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    • December 10, 2012 2:41 AM CST
    • You´re maybe right Chris but i think they still could have choose another way.
      I guess Brian Eno was the better part of Roxy music.
      And Ferry, kind of Dandy to the core (if i can use this term)

      Chris Henniker said:

      I think they were eclipsed by the very trends they inspired.

      Tersicore said:

      One of the saddest case to me was Roxy Music:

      (I would like to post this video but the sound is too bad)
      So better watch this one: 

      The final part of this song still blow me away ;)

      But then,
      how could they turn into something so awfully bad?

      Also David Bowie disappointed me whit the making of "Let´s Dance" in ´83
      But I love all the stuff he has done before, till "Scary Monsters"!

    • December 10, 2012 1:23 AM CST
    • What did you all think of REMs version of Roky's "I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE"? I know, it's one of their earlier ones, but you know, it never hurts ta ask.

      John Battles said:

      Thank You !!!!! I always liked what Jim Heat (Horton Heat) said , "I liked REM , until they became a GENRE".  They were getting carbon - copied by 85 - 85 like Nirvana was by the early '90S.
      Alison said:

      Well thank god R.E.M. finally broke up.... dudes jumped the shark years ago, and now Peter Buck is finally unleashed...

    • December 9, 2012 8:11 PM CST
    • I would'nt say they ever improved on that first album , but , I first heard it and  "London Calling" at around the same time. I took to their first , faster , but liked them both , still do. There were certainly tracks on that double LP , to say nothing of the triple LP , I'd throw back , sure. But , I don't hate any OF 'EM , ALL THE WAY THRU. NATURALLY , i'VE Never heard "Cut THE cRAP" ALL THE WAY THRU.
       They were a LIVE band , through and through.
      dave said:

      (Deep Breath) Weeell, you could make a case for the Clash sucking after their 1st LP.

      London Calling was a watershed album for them, but was it punk rock? Too many pastiches of various types of music.

      I didn't like anything else they did, even tho' I loyally bought it.

      Sometimes a band just has 1 classic album in them.

    • December 9, 2012 8:06 PM CST
    • I meant to say , Jim Heath.
      John Battles said:

      Thank You !!!!! I always liked what Jim Heat (Horton Heat) said , "I liked REM , until they became a GENRE".  They were getting carbon - copied by 85 - 85 like Nirvana was by the early '90S.
      Alison said:

      Well thank god R.E.M. finally broke up.... dudes jumped the shark years ago, and now Peter Buck is finally unleashed...

    • December 9, 2012 7:47 PM CST
    • Thank You !!!!! I always liked what Jim Heat (Horton Heat) said , "I liked REM , until they became a GENRE".  They were getting carbon - copied by 85 - 85 like Nirvana was by the early '90S.
      Alison said:

      Well thank god R.E.M. finally broke up.... dudes jumped the shark years ago, and now Peter Buck is finally unleashed...

    • December 9, 2012 7:40 PM CST
    • you're so right about Roxy. But , I kind of got off the bus after the third album (Which I don't even play that often.). Ferry had the vision , before Bowie - Repackage Disco. But , it
       was a big deal to me , at the time, when Bowie made his comeback - that - most - people - did'nt - even - know was a comeback in '83. I was a big fan at the time ("Scary Monsters" is my  cutoff point , too , but I was a forgiving fan at the time. ) , and ANY product and tour was acceptable to me....He did put on a great show , I thought , but , you could'nt compare it to seeing him in '72 , '74 or '76. Stevie Ray Vaughn's sacking was a major diappointment (Not that I'd have cared much , only a few of years later. ), and I never bothered seeing Bowie , again , but ,would have gone to that last gig , here , were it not , like , $100 (Ditto for Roxy Music. ).
      Tersicore said:

      One of the saddest case to me was Roxy Music:

      (I would like to post this video but the sound is too bad)
      So better watch this one: 

      The final part of this song still blow me away ;)

      But then,
      how could they turn into something so awfully bad?

      Also David Bowie disappointed me whit the making of "Let´s Dance" in ´83
      But I love all the stuff he has done before, till "Scary Monsters"!

    • December 9, 2012 6:07 PM CST
    • Well thank god R.E.M. finally broke up.... dudes jumped the shark years ago, and now Peter Buck is finally unleashed...

    • December 9, 2012 3:52 PM CST
    • I think they were eclipsed by the very trends they inspired.

      Tersicore said:

      One of the saddest case to me was Roxy Music:

      (I would like to post this video but the sound is too bad)
      So better watch this one: 

      The final part of this song still blow me away ;)

      But then,
      how could they turn into something so awfully bad?

      Also David Bowie disappointed me whit the making of "Let´s Dance" in ´83
      But I love all the stuff he has done before, till "Scary Monsters"!

    • December 9, 2012 2:13 PM CST
    • (Deep Breath) Weeell, you could make a case for the Clash sucking after their 1st LP.

      London Calling was a watershed album for them, but was it punk rock? Too many pastiches of various types of music.

      I didn't like anything else they did, even tho' I loyally bought it.

      Sometimes a band just has 1 classic album in them.

    • December 9, 2012 1:01 PM CST
    • I did'nt like Caribou latest record.

      Jack White sucks balls and have been for some years now.

      Earth change their cool drone to some boring post shit.

      didnt like Black Lips latest record.

    • December 10, 2012 2:38 AM CST
    • Hey great discussion:

      R Dean Taylor/There's a Ghost in my House (tasty fuzz)

      Who/Can't Explain

      Seeds/Pushin Too Hard

      then get them em onto the lesser known stuff

    • December 10, 2012 1:42 AM CST
    • SAY WHAT?? Didn't even hear of those coming out... so, thanks.

      NOTE to all: And I'm spamming this thread, SORRY!

      Greg Hanson said:

      The two new Man or Astro-Man? 7"s are awesome! They are probably my favorite releases of the year.

    • December 10, 2012 1:41 AM CST
    • Yeah, that one was way great! The Ills (of Hideout fame) put out a rad "16min -15 songs" record out...HERE.

      Stanton Woods said:

      Dan Sartain - Too Tough To Live

    • December 10, 2012 1:36 AM CST
    • Yeah, much to the shame of the public image, that is true... shame I SAY! No really, like you said, it's a good flick and very enjoyable. If you can, go see it at the big pictures, Dave.

      Paranorman is a "kids movie" but I had a blast! No deep stuff either, but it's great to see someone go to the lenghts of stop motioning a feature these days. That alone made it very worth watching to me. And the creepy, eerie look of it. They got away with some pretty gross zombies, all done up in clay - for cuteness.

      John Battles said:

      I guess "Dark Shadows" did'nt do much at the box office. iT'S POSSIBLE , A LOT OF PEOPLE DID'NT HEAR ABOUT IT , I DON'T KNOW. It was billed as a straight up Comedy , which I thought would'nt work....But , it really is'nt , the Comedy and THE HORROR ELEMENTS ARE BALANCED OUT PRETTY WELL. It's not High Art , just a fun flick.
      dave said:

      Holy Christ, guys, I didn't even know about the Dark Shadows re-make, but you've made me want to see it! (haven't been to a movie since Pan's Labyrinth, so ya know 'ya done good')

      Lately Burton's been getting a bad rep amongst reviewers, but I never know exactly what their beef is. Everything I've seen by him except for PeeWee has that Goth-y/geeky vibe, so what were they expecting.

      (Alice Cooper had a funny cameo in Wayne's World [I know, everyone's seen it, but...], another goofy rock and roll romp.)

      (I heard Penelope Spheris would never work with Mike Myers again, if she could help it)

    • December 10, 2012 1:32 AM CST
    • Thanks for that! This was done quite well and gives a good overview. Hell, they even talked to this "Anon Infiltrator guy" that thought he had it all figured out and got served by them big time (the name escapes me now...).

      dave said:

      Okay, I was thinkin' I hadn't seen a movie this year, but online I did, and it gets my vote as one of the best flicks of this year.

      We Are Legion - The Story of the Hacktivists (Full Movie)

      Lord, I' ve watched it 3 times this year (laughs).

    • December 10, 2012 1:30 AM CST
    • Yeah! I also liked that one for sure! Collen is great. Did you get to check out SWEARIN'? Not related, but it kind of connects for me, don't know why.

      Alex said:


      Colleen Green, "Milo Goes to Compton" (Art Fag)

    • December 9, 2012 7:57 PM CST
    • I could'nt get it to play ,but , that's probably my computer. A hoax , YAY ! My favorite GG Hoax is that he was stabbed during the '85 Dallas show. Horseshit , I was there. I told his biographer I'd tell him what I remembered about that show. Never heard back from him.

      Several years ago , The Goblins (Masked Chicago band.) staged a phony res - erection of GG . tHE GUY WHO PORTRAYED HIM (He's here , BTW ,but , he can out himself.) flung choklit puddin ' at the audience . "OH NO ! HE'S POOPING ON THE AUDIENCE ! OH , THE HUMANITY !".

    • December 9, 2012 1:01 PM CST
    • In 2003, we did here in small city in south of Brazil a Ten Years without GG Allin Festival. 5 days of gore/horror/alternative movies and documentaries at the Federal University and a gig at the end of it in a local bar. My garage band played a  cover of GG's I wanna fuck myself. But the best part of the festival was the hoax my friends did at the local TV Show.

      you can check out here with subtitles:


    • December 9, 2012 7:51 PM CST
    • No , I have'nt. Heard it was good. i read about 100 pages of Keef'S BOOK , LOST IT , THEN , ONLY RECENTLY FOUND ANOTHER COPY. I'm not good with 400 page books. Took months to get thru Alice Bag's book , and it's very good.            

    • December 9, 2012 3:23 PM CST
    • Has anyone read Townshend's autobiography Who I Am

    • December 9, 2012 5:53 PM CST
    • Not bad.  I'm glad they still exist.....greatest rock band of all time in my humble opinion.

    • December 9, 2012 3:29 PM CST
    • Oooh, my head (sound of head hitting wall many times)! Metal/Garage degrees-of-separation! It's great, 'specially since I love Mastodon so much, but, wow...

      Now that I know there's a band called Harvey Milk, I *hafta* check 'em out!

      Thanks, Alison!

      Alison said:

      Yes, Zoroaster and Harvey Milk rule.  Now let me make a connection between Georgia metal and Georgia garage rock.  Susanne Gibboney of the Atlanta garage bands Lust, The Vendettas, and Tiger! Tiger! is married to Brann Dailor of Mastadon.  Also, the beautiful cover art of Tiger! Tiger!'s awesome 2012 album, "Cut Them Where They Bleed," was created by Baroness lead singer John Dyer Baizley.

      Alex said:

      You said it.  The Georgia bands are KILLER.  I'm a really big fan of Zoroaster and Harvey Milk.  If you like Harvey Milk, you need to check out Whores, which was produced by a guy from Harvey Milk (  Really one of my favorite EP's of 2012 (it came out end of December 2011).

      Also, Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats have been getting a TON of press this year.  I'm impressed.

      Alison said:

      So many Georgia metal bands, including: Zoroaster, Withered, Apocalyptic Visions, Torche, Mastodon, Harvey Milk, Baroness, Kylesa, and Royal Thunder....

      But my favorite "stoner" band is the UK's Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats...

    • December 9, 2012 2:23 PM CST
    • Thanks to @JLLLOW for this!

      A Roundtable Link - Recommended for all crate-digger geeks #copyright

      "’s these paranoid times that are killing off many of the blogs we know and love. We live in an era that is now overly policed. Free music is now expected by the masses and the industry is broken beyond repair.

      When met with a mandatory shutdown, most bloggers are happy to throw in the towel, and I can sympathize with the frustration of having to start from scratch."

    • December 9, 2012 11:04 AM CST
    • Show #400: "The TeenBeat Mayhem Top 100 U.S. Garage Rock Single Sides Of All Time, Part 1" playlist:

      The Sparkles - "No Friend Of Mine"
      The Heathens - "The Other Way Around"
      The Modds - "Leave My House"
      Paul Revere & The Raiders - "Just Like Me"
      Half Pint & The Fifths - "Orphan Boy"
      The Kingsmen - "Louie Louie"
      The Wig - "Crackin' Up"
      The Electric Prunes - "I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)"
      The Chocolate Watchband - "Sweet Young Thing"
      The Runaways - "18th Floor Girl"
      The Grains Of Sand - "Goin' Away Baby"
      The Litter - "Action Woman"
      Randy Alvey & Green Fuz - "Green Fuz"
      Murphy & The Mob - "Born Loser"
      The Wailers - "Out Of Our Tree"
      The Lyrics - "So What!!"
      The Electras - "Action Woman"
      The Five Canadians - "Never Alone"
      The Romancers - "Love's The Thing"
      Kenny & The Kasuals - "Journey To Tyme"
      The Sonics - "The Witch"
      The Groop - "[title unknown aka 'Alright!']"
      The Headstones - "24 Hours (Everyday)"
      The Sound Barrier - "Hey Hey"
      The Satans - "Makin' Deals"
      The Shadows Of Knight - "I'm Gonna Make You Mine"
      Al's Untouchables - "Come On Baby"
      The Beachnuts - "Iconoclastic Life"
      The Benders - "Can't Tame Me"
      The Dovers - "She's Gone"
      The Remains - "Why Do I Cry"
      The Worlocks - "I Love You"
      We The People - "Mirror Of Your Mind"
      The Emperors - "I Want My Woman"
      Teddy & His Patches - "Suzy Creamcheese"
      The Lost Agency - "One Girl Man"
      The Fe-Fi-Four Plus 2 - "I Wanna Come Back (From The World Of LSD)"
      The Mystic Tide - "Frustration"
      The Omens - "Searching"
      The Mods - "You've Got Another Think Comin'"
      The Cobras - "I Wanna Be Your Love"
      The Stoics - "Enough Of What I Need"
      The Burgundy Runn - "Stop!"
      The Sonics - "Pyscho"
      The Heard - "Stop It Baby"
      Richard & The Young Lions - "Open Up Your Door"
      The Keggs - "To Find Out"
      The Syndicate - "The Egyptian Thing"
      The Dovers - "She's Not Just Anybody"
      The Graveyard Five - "The Marble Orchard"

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