I think I ended up with a total of 60 issues. Of course, it started as a 4-page newsletter that originally came out twice a month. (The first ish was written, as I recall, right after Labor Day, 1990, a weekend that had seen The Gories play at Maxwells in Hoboken one night, opening for an old rockabilly guy whose name escapes me right now, and then the next night at the Space at Chase on 3rd Ave in Manhattan, on a bill w/The Raunch Hands. Margaret (then pre-) Doll Rod was also having a grand old time at these shows. Elinor "April March" Blake was definitely at the Saturday night show. At the time, she was still going out with RH singer Michael Chandler. She and I did our usual partnering that night when the Raunch Hands did "The Stroll". (Their version is available on 7".) That always meant couples-slamming while slow-dancing.
After a year, the TS went to 6 pages. Then to 8 a year later. And then I left my job and went to grad school, which meant an end to the monthly mag. It also meant that issues grew larger, since they came out less often. And it marked a big change in the way I did things. Suddenly, there was room to stretch out and do much longer articles and interviews. Not to mention the pages upon pages of reviews of live shows, records, and other zines.
I actually didn't know I was done with the mag until maybe 2 years after the final ish (which came out for LVG 2000, I think.) I was working on the next issue - and probably still have some of it on my hard drive. One was the story of The Redcoats, a 60s NJ Shore band that Dionysus put out a record by. Unbeknownst to me, though, the band member telling me the story was also telling it to someone else at the same time, who was doing it for a web-based publication. I did, however, actually have some other stuff because I'd had a phone conversation with their first manager of sorts - Steven Rappaport, who had been in The Ran-Dells ("Martian Hop") with his cousin, John Spirt, who was in The Redcoats. I also did some digging on either ASCAP or BMI and found some songs by John that were not done by The Redcoats (or Ran-Dells) or The Sidekicks (who were really The Redcoats). I asked Mike Markesich, who told me those songs had been released by The Statesiders. Steven was thrilled and quickly bought the single on eBay.
I actually also did what I thought was going to be a stop-gap 'zine, called No Place Fast, in 2001 or 2002 - thinking that I'd soon go back to doing The Teen Scene. It was back to the original newsletter style. And, of course, I also briefly did something called 60 Second Swinger online, which later folded into The Little Cracked Egg website.
Hmmm...Maybe the first thing I should do is see if I can find the stuff from the unpublished issue and post some of that.