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    • December 12, 2010 5:55 AM CST
    • Hey thanx you from Holland?

    • December 11, 2010 11:36 PM CST
    • I read this book (dutch version) and i can say that it really kicks ass. Great book about a great band.

    • December 12, 2010 4:14 AM CST
    • Yo,its better  much much better,I had a digiverb .The hardwire is the best reverb out there in pedal land !! cheers

      Jamie said:

      That's what I like to hear. Opinions from people with hands on experience. So how does it stack up to it's predecessor the Digi-Verb? It might be a worthwhile upgrade for me.

      gumbo chaff said:

      Yo everybody I am a total freak when it comes to reverb...ive had a real fender tank it was ...ok.....i found it a total bastard to use live...i tried the fbv pedal it was ok affected my sound so much i sold it ...i tried the danelectro stuff and the electro harmonix ...i think over the years ive tried most pedals .What I use now is the digitech hardwire through the effects loop  !! its fuckin brilliant best reverb sounds ive ever had.the digitech was made in collaboration with lexicon who are top draw reverb people.....I love this pedal it has many options for different reverbs .Its the best reverb I have ever had....NO REALLY.I love it.dont take my word for it try one down the local music shop its awesome.....

    • December 12, 2010 2:13 AM CST
    • That's what I like to hear. Opinions from people with hands on experience. So how does it stack up to it's predecessor the Digi-Verb? It might be a worthwhile upgrade for me.

      gumbo chaff said:

      Yo everybody I am a total freak when it comes to reverb...ive had a real fender tank it was ...ok.....i found it a total bastard to use live...i tried the fbv pedal it was ok affected my sound so much i sold it ...i tried the danelectro stuff and the electro harmonix ...i think over the years ive tried most pedals .What I use now is the digitech hardwire through the effects loop  !! its fuckin brilliant best reverb sounds ive ever had.the digitech was made in collaboration with lexicon who are top draw reverb people.....I love this pedal it has many options for different reverbs .Its the best reverb I have ever had....NO REALLY.I love it.dont take my word for it try one down the local music shop its awesome.....

    • December 11, 2010 9:12 AM CST
    • Yo everybody I am a total freak when it comes to reverb...ive had a real fender tank it was ...ok.....i found it a total bastard to use live...i tried the fbv pedal it was ok affected my sound so much i sold it ...i tried the danelectro stuff and the electro harmonix ...i think over the years ive tried most pedals .What I use now is the digitech hardwire through the effects loop  !! its fuckin brilliant best reverb sounds ive ever had.the digitech was made in collaboration with lexicon who are top draw reverb people.....I love this pedal it has many options for different reverbs .Its the best reverb I have ever had....NO REALLY.I love it.dont take my word for it try one down the local music shop its awesome.....

    • December 11, 2010 3:23 AM CST
    • Actually the Spring King is not a digital reverb like the Boss FRV-1 or Digitech Digi-verb. It is actually a digital delay that is then run through an actual spring just like real tank. So it's actually different than any other reverb tank or pedal that I know of. If you want to look at gut shots of it check this out.


      Of course the sound is really the only important thing to consider in all of this. I've never played with one so I don't know. Can anyone name any bands that use one?


    • December 12, 2010 3:56 AM CST
    • Oh man, these are Chuck Taylors ! Shame on me ! I didn't even know that ! Just called these dirty smelly things Converse...That tells a lot about my street credibilty I guess !!! Level zero !

      And yet, I used to wear some of those sloppy things in my early teens ! More shame on me ! Ethic credibility = zero ! :)


      Of course, you wasn't even talking to me TeenFink and I didn't take it for myself. It has just spurted out of me ! Some kinda verbal ejaculation if you will !

      Glad you took it the fun way coz there was, of course, nothing personal in this reply, just a few words about my own fucked up caveman experience !

      Cheers and thanks again for this odorous pic !

      TeenFink said:

      funny, I wasn't even talking to you, but since you seem to be living in a cave, these are chuck taylors:


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Don't even know what Chuck Taylors are...No kidding ! 

    • December 11, 2010 9:13 PM CST
    • HAHAHAHA! That was HORRIBLE! I made it to the second "Oh" then had to click away.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 11, 2010 9:00 PM CST
    • Yeah, being broke is a total drag and being able to see a shit load of bands that I personally enjoy for free kicks ass. I can't afford a fucking car, nor do I even want one, but if Scion wants to spend their money for me to watch The Gories and The Oblivians play, so fucking be it. At least it's not on some fucking fifteen foot stage with some bullshit butt rock motif. I don't give a shit about the corporate sponsors and I think it's funny that everyone is getting their pretty little panties in a twist over this. Corporate infiltration has killed good things before, but so has stuffy nay saying. I love the music and that's really all there is to it.

    • December 11, 2010 12:15 PM CST
    • funny, I wasn't even talking to you, but since you seem to be living in a cave, these are chuck taylors:


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      Don't even know what Chuck Taylors are...No kidding ! 

    • December 11, 2010 3:32 AM CST
    • Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 10, 2010 4:12 PM CST
    • Oh oh, don't get me wrong my friend...

      This ain't no "hard core", I'm not preaching anything, I do believe that rules are made to be trampled and I don't blame these kids, I even buy some of their records !

      It's just the way I live  my own stupid life and, believe me, I'm really having fun !

      I just try to stay away from the MAN as much as I can.

      And believe me, purity and holiness are unknown concepts to me !

      But, once again, I think that, when "corporations" inject money in music, something is lost...

      All a kid needs to Rock'n'Roll can be found in his own body and soul !

      That said, I probably have to find a little time to watch this documentary now !

      Cheers !

      KK Dirty Money said:

      Wow, that's pretty hard core. Keep on keepin' on, bro.

      I gotta ask: why are there so many rules? I thought one of the reasons people really got into rock n' roll and all that it stood for was because rockers took risks, broke rules, avoided rules, liked to piss people off, and just tried to do their own thing.

      So what fuck does it matter whether you do this, or they do that?

      It doesn't make anybody any better than anyone else. That guy's opinion is just as important and just as ridiculous as some other guy's different opinion.

      Everyone's different and why do we give such a fuck about all these tedious cred statements like "I don't know what this is", "I don't do this, but I sure do that". You're one in a million, and that is great. Keep rockin'.

      But to be holier than thou is never a cool thing. Poser hipsters do that.

      I say "fuck yes" to all you: the bands, the purists, the video, the car, the kids being kids; keep on changing things up. 

      If everything was so damn rule-specific and "hard core", we'd all be pissed about that, too. 

      Ya know we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't, right?

      It's OK to care, but shit man this is getting a little too snooty to be cool anymore. 

      All those 60's bands you love so dearly did the exact same thing all these new/kid bands are doing now, you understand.

      And 40 years from now, some of these kids in these "fresh new bands" are gonna be the snooty curmudgeons telling the young'uns to get outta their lawn.


      Quod tu es, ego fui, quod ego sum, tu eris

      The world keeps on turning, and that's a good thing. 



    • December 12, 2010 2:21 AM CST
    • Sweet dude! Give us some clips if you get any.

      Axel said:

      I ended up ordering the 'psycho fuzz' from plan 9, brasil. it is not an exact clone though. it is based on the fuzzrite but has two more options to modify the fuzz.

    • December 11, 2010 1:52 AM CST
    • I ended up ordering the 'psycho fuzz' from plan 9, brasil. it is not an exact clone though. it is based on the fuzzrite but has two more options to modify the fuzz.

    • December 11, 2010 2:16 PM CST
    • I'm torn on this argument and, as someone who does not support downloading free albums or pirating, I do say he has a point with the concept of wanting, as an artist to get paid. I believe that the artist should get every single penny they can for their work. The first thing an artist does is create (despite what you think of his talents). Once the art is over, the businessman needs to come out. 


      If you are playing for fun and have a day job, I'm sure it is easy to sit back and suggest Art is Free and that anyone who wants to get money is evil. That is not the case for bands feeding themselves and paying for their houses on their income. There is no nobility in starving and if some people make more than others that is the sad nature of capitalism. 


      Here is where I argee 100%  with DammitDave. Once the item goes to secondary market that bond between creator and consumer has ended. eBay is a false economy and items are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. If some dope wants to pay 500$ for vinyl, so be it. Most of us without the extra income will buy it in the other formats for cheap. The Metallica arguement doesn't fit here because Met. was sueing for people giving the music away for free and others for stealing it (yes, it is theft - despite how much they make) Just because they are rich does not entitle anyone to take from them. And before you ask, no I have never illegally downloaded an album or accepted a 'leaked' album. 


      But I digress. This LP is a hard copy product. If the value goes up - it goes up. As long as someone is willing to pay 490$ more than it is worth, that is what is it worth. In a few years, perhaps it will drop. Doubtful. 

    • December 11, 2010 1:49 AM CST
    • from this day on I am now Spicey Southern Sausage Law.

    • December 10, 2010 4:32 PM CST
    • Aaaah...sorry S. if I've called you Sean before since you are not Sean but S. Still, Sean Law can be called S. Law since S. is the first letter of Sean but I can't name S. Law Sean since his name ain't Sean but maybe Spartacus, or Scott, or Sydney, or Spicey Southern Sausage or...maybe Sean after all...who knows...Who knows, except S. Law, what's S. real name ? By the way is Sean Law the real name of Sean Law ? Who really knows except Sean Law ? Maybe S. Law ? And what about all these impersonators going on there ? What if S. Law was a Sean Law impersonator ?!? Or Sean Law a S. Law impersonator ?!? That would be great ! Oh, and what about that ol' greedy turd Jackie White ? Don't you think we talk to much about him here ???

      Ouch, my head aches...

      S.Law said:

      "I am Spartacus!"


      ha!  thee soul preacher has called me sean before. sean is at a lot of the places I go though.

    • December 11, 2010 10:19 AM CST
    • well played old boy!

      Sicky Wellington said:

      ...or... "The Shocker"!...

    • December 10, 2010 11:01 PM CST
    • ...or... "The Shocker"!...

    • December 10, 2010 11:00 PM CST
    • That is one fine piece of ass...

    • December 11, 2010 1:44 AM CST
    • Thanks for the info. I surfed the net a bit and it seems the mosrite pu output was/is between 10 and 12 K. That should create a great sound when  usuing fuzz. There is  at least one company building mosrite styled pus these days to replace p-90s in all those clones(eastwood, wilson brothers, dillion).

      In the meantime I got a Dillion Mosrite copy, 2002 model, and I love it. After I lowered the action is plays pretty decent. I'm not certain that my quest for 'my' perfect garage-punk guitar is over, but for now I'm really happy.

      Kill, Baby...Kill! said:

      In regard to the pickup question, the Mosrites had overwound P-90s that were very 'hot'. These sound very different from standard P-90s found on todays guitars.

    • December 10, 2010 6:40 PM CST
    • I vote for anything by The Rezillos and "Prolixin Stomp" by Rhino 39.

    • December 10, 2010 5:48 PM CST
    • Well duh, they come from garage-land...ah-ah-ahhh

    • December 10, 2010 5:45 PM CST
    • I'd be interested to know what people think are the most under rated and/or overlooked punk rock LPs/EPs from this time.