Ha! We open with a fucked up version of Pipeline and it's always all downhill after that!! Classic!!
ash said:
my old band used to open with Pipeline.. great song to start with - but all downhill after that!!
Ha! We open with a fucked up version of Pipeline and it's always all downhill after that!! Classic!!
ash said:
my old band used to open with Pipeline.. great song to start with - but all downhill after that!!
We normally open up with a little bit of "Creeping Death", but it quickly turns into a slide blues/punk song.
Hank williams "Dear John" is pretty funny all together but my favorite part is:
"Now my gal's short and stubby, She's strong as she can be, But if that little old gal of mine, Ever get's a-hold of me, That's all she wrote, Dear John, I've sent your saddle home."
Whats the funniest lyrics you've heard?
My choice is two howlin' wolf songs.
1) I was built for comfort, i wasn't built for speed.(admit it it's hilarious)
2) I am 300 pounds of joy.
I bought "Station of the Crass" in LP vinyl in the beginning of 1980, and I used to listen to it near the end of 2010. It's my favorite punk album, a little bit sharp maybe ....
-Adverts "Crossing The Red Sea"
-Saints "(I'm) Stranded"
-Ramones' first three albums + "It's Alive"
-Damned "Damned Damned Damned"
-Dead Boys "Young Loud & Snotty"
-Crime "San Francisco's Doomed" (released in 1992, but featuring recordings from 1978-79)
-Pagans "Everybody Hates You"
-The Cramps "Songs The Lord Taught Us"
-The Misfits "Static Age" (recorded Jan 78, released 1995) & "12 Hits From Hell" (recorded 1980, officially unreleased)
-Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers "L.A.M.F."
-Suicide "Suicide"
-X Ray Spex "Germ Free Adolescents"
-Radio Birdman's first two albums
-Stiff Little Fingers' first two albums
-Dead Kennedys "Fresh Fruits For Rotting Vegetables"
-D.O.A. "Something Better Change"
-Boy Next Door "Door, Door"
Hey Lenny i already got the English version, it's great fun to finally read it in bookform. The humor of the Dutch still stands i was worried it might not cause English (usa) is such a diffrent language but luckily that's ok.
Been spinning Trippin thru a Midnight Blues by Cuby myself.
That's very cool to hear that. I make diddley bows, cigar box guitars, and cigar box ukulele's, too (among other things).
The possibilities are almost endless. If you search online, you can find plenty of sites that show off people that make some very cool/functional music gadgets out of nothing but junk and pride themselves on not actually buying anything to put it together. It's artistic, functional, practical, and cool, so lube up those handy craft skills and get to work!
DammitDave said:
Thanks alot everyone. This is for a present so I may or may not order a kit. I'll be back with my decision.
I've made a couple of diddley bows but that's about it. I had a dream about a thing that's a cross between a diddley bow and a hurdy gurdy (diddley gurdy? hurdy bow?) but my fabrication skills have gotten rusty and were never that sharp in the first place. I believe I'll make one out of Legos.
Thanks alot everyone. This is for a present so I may or may not order a kit. I'll be back with my decision.
I've made a couple of diddley bows but that's about it. I had a dream about a thing that's a cross between a diddley bow and a hurdy gurdy (diddley gurdy? hurdy bow?) but my fabrication skills have gotten rusty and were never that sharp in the first place. I believe I'll make one out of Legos.
I own one of those Hiwatt Echo Theramins (pretty cheap, pretty cool).
But, you can make kits from junk, or buy nice kits.
They aren't as difficult as you think. I say, make your own:
I hope this helps ya.
I like to make cool/custom instruments and stuff out of junk or cheap stuff.
Hit me up if you're into the same thing.
i know a guy who built a couple of awesome theramins from scratch and all i can say is, they are damm difficult thing to build from plans, one brand of component will work. and another will not despite them being the same spec.
the moog etherwave kit builds into an awesome useable instrument but it is a tad expensive.
there is a kit available here in the uk a lot cheaper but i cannot speak for the sound quality because i have never heard one.
my mr's has been driving me mad to get one for her, so i might give one a try myself.
Initially we thought in buying a theremin or a kit for the song Creeping Love but we didn't want to spend money and ended up in using this free VST plugin that did the trick: http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?plugin=Super_Spook_Keys&id......
We have a Moog Theremin and just attack the thing with crazy hand movements. If your in a garage band, you don't want to know how to play it properly! This is my favourite demonstration... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyF_UN8g9f0
I don't know anything about building one from a kit, we just bought one that is already constructed.
I'm interested in a Theremin or Theremin kit. Does anyone have any experience, advice, tips, etc?
Johnny Thunders, Iggy Pop, Stiv Bators, Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious, Richard Hell, Handsome Dick Manitoba, all of the Ramones.
Captain Sensible
First time writing on this forum and I must say it's interesting how you can see so much snobbery here. Some people have already decided it's going to suck because Little Steven, apparently a sell out who doesn't know what Garage Rock is, is involved. Personally, I love Garage Rock, I play in a Garage Rock band and my favourite artist is Springsteen. I can imagine pieces of brain scattered all over some keyboards and computer screens as some of you read this.
I think the movie has potential but I won't judge it before I actually see it.
P.S. - Springsteen's song "Fire" was not written for Robert Gordon. It was written for Elvis but then Elvis died and Bruce ended up giving it to Robert Gordon.
Check out the cutie pie who's going to play the lead female role...
UPDATE: Panasonic is in fact ceasing production of the SL-1200MK6 model specifically, while other Technics turntable models will live on. Phew! Sincere apologies for the misunderstanding.
Guess I should...so I wouldn't make myself so ridiculous in this forum !
Hideout Admin said:
Speaking of Chucks (and getting way off-topic here), has anyone read this biography?
You all knew that, but: Teens (or Tina) from The Trashwomen (and from a hun-dread of other trashy-to-the-bone bands) is an off/on member in HUNX & HIS PUNX (and co-owner of that beauty salon) which makes them A+++OK. So, apart from the music and all the other refreshing, all around lunacy, this guy's dirty halo is shining bright for me.
Won't make it more fun for anyone that doesn't give a shitdamn but, what the hell. Thought I'd just say that.
And yes, I think self organizing stuff is very important, it's the backbone of all that we dig, I think. I don't wanna quarrel with anyones points here, if that's how it works for you, it's ok with me. Sure, everyone is somehow living with mega company produced/owned stuff, but in terms of my own crap, I for myself rather keep their fingers out of my pie. I can draw crap all day without any big nose getting in my business and I can do so without anyones approval or decline. If someone with equal interests (i.e. the "scene") takes a fancy at it, wonderful! But I'd either have all of it lying around for years, before I have it published weekly under some weird ass baby killing company, because they thought it would make them some extra money, while they are otherwise not interested in drawing, or the music connected to it at all.
I let these bands do whatever the hell they want, it's their choice how they want to pomote their stuff. They're not the vampire, 50 million bucks a ticket, Rolling Stones (Growlll, Rolling Stones, Growwwl!).
On a very quasi philosophical level: No body can drag down Rock'n'Roll anyway. If you love it - it lives. I know, that doesn't bring unknown records to your doorstep, but I guess that somehow, that's the thing that keeps R'N'R running in terms of people starting their own shit. All the bands showing up here (and other places of course) rummaging around with small record pressings and messy tours carried out on their own backs and all the individuals posting their personal stories in this discussion are the best example for that.
And if some hipster kid is brainwashed backwards, by seeing a band like the Oblivians at some Scion fest, so be it. I know it's not that easy, yesyes.
I like that:)
EGO the Living Planet said:
I enjoyed it. Sure, I would have put some different bands in, but every individual is gonna have their own favorites. There was some great footage of the stuff I do like.
As for concerns that this represents a "sell out"...
Get used to it. Stuff like this is likely where we can expect our music to come from in the future. The music business as we know it is dying and there will have to be new ways to get music out there. Suckering big corporations into footing the bill a pretty likely scenario.
I enjoyed it. Sure, I would have put some different bands in, but every individual is gonna have their own favorites. There was some great footage of the stuff I do like.
As for concerns that this represents a "sell out"...
Get used to it. Stuff like this is likely where we can expect our music to come from in the future. The music business as we know it is dying and there will have to be new ways to get music out there. Suckering big corporations into footing the bill a pretty likely scenario.
So funny and so damn right too !!!
Roskö said:
A brand new vinyl for $500 ? Do they add some hand made crackles for that price, just like they add stains and holes to these brand new out of price vintage jeans nowadays ?
So funny and quite damn right !!!
DammitDave said:
RICK: Oh, stop being so blinking bourgousie! All property is theft, Vyvyan.
VYVYAN: All right, then. Where's your girlie purse?
VYVYAN: [takes Rick's coin purse, removes some money] Ha ha! Found it!
RICK: You put that back! That's my personal property!
NEIL: You just said all property is theft, Rick.
RICK: Well, yes, it is.
VYVYAN: Yeah, so I'm nicking it.