracks/ bands listed is needed now and on all coming Volumes. People want to know what they listen to. Keep it simple! IDON MINE: Can you come up w something cool and quick? Copy paste style on that yellow background? Thanks also Mr E

      Esgar acelerado said:

      i was doing a full cd design for myself but can share it with all the other punks here at the hideout if someone else want to print it and put it on a cd case...

      but what do you think? each artist draw is own, or you think it's better to draw a generic back cover and change the tracklist and band contacts for each volume?...


      if you need any help, i'm around here... :)



    • April 13, 2011 6:07 AM CDT
    • I'll be sending you this today.

      kopper said:

      If you have it already, then that's great! Just send it to me and I'll put it up. Thanks!

      Esgar acelerado said:

      i was doing a full cd design for myself but can share it with all the other punks here at the hideout if someone else want to print it and put it on a cd case...

      but what do you think? each artist draw is own, or you think it's better to draw a generic back cover and change the tracklist and band contacts for each volume?...


      if you need any help, i'm around here... :)



    • April 13, 2011 5:09 AM CDT
    • Grrrrreat Comp!!! Yay! Yay!!! We love it!!!!


      Thanks to Kopper all the bands and Idon Mine!!!!

      Thats a comp how it should be!!!!

      What would Little Steve say AAH!!! he he he he...


      yrs Mondo



    • April 12, 2011 10:24 PM CDT
    • could somebody give me the links for this comp. the link keeps locking my computer up

    • April 12, 2011 10:18 PM CDT
    • Skimming through it now. Sounds good!

    • April 12, 2011 10:15 PM CDT
    • If you have it already, then that's great! Just send it to me and I'll put it up. Thanks!

      Esgar acelerado said:

      i was doing a full cd design for myself but can share it with all the other punks here at the hideout if someone else want to print it and put it on a cd case...

      but what do you think? each artist draw is own, or you think it's better to draw a generic back cover and change the tracklist and band contacts for each volume?...


      if you need any help, i'm around here... :)



    • April 12, 2011 9:58 PM CDT
    • Yeah it always come down to that, it's a lot of money and work for not much back - hang on, sounds like my life ..hahahah...  but seriously though, would pay for some copies to sell at gigs, but hey that's just me .. 

      kopper said:

      I think one of the main (preventative) issues with doing vinyl is each band would want some, and we're talking about 22 bands on the first volume alone. If every band wanted five copies for themselves and then another ten to sell, that would be 15 x 22 = 330 copies right there. Then you'd need at least another couple hundred to sell via brick & mortar stores and mail order. So even a minimum of 500 pressing would be pretty costly, and would mean very little profit for whatever label decided to take this on. 500 copies will cost around $1,300 at United. That's roughly $2.60 each (cost). I guess you could sell the bands their copies at cost (some may not like this, though, and expect their copies for free), which means you *should* (if all the bands actually come through and pay for 15 copies each) make $858 back relatively soon, but then you'd have only 170 copies left over to sell or use as promo and try to make a little profit to make it worthwhile. Even if you sell all 170 for $10 each, that's only $1,258. And I'm not even including packaging costs, postage (including international shipping), and the time it would take to take orders, box them up, invoice them, send them out, track sales at stores, etc. It's more than I would want to take on (especially for multiple volumes), that's for sure.

      This is the reality that all indie record labels face, obviously, but asking a label that had absolutely no hand in compiling the album to take all this on (and again, 5+ volumes' worth) is asking quite a lot!


      Hell Crab City said:

      Just listened, Jeff, it's really great, cool selection, great bands, and thanks so much for including us ... someone has GOT TO DO SOME VINYL, DUDES ... seriously ...would be cool, i'd buy it, and all the rest of the volumes too ;-)

    • April 12, 2011 5:11 PM CDT
    • i was doing a full cd design for myself but can share it with all the other punks here at the hideout if someone else want to print it and put it on a cd case...

      but what do you think? each artist draw is own, or you think it's better to draw a generic back cover and change the tracklist and band contacts for each volume?...


      if you need any help, i'm around here... :)



    • April 12, 2011 5:04 PM CDT
    • Yeah, I never really crossed that bridge, but you're right, it does make sense if someone wants to print it off for a homemade CD. But I'd hate to do this myself and add it to the artwork for each one... wouldn't want to step on any toes, ya know? Maybe the artists would be willing to do this...?

      G. Wood said:

      I was thinking...about the downloadable covers...They don't have a track listing? Or am I missing something? If not, maybe you could put them in landscape format, and have a track listing panel that hinges, so you could fold it over, stick it in a jewel case, and have the tracks on the inside? Just an idea, if you like it. Might have to adjust the borders before printing.

    • April 12, 2011 4:36 PM CDT
    • I was thinking...about the downloadable covers...They don't have a track listing? Or am I missing something? If not, maybe you could put them in landscape format, and have a track listing panel that hinges, so you could fold it over, stick it in a jewel case, and have the tracks on the inside? Just an idea, if you like it. Might have to adjust the borders before printing.

    • April 12, 2011 4:09 PM CDT
    • OK, now that the first volume is out of the way, I wanted to take care of some business for the rest of the volumes.

      ALL bands who were picked for the first five volumes have been contacted. At least, I have *tried* to contact them via their email addresses associated with their Hideout accounts. I have yet to hear back from several:






      If you represent one of those bands, please CHECK YOUR EMAIL! And I mean your EMAIL, not your Hideout inbox. There should be a message there from me that asks for your permission to waive mechanical royalties and all that. You must reply to that email. If you know of someone from one of the above bands and know of some other way of getting in touch with them, let me (or them) know!

      If you submitted a song but have not received an email from me, that means you didn't make the cut this time. THIS time. You still have a chance to make a future comp, however, your chances may improve if you submit a different song. Chances are if I didn't care for your track enough to include it on the initial volumes that I probably won't like it any more and include it on subsequent volumes. But that doesn't mean I may not like something else you submit. Just use the Soundcloud drop box and submit a different track... ya never know!

      And, of course, any bands who missed out on the first five are welcome to submit songs for Vol. 6, too, including any bands who have joined the site recently. Good luck!

    • April 12, 2011 3:46 PM CDT
    • July 1, 2011

      Oh, and "next" would be Vol. 6, since the first five are all pretty much done.

      KK Dirty Money said:

      I know it has been mentioned in previous posts, but what is the deadline for the next comp submission?



    • April 13, 2011 1:22 AM CDT
    • werd!

      kopper said:

      I just think people are way too worried if something is "punk" or not. Who fuckin' cares? Life's too short to worry about stupid shit like that. Just enjoy the music for what it is.

    • April 12, 2011 4:26 PM CDT
    • Hey There!

      You should seriously consider saving up for a Rickenbacker. We 've got one and it sounds heavenly! And 80's -90's models don't go for too much, if you don't mind the higain pickups.