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    • April 14, 2011 6:24 PM CDT
    • Just in from JJR in Camden Town, fuckin brilliant, totally deaf and dripping wet.

    • April 14, 2011 3:17 PM CDT
    • Does anybody else do this?

      I just made myself a nifty JJR comp DVD from youtube clips that I can play in the comfort of my living room. Beats watcing it on the PC. Not that it makes any difference to the sound quality!


      Just saying.



    • April 14, 2011 5:47 PM CDT
    • Errrr OK....'Grinderman 2' by Grinderman, 'Fishing For Zombliments' by Cyco Sanchez Supergroup (free on Bandcamp!!!) and currently loving Vol.1 of the Hideout Comp series 'It Came from The Hideout'........... 

    • April 14, 2011 5:12 PM CDT
    • Ok, so spring is here in the DC area and every year I get an urge for some new tunes. So what are the best albums you guys have heard lately?  Doesn't have to be garage or punk, could be anything. We need some new jams to listen to over here at Big Neck to keep us working.


      Cory F.

    • April 14, 2011 5:38 PM CDT
    • Just seen the artwork for Vols 3 and 4, Fantastic stuff!!


    • April 14, 2011 4:38 PM CDT
    • < I kinda wish we had MORE surf bands submitting tracks >

      I know that we submitted a surf-y track; would there be enough of them to have a surf volume in the series or would you rather mix them in with the rest as and when?


    • April 14, 2011 3:24 PM CDT
    • Just wait 10 years when We Never Learn Vol 2 comes out, Kopper will have a chapter dedicated to him.

      KK Dirty Money said:

      Agreed: both LS and Kopper are doing great things for a form of music that is skirted by the mainstream. I am sure there are plenty more purveyors of this stuff out there, too. Everyone should be welcome to the proverbial table, hence the beauty of this GP community.

      Regarding this comp: the advantage of working digitally allows us to all communicate and collaborate internationally and create this thing for next to no cost "in the comfort of our own home", and hence allowing it to be shared with the world. 

      We all had a hand in this, but Kopper really did a great job of organizing it all.


    • April 14, 2011 3:11 PM CDT
    • Just downloaded the Comp. Great work from all concerned.  Am absolutely kicking myself for not getting our shit together sooner to be included on that!

      However, not wanting to miss the opportunity of sharing our album  with you guys, please feel free to download from here:

      Hope the rest of the series is just as good (the artwork for the future comps looks ace too).

    • April 14, 2011 11:12 AM CDT
    • Agreed: both LS and Kopper are doing great things for a form of music that is skirted by the mainstream. I am sure there are plenty more purveyors of this stuff out there, too. Everyone should be welcome to the proverbial table, hence the beauty of this GP community.

      Regarding this comp: the advantage of working digitally allows us to all communicate and collaborate internationally and create this thing for next to no cost "in the comfort of our own home", and hence allowing it to be shared with the world. 

      We all had a hand in this, but Kopper really did a great job of organizing it all.


    • April 14, 2011 10:09 AM CDT
    • I was thinking the same thing when you first proposed this idea, but I decided just to keep my mouth shut, because I didn't want to look like I was trying to start a fight.


      BTW, I think you and LS complement each other in what you do.  You promote the more raw and raunchy stuff (I was surprised at how hard rocking a lot of it is on the compilation), while LS plays the more polished and produced stuff.  I don't think there's anything wrong with either method; it's all just a matter of preference.  Sometimes I like raw and raunchy, other times I like polished and produced, although I have to admit that I do tilt slightly toward the polished and produced.


      Looking forward to more compilations.  If you can turn me onto some cute girl bands, you'll be my hero:)

      kopper said:

      I'm kicking myself that it took me five years to think to do something like this! Guess I've got Little Steven to thank for that, huh? ;)

    • April 14, 2011 9:26 AM CDT
    • I just joined up here, and I have to say the compilation far exceeds the expectations I had. Now I know better; I can't wait to hear more.

    • April 14, 2011 6:16 AM CDT
    • Thank you Kopper!

    • April 14, 2011 5:03 PM CDT
    • I made it to a Sleazefest, i think it was 96...
      I was underage at the time, but made the drive from Florida, so they felt bad and let me and my brother in. We had talked to Dave of the Local 506 when he was tour managing for the Flat Duo Jets, and he said it would be ok, of course he didn't remember us when we got to Chapel Hill, but he was still really cool. (they musta thought we were idiots when they told us we had to have black xs on our heads and we said ok... we had drove 8 hours!)

      So bands I saw...
      Just found this lineup on a website... and I'm pretty certain I saw most of these

      Friday, August 16th: Big Top, Flat Duo Jets, Simon & the Bar Sinisters, The Bad Checks, The Subsonics, Jack Black, LUD.

      Saturday, August 17th: Southern Culture on the Skids, The Swingin' Neckbreakers, The Woggles, Nashville Pussy, Impala, The Royal Pendletons, Bent Scepters, Trailer Bride.

      Sunday, August 18th: The Cowslingers, The Hatebombs, The Backsliders, Family Dollar Pharaohs, The Quadrajets, The Glenmont Popes, Gringos, Whiskeytown.

      The only ones I don't remember seeing were Gringos...
      A lot of these bands I had seen a bunch around the Southeast around the same time... and many of the people in the bands I would eventually become friendly with from playing in bands later myself... it's funny to think of the amount of people that were in the little Local 506 that I am now friendly with...
      Also a note, Flat Duo Jets didn't play, it ended up being Dex by himself. And Hasil Adkins played on the Saturday night!!!

      I always wanted to go to a Garageshock ... and there was a Fest sometime in the mid90s in Denver, i think it was put on by 360Spin, but I remember it had thee Headcoats, The Hatebombs, The Makers and others...

      The best fest I went to I think was the second Las Vegas Grind (2000)... if for nothing else but the set up. In that everything was right in the hotel. With sseveral stages for the bands to play, and it was in Vegas...
      Black Diamonds played like 3 hours during the day...
      Insomniacs, Neckbreakers, Hatebombs, Barry and the Remains, The Lyres, Crawdaddies, Freddy Fortune and the Four Gone Conclusions, Les Sexareenos, The Trouble Makers, Jackie and the Cedrics(!!!!).....

    • April 14, 2011 4:44 PM CDT
    • Yeah, I've often thought of trying to hit Heavy Rebel, but it never pans 'cause Winston-Salem is only 2 hours away, but the that weekend (July 4) is the worst time for me to try and attend anything like that unless it was here in town (yeah, right)...There's still murmurs of Sleazefest coming back, but I've not heard anything concrete....

    • April 14, 2011 2:34 PM CDT
    • It was good times. I was wondering what happened to it. SCOTS, the Woggles, Snatches of Pink, the Dynamite Brothers, New Town Drunks... to name a few were seen there by me. Can't remember anything sucking... everyone was very friendly. Always fun talking to Rick, Mary and Dave of SCOTS. They are one of the most friendly bands I've ever met. One of Dave Quick's bands played, although I can't recall which one at the moment. I highly recommend attending the Heavy Rebel Weekender. I wish SCOTS would play that one. Dave, you listening?

    • April 14, 2011 3:38 PM CDT
    • I like your response the most. I mean look at second wave ska, there definately is some punk in there even if it isn't so vivid. And Strummer progressed away from what was obviousely punk rock into kind of uncharted territories. It's only natural that a band that lasts more than a decade would start creating fusions with their existing styles. Look at the Red Hot Chillie Peppers, they started out funk punk and retained the funk mostly and dropped the punk to make a more pop rock style.

      Live Unsigned said:

      When The Clash were making records the definition of punk was up for grabs: to say that 'The Clash' is their only punk album is to mistake distorted guitars for the definition of the style, but there are a lot of bands from the last 30-35 years that have taken a far more rockabilly influenced approach to punk. It's just that with the success of hardcore it's easy for people to think that's the only punk bloodline. I also know a lot of punk and hardcore bands that are prone to outbreaks of reggae and dub, that's a long standing relationship in the UK.

      Is Sandinista an album of punk rock songs? No, obviously not. It's an album of probing, creative experimentation, and given the band's background in the punk scene, one of the most courageous artistic statements of the late C.20. I'd sooner listen to someone trying to find a new path in music than someone retreading the sounds of the past: nostalgia peddling conservatism is definitely what punk is NOT, although a lot of people pursue just that agenda nowadays using punk rock sounds.

    • April 14, 2011 1:20 PM CDT
    • Ha, the first album is one of my all-time favorites. I think the second still has some good stuff, and think LONDON CALLING is a great album but one I can occasionally get sick of hearing--or rather, hearing about.

      The rest...not so much, really, but the first one especially was a HUGE part of my life.

    • April 14, 2011 3:30 PM CDT
    • Just had a quick search around and can't find anything on these guys.


      Seriously folks, you must check out MAJKE from Croatia. They've been one of my favourite bands for years and yet to find anyone else from the English speaking world that's heard of them. They remind me of MC5 but there's other stuff in there too. Iwould suggest you buy there albums but I'm not sure where you could actually buy them from, however, they are 'available' if you have a look round the net. The first 'demo' album is a good place to start but all the albums are good.

      They did split up but appear to have got back together again recently and even did an 'Unplugged' album/dvd.


      Do yourself a favour and check them out. That's my bit for international engagement over.



    • April 14, 2011 1:40 PM CDT
    • I'm all about B in a bar chord...

    • April 14, 2011 10:55 AM CDT
    • Not a promo video, but...

    • April 14, 2011 10:10 AM CDT
    • It's so crazy.  This does imply that Dave is not too severely impaired from his stroke which I am happy about.  I hoep something good comes out of this.  The guys you mentioned could certainly use the work too. Ha!

    • April 14, 2011 9:13 AM CDT
    • 2 good books on Blondie and Debs :):)



    • April 14, 2011 9:02 AM CDT
    • Bring more books on :):)

    • April 14, 2011 9:11 AM CDT
    • Supercool, thank you.

    • April 14, 2011 8:02 AM CDT
    • HUGE band the Pyronauts :):):)