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    • December 25, 2011 12:08 PM CST
    • Hell, Bobby, you live in Pittsburgh... Get Hip should be able to courier their stuff to ya!

    • December 25, 2011 12:03 AM CST
    • Very sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like you're handling it well. I don't do a lot of mail order , but , these are all good suggestions. You might ask if Amoeba (Frisco/Berkely / LA) does mail order.

    • December 25, 2011 10:58 AM CST
    • damn...

    • December 25, 2011 10:30 AM CST
    • RIP, a much underrated talent.

    • December 25, 2011 9:16 AM CST
    • A major talent who will be missed.

      I never got to meet him, but always wanted to tell him how much his music influenced me over the years. Funny when you think of it; 20 or so years after Sean wrote "Dark White" for example, there I was - a young whippersnapper from another country covering his "obscure" song on stage. Your music was incredibly powerful and that far reaching, Sean!

      From the moment I first heard The Music Machine, I never stopped listening.

      R.I.P. and thoughts go out to all your family and loved ones.


    • December 25, 2011 6:02 AM CST
    • It's confirmed on his Facebook page. What a great loss to the world of Rock and Roll!

    • December 25, 2011 5:50 AM CST
    • Noooooooooo! If any hears any more news please post it here.

    • December 25, 2011 3:34 AM CST
    • Sad to hear such news. I've never listened much of his material, but it really sounds great. 


    • December 25, 2011 2:19 AM CST
    • Just heard from a pretty reliable source that Sean Bonniwell has passed away. R.I.P.

    • December 25, 2011 8:11 AM CST
    • When I put together a play list these days, ten songs that seem to have a habit of showing up (and in no particular order) would be:

      1. She's the One  ~ Ramones

      2. The Way I Walk  ~  Cramps  (off the Nazibilly Werwoelfen Record...  You know... the version where Lux says "The Cramps are like no other band, and that's because...")

      3. Scream ~  Ralph Nielson

      4. Stronger than Dirt  ~ Mummies

      5. El Entierro de los Gatos  ~  Los Saicos  (I also love Demolicion and  & the Wau Y Los Arrrghs!! cover of it)

      6. She's a Bad Motorcycle  ~  Trashwomen

      7. Destination Venus  ~  Man or Astro Man version

      8. Monkey's Paw  ~  Thee Headcoats

      9. My Daddy Is a Vampire   ~  Meteors

      10.  Ungaga Unga Unga  ~  Los Infraseres  (I think I got if off of MySpace a few years ago)

    • December 25, 2011 1:24 AM CST
    •  I just got that "Satan Is Real " CD , recently...It is'nt easy to find. I saw Charlie Louvin twice , before his recent demise. Seemed like a REALLY good old guy. He said he was trying to figure whether to do "On Top of Old Smokey" or "Knoxville Girl". I begged him "KNOXVILLE GIRL ! PLEASE , KNOXVILLE GIRL !" , and he did it.....The second time I saw him , he did it , without any coercion. Plus , he told the story behind the song , how it dates back to a 16TH Century (?) English ballad....ABOUT BLUDGEONING YOUR TRUE LOVE AND THROWING HER IN THE RIVER !!!   This stuff did'nt start with Alice Cooper , y'know.

    • December 25, 2011 12:15 AM CST
    • The Damned - One Way Love

      Motorhead - Killed by Death

      Alien Sex Fiend - Dead and Buried

      The Cramps - Voodoo Idol

      Tom Waits - Goin' Out West

      The Meteors - Go Buddy Go

      Dramarama - Anything, Anything

      The Sisters of Mercy - Detonation Boulevard

      The Cult - Love Removal Machine

      Dead Kennedys - Buzzbomb

    • December 25, 2011 1:18 AM CST
    • Thank you , Mina , for liking this. MERRY CHRISTMAS , EVERYBODY.

    • December 25, 2011 1:17 AM CST
    • Listened to "Drive In Show " the other day , it sounds like "Penis" the first time , then , he enunciates the "T" in "Peanuts" clearly , the second time. He knew he was getting away with murder.
      John Battles said:

      That's a classic ! I knew he was saying "Peanuts" , he HAD to be...but , it always sounded like "I'll bet my penis to a candy bar...". Good early example. Someone asked me which song did I think had the first F-Bomb. I was'nt sure , but , "Shave 'em Dry" (Early 30'S) is posilutely FILTHY.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      In Eddie Cochrans Drive in show theres a line which sounds like 'took my penis to the candy bar!'  its actually  'i'll bet my peanuts to a candy bar' which I just had to look up after 30 odd years of wondering! God bless t'internet!

    • December 25, 2011 1:13 AM CST
    • Oh , yeah . Best shows....So hard to do....

      Muddy Waters , Chicago , '79.

      The Clash , Dallas '82 (You don't have to believe me).

      Sir Douglas Quintet ,Berwyn Ill , '89 (Twice.)

      Jerry Lee Lewis (THIS FUCKING MONTH !!!) .

      Stooges - Clarkeston , Mich. '03 . Chicago , '09.

      Screamin' Jay Hawkins , dALLAS , 86 . ( I got to sing with him ! My GF got pissed , because I would'nt stand in the back , and be lame , when I was WORKING.).

      Johnny Cash - Two shows , Chicago. 90's.

      James Brown - same

      Alice Cooper - Chicago , 98 (Small venue.)

      Any show by Roky Erickson , Deadmoon/Pierced Arrows , Arthur Lee and Love , Downliners Sect, others.

    • December 25, 2011 12:51 AM CST
    • I'm sorry , none of us are going to top THAT. Especially when John once played for The Fuzztones and Sylvain Sylvain at the same time , and even gigged with both on the same night , at two clubs right across the street from each other in L.A.  I have my sources. It's been widely argued (Tho' I'm not here to argue.) that the term "Punk" as a musical genre was already in use when The Stooges , most assuredly , embodied the (Free ) expression. The first widely recognized uses of the term come from the Rock Encyclopedia (1969?)  , which referred to "Punk Rock" as newer , percieved as amateurish , bands , like the pre - fame Alice Cooper Group , Black Sabbath , and even Foat Wuth's favorite sons , Bloodrock (No , wait . I meant The Neurotic Sheep .).  Dave Marsh used the term "Punk Rock" in a review of a very early ? and The Mysterians comeback attempt in '71. The UK Rock mag , Story of Pop , ran an article called "Punk Rock" in the early 70's , possibly written by Lenny Kaye (Also an early user of the phrase.) , which covered a plethora of US Garage Punk bands , some that charted , and others that lay dormant for decades , waiting to be rediscovered.....

      But , the expression was not being WIDELY used in The Stooges' first lifetme ,  no.

      Bill Bulinski of The Electras  told me that in the mid 60's , people did say "Punk" to describe bands like his , but it was just slang , not something you'd read in a magazine. 

      "People called us Punks in The 60's. I'd say , "Don't call us Punks!" , because , to me , to be "Punk" meant you were bad. But , we were never violent , like The Sex Pistols."   Question Mark , to John Battles , Detroit , '97.
      John Carlucci said:

      My first show ever was Grand Funk Railroad & Bloodrock at the Fillmore East in NYC in 1970. My first punk concert... Occurred before there was a term called Punk Rock, that was Iggy & The Stooges @ The Academy of Music 1973.  saw The NY Dolls and Dictators at The Coventry in Queens later that year and saw Johnny Thunders Heartbreakers  & The Ramones again, at the Coventry on Queens blvd in 74!  ( pre CBGB's  era ) 

      John Battles said:

      Well , I lived there for 12 years. The ones that mess you up the most. I did'nt see Really Red , but , I liked the "Suburban Disease" EP , and their much earlier stuff , now that I've heard it. Never bought their LP , tho' I thought it was cool they did Red Krayola's "War Sucks"....I wanted to see them , heard they were really good , live , but , all the Hardcore violence was putting me off my food , y'know. I liked SOME H.C. - Bad Brains , Fear , D.O.A., stuff like that.   Butthole Surfers were terrible , that first time I saw them at the Dead Kennedys gig , but , I guess MDC , and certainly , Stickmen , made them look that much better. Paul Leary told me , later , even he felt it was a very bad night.  Scott Edgerton , that name is very familiar...He MIGHT have been Lithium Xmas ' first Drummer , who was , as I recall , also the Drummer from a group called Spazbot , whom I did a lot of shows with , usually on weeknights , when we were'nt a threat - HA HA HA HA . But , their founding Drummer was quickly replaced by Gitiim Chackamoi , who's from Nigeria , originally. She was the best drummer in town.Everyone wanted  her in their band , and she freelanced a lot , but mainly played in LXmas and The Howling Dervishes , which was also my Brother , Tom , Chuck Rose , from Ft. Worth Punk band , Cringe , and  , later , he was Johnny Carroll's last Bass player. He and myBrother still play in bands together, today.  BUT , the guy from EARLY LITHIUM AND SPAZBOT WAS ALSO A VERY GOOD DRUMMER. I think the late Reagan Eskridge (Could that be who you meant ?) from Quad Pi also played a few gigs before they arrived at Gitiim.

      I talked about this , elsewhere , but , Bobby Soxx did'nt seem like such a threat at the time , just starved for attention. When I first met him , he  seemed pretty mellow. We had some very tame verbal disagreements , I guess because maybe he thought I was somebody he couldtalk down to , but , I really was'nt impressed. I heard some rumors and some thingsthat were probably true , but , I think , when Hardcore took over (Even tho' there were no Hardcore bands of note in Dallas . Some , like NOTA , and Stinky Shits , did'nt last long.), he sort of got left behind , though you could'nt call what he was doing "Punk" anyway , it was just slow death. The Butthole Surfers liked them a lot , tho. I could'nt stand 'em. I was'nt alone. But , years later , when I heard Bobby was going to jail for the attempted murder of his Girlfriend (Who lived to testify against him.), I was kind of thrown back. Most of the things I'd heard about him did'nt concern violence at all. I never really saw him in a violent situation at all , and I saw him around a lot , even in the daytime (Rule #1 , back then , was , it's not Punk to be seen in the daytime . Complain about being prejudged by society , but , don't  go out IN society.) . So , I knew him , in passing , but , I don't think that many people were really terrified by him. Maybe scared enough to not want to hang out with him , but , not like they thought he'd hurt them or anything. I did'nt really start going to see The Butthole Surfers , in earnest , until early '84  , after I bought their first EP ,and decided I liked them. They were different every time , never did the same set , twice , and got increasingly theatrical (And Gibby got increasingly nekkid.), and more Psychedelic.

      Their gigs in Dallas became events , but , the one time I saw them , here , I was'nt feeling it , anymore.         I guess I felt I had to make the rounds , I was underage and without a car thru the heyday of Dallas Punk , and when better touring bands came thru on a regular basis. When I was a little older , I had to go out and find out for myself what I did and did'nt like. Looking back , most people agree it was a good time , peaking at or around 1986.

      Shit, you're from Texas? Cool, did you ever see Really Red (I always missed 'em)? Yeah, regarding Lithium Xmas, my friend Scott Edgerton had a younger brother who was (I think) and original member. Small world... Stickmen w/ Rayguns, everyone I know was scared shitless of Bobby Sox. When I visited Dallas, tho', he seemed like a nice guy to me. Wish I'd seen the Surfers when they were at their most chaotic. I met Gibby and Paul, very cool folks, but that was years later. You made the rounds!
      John Battles said:

      First show ever - KISS , July , 1976 , with Bob Seger (Still kicking ass - check out "Live Bullet" , if it sets you back over a dollar , you was robbed.)  , and the now - popular Power Pop cult heroes , Artful Dodger. I was 11 years old (Before it was the norm to be a preteen at a KISS concert.) , so , of course , I loved it. I thought everyone on the bill was really good , actually.

      This show got me out of a potential hazing when I started Jr. High. Some uptight older kid was giving me a lot of shit , when another one said , "Hey. Leave that guy alone. He was at The KISS concert.".

      First Punk show ? uhhhhhh....Some people would say "That's not Punk , that's New Wave" , to which I'd say , "That's not I don't give a shit , that's I really don't give a shit."

      But , the first show of note , for me , was at a house party in Denton , Texas , 1980 . My Brother's band at the time , The Jetsons (Feat. The future MC 900Ft. Jesus , Mark Griffin.)were playing with Chef Physique and Brave Combo , who used to be GREAT , no World Music , just Garge Rock Polka.). That was when I realized , like Leo Sayer put it " waitaminnit ...I CAN DAAAAAANCE!!!". I was on the fence about a lot of the new music , but , that show turned my head around (Tho' we had to miss Brave Combo.).

      Useless trivia : Mark Griffin went on to become a founding member of Lithium XMas , the still underrated Heavy Psych outfit. Several years later , my Brother , Tom Battles , joined the band , as well , and , in between , the Husband and Wife team that led Chef Physique briefly joined Lithium Xmas ( Who had NINE members at the time. Plan 9 only had eight .). 

      Until I had an ID stating that I was 19 , tho' (All the cool kids had believable fake IDs , they tell me.), I did'nt see a lot of bands besides The Jetsons , The Telefones , 10 minutes of Chron Gen , Plimsouls ('81) , Robin Lane and The Chartbusters (same) , The Clash (82) The Stray Cats (same) and The Dead Kennedys w/MDC , Hugh Beaumont Experience , Butthole Surfers and Stickmen With Rayguns, also in '82 . DKs WERE VERY GOOD , I WAS STILL REALLY INTO 'EM. Hugh Beaumont Experience had their moments , they were pretty funny. They were all younger than me , which was encouraging.

    • December 25, 2011 12:24 AM CST
    • Long before The White Stripes caught on , and actually , before there even was a White Stripes, There was Msr. Jeffrey Evans , The Gories and Jack O' Fire , as far as (Mostly) white acts are concerned. LONG before they shaped Punk Blues , Hound Dog Taylor created it. But , Pat Hare had that sound some 20 years before , and Cub Koda was punkin' the HELL out of them Blues from the 70's to his all too untimely passing.....

      I'm not hearing much of anything new in the Garage and so -called Garage genre  that I'd call important. As far as important old school people who still have a lot to offer , or did in the past 10 years , we've got Roky Erickson, Fred Cole , The Alarm Clocks , The Sonics , ? and The Mysterians , the recently defunct Mike and The Ravens , The Remains , The Electric Prunes (Whose status , it seems , remains in flux. ) , The Electras (Same.) , The late , great Wailers , The late , great Blue Cheer , The Troggs , The Pretty Things , The Downliners Sect , The Creation (Anybody heard from them?) , Mitch Ryder , Mark Lindsay , Scott Morgan , The Stooges , The Nervebreakers ,  The New Colony Six (On a good night.).

      You don't have to be hip with the kids and their outasite beat to have something that's of worth. 

    • December 25, 2011 12:09 AM CST
    • THANK YOU. If I could thank you in your native tongue , I would.

      Erske Storsvedja said:

      Fred Cole, at least to me.

    • December 25, 2011 12:00 AM CST
    • DAMN , girls. You CAN sit down , ret chere.
      Alison said:

      Here are some classic party starters:

    • December 24, 2011 11:59 PM CST
    • Any James Last "Non Stop Dancing" from about 1965 to 1974.

    • December 24, 2011 5:26 PM CST
    • Lora Logic is great! I really enjoy the band she put together after being booted from Spex...Essential Logic!! I think there was a couple dudes that came after her to play sax in X-Ray Spex but neither could match that coltish self-taught sound she brought to their first album.

      John Battles said:

       I can't think of that many , besides Mark Lindsay. When The Raiders were still more of a Frat Rock group , he was honkin' his horn a'plenty , and , later on the recited smoocher "Melody For an Unknown Girl.",  already out of date for it's time. I saw Mark in 2001 , and he was wailin' sax on numbers like "You Can't Sit Down" and "Night Train". Of course , The Raiders' "Louie" was more sax - driven , too. I'm not good on names . The Wailers had a couple of great sax players , inc. the guy who played with them in later years , when they stormed the Ponderosa Stomp. He killed !


      Screamin' Jay played a pretty mean sax , himself , as did Ray Charles. Dave Hill from The Treniers , who's still alive and well , Dave "Bubba" Mitchell , from Milt Trenier's band , also still alive and CRAZY , as he nears his 90th Year , Earl Bostic , Louis Jordan ,  Lonnie Youngblood , The late , great , Sam Butera , Bobby Keyes , of course , Gordon from The Fleshtones , God Rest His Soul , Lora Logic from X- Ray Spex and Red Krayola , and her successor in the first band - Forgot his name - And ,who's the cat from The Pastel Six? I saw him sit in with Sky Saxon and The Seeds , it worked , too ! , Jesse Scinto , who's a younger guy , is keeping the honkin' sax tradition going , but , he does'nt seem to play much , these days....