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    • February 11, 2012 10:45 AM CST
    • There's one in every crowd, isn't there? You read and wanna share a bit of exciting news about one of our favorite bands of all-time (and the response to this everywhere I've seen the news posted has been extremely positive), and you get some knucklehead who's gotta find some reason to bitch about it. He must be a laugh riot at parties.

      Gringo Starr said:

      ....."Also, garagepunk was sort of a new thing when they started. There weren't old bands to be worshiped and be made a big deal of...."

      What? Garage Punk started in the '60s (and you can even argue that there were punk bands in the '50s)! In the 80s we worshiped all those old '60s garage bands! Your really coming out of left field with these ideas of yours. Don't be surprised that members here read you the riot act!

    • February 11, 2012 10:33 AM CST
    • ....."Also, garagepunk was sort of a new thing when they started. There weren't old bands to be worshiped and be made a big deal of...."

      What? Garage Punk started in the '60s (and you can even argue that there were punk bands in the '50s)! In the 80s we worshiped all those old '60s garage bands! Your really coming out of left field with these ideas of yours. Don't be surprised that members here read you the riot act!

    • February 11, 2012 10:27 AM CST
    • Selling out? On In The Red?? They're making a new record for christ sake! And who is it exactly that is telling you what you are supposed to do? And what is this "Logans Run" type idea that you have about bands over a certain age continuing to play? This is how it's supposed to end up -> keep rockin' and rollin' 'till you croak on stage! Where is it 'written' that after 30 you have to put your guitar away in the attic and grow up??

    • February 11, 2012 10:27 AM CST
    • You have the right to like anybody, even if they do "sell out". Just because if feels wrong to you, it might not to some. So, what if they can't "bring it"? It's still their right to do it. You don't have to like anything new they do, if it's your cup to like the classic stuff, then by all means, enjoy. Never tell yourself what you aren't supposed to like, you either do or you don't. Wait and see, you may dig it.

      Hot Pockets said:

      It's not nostalgia to like and be influenced by good music. That's a completely different thing. I am also not putting down the band. They were a great band. I am sure they put on a good show. I love The Reigning Sound. I have seen them a few times.

      Also, garagepunk was sort of a new thing when they started. There weren't old bands to be worshiped and be made a big deal of. This is a new situation and to me it just feels kinda wrong somehow. Like it wasn't supposed to end up like this 15 years later. Like we all and the bands were supposed to be cooler than that. Cooler than all the lame people and bands that do all this reunion shit now that they have attained unshakeable classic status. Like The Pixies or something. These bands are a lot more popular now then they were when they existed.

      Anyhow, just my opinion. Go to the show and have a good time. I am here to be abused. Everybody can put me down some more. I like it. Keeps me regular.

      Don'y know if they are doing it for money, but I would sell out if I could but no ones buying. Aren't we supposed to not like bands that sell out, though?

    • February 11, 2012 10:11 AM CST
    • WELL SAID, JOSH! If they think it's "uncool" that a band reunites, tours, releases an album, well then, LOOK THE OTHER WAY! No one's putting a gun to your head to pay attention to ANY of it. If a person thinks bands like the Oblivians doing this is "stupid", well, they have the simple option to just get over it. Let the fans enjoy it instead of pissing all over the "good news" for a lot of us. This thread was supposed to be a positive thing, by the way.

      Josh Gladwin said:

      Lighten up Francis...

      Just two posts in and it's painfully obvious that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Your "facts" and "legitimate criticism" stem from shit that is completely made up in your head. For starters, to groan about nostalgia suddenly appearing in a music form that is itself built on pillars of nostalgia is mind-numbingly stupid. Garage Punk, or whatever you want to call it, has always looked backwards in order to recapture a neglected strain of weirdness or to reassert the raw essence of rock'n'roll. To be okay with nostalgia being part of the whole but not okay for a part of that same whole is flat-out dumb. The only litmus test for the Oblivians or any band playing maximum R&R is really, can they bring their "A" game or not. I've seen the Oblivians quite recently and I know they can. This isn't me looking back with rose-tinted glasses, pining about the "summer of '69" or "the day the music died." The Oblivians delivered the goods which is more than I can say for the recently reunited Gories which to me felt like Mick Collins dragging along two bundles of dead wood. And as for your insinuation that this whole new album thing is just a bald-faced cash grab- are you nuts? How much cash do you think is floating around under the garage umbrella to make selling-out even a viable option? Get real. If these guys make enough to square away some bills off of this venture, they'll be lucky.    

      Hot Pockets said:

      It's not whining. It's legitimate criticism. What the hell do I care? I'm old, too. And what the hell do I care what get's passed off in the mainstream? I'm talking about a fact. Nostalgia. No one would like them now if they weren't popular then. 

      This kind of shit is starting to piss me off. Garage turning into just another genre. I always loved it despite it's obvious inadequacies because it was the closing thing to just music. Simple songs, guitars, retardation. What more could you want?

      Take that away and it's mostly just bad music. 

    • February 11, 2012 10:06 AM CST
    • You're not getting it, are you? No one cared about the Oblivians when they were still around. The first time I saw them in St. Louis there were fewer than 10 people at the show, and that's counting the opening band! The second time was a bit better, but still probably only 30 or 40 people. That was in '96, if I remember correctly. They disbanded in '97. The ONLY place where they may have packed the house was in their hometown, or possibly as part of a festival bill in Europe or something. But their records (and legendary live performances) lived on after they broke up, and their fan base grew.

      As for "garage turning into just another genre"... uh, why are you so concerned about GARAGE? Who cares? Isn't it enough to just enjoy what you enjoy and leave it at that? I don't care what people call any genre because I'm able to listen to anything and determine if I like it or not despite what label gets slapped on it. Your petty argument could be (and has been) made about punk rock in general over the years, and it's a tired old one. You like the old stuff? Fine, then listen to the old stuff. No one is forcing you to buy the new Oblivians record, but again, you're trashing 'em before it's even OUT, which I think is really unfair. Have you even seen the reformed band live at all over the past few years? If you had, then I bet you'd be singing a different tune. Like I said, they still have it.

      Hot Pockets said:

      It's not whining. It's legitimate criticism. What the hell do I care? I'm old, too. And what the hell do I care what get's passed off in the mainstream? I'm talking about a fact. Nostalgia. No one would like them now if they weren't popular then. 

      This kind of shit is starting to piss me off. Garage turning into just another genre. I always loved it despite it's obvious inadequacies because it was the closing thing to just music. Simple songs, guitars, retardation. What more could you want?

      Take that away and it's mostly just bad music. 

    • February 11, 2012 10:00 AM CST
    • Lighten up Francis...

      Just two posts in and it's painfully obvious that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Your "facts" and "legitimate criticism" stem from shit that is completely made up in your head. For starters, to groan about nostalgia suddenly appearing in a music form that is itself built on pillars of nostalgia is mind-numbingly stupid. Garage Punk, or whatever you want to call it, has always looked backwards in order to recapture a neglected strain of weirdness or to reassert the raw essence of rock'n'roll. To be okay with nostalgia being part of the whole but not okay for a part of that same whole is flat-out dumb. The only litmus test for the Oblivians or any band playing maximum R&R is really, can they bring their "A" game or not. I've seen the Oblivians quite recently and I know they can. This isn't me looking back with rose-tinted glasses, pining about the "summer of '69" or "the day the music died." The Oblivians delivered the goods which is more than I can say for the recently reunited Gories which to me felt like Mick Collins dragging along two bundles of dead wood. And as for your insinuation that this whole new album thing is just a bald-faced cash grab- are you nuts? How much cash do you think is floating around under the garage umbrella to make selling-out even a viable option? Get real. If these guys make enough to square away some bills off of this venture, they'll be lucky.    

      Hot Pockets said:

      It's not whining. It's legitimate criticism. What the hell do I care? I'm old, too. And what the hell do I care what get's passed off in the mainstream? I'm talking about a fact. Nostalgia. No one would like them now if they weren't popular then. 

      This kind of shit is starting to piss me off. Garage turning into just another genre. I always loved it despite it's obvious inadequacies because it was the closing thing to just music. Simple songs, guitars, retardation. What more could you want?

      Take that away and it's mostly just bad music. 

    • February 11, 2012 9:18 AM CST
    • YES! I love those news too! Cool to hear Ivy is making Vengeance happening again!!


      Also: "What's the matter now?!?!" IN THE RED is fuckin' awesome, they really pumped a lot of life blood into Garagepunk (insert your definition here). I'm sure this deal is part of their big plan of schemes, coming at us by secret audio waves: "GO SHOP WALMART...we command you!"

      Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but Hell, every now and then you get someone yappin' about shit and it always sounds like this: "The Cramps are a corporate Band! The Dirtbombs sell out! The Gories only play to cash in now! Mick Collins is Satan, err Jesus! The Oblivians only play to cash in now... It's bad they were on a car commercial! The Mummies are also selling out for a three pack!!" BLABLABLA.

      "Poplular in the 90's??" 'Cmon, next thing you tell us, is Sympathy for the Record Industry pushed Sony out of the Cd market.

      Sorry to bite, but Hell, I just had it with this shit.

      EDIT! Oops, I just misspelled something, better call the sellout hammer on me for doublechecking!

    • February 11, 2012 9:04 AM CST
    • Dito

      kopper said:

      Well, I saw the Oblivians in '09 and again in Lawrence at the Scion Garage Fest in 2010, and they kicked ass both times (and I'm one who also saw them play for five or six people on a Sunday night in St. Louis in 1995). I, for one, am looking forward to the album, because even if it's not as good as their earlier stuff it'll STILL be better than 99% of the other horseshit that gets passed off as rock'n'roll by the mainstream press today. And besides, who fucking cares how old or fat they are? I'm 46 myself. Should I just lay down and die? They're not pathetic, YOU are. Your pathetic whining. They still got it, and that's what counts. How about waiting until the actual ALBUM comes out before trashing 'em on it?

      Hot Pockets said:

      No offense everybody, but isn't this kind of pathetic? How could anything they do now be as remotely as good as anything they did when they weren't fat and middle aged? It's sort of like Michael Jordan coing out of retirement to tarnish his career. I mean, I think it's highly unlikely these dudes give a fuck about playing garage-punk now anyhow. You listened to Reigning Sound lately?

      I know times are tough so no one is going to pass up a chance and labels like In The Red are always there to try to put out something they know is dependable and popular. If you want to talk about overrated labels that probably do more to damage the whole garage rock thing than help promote it. But, if bands like No Bunny or whatever wasn't what's passing for a cool band these days would anyone care? I guess we have to accept that the early-mid 90s are now nostalgia retro territory and ripe for exploitation.

      I always thought of all those great bands from that era as just rock n roll. Like it doesn't go out of style because real rock n roll is always unfashionable. But I realize now that I was wrong and the world is getting more refined in alienating us from the essentials of life like simple, stupid music. Made for kicks and not much else.

      I am a big fan of Greg Cartwright. He is one of my favorites. I don't know, though. This reeks of desperation.

    • February 11, 2012 8:12 AM CST
    • Nope. That's Jack Yarber's band and it is coming from a completely different place than the Oblivians. This is the Oblivians, from last year no less:

      Mina said:

      I like the song Rat City or isn't that by the Oblivians? ;P This is what I saw:

      kopper said:

      Jack solo ain't the Oblivians. Just like the Reigning Sound ain't the Oblivians. You should judge the Oblivians by the Oblivians!

      Mina said:

      I saw Jack live, just didn't do much for me... I had high hopes that evening because I had heard so much about the Oblivions. Turned out that I had paid for 3 bands with the same musicians ;D Dunno.... I prefer Beat-Man, Zeno Tornado, King Automatic, that kind of stuff. :)

    • February 11, 2012 7:45 AM CST
    • Larry Hardy is on a fuckin' roll these days!  ITR just can't stop with the great records.  Been really digging the new The Spits LP.

    • February 10, 2012 11:06 PM CST
    • Well, I saw the Oblivians in '09 and again in Lawrence at the Scion Garage Fest in 2010, and they kicked ass both times (and I'm one who also saw them play for five or six people on a Sunday night in St. Louis in 1995). I, for one, am looking forward to the album, because even if it's not as good as their earlier stuff it'll STILL be better than 99% of the other horseshit that gets passed off as rock'n'roll by the mainstream press today. And besides, who fucking cares how old or fat they are? I'm 46 myself. Should I just lay down and die? They're not pathetic, YOU are. Your pathetic whining. They still got it, and that's what counts. How about waiting until the actual ALBUM comes out before trashing 'em on it?

      Hot Pockets said:

      No offense everybody, but isn't this kind of pathetic? How could anything they do now be as remotely as good as anything they did when they weren't fat and middle aged? It's sort of like Michael Jordan coing out of retirement to tarnish his career. I mean, I think it's highly unlikely these dudes give a fuck about playing garage-punk now anyhow. You listened to Reigning Sound lately?

      I know times are tough so no one is going to pass up a chance and labels like In The Red are always there to try to put out something they know is dependable and popular. If you want to talk about overrated labels that probably do more to damage the whole garage rock thing than help promote it. But, if bands like No Bunny or whatever wasn't what's passing for a cool band these days would anyone care? I guess we have to accept that the early-mid 90s are now nostalgia retro territory and ripe for exploitation.

      I always thought of all those great bands from that era as just rock n roll. Like it doesn't go out of style because real rock n roll is always unfashionable. But I realize now that I was wrong and the world is getting more refined in alienating us from the essentials of life like simple, stupid music. Made for kicks and not much else.

      I am a big fan of Greg Cartwright. He is one of my favorites. I don't know, though. This reeks of desperation.

    • February 10, 2012 10:46 PM CST
    • Hell Yeah! I was psyched when I worked with Jack Oblivian but the chance to book the actual band will probably happen now too! (I'm mentally fist pumping)

    • February 10, 2012 9:22 PM CST
    • Now we're talkin'. Right when we need 'em, these Memphis boys are coming back to show all the floppy-haired, indy garage-moppets how to rock 'n' roll. I saw these guys a couple of years ago at Gonerfest and they haven't lost a step from the old days. Everyone in attendance went ape-shit from first song to last in a rain of booze and sweat. I cannot wait for them to take this new album on the road.

      Aaaaariiight lets go! Kill a punk for Rock 'n' Roll!

    • February 10, 2012 5:14 PM CST
    • very exiting news! so, their split 7" on Scion AV was an announcement?

    • February 10, 2012 5:07 PM CST
    • I saw Jack in London just before Xmas with Harlan T Bobo and Limes as a revolving band on stage and it was a cracking good show.

      It makes sense to go with In The Red as they release Reigning Sound and Parting Gifts. No conflict of interest which might arise if it's released on Goner.

      Personally I don't give a shit who releases it, can't wait to hear it. Scion AV released an Oblivians song last year, which I guess was a new recording and sounded pretty good.

    • February 11, 2012 8:58 AM CST
    • I'll be on the air and the web on Saturday February 11 from 1:00-3:00PM EST playing new and old punk and garage tunes.  You can listen on 87.9 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or streaming live at .

    • February 11, 2012 5:23 AM CST
    • iTunes is missing the last couple of DHs.  In my file it's missing episodes 1-6

    • February 11, 2012 1:13 AM CST
    • Show #360: "The Eggman Collection #108" playlist:

      Genesis - "The Return Of The Giant Hogweed"
      Bill Plummer & The Cosmic Brotherhood - "Lady Friend"
      J.J. Light - "Na Ru Ka"
      T2 - "T2"
      The White Noise - "The Visitations"
      Heart - "Crazy On You"
      The Clique - "Superman [album version]"
      Paul Revere & The Raiders - "I Don't Know"
      New Trolls - "Ho Veduto/Vorrei Comprare Una Strada/Signore, Io Sono Irish/Susy Forrester"
      Badge - "Haze"
      The Allman Brothers Band - "Melissa"
      The Hogs - "Loose Lip Sync Ship"
      The Tokens - "He's In Town"
      Steve Hillage - "Hurdy Gurdy Glissando"
      Grateful Dead - "If I Had The World To Give"
      Gnidrolog - "Same Dreams"
      Eternity's Children - "Blue Horizon"
      The Inner Space - "Kamera Song"
      The Band - "Stage Fright"
      The Marmalade - "I'll Be Home (In A Day Or So)"
      The Chantels - "Maybe"
      The Kinks - "You Still Want Me"
      West Coast Natural Gas - "A Favor"
      Led Zeppelin - "The Rain Song"
      Kuni Kawachi & His Group - "The Things You Left"
      The Red Crayola - "Free Form Freak-Out/Hurricane Fighter Plane/Free Form Freak-Out/Transparent Radiation/Free Form Freak-Out"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show on facebook: ... 50?sk=wall … or check out my website (to be updated someday):
      Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!


    • February 10, 2012 10:55 PM CST
    • I agree about Wild Records , tho' I wish they'd do more songs in Spanish , y yo estoy un chingadora blanco.

    • February 10, 2012 9:37 PM CST
    • Wild Records

    • February 10, 2012 9:23 PM CST
    • True, most of the Hideout members aren't classic rock listeners -- the vibe I get from this discussion thread is that the Beatles don't easily fit one category -- makes 'em problematic.

      Actually, I can't think of the last time I heard an early Beatles tune on an FM station except the alt radio station here in Adelaide.

      As far as laying waste to classic rock, I never got the sense that was the purpose of the site or its creator, kopper. I'd like to think it's a big happy Hideout, ya know?

      That said, any suggestions for slaying the behemoth?

      the Record Detective said:

      I thought the purpose of this site was to lay waste to classic rock and the FM narrowcasting.

    • February 10, 2012 8:13 PM CST
    • I thought the purpose of this site was to lay waste to classic rock and the FM narrowcasting.

    • February 10, 2012 5:36 PM CST
    • Playlist Feb 9/2012

      1. Cheap Thrills....Cheap Thrills...recorded live at Call The Office 2/8/12. Brand new band outta Montreal who do the 1975 glamrock thing ala NYDolls, Sweet etc.

      Mike Todd (former co-host of Radio What Wave and owner of Speed City Records) dropped by to yammer about the London Record show which is happening this sunday at Centennial Hall here in London.

      2. The Cramps...I Can't Hardly Stand It...from the File Under Sacred Music box set of singles.

      3. The Cramps...Save above.

      Mike came on to yammer some more and then had to hit the road. Thanx to Mike and his wife Lesley for coming in.

      4. Jim Ashby...Speed City...from the 7" that Mike re-issued several years back and Mike says he'll have copies of the record for sale at the show. This is the best single to come out of London Ontario.

      5. The Cramps...Goo Goo Muck...from the File Under Sacred Music box set and was a request for Danny P....

      6. Evil Farm Children...3 Orange Whips...7" by this Ottawa combo as this show will be just about all vinyl in preparation for the Record Show.

      7. The Walnut Kids...Can't Stand 'Em...7" on Going Gaga Records from this Montreal combo.

      8. Myles Deck and The Fuzz...Police Car...from a 7" from this Halifax combo. Myles was in town the other night and came over to test some beer and listen to some cool Barrence Whitfield, Arthur Alexander, The Dictators, Andre Williams, The Dictators, Dark Carnival and lots more...for a youngster, he's got good taste!

      9. Restless Virgins...Television Child...from their 7". Late 70's/early 80's combo that features Evil Farm Children's Jeb Bond on drums.

      10. The Litter...Action Woman...from Pebbles Volume 1 that was released back in 1979 and opened the floodgates for 60's garagepunk compilations. Bought this one way back then and haven't beenthe same since!

      11. 63 Monroe...At The Boot...from the NFG/63 Monroe 12" that was recorded at the Cedar Lounge back in 1980 and self released.

      12. TV Freaks...Casual Encounters...from their CD at the station and a request.

      13. The Demics...Blue Boy...from their full length LP from 1980.

      14. Pre Fab Messiahs...Cousin Artie...from  the Peace Love and Alienation CD and another request.

      15. Cheap Thrills...Gotta Get Away...from their brand new self released 10" record.

      16. The Tranzmitors...Dancing In The Front Row...from a 7" on La Ti Da Records from 2006.

      17. The Painted Ship...Little White Lies...Vancouver snotpunk from 1966 and on Back From The Grave Volume 8. The Back From The Grave compilations are on Crypt Records and are the best 60's garagepunk comps out there!

      18. The Worst...You've Been Laughing...from The Creepy Thing 7" on Screaming Apple Records and features William Hay (vocalist/songwriter for The Painted Ship) in the role of producer. And this song was written by The Painted Ship. 

      19. Teenage Head...Top Down....1978 version on a 7"...Beach Boy style harmonies with punk rock guitar and rock'n'roll attitude.

      20. Uranus...53 Buick...from a 7" by these local scene makers from the late 70's.

      21. The Shakers...Out The Door...7" on Warpt Records and outta Hamilton Ontario from the early 80's. Features Dave Rave on vocals and guitar.

      22. The Diodes...City Of The Dead...from the brand new Action/Reaction CD on Bongobeat Records.

      23. The Ugly Ducklings...Just In Case You Wonder...7" on Yorktown  Records from 1966 and one of the first records that i ever bought.

      Thanx for all the call-ins, requests, emails and facebook messages!! The phone wouldn't stop ringing during this show!

      Next week it's another cassette show as we lug the cassette deck in for some rarities.

      See you at the London Record Show on sunday!