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    • July 19, 2012 11:45 AM CDT
    • Coyotemen!

    • July 19, 2012 3:45 AM CDT
    • The Towelheads!

    • July 19, 2012 11:33 AM CDT
    • Fair enough! My thinking on the matter was that "Sister Ray" was the type of song that was probably a bit afield of the interests of most people who usually listen to the show, thus i was attempting to add some manner of, i dunno, "entertainment value" or something by periodically playing something goofy over the top of the instrumental parts. I realized that this would likely come across as annoying to people who really liked the song ((such as myself)), but i kind of thought i needed to do *something* if i was to be playing a seventeen-and-a-half-minute song on a podcast full of two-minute songs. I actually wanted to get all creative and do a big mash-up of "Sister Ray" and "Wild Dub" by GENERATION X and call it "Wild Sister Dub by VELVET X" but that didn't work out at all so i just threw cartoon theme bits here and there. I agree that i'd rather just listen to the song without all the nonsense, but ultimately thought that playing a 17:31 song with no nonsense somewhat violated the spirit of the show, so there ya go. Thanks for your opinion, i agree with it in large part.

      That said, the 60's Batman TV show was AWESOME, and i don't really care if i disrespect Lou Reed, he can come over to my house and punch me in the face if he has a problem with me!

    • July 18, 2012 4:53 PM CDT
    • I was listening to the utterly awesome "Sister Ray", by The Velvet Underground, when you played idents & jingles over this utterly awesome song. I heard the trailer for the awful 1960's "Batman"" TV series and the "Casper" Theme tune, among others. It was disrespectful to Messers Reed, Cale, Tucker, et al, as they woked so hard to get it published. I assume this was unintentional, but I don't want to listen to an ident played over an exquisite song as "Sister Ray". I'd rather hear the VU, not "Casper The Friendly Ghost".

      Thanks for playing JAMC.  

    • July 19, 2012 9:43 AM CDT
    • Have to say I think dano longhorns are pretty cool!

    • July 19, 2012 9:21 AM CDT
    • These last two are really good examples :-)

    • July 19, 2012 6:25 AM CDT
    • This is not a cool guitar, despite it's garage appeal to some.  Sure, it has Bela Lugosi on it, but it's made by ESP.  

      The Mighties said:

      Is too simple to post uncool metal guitars...let see some garage-like but ugly guitar

    • July 19, 2012 4:44 AM CDT
    • Is too simple to post uncool metal guitars...let see some garage-like but ugly guitar

    • July 19, 2012 2:58 AM CDT
    • No idea where to find the lyrics for it and my Spanish ain't nearly good enough to translate at such speed! You can get their mini-album for free at

    • July 19, 2012 12:50 AM CDT
    • I had to think about it for a while, but NOW I remember...

      Okay...Lenny Kaye used to have a column in Rock Scene called "Ask Doc Rock," where readers would write in and ask various questions pertaining to rock trivia.

      In one 1974 issue, one reader noticed the huge bulge in the crotch of Syl's pants on the back cover and wondered if he was, ah, "stuffed." Just like that dude from Spinal Tap.

      Lenny remarked that he'd asked Syl point-blank what the deal was. He said that was indeed HIM. His manhood. No enhancements necessary.

      Much later, I interviewed Syl in '97 or '98 for a local magazine here in Chicago and asked the same question. He told me the same thing he told Lenny, adding (rough paraphrase), "hey, I'm Jewish, Johnny Thunders was Italian, what can I say?"

      BTW, all issues of Rock Scene are online now. If you want to see this exchange for yourself, here it is on Page 10: 

    • July 18, 2012 7:17 PM CDT
    • Also , I don't know if it was Wikipedia , but Sylvain Sylvain once told me he found his name on the internet in association with the group , Japan , because New Rose had put out a Live album from Japan in '75 by the last installment of The Dolls (Pre - reformation.) that said "DAVID" and "SYLVAIN" on the cover, with graphics similar to those seen on David Sylvian (Japan's former lead singer)'s records , or Japan's albums , themselves ......So , Sylvain was listed as having been a member of Japan and having worked with Riyuichi Sakamoto , which , of course , he never had , but , his response was " Hey , I did'nt work with these people , but , thanks , anyway.". There was an Artie Kane who'd been Barbara Streisand's Producer , so , Sylvain also found a listing for Arthur Kane , from The Dolls , as Barbara Streisand's Producer......OK , IT'S FUNNIER WHEN SYL TELLS IT.  James , the floor is yours. Could you tell us , please , the story about the first New York Dolls album cover ? I'm sure it beats Hell out of anything Wikipedia will ever say about it.
      John Battles said:

      It's the difference between OUR truth and theirs , I think. You or I may know that something they've put up is inaccurate or incomplete , but if misinformation gets past their (Non) filters , it's going to be difficult proving them wrong. Do I still refer to them ? Of course , but , we can't take their word for gold , not when you have to go thru so many hurdles , in effect , to HELP them , by correcting an error or filling in blank spaces.  
      James Porter said:

      Hell, I didn't even know it took much to get on Wikipedia in the first place. Can't anybody just write anything? Most Wiki articles I see have some outlandishly wrong factoid in the first place!

    • July 18, 2012 7:03 PM CDT
    • It's the difference between OUR truth and theirs , I think. You or I may know that something they've put up is inaccurate or incomplete , but if misinformation gets past their (Non) filters , it's going to be difficult proving them wrong. Do I still refer to them ? Of course , but , we can't take their word for gold , not when you have to go thru so many hurdles , in effect , to HELP them , by correcting an error or filling in blank spaces.  
      James Porter said:

      Hell, I didn't even know it took much to get on Wikipedia in the first place. Can't anybody just write anything? Most Wiki articles I see have some outlandishly wrong factoid in the first place!

    • July 18, 2012 6:16 PM CDT
    • The way I see it John: it's the universe speaking to you through wikipedia, saying you need to expand your artistic medium to include film. Just sayin'.

      John Carlucci said:

       ...the link took you to a page from some film maker that obviously was not me. 

    • July 18, 2012 10:58 PM CDT

    • Not sure how many people would appreciate this...but when I used to go to work I had this song on a lot. It's some good Folky sort of West Coast Rock sort of thing from the early 70s. It's absolutely beautiful.

    • July 18, 2012 10:32 PM CDT
    • I have always loved this version of Otis Redding's Security!  

    • July 18, 2012 7:10 PM CDT
    • Either:



    • July 18, 2012 7:59 PM CDT
    • SarahJayne  ,   I'd say "Sad , but true " , but you're so on the money , every which way. I'm just now seeing that this was originally posted 4 years ago. Nothing has changed , but , you promised to tell the truth , and , you did. I still found some of it funny . We have to laugh at the things that deeply disturb us , sometimes.
      SarahJayne said:

      I'm just gonna come out and say it..........

      A lot of people throughout the country have the same gripe. So unless you live in a glamor mecca where trendies flock for the fashion show factor AND there's plenty of hotties seriously into it (that the trendies wish they were or were fucking), don't expect much!

      It's awful, it's shallow, it's rude, and it's TRUE.

      What lowers the numbers at the garage/mod/60s nights right now is:

      A) It currently isn't getting much mainstream media attention.
      B) Most of the die hard fans are unpretentious, and have better things to do than viciously gossip and spend 4 hours on their outfit.
      C) ^^^ Consequently, most 60s nights are just laid back, bullshit free fun.

      From an advertising standpoint, that's BORING. People are more seduced by scandal. Notoriety = rising numbers! So your safest bet is to cater to the lowest common denominator.


      * The dj's are good looking. Bonus points for chicks.
      * The dj's excell at name dropping, and pay 'rock stars' to guest dj with 'em.
      * The bar tenders are also good looking. Bonus points for tattoos, big hair, and 'slutty' outfits.
      * There's a core group of intimidating, cliquish patrons dressed to the nines. Bonus points for band members.
      * Fashionable, trendy, phony, college kids flock. Bonus points for slumming trust funders.
      * IT'S A PLACE TO SCORE DRUGS. Bonus points if that drug is COKE. Even more bonus points if drugs are done out in the open.
      * Most of the patrons are single or non-committed. People coming to score some ass is a great thing! Bonus points for bathroom sex.
      * Fights have been known to break out. Bonus points for catfights, and couples breaking up.

      So find as many fucked up (and wanna-be fucked up - they're more dramatic!) people as you can, and throw 'em in the same room.

      Of course, finding bar owners who party harder than their patrons and are too fucked up to think of legal liability helps : P. That's where older single men who's bars = penis extensions come in. No one loves young drunk chicks quite like they do.

      Once you've established an atmosphere of faux decadence, you're golden. Everyone in town will have a love/hate relationship with your night for one reason or another. It'll become the butt of many jokes, but so what?!?!?! You now have an audience. One that keeps talking aka giving you free publicity!

      Then more and more people will flock to gawk, fuck, score drugs, and get their picture taken. Eventually the media will take note, only further expanding your customer base.

      One day something really bad'll happen and it'll all go down in flames, but lets not worry about that : P.



    • July 18, 2012 7:41 PM CDT
    • I wish I could suggest something you have'nt already mentioned , but , I started spinning Garage Rock  in Chicago about 18 years ago . My first Dj gig was at the old Lower Links club , about - 20 odd years ago , and James Porter was a couple of years ahead of me at the same place. This kind of music has never packed 'em in , in Chicago. If the club did something crazy , like had drink specials on nights that are slow , that might help. It seemed like interest peaked in the late 90's , but , even then , it was'nt that great. You had to depend on your friends. I'm not even on Facebook , but , I noticed you did'nt mention them. It seems like everyone is assumed to be , now. A record store owner told me I missed his great in - store with a semi - legendary local band  . I said , I was at your store , last weekend , where were your flyers ? He said "Oh , it was only on Facebook.". In any case ,  You've noticed ,  I'm sure , that not as many clubs are advertising , or even LISTING (For free) IN THE READER (Our News and "Culture" mag.) , BECAUSE IT'S ASSUMED THAT NO ONE READS THE PRINTED PAGE , ANYMORE , PARTICULARLY NOT TO FIND OUT WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AROUND TOWN......But , you must be doing something right if you've been able to hold down a DJ gig in Chicago for a year , and it's not "Dance" music , "80's Night", or Soul music (Not putting Soul music down , but , as Time Out Chicago said , "YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT IN A DIVE BAR WHEN....IT'S SOUL NIGHT"....). BUT  , IF I GET ANY BIG , BRIGHT IDEAS , SOMETHING THAT MIGHT HELP YOUR SITUATION , I'LL LET YOU KNOW.......

    • July 18, 2012 7:23 PM CDT
    • This is Chicago. There IS'NT another Garage night if you've already got one.

      Sectmaniac said:

      Flyer other "garage" nights or shows around town.

    • July 18, 2012 3:08 PM CDT
    • I'm new here.  I was on the Bomp list for a few years (I think 1995 or 1996 until 2002), then on a few various other music-related Yahoo groups.  I'm Andrea, and I live in the Boston area with my husband Mike.  We go to some shows, but less and less as we get old and crochety. 

      I love 60s garage and mod music, and have loved many of the revivals.  I was in my 20s during the early 90s revival and really hit my stride there.  I lived in New Orleans for part of that and saw the Royal Pendletons practically every week, as well as all of the great bands who would come through such as the Woggles (still a huge fave), the Oblivians, SCOTS, and probably a million more I'm forgetting.

      My favorite local band is Muck and the Mires, and I have a couple of their LPs on my mp3 player for when I go to the gym (they are excellent workout music).

      My other hobbies are knitting (no shit don't laugh), going out on hikes and photographing all the cool things I see (including snakes we catch), watching genre flicks (mostly horror and 60s/70s Italian - giallo and policia -- as well as Roger Corman-esque b-movies) and hanging out at home (we have three cats, a ball python, a special needs bearded dragon and are currently fostering a red-eared slider).

      I feel as though I've gotten woefully out of the loop with music the past few years and hope to learn of bands and releases I may have missed.

    • July 18, 2012 1:46 PM CDT
    • I found out about so many new sounds thanks to R. Fink. I miss that so much.