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    • March 29, 2013 1:51 AM CDT
    • Midnite Snaxxx

      Haven't heard anything of the Husbands in a long time. I assume they are defunct? Thought I saw them 2 or 3 years ago in Frisco, but maybe its been longer than that. Some old footage of them live (after a minute or so in). Their 1st record is my favorite from them.



      And how about the Okmoniks, saw them in 2010 last, but havent heard anything new from them either.


    • March 28, 2013 7:42 PM CDT
    • I just watched part of it. I love how that guy's bell bottoms are SO huge , when he crosses his legs , one knee gets caught in the other pant leg.
      dave said:

      Another interview-

      The Ramones On EAUGTV -- 1978

    • March 28, 2013 9:30 PM CDT
    • It blows my mind to think that WXRT used to play the damn Morells!

    • March 28, 2013 2:19 PM CDT
    • James , I cite that example because it's everything WXRT is not , today. It's not just a Rockpile show , it is THEE Rockpile show , energy levels set at "RAMONES". It's too rockin' , too raw , and too fast for that dull as burnt toast station , today. Does'nt mean they'll NEVER play it again , but , I'm not betting the farm on it......

      I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THEY'LL EVER PLAY THE JAM'S CONCERT AT PARK WEST AGAIN , EITHER. I've had to hear their concert series , against my will , many times , and it's amazed me how few of the bands get past a Hootie and The Blowfish intensity , but , we've both been to XRT - sponsored shows , and seen their latter - day audience , so , I should'nt be amazed at all.

      ok , They DO have Little Steven's show , now , but , otherwise , when I hear that station , I think , most of their listeners are probably only 10 years older than me. How could they give up the rock , so easily  ?
      James Porter said:

      John Battles: I admit, I haven't read the article in a long time, but I could have sworn that Cary mentioned Kramer and Thunders in that piece. It was some artist who, as of summer '79, was too hip for the album rock stations, and my friend couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sky Daniels was the DJ's name, and he was also the program director. I just found an online interview with Daniels, and he basically backs up what I was saying. He claims that "in the beginning," he actually snuck the likes of Ian Dury and Lene Lovich onto the Loop airwaves, but the higher-ups insisted that he stick with bad arena rock. The suits won that battle, obviously.

      As far as WXRT, Nick Lowe and Dave Edmunds were quintessential XRT artists, and I wouldn't be surprised if their Park West gig were dusted off for rebroadcast some sweet day. When Rockpile's one and only album came out, XRT is the only station I remember playing it.

    • March 28, 2013 8:02 PM CDT
    • But , I see you have that , too !     Highlights from the Venom show - "We have'nt got a song called that."   "Everybody wants to hear different songs !", and of course , "Newcastle Brown Ale knocks ya flat on your back , let me tell you !!! I think it's a bit strong for you guys , I don't think I should give you a drink. ". "We can't play four albums in the space of a two hour show.". 
      John Battles said:

      "Venom make me laugh !"  Lemmy .    Me , too. This is , possibly , funnier than "Having Fun on Stage With Stanley".
      dave said:

      And the immortal Venom (I love you, Black Flag)

    • March 28, 2013 7:52 PM CDT
    • "Venom make me laugh !"  Lemmy .    Me , too. This is , possibly , funnier than "Having Fun on Stage With Stanley".
      dave said:

      And the immortal Venom (I love you, Black Flag)

    • March 28, 2013 6:24 PM CDT
    • Tersicore,

       Just playing. Boneva is one of countless prescription meds they pedal directly to consumers on TV here in the states. It's supposed to help with bone density if the side effects don't kill you first. And I'm in that age group too (47).

      And I agree, you can do your thing and still take care of biz with your family. In fact I would say that a good majority of my nasty, degenerate punk friends turned out to be pretty good parents in the end. Most of their kids are pretty well adjusted and have their acts together, mine included if I say so myself.

    • March 28, 2013 2:55 PM CDT
    • "Break your hip on the dance floor !"????
      Sure, i will, sooner or later! ;D

      John Battles said:

      Boneva? I think it's a rich chocolate ice cream bar , or maybe a limited edition Flintstones car , manufactured in Italy. I'm sure Mike was having a laugh , about medical precautions. I think it's great if people can dance (Not"Mosh") as well as they could 20 years ago , or whenever... I sure as Hell can't. I used to be known as the wildest dancer in town , in my 20's. I seldom dance , anymore. It's embarrassing how BAD I am.

      But , they do a , usually yearly , reunion for the two original Punk Clubs in Chicago , O'Banion's and La Mere Vipere.....A lot of the people there are older than I am , in their 50's and even 60's , some of them. Some of them look great , some of them look like Hell.
       Some of the people my age and under look like Hell , too , so , THAT'S not an age thing.

      But , James Porter will confirm that some of the older Chicago Punks or ex-Punks or whatever , still get out and have a good time , and look pretty good doing so , besides.

      One of these reunion nights had a flyer that said "Break your hip on the dance floor !".

      Tersicore said:

      Hey Mike! He´s not even 50!! It sounds like you were talking to a 60 or 70 year´s old guy!
      I´m not much younger than Andy but i can tell you: when i dance (jumping and stamping around,  even for hours) you would rarely find a 20year old girl able to compete! ;)
      what´s a Boneva, by the way? no idea!

      Mike said:


        Just make sure you consult your doctor prior to vigorous excercise. Most of these clubs we lurk around don't have defibulators on site. And pop a few Boneva's once in a while so we don't break our hips and we can extend our adolescence a few more decades hopefully.  

    • March 28, 2013 2:48 PM CDT
    • Ahhhh. Ok. Well. According to some of the people I mentioned in my familial/professional realm, their cutoff age is a whole lot earlier. 

      Gringo Starr said:

      Around 45.

      Jane Dear said:

      I don't even know what exact ages everyone is talking about here anyways. 

    • March 28, 2013 2:46 PM CDT
    • Boneva? I think it's a rich chocolate ice cream bar , or maybe a limited edition Flintstones car , manufactured in Italy. I'm sure Mike was having a laugh , about medical precautions. I think it's great if people can dance (Not"Mosh") as well as they could 20 years ago , or whenever... I sure as Hell can't. I used to be known as the wildest dancer in town , in my 20's. I seldom dance , anymore. It's embarrassing how BAD I am.

      But , they do a , usually yearly , reunion for the two original Punk Clubs in Chicago , O'Banion's and La Mere Vipere.....A lot of the people there are older than I am , in their 50's and even 60's , some of them. Some of them look great , some of them look like Hell.
       Some of the people my age and under look like Hell , too , so , THAT'S not an age thing.

      But , James Porter will confirm that some of the older Chicago Punks or ex-Punks or whatever , still get out and have a good time , and look pretty good doing so , besides.

      One of these reunion nights had a flyer that said "Break your hip on the dance floor !".

      Tersicore said:

      Hey Mike! He´s not even 50!! It sounds like you were talking to a 60 or 70 year´s old guy!
      I´m not much younger than Andy but i can tell you: when i dance (jumping and stamping around,  even for hours) you would rarely find a 20year old girl able to compete! ;)
      what´s a Boneva, by the way? no idea!

      Mike said:


        Just make sure you consult your doctor prior to vigorous excercise. Most of these clubs we lurk around don't have defibulators on site. And pop a few Boneva's once in a while so we don't break our hips and we can extend our adolescence a few more decades hopefully.  

    • March 28, 2013 2:45 PM CDT
    • Around 45.

      Jane Dear said:

      I don't even know what exact ages everyone is talking about here anyways. 

    • March 28, 2013 2:24 PM CDT
    • I don't even know what exact ages everyone is talking about here anyways. 

    • March 28, 2013 2:20 PM CDT
    • Hey Mike! He´s not even 50!! It sounds like you were talking to a 60 or 70 year´s old guy!
      I´m not much younger than Andy but i can tell you: when i dance (jumping and stamping around,  even for hours) you would rarely find a 20year old girl able to compete! ;)
      what´s a Boneva, by the way? no idea!

      Mike said:


        Just make sure you consult your doctor prior to vigorous excercise. Most of these clubs we lurk around don't have defibulators on site. And pop a few Boneva's once in a while so we don't break our hips and we can extend our adolescence a few more decades hopefully.  

    • March 28, 2013 2:05 PM CDT
    • I agree , too. I've known parents who were able to make time to still do the things they enjoyed , while making sure all was well with the kids. My parents were not Rock'n'Roll kids in the 50's . R'n'R was considered ONLY for the kids , back then , and  they were in their 20's , but , I remember , they always had a social life , went out , had friends come over. My Brothers and I would have driven them crazy if they did'nt.  
      Tersicore said:

      RIGHT! Totally agree! That´s the main thing! 

      Jane Dear said:

      If you take care of your responsibilities, I don't really see what the problem is. I get my job done, my kid is always safe, things are balanced well, BOOM. 

      John Battles said:

      Jane , I don't see any contradiction , there. Who has a right to question what you do in your own time , especially when it's constructive ? Kids should be exposed to some cool "Grownups" ANYWAY.  iT DOES MY HEART GOOD TO SEE THEM GET EXCITED ABOUT MUSIC.

    • March 28, 2013 1:47 PM CDT
    • Andy,

        Just make sure you consult your doctor prior to vigorous excercise. Most of these clubs we lurk around don't have defibulators on site. And pop a few Boneva's once in a while so we don't break our hips and we can extend our adolescence a few more decades hopefully. Yea, I understand the position you are in. Sometimes when talking to coworkers I realise how out of wack I am with popular culture. It's empowering and concerning at the same time. But then I have some friends who are stuck in time and actually very close minded to anything outside the realm of what they have been listening to for a zillion years now. Even though they are far from mainstream they are still trapped in a rigid uniform/lifestyle if you will. So I think the answer to your question is the cut off age is when you are doing it because it is what you have always done vs. what you are still feeling. Which for most of us here may mean never.

    • March 28, 2013 10:00 AM CDT
    • RIGHT! Totally agree! That´s the main thing! 

      Jane Dear said:

      If you take care of your responsibilities, I don't really see what the problem is. I get my job done, my kid is always safe, things are balanced well, BOOM. 

      John Battles said:

      Jane , I don't see any contradiction , there. Who has a right to question what you do in your own time , especially when it's constructive ? Kids should be exposed to some cool "Grownups" ANYWAY.  iT DOES MY HEART GOOD TO SEE THEM GET EXCITED ABOUT MUSIC.

    • March 28, 2013 9:57 AM CDT
    • NO, this was beside the point.
      the (right) point is: we need the elder boys for the elder girls!! ;)

      Tersicore said:

      Yeah! Sure!!! and especially the older one!! They may have a little bit more to tell! ;)

      dave said:

      We need punks of all ages.

    • March 27, 2013 11:10 PM CDT
    • If you take care of your responsibilities, I don't really see what the problem is. I get my job done, my kid is always safe, things are balanced well, BOOM. 

      John Battles said:

      Jane , I don't see any contradiction , there. Who has a right to question what you do in your own time , especially when it's constructive ? Kids should be exposed to some cool "Grownups" ANYWAY.  iT DOES MY HEART GOOD TO SEE THEM GET EXCITED ABOUT MUSIC.

    • March 28, 2013 2:34 PM CDT
    • Howie , Funny you mention it. I found out about the "Bust OUT" / "I'm Cramped" connection in 1987 , myself. I found "Bust Out" in a thrift store , and it confirmed my suspicion that "I'm Cramped" was probably based on a (Then) little - known 60's instrumental. The only explanation that bears repeating is that it was more gratifying to find out about this stuff on your own. Still is. But , I don't mind giving advice to younger people just getting into this music , though I'm seldom asked for it.

    • March 28, 2013 1:49 PM CDT
    • Well, this year i won´t miss the Surfer Joe Summer Festival in Italy! 

      Can´t wait to see The Apeman!! but the other bands too! :)


      That´s so cool! The three days for Free! I guess i´m gonna donate something!
      hope to meet some of you there!

    • March 28, 2013 10:28 AM CDT
    • this sounds great! well promising, thanx!

      Andy Climax said:

      Debut album out soon. Gnarly!!!

    • March 27, 2013 10:33 PM CDT
    • Thanks...the latest episode starts playing if ya just go to my page on here actually...