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    • April 15, 2011 3:42 PM CDT
    • I thought BACK FROM THE GRAVE, TEENAGE SHUTDOWN and PEBBLES were a given. Very very essential.

      The Chosen Few Vol. 1 & 2 are really hot comps.

    • April 15, 2011 3:25 PM CDT
    • "Songs We Taught The Fuzztones". This one got me hooked on garage stuff back then.

    • April 15, 2011 12:53 PM CDT
    • Can't believe no one's mentioned BACK FROM THE GRAVE or TEENAGE SHUTDOWN yet!! Hell, PEBBLES, too, for that matter. All of those are essential.

    • April 15, 2011 12:02 PM CDT
    • I've always had a soft spot for the 'Streets' comp. on Beggars Banquet from the late 70's. Quality.

    • April 15, 2011 9:57 AM CDT
    • Hmmm...besides the standards here are a few of my faves.


      Scum of The Earth Vol. 1 & 2,

      Ugly Things

      What A Way To Die

      Hipsville 29 B.C.

      Searching In The WIlderness

      Open Up Your Door

      Psychedelic Unknowns

      Shutdown 66


      that's a taste for now...


    • April 15, 2011 4:20 AM CDT
    • After Mr. Koppers, of course, what are the ones you would sell your Nana's O2 cylinder for?

    • April 15, 2011 3:26 PM CDT
    • Show #321: "Bands & Artists Starting With D, Part 8"

      Every 3 weeks I do a show where I randomly draw a letter from the alphabet. Then I play all bands & artists in my collection from the 50s, 60s and 70s that start with that letter in alphabetical order. This week I drew the letter "D". This is the eighth time I've drawn the letter "D", so I will start from where I left off (which was with Big Al Downing). So, tune in tonight (Friday at 10:00pm EST) to hear 3 hours of bands and artists that start with "D" like: Downliners Sect, Dr. Feelgood, Dr. John The Night Tripper, Dr. Strangely Strange, Dr. T. & The Undertakers, Dr. West's Medicine Show & Junk Band, Dr. Z, The Drag Set, 2 bands called Dragonfly, 2 different Dragons, dRAKE, Nick Drake, The Dramatics, Dransfield, The Dream, Dream Police, 2 different Dreams, The Drifters, Julie Driscoll and many many more!!!

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!

      Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:


    • April 15, 2011 3:24 PM CDT
    • you could check out Yussuf Jerusalem from France, great band and their album A Heart Full Of Sorrow is awesome, they played Athens a week or so ago!

    • April 15, 2011 3:22 PM CDT
    • I bought Atomic Suplex's Rock & Roll Must Die album because of that message they sent round and it was really cool. I love I'm On. I also got the casette and that has the Atomic Suplex theme tune on, and it was only 2.50.

    • April 15, 2011 3:15 PM CDT
    • The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      Errrr OK....'Grinderman 2' by Grinderman, 'Fishing For Zombliments' by Cyco Sanchez Supergroup (free on Bandcamp!!!) and currently loving Vol.1 of the Hideout Comp series 'It Came from The Hideout'........... 

      Hey, thanks!

      By the way, I totally can give this compliment back, I really dig your tunes!

      Non-garagepunk stuff fresh on my turntable is the new Mountain Goats album "All Eternals Deck". Fine songwriter stuff with a punkrock attitude.

    • April 15, 2011 2:21 PM CDT
    • The Demon & The Devotee - The Love-Me-Nots...

      sounds like they discovered 1968 for this fourth album...

    • April 15, 2011 2:04 PM CDT
    • I'm usually the other way round. I write most of the lyric first and then starting feeling around for the changes on guitar. For me its all intuitive based on how the words make me feel and what I hear in my head (and there are compromises).

      I do occasionally work right side up, or music first. My guitar player is a machine and will send me stuff that is almost whole, like a demo with rhythm guitar, bass and drums, and I will throw it up on garageband, plug in a mic and just babble, recording it as the brother above me described. After 3 or 5 takes I can usually hear a framework for the melody lines and -- because I write all the time -- I generally have a quick sense for syllables and timing, so -- I begin to chip away, picking around the edges of the lyric until I get a line completely worked out. Once I've got the lyrical DNA molecule (or maybe one for each "part" of the song) I quickly fill in the remaining lyrics, trimming and revealing, until the whole thing comes together. It doesn't always lead somewhere interesting; part of songwriting the lyrics is inspiration, but the rest is craft. I try to stay as prepared as possible. I keep a stack of handwritten stories, never-used lyrics and poems by my laptop when I'm writing lyrics, in case I need quick inspiration.

      I read a ton. I pay attention to lyrics and tend to look at a song as a marriage between the different parts, including the lyrics, as well as the way they are delivered, in s song. I listen for sneers, smiles, eyeball rolls and other shit normal people probably aren't consciously aware of in a singers voice. I think about how an emotion will color or change a performance of a song and try to project that emotion -- like an actor -- when I am singing it. Again, there are compromises, but for me -- writing songs is almost a religious experience, and I treat the lyrics accordingly.

    • April 15, 2011 1:37 PM CDT
    • Hell yes, This is great news! So possibly no flying cymbals but seeing Ray and Dave together again would be absolutely killer!!


    • April 15, 2011 1:20 PM CDT
    • I hope they go through with it, but there was talk before about doing the reunion and Dave got a stroke.  If the Davies brothers can work it out and do a tour together, I'd be more than satisfied.  Ray is good on his own playing Kink tunes, but Dave's spirit brings things back to REAL Kinks.  Feels like you're hearing the songs before they've gone in the studio to record the album.

    • April 15, 2011 10:08 AM CDT
    • It's a very funny book, and I highly recommend it.  I especially like the story about the prank Stiv and Cheetah pulled on the Witnesses of Jehovah when they knocked on their door.

    • April 15, 2011 9:46 AM CDT
    • Hey Kopper.  Thanks for making this happen. Great compilation and artwork!

    • April 15, 2011 8:08 AM CDT
    • Hey, I found out today that some music blogs are already posting direct links to the Hideout Comps page. I wish there was a way to password-protect that page or make it only viewable to Hideout members. Unfortunately, the only thing I can do is make the tab (menu) option hidden for non-members. People can still access the page if they're not members. So today someone notified me that a link to the page had been posted publicly on someone's blog. I've since emailed them asking them to remove the post, but I'd appreciate it if the rest of you could be on the lookout for similar infractions. I imagine it's only a matter of time before someone puts the entire comp up on Soulseek or RapidShare and it spreads like wildfire. I know there's only so much you can do to keep stuff like this from happening, and that's one reason I made it free to begin with, but it doesn't hurt to ask them to take down the direct links.

      If you would like to post about the comp on your blog, you're more than welcome to. In fact, I encourage it! But please use this link:


    • April 15, 2011 8:04 AM CDT
    • Did you not listen to the Manxx or LoveStruck tracks?

      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      I can only make an informed guess as to how much time and effort Kopper and all the bands and artists have put into this series based on how much effort I go to putting together YOU GOT GOOD TASTE, but what an effort amazing artwork and a collection of bands that really show how diverse Garage Punk can be. Big slap on the back to you all. Thanks.

      PS I too want to hear some GIRL bands or at least GIRL singers, this would stretch the genre even more. C'mon where you all Hidin' ?

      My next show is part 2 of girls that rock the garage, any girl bands want to send me some tunes to feature on the show?

    • April 15, 2011 5:39 AM CDT
    • You might want to get in touch with Palmyra Delran, she has a page here, and she rocks.

      YOU GOT GOOD TASTE said:

      I can only make an informed guess as to how much time and effort Kopper and all the bands and artists have put into this series based on how much effort I go to putting together YOU GOT GOOD TASTE, but what an effort amazing artwork and a collection of bands that really show how diverse Garage Punk can be. Big slap on the back to you all. Thanks.

      PS I too want to hear some GIRL bands or at least GIRL singers, this would stretch the genre even more. C'mon where you all Hidin' ?

      My next show is part 2 of girls that rock the garage, any girl bands want to send me some tunes to feature on the show?

    • April 15, 2011 3:27 AM CDT
    • I can only make an informed guess as to how much time and effort Kopper and all the bands and artists have put into this series based on how much effort I go to putting together YOU GOT GOOD TASTE, but what an effort amazing artwork and a collection of bands that really show how diverse Garage Punk can be. Big slap on the back to you all. Thanks.

      PS I too want to hear some GIRL bands or at least GIRL singers, this would stretch the genre even more. C'mon where you all Hidin' ?

      My next show is part 2 of girls that rock the garage, any girl bands want to send me some tunes to feature on the show?

    • April 14, 2011 10:46 PM CDT
    • The Denver festival was TrebleFest ('96). I was there! It was fucking phenomenal.

      We also went to Las Vegas Grind in 2000 and Cavestomp in New York in 2001 (just a month after 9/11). Great memories.

      Then we started having kids, and I didn't go to another garage fest until last year's Scion thing in Lawrence.


      Winthropf said:

      I always wanted to go to a Garageshock ... and there was a Fest sometime in the mid90s in Denver, i think it was put on by 360Spin, but I remember it had thee Headcoats, The Hatebombs, The Makers and others...

      The best fest I went to I think was the second Las Vegas Grind (2000)... if for nothing else but the set up. In that everything was right in the hotel. With sseveral stages for the bands to play, and it was in Vegas...
      Black Diamonds played like 3 hours during the day...
      Insomniacs, Neckbreakers, Hatebombs, Barry and the Remains, The Lyres, Crawdaddies, Freddy Fortune and the Four Gone Conclusions, Les Sexareenos, The Trouble Makers, Jackie and the Cedrics(!!!!).....

    • April 14, 2011 7:35 PM CDT
    • Daaaaamn! Awesome memories! I would love to have been in your shoes, man! Write up your memories on here on the Hideout! Obviously we would all dig it!

      Winthropf said:

      I made it to a Sleazefest, i think it was 96...
      I was underage at the time, but made the drive from Florida, so they felt bad and let me and my brother in. We had talked to Dave of the Local 506 when he was tour managing for the Flat Duo Jets, and he said it would be ok, of course he didn't remember us when we got to Chapel Hill, but he was still really cool. (they musta thought we were idiots when they told us we had to have black xs on our heads and we said ok... we had drove 8 hours!)

      So bands I saw...
      Just found this lineup on a website... and I'm pretty certain I saw most of these

      Friday, August 16th: Big Top, Flat Duo Jets, Simon & the Bar Sinisters, The Bad Checks, The Subsonics, Jack Black, LUD.

      Saturday, August 17th: Southern Culture on the Skids, The Swingin' Neckbreakers, The Woggles, Nashville Pussy, Impala, The Royal Pendletons, Bent Scepters, Trailer Bride.

      Sunday, August 18th: The Cowslingers, The Hatebombs, The Backsliders, Family Dollar Pharaohs, The Quadrajets, The Glenmont Popes, Gringos, Whiskeytown.

      The only ones I don't remember seeing were Gringos...
      A lot of these bands I had seen a bunch around the Southeast around the same time... and many of the people in the bands I would eventually become friendly with from playing in bands later myself... it's funny to think of the amount of people that were in the little Local 506 that I am now friendly with...
      Also a note, Flat Duo Jets didn't play, it ended up being Dex by himself. And Hasil Adkins played on the Saturday night!!!

      I always wanted to go to a Garageshock ... and there was a Fest sometime in the mid90s in Denver, i think it was put on by 360Spin, but I remember it had thee Headcoats, The Hatebombs, The Makers and others...

      The best fest I went to I think was the second Las Vegas Grind (2000)... if for nothing else but the set up. In that everything was right in the hotel. With sseveral stages for the bands to play, and it was in Vegas...
      Black Diamonds played like 3 hours during the day...
      Insomniacs, Neckbreakers, Hatebombs, Barry and the Remains, The Lyres, Crawdaddies, Freddy Fortune and the Four Gone Conclusions, Les Sexareenos, The Trouble Makers, Jackie and the Cedrics(!!!!).....

    • April 14, 2011 6:58 PM CDT
    • nah but sounds worth a go, if i had a living room like, is there anyway you could feed it into unsuspecting citizen's living rooms, now that'd be a BLAST...

      Mutants of the Holocaust said:

      Does anybody else do this?

      I just made myself a nifty JJR comp DVD from youtube clips that I can play in the comfort of my living room. Beats watcing it on the PC. Not that it makes any difference to the sound quality!


      Just saying.

