I know it has been mentioned in previous posts, but what is the deadline for the next comp submission?
I know it has been mentioned in previous posts, but what is the deadline for the next comp submission?
LOL! I did download it here, you KNOW my loyalty runs deep for this excellent site ha. I just remember there was a list somewhere and then I got lazy and decided to write to the uber-punk rather than look for myself. Sheer punkass laziness. Thank you!
Yes, the song list is included on the download page. About > Hideout Comps from the menu bar above... and if you didn't download it from there, I'd like to know where you DID download it that didn't include a track list!
Thee Ms. Stixx - Elisa said:
Hi Kopper, yes, you are the man with that comp series, tasty choices! Is the songlist up here somewhere? I didn't grab it on the DL....thanks for all of your work keeping us old punks in the know. :) Elisa
Hi Kopper, yes, you are the man with that comp series, tasty choices! Is the songlist up here somewhere? I didn't grab it on the DL....thanks for all of your work keeping us old punks in the know. :) Elisa
Sounds like a browser caching issue. Try a different browser, or try completely emptying your browser cache and browsing history, including active logins, cookies, etc. Then restart your browser and see if that clears it up. Nothing I can do from my end. If you continue to have problems, submit a support request through http://help.ning.com
Whitey Allin said:
There seems to be something wrong with my page. I can't sign out, leave garage punk to try again, change my profile theme, or find the compilation download. Every time I close the site, and then come back, I'm still signed in. So whatever you can do... I tried sending this through mail and chat, and it still will do nothing. Sorry to do this through a forum, but I can't post anywhere else.
Hey Guys! The Compilation is GREAT! Great Tunes, Great Bands...Just GREAT!
ROBBY RUSSELL from GARAGE-MANIA INVASION RADIO. Yes, we love thiS Collection and will play some cuts on my next few radio shows on www.wpmd.org. Bands , we would like to promote you guys , connect me at e-mail
Think you should put the cover artwork from the comps on the Garagepunk (spreadshirt) store, make a few more bucks for the Hideout.
There are quite a bunch of tasty tunes on here! Looking forward to the following volumes.
I just started listening. FUCK. YEAH.
I think one of the main (preventative) issues with doing vinyl is each band would want some, and we're talking about 22 bands on the first volume alone. If every band wanted five copies for themselves and then another ten to sell, that would be 15 x 22 = 330 copies right there. Then you'd need at least another couple hundred to sell via brick & mortar stores and mail order. So even a minimum of 500 pressing would be pretty costly, and would mean very little profit for whatever label decided to take this on. 500 copies will cost around $1,300 at United. That's roughly $2.60 each (cost). I guess you could sell the bands their copies at cost (some may not like this, though, and expect their copies for free), which means you *should* (if all the bands actually come through and pay for 15 copies each) make $858 back relatively soon, but then you'd have only 170 copies left over to sell or use as promo and try to make a little profit to make it worthwhile. Even if you sell all 170 for $10 each, that's only $1,258. And I'm not even including packaging costs, postage (including international shipping), and the time it would take to take orders, box them up, invoice them, send them out, track sales at stores, etc. It's more than I would want to take on (especially for multiple volumes), that's for sure.
This is the reality that all indie record labels face, obviously, but asking a label that had absolutely no hand in compiling the album to take all this on (and again, 5+ volumes' worth) is asking quite a lot!
Hell Crab City said:
Just listened, Jeff, it's really great, cool selection, great bands, and thanks so much for including us ... someone has GOT TO DO SOME VINYL, DUDES ... seriously ...would be cool, i'd buy it, and all the rest of the volumes too ;-)
just found a stack of bands i REALLY DIG ... what it's all about, hey?
Just listened, Jeff, it's really great, cool selection, great bands, and thanks so much for including us ... someone has GOT TO DO SOME VINYL, DUDES ... seriously ...would be cool, i'd buy it, and all the rest of the volumes too ;-)
Got to listen to all of it yesterday, and wow, sounds real good, both creatively and technically; nice, even mastering job. Very rockin stuff.
Giving it my first listen now.. helping get through a tedious morning at work. There's some really great stuff on this.
This is too good, listening to it right now! It's fun to discover one great band after another!
just finishing listening to it for the first time. Great job! Lots of cool stuff that I'll be hanging on to. Our band will get around to submitting something in the coming months - working on getting a good enough recording together. Thanks for all the work on the hideout.
Touché kopper!
I just think people are way too worried if something is "punk" or not. Who fuckin' cares? Life's too short to worry about stupid shit like that. Just enjoy the music for what it is.
You forced me to check out the Barbarians TAMI show on youtube. Moulty's antics then forced me to move the excursion to Spinal Tap's "give me some money". Give Me Some Money made me realize there are no good live videos of Dukes of Hamburg available online.
Cool reviews. And I agree with your criticism of "The TAMI Show." I also did not like seeing Chuck Berry starting his classic "Maybelline," only to have Gerry and the Pacemakers finish it. I always thought those guys were a third rate derivative of the Beatles. That man deserves far better. I did like the dancer who was behind Berry on the platform as he sang "Sweet Little 16." I wonder if Berry got to bang her and the other dancers backstage? I also wished the Barbarians could have played more than one song. They were great to watch, because they looked so cartoonish. Keith Richards looked like a 12-year-old back then, and while I still thing Mick Jagger is a great frontman, his moves looked kind of jerky compared to the ultra smooth Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye, and he didn't even come close to James Brown's energy level. I loved that comment about Brown never being sent to charm school.
swt said:
I saw ? & The Mysterians last year in New York at a free show (that also featured The Gories, Death and Mitch Ryder)
The highlight is when Ronnie Spector joined them onstage for "96 Tears"
I wrote about that show here: http://steveterrell.blogspot.com/2010/08/terrells-tune-up-what-i-di...
And I wrote about The T.A.M.I. show HERE:
Hey there Axel! Ill write you some lyrics! I really enjoy it, so if you are serious, send me some music and get in touch!
Best, Chris
Is this for real? That's the funniest post I've seen in a long time.
I look at myself as a musician, not a poet. So I don't think too much about lyrics ( I even don't know the whole lyrics of bunch of my favorite songs). Sometime when I'm really down I can write some bitter words but that's it really. One time I wrote lyrics about wanting to have sex with one of my teachers, but you can't use that over and over....
So how do you folks write good lyrics? How do you get in the mood? Without drugs or alcohol?
I'm interested...