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    • April 8, 2011 1:48 AM CDT
    • YAY!! :D

    • April 7, 2011 10:28 AM CDT
    • This is rad. Can't wait til the release. I'd love to get on the next comp.


    • April 7, 2011 6:17 PM CDT
    • punk? ok we can't agree on definition. anti-establishment; d-i-y; anger; energy; youth. in my opinion you couldn't get more punk rock than lightning hopkins, hasil adkins, link wray or big youth! it's not limited to skinny white boys with loud guitars you know! (i think it was patti smith who said that?) i have this conversation almost daily with my drummer who is franco-african, and to the mainland europeans, punk means a whole different can of worms(thrash/metal/hardcore,etc.) television, for example are not considered punk-rock, whilst to me they are the quintessence of the punk spirit....., it's complicated, but better than worrying about that radio-active leak in japan! now gentlemen(and ladies) please stop having such titillating confabulations. it's way past my bed-time!

    • April 7, 2011 3:08 PM CDT
    • 1st album is punk and its the only one i like.  live at that time they were even more punk, i think the shitty production of the first album neutered some great punk songs.

    • April 7, 2011 12:42 PM CDT
    • It all depends. I think you can still consider yourself a Garage Band once you've gone mainstream but if you achieved that success by watering down your music, then you've probably lost all credibility with the underground crowd. But then, does any band want to stay underground forever anyway? Playing to 30 people in a dingy bar in the ass end of any shitty town that can afford you? If you want pussy and cash then mainstream is where it's at.

      I can't really think of any Garage Bands that have achieved mainstream success. Not any good ones, anyway.

    • April 7, 2011 12:38 PM CDT
    • They used The Shag's Stop And Listen (from the 60's) for Puma ads. Now the song is all cool and whatnot...I posted the song on my youtube channel and it's my highest viewed video by far.

      Andyuzz said:

      Old School Hero -"Good Point. And now to open up a whole new can of worms...This also makes me wonder...are you still a Garage Band if you enter the mainstream?"

      Mmmm - would I have actually liked Jerk It Out by The Caesars if it were not used for an ipod ad?

    • April 7, 2011 12:20 PM CDT
    • Good Point. And now to open up a whole new can of worms...This also makes me wonder...are you still a Garage Band if you enter the mainstream?

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      What do you think of the whole 'sell out' thing, when a band gets too big for DIY to still be possible? For me Clash, the Ramones, Sex Pistols were all punk but at some point whatever 'punk' was has gotten badly lost that you can now (for years) buy Tshirts with these bands on at Top Man.

    • April 7, 2011 12:11 PM CDT
    • What do you think of the whole 'sell out' thing, when a band gets too big for DIY to still be possible? For me Clash, the Ramones, Sex Pistols were all punk but at some point whatever 'punk' was has gotten badly lost that you can now (for years) buy Tshirts with these bands on at Top Man.

      John Paul Jackson said:

      I think of punk more as a DIY attitude, not a musical style.  And there's nothing wrong with ELO and Queen!

    • April 7, 2011 11:02 AM CDT

    • Andyuzz said:

      I've always considered them punk - maybe not 'musically' later on but the lyrics and attitude were always anti-establishment and uncompromising, which surely is the epitome of punk.

      See, this is where I think it gets tricky because Woodie Guthrie and Public Enemy are also 'anti-establishment and uncompromising', yet they wouldn't be considered Punk [Or would they? Here we go again!]. Some good points continue to be raised in this discussion though and I love that there's not a black or white answer to it. I think it's cool to hear everyone's opinion on this. I just think The Clash were/are a great rock & roll band and that's good enough for me. I just don't feel the need to pigeon hole everything to suit my identity. Which I guess was my point all along.

    • April 7, 2011 9:14 AM CDT
    • I think of punk more as a DIY attitude, not a musical style.  And there's nothing wrong with ELO and Queen!

    • April 7, 2011 8:20 AM CDT
    • amen!

      Old School Hero said:

      I've always felt the way you do, Ixnayray. I believe the term punk can be used to define an attitude of anti establishment and being yourself.. and even of certain musical styles that aren't Punk. Many people associate 60's Garage music with Punk these days in my's not true Punk but it's got the attitude and wickedness. Some people consider the early Rolling Stones Punk -shrug-. Some people even consider Country / Rockabilly Music to have a Punky-ness about it (And I agree.) Anyway, to consider The Clash as Punk strictly based on the sound of their music would be wrong (except the first album which you noted)...but the attitude of the music and the way they carry themselves..sure. I also feel that at least early Punk and pure Rock 'n Roll go hand in hand..I'd consider early Punk simply a term for a new era for pure Rock 'n Roll. It's got a lot of similarities..most notably it's simplicity..which is a key proponent of pure Rock 'n Roll in my eyes.

    • April 7, 2011 8:11 AM CDT
    • Agreed. No question about it, ixnayray.

    • April 7, 2011 5:59 AM CDT
    • I've always felt the way you do, Ixnayray. I believe the term punk can be used to define an attitude of anti establishment and being yourself.. and even of certain musical styles that aren't Punk. Many people associate 60's Garage music with Punk these days in my's not true Punk but it's got the attitude and wickedness. Some people consider the early Rolling Stones Punk -shrug-. Some people even consider Country / Rockabilly Music to have a Punky-ness about it (And I agree.) Anyway, to consider The Clash as Punk strictly based on the sound of their music would be wrong (except the first album which you noted)...but the attitude of the music and the way they carry themselves..sure. I also feel that at least early Punk and pure Rock 'n Roll go hand in hand..I'd consider early Punk simply a term for a new era for pure Rock 'n Roll. It's got a lot of similarities..most notably it's simplicity..which is a key proponent of pure Rock 'n Roll in my eyes.

    • April 6, 2011 4:10 PM CDT
    • You said it brother.  Feels like an Arbys night, err I mean Global-a-go-go night for the ride home from work.

    • April 6, 2011 4:07 PM CDT
    • Agreed, Trashman. I prefer Global A-Go-Go and Streetcore personally but yeah, I'd say the Mescalero's projects were pretty damn special.

      trashman said:

      Since I see the discussion veering a little away from the original question at hand, I feel like taking the liberty to interject that Joe's first two albums with the Mescaleros - Rock Art and the X-ray Style and Global-a-go-go, are incredibly special albums.  If people out there haven't taken the time to listen - do yourself a personal service.  I listen to those albums repeatedly, probably more than any other recording I own.  - Ragga, Bhangra, two-step Tanga

    • April 6, 2011 4:03 PM CDT
    • Since I see the discussion veering a little away from the original question at hand, I feel like taking the liberty to interject that Joe's first two albums with the Mescaleros - Rock Art and the X-ray Style and Global-a-go-go, are incredibly special albums.  If people out there haven't taken the time to listen - do yourself a personal service.  I listen to those albums repeatedly, probably more than any other recording I own.  - Ragga, Bhangra, two-step Tanga   

      duke cottonhead said:

      JOE STRUMMER certainly had more spunk than ANYONE contributing to these columns. gentlemen goodnight, and may joe s ghost guide your souls. he cast a long shadow!

    • April 5, 2011 12:59 PM CDT
    • Well Paul Simenon was the only non-musician when The Clash started out... I think he was a pretty competent bass player by the end and has gone on to do other music projects [Havana 3am, The Good, The Bad & The Queen]. Not sure if being a non-musician makes you 'punk' either. In fact, i'm not sure I even like the term. It means absolutely nothing to me and I don't think it describes the music I listen too... But that's a whole different discussion!!

      Pennygate? Yeah, that's about 30 minutes or so from where I live... Weird!

      duke cottonhead said:

      "joe strummer was not the only musician"

      yeah, and paul simenon was the only non-musician, therefore the only real punk-rocker in the clash. (in this old wolf's  humble opinion.loved your broadcast, by the way. did i tell you my sister lives in pennygate, norfolk?)

    • April 5, 2011 12:02 PM CDT
    • "joe strummer was not the only musician"

      yeah, and paul simenon was the only non-musician, therefore the only real punk-rocker in the clash. (in this old wolf's  humble opinion.loved your broadcast, by the way. did i tell you my sister lives in pennygate, norfolk?)

    • April 7, 2011 5:47 PM CDT
    • I played some "vintage" 12 strings recently; a Vox teardrop (it was...ok but at $1500 it should have been godlike in perfection) and a Greco (pretty and nice tone but half the pickups didn't work, the neck was warped and the neck was a little too narrow for my pudgy fingers).


      I hear that Dean makes one that is moderately ok and dirt cheap but is a little top heavy (but what do you want for $300?).  My brother has a Dano that's pretty good and a green Burns that makes me green with envy.

    • April 7, 2011 3:02 PM CDT
    • A few favourites

      The Stems

      The Pleasers

      The Prisoners



      The Knack :)



      The Beat

      what is included here? Real Kids, Hoodoo Gurus a million billion others?

      power pop is a sucky genre title it makes me think of Dwight Twilley,Paley Brothers and Sean Cassidy and other no song acts who got major lable deals and then bombed in the late seventies. The real kings of power pop are probably Cheap Trick or Redd Kross :)

    • April 7, 2011 1:16 PM CDT
    • Has anyone seen the movie the last pogo?

    • April 7, 2011 11:57 AM CDT
    • I've been into Miss Chain and the Broken Heels from Italy and Crusaders of Love from France lately.

    • April 7, 2011 1:36 AM CDT
    • I'm selling my power pop/garage collection over the next couple months on ebay.. 30 years of collecting with some real cool stuff.. 100's of items and I add items every week so bookmark my ebay page.  search for seller name: devingeorgematz

    • April 6, 2011 9:33 PM CDT
    • Great choice ... I have four of their albums and all of them are good ... I'd like to add two bands to the mix:  The Spinning Jennies and the Well Wishers

      kopper said:

      Don't forget the Barracudas!

    • April 7, 2011 12:16 PM CDT
    • Neko Case has wondered about this. But I posted that article I've linked to on Facebook and some musicians I know refuted that there is a male groupie shortage.