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    • February 7, 2012 3:58 PM CST
    • No, absolutely -- I've had other women be really stupid too -- like, there can only be 1 girl in the band (WTF?). I don't use my twat to play this thing sister.

      Oh, and the vocals query? Seriously? That's just ridiculous. Fuckin'ell. 

      That guy you were playing with could have just been a miserable bastard straight up, ya know? Hey asshole, if you don't like my sound, there are guys who will.

      Sure, I know it's better now than 30 years ago, but Geeeez.

      We got your back at the Hideout. At least, some of us do. Just don't do what I did and quit. I can't cry about it now, it was necessary at the time, but hey. You know what I'm sayin. GO!

    • February 7, 2012 10:51 AM CST
    • haha yeah!not here to bitch about ,but to dennounce a vast male population of music towards chicks with instruments.Jsut last week,i was inquiring about the hourly fares for some rehearsal rooms here iin Montreal,and the guy goes''for vocals,it's $15 an hour''--assuming i am NOT here to play any instrument.Pheeeeeew!

      i have many times shut some guy's skills on guitar and music generally.No later than that jam early November last year.The guy was desperatly trying to put me down--criticizing my sound,my amp,my guitar,trying to get others to change the structure of my tune,ect,but when we got to play 30 minutes all together, he stopped playing the guitar,he was so unconfortable.Yiikes!Fucking miserable.Yeah,still a loooooooonnnng way to go.lets keep the fight goin'on.Hard.Art is by no means a question of sex gender.

    • February 6, 2012 4:17 PM CST
    • Hey 7jdh14 and Ghislaine:

      I just have to believe it's better than when I was playing. It would depress me to no end if it hasn't changed. I was told, hey, you can't own that guitar, that's a guy's guitar (that was from a soon-to-be-ex-bf). I got told, ya play like a guy. Ok, like what the fuck does that mean exactly? I took it as, stop doin' that will ya?

      I was cool to have around when wasn't any good. I noticed I wasn't as cool when I started playing better than some of the guys. It was incredibly frustrating.


    • February 7, 2012 11:40 AM CST
    • There's a band called Selfish Cunt, who are vitriolic as they come. Songs like "Fuck The Poor" and "Britain is Shit" are hardly gentle.

    • February 7, 2012 10:46 AM CST
    • Speaking of the Dicks, here's a creepy song that I'm sure is still not correct and never was: "Little Boys Feet" which was covered by Turbonegro also.

    • February 6, 2012 7:26 PM CST
    • Oh yeah! Forgot about The Dicks! Thank you. Good name for a band :-)

      Chris Henniker said:

      I've not heard Tits Of Death in a while.

      Oh yeah, Gary Floyd fronted The Dicks, a Texan Marxist hardcore band that moved more towards a blues rock later.

      Bry Nylon said:

      ha ha OK keep your shirt on boss ... ; ) decent names  with the words 'tits' in 'em are pretty thin on the ground since the 'tits of death' nabbed the best one ...

       terms and conditions are a nightmare - we have had worse direct experience elsewhere when running things... on one side we got the internet staasi & on the other local politicians and so on ... the prob with some terms is that they are sometimes far too wooly, catch all and far too open to interpretation meaning that if you accidentally tread on someones toes ... maybe like not giving them a bloody free ride on some or other gig or event on the guest list ...they can press buttons and cause all sorts of problems in all kinds of ways... then drag  the whole thing through the slime that they crawled out of in the first place... 

      kopper said:

      Cartoon Titties *would* make a great name for a band! Haha.

      Yeah, I actually consulted with Ning on that one, just to be safe, since their adult content Terms of Use doesn't specifically address illustrated art/cartoons and the like. One of their people took a look at it and confirmed that it "wouldn't be appropriate," so it was deleted. So be it.

      Does it suck? Sure it does. But you know what would suck more? If we lost the Hideout because of something as stupid as a photo or video posted here that violated their terms.

      What really surprises me is the negative reaction that some folks will take (like a couple have here) when their shit gets deleted and they receive a warning about it. It's like, were they just born yesterday? Do they not realize that these sorts of rules exist just about EVERYWHERE on the Internet? If so, then why do they think they DON'T exist here? Just because this site happens to be about sleazy, trashy rock'n'roll? As if that's going to make the Internet Police (or Ning) look the other way? Yes, this is our "Hideout," but we're not really hiding from anyone. We're in plain view.

      Come on. Use your brains... or what's left of them.

    • February 6, 2012 7:17 PM CST
    • I've not heard Tits Of Death in a while.

      Oh yeah, Gary Floyd fronted The Dicks, a Texan Marxist hardcore band that moved more towards a blues rock later.

      Bry Nylon said:

      ha ha OK keep your shirt on boss ... ; ) decent names  with the words 'tits' in 'em are pretty thin on the ground since the 'tits of death' nabbed the best one ...

       terms and conditions are a nightmare - we have had worse direct experience elsewhere when running things... on one side we got the internet staasi & on the other local politicians and so on ... the prob with some terms is that they are sometimes far too wooly, catch all and far too open to interpretation meaning that if you accidentally tread on someones toes ... maybe like not giving them a bloody free ride on some or other gig or event on the guest list ...they can press buttons and cause all sorts of problems in all kinds of ways... then drag  the whole thing through the slime that they crawled out of in the first place... 

      kopper said:

      Cartoon Titties *would* make a great name for a band! Haha.

      Yeah, I actually consulted with Ning on that one, just to be safe, since their adult content Terms of Use doesn't specifically address illustrated art/cartoons and the like. One of their people took a look at it and confirmed that it "wouldn't be appropriate," so it was deleted. So be it.

      Does it suck? Sure it does. But you know what would suck more? If we lost the Hideout because of something as stupid as a photo or video posted here that violated their terms.

      What really surprises me is the negative reaction that some folks will take (like a couple have here) when their shit gets deleted and they receive a warning about it. It's like, were they just born yesterday? Do they not realize that these sorts of rules exist just about EVERYWHERE on the Internet? If so, then why do they think they DON'T exist here? Just because this site happens to be about sleazy, trashy rock'n'roll? As if that's going to make the Internet Police (or Ning) look the other way? Yes, this is our "Hideout," but we're not really hiding from anyone. We're in plain view.

      Come on. Use your brains... or what's left of them.

    • February 6, 2012 6:29 PM CST
    • John,

        Cool insight on Feathers. I have often seen the lyrics posted as "Darkies" and even referred to as such in other articles etc,. But even with that, I don't think anyone one took him for a racist. I had always assumed it was just an unfortunate term that had later become "incorrect" as times changed. But, never knew it was actually 'Darkness Creeping Through The Treess" that he sang.

      John Battles said:

      Actually , Feathers was saying "Darkness" , tho' it sounds like "Darkies". Not saying he had no Redneck tendencies , but , as it happens , I was the last person to interview him , and he did not strike me as a racist , at all. Of course , another local writer (Who surely got the Revenant CD set for free , when all I got from Revenant was the offer of passes to see Insurgent Country bores....)  .   The guy took every given opportunity to shit all over Feathers , who , by then , was hanging out with Elvis and Carl , discussing the pranks they'd pull when they saw Sam Phillips again.

      Had'nt heard "Beat Her With a Rake" in a long time....Then there's "Sit on My Face , Stevie Nicks" , by The Rotters , who got in more trouble because they actually used a snippet of "Rhiannon" w/o PERMISSION , Than for the actual song content.

    • February 6, 2012 3:38 PM CST
    • Hmmm -- at this rate, Betty Boop will be banned (again?). I'm getting more than a bit frustrated these days on the subject of Internet censorship -- but I'll leave that debate to another thread. Absolutely -- Cartoon Titties is an excellent band name. For the right band.

      Very Non-PC:

      Destination Zululand -- King Kurt (these guys were absolutely insane live). Hey wait? That singer isn't wearing trousers!

      RE band names -- The Slits, Hole, Russian band Pussy Riot (any bands named Dicks or Cocks? Just wonderin')

      Anyone remember a band in Boston (early '80's) that sang: "If you can't get a hard-on, get a gun?" Can't remember who sang that one. Ok, than one's more offensive that non-PC.

      And the latest one for the kiddies/power pop -- a recent song by Green Day called "It's f**k time" - that one is sure to please the PC mums and dads of America!





    • February 6, 2012 1:27 PM CST
    • Yeah, that was episode #61. Hully Gully Fever is a great album. Get it!

      IDON MINE said:

      PS: Where's that Dolemite alphabet... and pretty much all of his stuff? Wait there was a Savage Kick episode dedicated to Rudy Ray Moore with all that greasy music! Have to look it up yerself, I'm out of time!

    • February 6, 2012 1:22 PM CST
    • Cartoon Titties *would* make a great name for a band! Haha.

      Yeah, I actually consulted with Ning on that one, just to be safe, since their adult content Terms of Use doesn't specifically address illustrated art/cartoons and the like. One of their people took a look at it and confirmed that it "wouldn't be appropriate," so it was deleted. So be it.

      Does it suck? Sure it does. But you know what would suck more? If we lost the Hideout because of something as stupid as a photo or video posted here that violated their terms.

      What really surprises me is the negative reaction that some folks will take (like a couple have here) when their shit gets deleted and they receive a warning about it. It's like, were they just born yesterday? Do they not realize that these sorts of rules exist just about EVERYWHERE on the Internet? If so, then why do they think they DON'T exist here? Just because this site happens to be about sleazy, trashy rock'n'roll? As if that's going to make the Internet Police (or Ning) look the other way? Yes, this is our "Hideout," but we're not really hiding from anyone. We're in plain view.

      Come on. Use your brains... or what's left of them.

    • February 7, 2012 10:50 AM CST
    • 1977 Records

      Sing Sing Records

      1977 Records from japan is putting out some punk and power-pop nuggets and Sing Sing Records is doing the same but they are based out of NY (much cheaper to buy from Sing Sing).

    • February 7, 2012 5:02 AM CST
    • damaged goods and dirty water records seem to release a lot of the garage bands that I listen to.

    • February 7, 2012 6:57 AM CST
    • Punk may have indeed started there but it doesn't make the British wave any less authentic. And what is interesting? I don't see how the quick rise to fame of the Beetles, Elvis, Sex Pistols or The Clash having any major differences. They were all very influential and yet none of them invented anything really. We are all dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants.

      Mina said:

      Sex Pistols were one of the first boybands created by Malcolm McLaren and the Clash are pretty boring in my opinion. Punk started in NY, not the fake commercialized British anarchy wave. England got inspired by the NY scene and gave it a different twist. 

      Oh shit, this thread is about the Beatles. My bad...

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      I don't see what's really to hate about them. But could it be that it just irritates people that they are so overrated? I mean they really were a tight band but is any band worth that much hero worship? Elvis, The Sex Pistols The Clash. This list of bands everyone is supposed to think are amazing gets longer with every decade.

      But in reply to the thread starter, there is no reason.

    • February 7, 2012 6:15 AM CST
    • Hey thank you for all these interesting words you wrote.

      My English is not as good as it should, but i try to go through

      all you replies !!!

    • February 6, 2012 5:50 PM CST
    • I agree with you. My only problem with the Beatles is how they rob attention from all the other great mainstream acts of the time. Young people looking into 60's music will unfortunately stop with The Beatles and forget about looking into The Animals or The Yardbirds for example.

    • February 6, 2012 2:59 PM CST
    • I don't see what's really to hate about them. But could it be that it just irritates people that they are so overrated? I mean they really were a tight band but is any band worth that much hero worship? Elvis, The Sex Pistols The Clash. This list of bands everyone is supposed to think are amazing gets longer with every decade.

      But in reply to the thread starter, there is no reason.

    • February 6, 2012 2:49 PM CST
    • Now this is one interesting thread. I've always been a Stones/Who/Kinks girl meself, but the first record I ever purchased was Yellow Submarine. I pretended it was for my dad for Father's Day. Even had Peter Max trousers to be like the album cover (coolest trousers Evah). Wore that record O.U.T. baby. Ok, I haven't heard it in many moons, but today, I may just have to play it. I'm not longer a 'fan' in the fan-atic way, but I'm with kopper? HATE 'em? Whuh? Even though I was no longer listening to any of the Beatles at the time, the death of John Lennon hit me very hard. I couldn't help feeling we'd all lost MUSIC that had yet to be played.

    • February 6, 2012 12:55 PM CST
    • Yeah, I could never really understand why some people despise the Beatles. There was even a member here once who's name was "ihatethebeatles"... okaaaaaaay... I grew up listening to them, loved 'em. Two of my first store-bought albums were the two double-LP collections (1962–1966 & 1967–1970). I even dug the "post-Sgt. Pepper's" stuff that we as garage-rock-loving freaks are supposed to hate (since, you know, Sgt. Pepper's ushered in prog rock and changed the musical landscape forever yadda yadda yadda). People always have to have someone to blame for stuff they hate, don't they? I'm sure progressive rock and '70s arena rock would have happened anyway. Not that all of it is bad, either (I happen to love E.L.O., who took direct influence from the Beatles' orchestration in "I Am the Walrus" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" on Magical Mystery Tour). And Beatles' songs are GREAT for getting your kids to appreciate rock'n'roll... just like Chuck Berry, the Coasters, the Monkees, the Kinks and the Stones. It's all good if ya ask me.

    • February 6, 2012 11:40 AM CST
    • Don't mean to upset anyone but I do wonder about the mental state of anyone who claims not to like the Beatles.  Apart from everything else they contributed to making the world a better place, without them I doubt very much whether this site would exist.  THEY CHANGED EVERYTHING.

    • February 6, 2012 7:47 PM CST
    • Hey all,

      My names Rob, and I'm 41.  Dig all kinds of trash, punk, rawkabilly....I'm from Vegas, and currently playing in the Psyatics:

      Previously played in a roots-rock/punk band called Yeller Bellies.

      Just a music addict looking to get turned on to new sounds  ;)


    • February 6, 2012 10:33 AM CST
    • Hi my name is Allister,

      Good Question, I find it hard to answer when I started listening to Garage Punk.

      I grew up listening to The Sex Pistols, The Stooges, THe Clash, The Kinks etc.. Then I got into The Damned, Teenage Head, Dead Kennedies etc.. in High School.

      Maybe 7 years ago I consciously got into the genre known as garage punk!

      Like Pat I would like to meet people in real life from the hideout, to shoot the shit, whether it be their show, our show, or a DJ night..

      I play in the band Light Bulb Alley! we do shows all over Canada and sometimes New YOrk.. Feel free to add Light Bulb Alley! we are all over the internet.

    • February 6, 2012 3:36 PM CST
    • Today on the Wrekking Hours we're mixing it up during the Psychobilly (2nd half) portion of the show w/ garage-a-billy, surf & neo-rockabilly styles.  

      Leading right into a hard core Psychobilly set featuring the brand new Koffin Kats released "Our Way & The Highway" due in store this month!!!

      Don't forget to tune in before 6pm so you don't miss it.   Use your smart phone & listen with the TuneIn radio app, or through V-Cast & the PRI - public radio player app.   Online you can tune in at

    • February 6, 2012 10:47 AM CST
    • Here's another classic that we all know and love, The Cold......