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    • December 30, 2010 12:12 AM CST
    • Danelectro has made several delays. I'm betting the "slap echo" is the Dan Echo. Just from a brief internet scan it looks like the delay time on the Fab Echo isn't adjustable and is fixed at slap back. Scan some youtube videos and if you like what you hear then that's what you'll be getting.


      What reverb pedal did you get by the way? That's another subject of interest around here.

    • December 29, 2010 6:42 AM CST
    • Hello, last year a big Italian band, that i can't say what kind of music they played, came to my city. The guitarist had a tele and a fender twin reverb. His sound was really clean. The band consisted of many instruments so you hardly noticed the guitar. But his sound was very surf-like. I asked him at the end of the gig if he could suggest for me a good pedal. He told me that the best i can buy was an echo pedal, the danelectro slap echo. And he told me it was really cheap. Now that it's christmas i decided to buy it. But since i just bought a reverb pedal i don't have much money left. Then i found danelectro fab echo which costs half as much as the slap echo. Is it any good or should i buy slap echo?


      Sorry for the long introduction.

    • December 29, 2010 2:34 PM CST
    • Yeah, sorry, I really don't hear it.  I don't even hear obnoxiousness.  Everything about it just seems too cute.

      Hideout Admin said:

      Seriously? This is one of the best songs I've heard in years. Catchy, trashy, slightly obnoxious... exactly what I love about garage rock:

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 29, 2010 10:02 AM CST
    • Seriously? This is one of the best songs I've heard in years. Catchy, trashy, slightly obnoxious... exactly what I love about garage rock:

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Art student rock...that's a good one.  I'm gonna use that to describe someone like No-Bunny.  Fun for some but I don't see what's so great about it.

      Axel said:

      Until today I had never heard of scion, nor would I have thought that it's a car brand. So I learned at least something from that documentary. Fred and Tody Cole are great as always, and thanks to the Spits there is  a 2nd good band included. Furthermore I got the impression that jay retard was a total idiot, just like the guy from the smith westeners and that what some people call garage I'd call art-student rock. But it could be worse: UK Garage Music

    • December 29, 2010 1:20 PM CST
    • I listen to them on my PC at work, My Phone when driving. I broadcast from my Ipod to my DAB radio when I'm cooking, I pump them directely through the stereo when my wifes away (I Hope The Neighbours Keep Quiet about That) and a cheap portable MP3 player while I am at the gym. All I need now are a few more hours in the day.

    • December 29, 2010 10:12 AM CST
    • Dave Devine of the Cripplers is a member here, even though it doesn't look like he visits all that often:


      Their LP on Dionysus is great, and they have an as-of-yet unreleased 2nd album that was recorded in Memphis and produced by Alicja Trout (Lost Sounds, River City Tanlines, etc.) that is even better. I'm trying to convince them to release it digitally but they haven't gotten back to me yet. In any event, there are a few previously unreleased tracks on the TIRC Records' "Landlocked & Loaded!" compilation you can download from here, too, if you'd like:



      More Cripplers:




      Recordgrooves said:

    • December 29, 2010 3:59 AM CST
    • For the all the albums listed here if you want a good sampler the "NME Best of the 70s" is a greatest hits of all the albums mentioned on this thread (Stooges,Saints,Ramones,Dead Boys etc) most of the song choices are pretty obvious but its a great snapshot of those glory days and has been my top Christmas listening.

    • December 28, 2010 9:08 AM CST
    • Wire's Pink Flag
      The Real Kids Self Titled
      Ramones Rocket to Russia
      The Jam All Mod Cons

    • December 29, 2010 3:30 AM CST
    • Christmas 1979 is the one I play on my turntable every Christmas now whilst consuming vast quantity's of strong ale. It's by far the best Christmas song ever! Mind you I quite like the instrumental "Christmas" by Gallon Drunk.

    • December 28, 2010 7:44 PM CST
    • Seriously, They were never gonna sound like they did back in the day.

    • December 28, 2010 12:49 PM CST
    • Thanks for the advice! But I don't have any small tube amp, and the bigger ones we got, we use them live. I have a small 15 watt vox that is 30 years old though, I think I'll experiment a bit with it. But if you consider the tube amp solution and the cheap preamp one, why not get into the tube preamp? I think that I'll end up buying the ehx one, it can't be bad and has a gain control, I can even change the tubes for better ones If I'm not satisfied (

      I wonder though, can you just simply use a xlr->jack transformer? I heard that I was a bad solution and that it was necessary to use a DI box or a preamp to transform to high impedance. I've already plugged my mike into an amp using that "bad" method and nothing bursted but.. I'm sceptic ^^


      Oh and if anyone wonders, the sound I get live with my band, using the digitech vx400 in a cheap console in the basement of a bar, is like that: (the recording is really crappy, yeah, I know, even in the room it sounded bad anyway because of the huge amount of natural reverb you get when you play in a cave-like place..)

      The Vonz said:

      Hey Teddy

      I too am always looking for new vocal sounds (especially ther garage variety), I use an old layfayette mic from the 60s on a lot of stuff (it is super low fi but not real warm, similar to some of the harp mics discussed here), I also add distortion , reverb and other effects when recording, which work real well.  A few options, run a mic through a little tube amp and you can tweak the gain, reverb etc, or try a cheap mic pr like the one ART sells (30 bucks) see it here>  ART Tube Pre .  I just bought one and will be experimenting with it this week, I will let you know what I come up with (if you care ;-) ).



    • December 28, 2010 12:04 PM CST
    • Hey Teddy

      I too am always looking for new vocal sounds (especially ther garage variety), I use an old layfayette mic from the 60s on a lot of stuff (it is super low fi but not real warm, similar to some of the harp mics discussed here), I also add distortion , reverb and other effects when recording, which work real well.  A few options, run a mic through a little tube amp and you can tweak the gain, reverb etc, or try a cheap mic pr like the one ART sells (30 bucks) see it here>  ART Tube Pre .  I just bought one and will be experimenting with it this week, I will let you know what I come up with (if you care ;-) ).



    • December 28, 2010 12:01 PM CST
    • Thanks, man! We're realeasing our first EP "Remember the Alamo!" by the end of January!

      The Vonz said:

      Hey Diogo, this is a side note, but I dig your sound, I checked out your tunage.

      Nice work


      Diogo Augusto said:

      Have you thought about using one of these: ? The two videos on my profile feature me singing through a Green Bullet. I really like how it sounds and maybe it's what you're looking for...

    • December 28, 2010 11:57 AM CST
    • Hey Diogo, this is a side note, but I dig your sound, I checked out your tunage.

      Nice work


      Diogo Augusto said:

      Have you thought about using one of these: ? The two videos on my profile feature me singing through a Green Bullet. I really like how it sounds and maybe it's what you're looking for...

    • December 28, 2010 4:01 AM CST
    • I duct taped mine to a mic stand clip so I can easily grab it and walk around the stage.

      Teddy Jungle King said:

      No one simply uses a mic preamp? I saw that Electro Harmonix did one, I thought there might be some better ones on the market. .
      Also, you can't get the harp mic off the stand, right? Not the best option for a bit of live action ;)

    • December 27, 2010 6:13 PM CST
    • No one simply uses a mic preamp? I saw that Electro Harmonix did one, I thought there might be some better ones on the market. .
      Also, you can't get the harp mic off the stand, right? Not the best option for a bit of live action ;)

    • December 27, 2010 4:43 PM CST
    • :) This mic responds very nicely if you increase the gain on the console. It also works very nicely if you connect it to a valve amp. In my case, I was aiming for the sound I got but that's not nearly as dirty as it can get. You'll probably have more replies here but you should searching Youtube or something to see what it can do. The problem is that the mic is meant to be a harp mic so I'm not sure you'll find out anything using it for the voice.


      Give this one a listen: . I also recorded it using this mic but it sounds a lot dirtier .

      Teddy Jungle King said:

      It's kinda nice! I'd like a bit more of gain though, it sure sounds rock'n'roll but not enough garage to my taste ;)

      Diogo Augusto said:
      Have you thought about using one of these: ? The two videos on my profile feature me singing through a Green Bullet. I really like how it sounds and maybe it's what you're looking for...

    • December 27, 2010 4:38 PM CST
    • It's kinda nice! I'd like a bit more of gain though, it sure sounds rock'n'roll but not enough garage to my taste ;)

      Diogo Augusto said:

      Have you thought about using one of these: ? The two videos on my profile feature me singing through a Green Bullet. I really like how it sounds and maybe it's what you're looking for...

    • December 27, 2010 4:23 PM CST
    • Hi!

      I read the posts about vocal gear but didn't get the information I was looking for. The thing is, I'm trying to get a good vintage vocal sound for live shows (I guess that's pretty obvious), something warm and a bit distorted like the Sonics or Raw Power from the Stooges (not full lo-fi distortion or reverbed kinda stuff).

      Currently, I'm using a digitech vx400 and the gain from the console, but it really doesn't have the warm sound I'm looking for (well, with a digital preamp that's pretty hard to get, even with tube simulation settings). So does any of you know a good tube preamp? It's actually not very easy to get some clear information on the web..

      And to get things clear, my budget is quite limited, I don't think that I can afford any hard-to-find-vintage-gear-that-is-the-best-to-get-vintage-sound-of-course!
      If it's not possible to find a good tube preamp currently produced, I guess I would go with the "plug your mike in an amp and mike the amp" solution, but then how do you do that exactly? Do I need to plug the mike in a DI box before sending the signal to the amp?

      If you have any miracle solution like getting a specific mike, I'm also interested, of course :).
      Thanks for you attention!

    • December 27, 2010 5:38 AM CST
    • Crazyyyy

    • December 26, 2010 1:15 PM CST
    • LP's

      10. Idle Times- s/t (Hozac)
      09. Reading Rainbow- Prism Eyes (Hozac)
      08. Masshysteri- s/t (Ny Våg)
      07. Fresh And Onlys- Play It Strange (In The Red)
      06. Demon´s Claws- The Defrosting Of... (In The Red)
      05. Goodnight Loving- The Goodnight Loving Supper Club (Dirtnap)
      04. Nobunny- First Blood (Goner)
      03. Moonhearts- s/t (Tic Tac Totally)
      02. Deerhunter- Halcyon Digest (4AD)
      01. Ty Segall- Melted (Goner)



      Jacuzzi Boys- Bricks and Coconuts (Mexican Summer) 7"

      Davila 666- 12" EP (Robs House) 12"

      Woven Bones- I've Gotta Get (Hardly Art) 7"





    • December 26, 2010 2:15 AM CST

    • Play it here:   

      "From the land of shotgun weddings and child brides ..." comes the last Big Enchilada podcast of 2010 featuring hillbilly, honky tonk, rockabilly and crazed country sounds. Among the artists represented here are Hasil Adkins, Tav Falco, Hank III, Rev. Beat-Man, Angry Johnny & GTO, The Defibulators and, from the chic salons of Espanola, N.M., The Imperial Rooster! Plus there's an entire of segment of songs from the mysterious Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands series. You don't need champagne on New Year's Eve. Just drink a jug of this musical moonshine from Below Tobacco Road!


      See playlist HERE