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    • January 24, 2012 7:31 AM CST
    • Think i prefer my version - 

    • January 24, 2012 4:27 AM CST
    • Help... I can't breathe ... I have no words...

    • January 23, 2012 11:36 PM CST
    • ^^HAHA!

    • January 24, 2012 6:58 AM CST
    • I would have to pick the not-so-legit reissue of the S/T LP by The Pack (German punk band).

    • January 24, 2012 12:54 AM CST
    • I collected quite a few Hendrix boots when I lived in Holland as a teenager. My favourite was called Guitar Hero which was basically the BBC stuff. Took them about 20 years to put that out legit on Ryko records and then it took a bit longer yet to get all of it out, on the BBC sessions double CD

    • January 24, 2012 4:34 AM CST
    • When some obscure "power" up there decides to do away with "uncomfortable" personalities e.g. rock is full of them: James Brown, Spector, Gary Glitter, Roman Polanski, etc., it will go to extremes to throw shit on their names by accusing them of paedophilia, sex abuse on women, murder, etc. while DIRTY ROTTEN culprits like the World Bank director gets acquiited PRONTO.....THIS, sirs, is the society we live in!!!!!

    • January 23, 2012 6:39 PM CST
    • I'd say it was a hoax, but he wouldn't get a passport or visa if it was true. It's a condition of his liberty not to leave the country. Not only that, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 doesn't apply to any sentence over 2.5 years.

      That said, he was a one hit wonder in the US, but he was very influential here. This makes it  all the more shocking. Ok, Pete Townsend was a major influence, but there is a media double standard at work. Glitter makes better copy because his fans were only 10 year old girls, but also people like Townsend appealed more to guys.

      Notification Periods for offenders Sentenced under Sexual Offences Act 2003:[3]

      John Battles said:

       It's a loaded question , to be sure.

      I , personally , don't think Glitter could get a tour off the ground , at this point. Maybe , here in the states , where his music is virtually unknown (Save for the use of his one American hit , "Rock'n'Roll Pt. 2" , only better known today via it's appearance at sporting events . But ,  if you mentioned his name or the name of any of his better - known songs , the average U.S. sports fan would , most likely , draw a blank.) , he could embark on that U.S. tour he made tentative plans for , 40 years ago (He's performed a total of two songs in America.).....Maybe. All the controversy surrounding Gary Glitter in the last , roughly , 15 years , went under the radar in America , recieving very little coverage at all. He did appear on an episode of VH1's  "Where Are They Now?", before the internet porn charge , and the program dealt , briefly , with the fact that he'd been charged with , and acquited of , two charges of indecency with a minor. Outside of a cult following , Glitter remains so obscure , here , he would'nt rate a sidebar in a scandal sheet.

      That out of the way ,    yes I'm a fan of Gary Glitter's music , but not of things he did , or is said to have done. I'm not pro - murder, either , but , I admire the work of Leadbelly , Joe Meek , Phil Spector (OK , the verdict's never going to be out , but....Gee , D'YA THINK?) , Pat Hare , and , maybe to a lesser extent , Taildragger. I don't condone woman beating , but , I still like Ike Turner and Brian Jones' music.....Bill Wyman usually gets lumped in with Gary Glitter on the now - synonymous topic of pedophilia , but he did have the girl's Mother's consent (So much so that her Mom hooked up with his Son !), Not saying that makes everything peachy keen, but he had'nt had a scandal in his whole career with The Rolling Stones , barring the "We piss anywhere" incident , and he was due for one. Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry did , or were accused of , everything short of selling secrets to The Russians during The Cold War. They're still great Artists.  And , as great Artists go , you could'nt argue with Chaplin or Picasso , both of whom married teenagers.  Several times.

      Then , there's the simple fact that , back in Gary's day , a large number of Groupies , at least , in the states , were'nt even old enough to attend their Junior Prom. Who was complaining about that ?

      Roger Daltrey said , shortly after Pete Townshend's internet porn case was swept under the rug , that the way he felt about Glitter was , that this is a sickness , and that the way society deals with it is wrong (Even if it does turn out that a person like Gary can't be cured.  It's still not illegal to have such thoughts , only to act upon them. ). Maybe there is no end - all solution , but , would it be the end of civilization if offenders were treated , psychologically? Still , even after serving jail time , Glitter seems to be in vast denial. Upon returning to Britain (And , soon , requesting permission to relocate to France , while authorities concurrently sought Roman Polanski's extradition from the same country , to stand trial , here.) , a Journalist asked him if he intended to get help for his problem. He was told , "No , because I have'nt done anything wrong". If he'd told the man it was'nt his business , it might not have made him appear delusional.

      So , it still seems possible that this Twitter site is a hoax. And , even if it is'nt , I don't know how Glitter intends to pull off a comeback tour. Negative publicity , however , is still publicity.  

    • January 23, 2012 5:56 PM CST
    •  It's a loaded question , to be sure.

      I , personally , don't think Glitter could get a tour off the ground , at this point. Maybe , here in the states , where his music is virtually unknown (Save for the use of his one American hit , "Rock'n'Roll Pt. 2" , only better known today via it's appearance at sporting events . But ,  if you mentioned his name or the name of any of his better - known songs , the average U.S. sports fan would , most likely , draw a blank.) , he could embark on that U.S. tour he made tentative plans for , 40 years ago (He's performed a total of two songs in America.).....Maybe. All the controversy surrounding Gary Glitter in the last , roughly , 15 years , went under the radar in America , recieving very little coverage at all. He did appear on an episode of VH1's  "Where Are They Now?", before the internet porn charge , and the program dealt , briefly , with the fact that he'd been charged with , and acquited of , two charges of indecency with a minor. Outside of a cult following , Glitter remains so obscure , here , he would'nt rate a sidebar in a scandal sheet.

      That out of the way ,    yes I'm a fan of Gary Glitter's music , but not of things he did , or is said to have done. I'm not pro - murder, either , but , I admire the work of Leadbelly , Joe Meek , Phil Spector (OK , the verdict's never going to be out , but....Gee , D'YA THINK?) , Pat Hare , and , maybe to a lesser extent , Taildragger. I don't condone woman beating , but , I still like Ike Turner and Brian Jones' music.....Bill Wyman usually gets lumped in with Gary Glitter on the now - synonymous topic of pedophilia , but he did have the girl's Mother's consent (So much so that her Mom hooked up with his Son !), Not saying that makes everything peachy keen, but he had'nt had a scandal in his whole career with The Rolling Stones , barring the "We piss anywhere" incident , and he was due for one. Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry did , or were accused of , everything short of selling secrets to The Russians during The Cold War. They're still great Artists.  And , as great Artists go , you could'nt argue with Chaplin or Picasso , both of whom married teenagers.  Several times.

      Then , there's the simple fact that , back in Gary's day , a large number of Groupies , at least , in the states , were'nt even old enough to attend their Junior Prom. Who was complaining about that ?

      Roger Daltrey said , shortly after Pete Townshend's internet porn case was swept under the rug , that the way he felt about Glitter was , that this is a sickness , and that the way society deals with it is wrong (Even if it does turn out that a person like Gary can't be cured.  It's still not illegal to have such thoughts , only to act upon them. ). Maybe there is no end - all solution , but , would it be the end of civilization if offenders were treated , psychologically? Still , even after serving jail time , Glitter seems to be in vast denial. Upon returning to Britain (And , soon , requesting permission to relocate to France , while authorities concurrently sought Roman Polanski's extradition from the same country , to stand trial , here.) , a Journalist asked him if he intended to get help for his problem. He was told , "No , because I have'nt done anything wrong". If he'd told the man it was'nt his business , it might not have made him appear delusional.

      So , it still seems possible that this Twitter site is a hoax. And , even if it is'nt , I don't know how Glitter intends to pull off a comeback tour. Negative publicity , however , is still publicity.  

    • January 23, 2012 8:53 AM CST
    • Methinx we are taking it for granted......FAR TOO MUCH for granted.....that GG was a paedo!!! Judges, so-called "proof", judgements and courts have proven to be DEAD wrong in many of these cases, or are we all forgetting that??!!:):)

    • January 23, 2012 8:15 AM CST
    • It was a joke, Howie. Still, even though he's a paedo, he deserves some respect as a musician. I love Intoxica Radio, you should get Luxuria Music to licence it to BBC 6 Music.

      Howie Pyro said:

      i would go, people will go for whatever reason...saying "Getting beaten up by vigilantes could be a good start" is as fucked as anything else you're accusing about so check yourself, smart guy...people like you talking about him in public forums are giving him publicity...any of which you are actually doing GG a favor (or was it favour...)

    • January 23, 2012 7:41 AM CST
    • i would go, people will go for whatever reason...saying "Getting beaten up by vigilantes could be a good start" is as fucked as anything else you're accusing about so check yourself, smart guy...people like you talking about him in public forums are giving him publicity...any of which you are actually doing GG a favor (or was it favour...)

    • January 23, 2012 8:48 PM CST
    • one of my new fave tunes...just beautiful baby

      Mina said:

      If you cut out the laughing at the end, this counts as a 2 min. song. :D

    • January 23, 2012 4:47 PM CST
    • Short songs are perfect for people like me with ADHD!

    • January 23, 2012 4:47 PM CST
    • Talk Talk! I would've mentioned that but you beat me to it by far, heh.

      John Battles said:

      That's tuff , I'd have to go back and check all these songs that'll turn out to be over 2:OO , Anyway...So I'll take the easy way out -    "Talk , Talk " The Music Machine. Says more in 1:58(?) than most full albums.

      Runners Up - Jim Basnight "She Got...Fucked".

      Ramones : I Can't Be.

      Vomit Pigs : Baby's Playing Games .  No known recorded  version is two minutes long.

    • January 23, 2012 3:02 PM CST
    • The shortest , non - Hardcore , song I can recall was "The Human Mertzes" by Plan 9 , on the album "Sea Hunt". The title track is 13 minutes long , while the aforementioned song is 13 SECONDS long.

    • January 23, 2012 6:19 PM CST
    • Yes, I have . I even know the people who made it , and SOME of the people who turned up in it.... Michael O'Connoll (Rites of The Accused , now Chicago's funniest Bartender.) steals the whole damn show , with his commentary re. quotes from his better known peers. Yes , he's wearing a silver spacesuit , but , he could have worn a three piece suit and still OWNED this picture. I'd say , go for it , if you're curious at all....
      Joanie Lindstrom said:

      That looks cool (Randy Rampage sure looks rough from his pretty boy DOA days).

      That Chicago movie looks good too altho I guess it's been out for a while since it says coming in 2007.  Anyone seen that?

    • January 23, 2012 6:07 PM CST
    • Good! : )  I wonder how many times she had a "Back To The Future" moment ?

      "I'd like a TAB !"    "OH , it's OK  ! You'll get one at  the end of the evening!" 

      "I KNOW I'll get one at the end of the evening , but , can I have my Tab , or what ?". 
      whatwave dave said:

      That's funny triggered a memory for me of Niagara asking for that drink when she was in London Ontario over 20 years

    • January 23, 2012 3:06 PM CST
    • I should add , Miriam Linna , not The Cramps' first drummer , but their second , was also based in Cleveland , before relocating to NYC .
      John Battles said:

      "Having an Intellectual Discussion With..." and , later "Eyeball of Hell" (Electric Eels.) , "The Modern Dance" (Pere Ubu) , "The Day The Earth Met Rocket From The Tombs", and a recent Mirrors collection - I forget the name.....

      The thing about the earlier bands , they did'nt have many places to play , much less , a visible following beyond friends and the few who'd had it with cover bands.  and a lot of them LOATHED each other , or at least , individual people did. I've spoken with enough of them to know.  The Electric Eels played a total of five times. I doubt that Rockets played too many more times than that , but , I could'nt tell you , one way or the other....

       The Dead Boys had to defect to New York City to make a name for themselves , as did Pere Ubu , and The Cramps , who were'nt all Clevelanders , but , of course , Lux and Ivy were based there , as was later member , Nick Knox (And much later member , Mike Metoff , his Cousin , from The Pagans.), before forming The Cramps in NYC.

      Michael Weldon (Mirrors , Psychotronic Video magazine.) told me recently , "I've got all these people asking me for interviews about the early 70's Cleveland scene.....It was'nt even a scene !".

    • January 23, 2012 5:58 AM CST
    • Hmmm --- '80's garage outta Boston... The Lyres (yes to the above)!, The Neats, The Prime Movers ('it's just a matter of time; damn, now I'm singin' it), Kenne Highland's Hopelessly Obscure -- check out the cover version of Rain of Death by the Broken Jug (no idea who they are) below, it ain't bad:

      btw: I've seen The Prime Movers (NOT THE LA one) listed as a 'punk' band from Boston. I heard them play many times and they were always a garage band to me -- seriously, with that organ bamp bamp bamping? Nah. I'm sure I'm leaving out a fair few -- so many have been labeled punk retrospectively that I hesitate to list them here. Don't know why that has happened.

    • January 22, 2012 6:00 PM CST
    • do you need some stuff ! please email to