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    • August 26, 2011 6:34 AM CDT
    • white with black pickup would look amazing, i put a down payment on a 1962/63 uk vox phantom, pick it up next weekend i cant wait, it is black with a white pickguard and has the original Hank Marvin Tremolo :)


    • August 26, 2011 3:39 AM CDT
    • Don't know if it fits your bill, but Warren Zevons "Boom Boom Mancini" springs to mind... the lyrics relate to the career of boxer Ray Mancini and specifically a comeback fight against Bobby Chacon in the 80's.



    • August 25, 2011 9:20 PM CDT
    • "KUNG FU FIGHTING' by Carl Douglas and its disco

    • August 25, 2011 3:21 PM CDT
    • Thee Headcoatees 'my boyfriends learning karate' and nearly all the Cockney rejects early stuff is about the ICF(football hooligans)

    • August 24, 2011 7:02 PM CDT
    • Jeebus Crutch...I may need to do two episodes....these tracks are fucking great. That Jay Munly song is really haunting. I did go with the ..head kicked Fleetwood Mac. Too good to pass up. This should be out by Sept 20th. I have one more podcast to put out before I can sharpen the edges on The Manly Art.

    • August 26, 2011 3:31 AM CDT
    • The mumbling lyrics are cool and the guitar is cool but I find the distortion a little too much for this recording. But I don't think it's a huge difference to the kind that Atomic Suplex do, I mean they seem to be more consistent with it but nevertheless some bands just go for that.


      I think in the distortion thing doesn't grate so much.

    • August 25, 2011 11:52 PM CDT
    • I think that's what they were trying for, maybe?

      Johnny sic said:

      Sounds like a crappy cassette. It could the only recording left. That said, not sure if its that old.

    • August 25, 2011 9:15 PM CDT
    • Sounds like a crappy cassette. It could the only recording left. That said, not sure if its that old.

    • August 25, 2011 12:21 AM CDT
    • That sounds bloody horrible and its compressed all to hell. I don't understand that type of production with the vocals heavily effected and them slammed back into the mix so no-one can understand them. And you're right, the song sounds like it might be a good tune but its kind of hard to tell through that awful production.

    • August 24, 2011 2:40 PM CDT
    • OK, what's up with this band? They actually sound like they may be pretty good live... but this AM radio-style filter that they have going on over the music is just terrible. It doesn't even sound like it's tuned into the station! Like it's just a bit off. I don't get it.

      I hope this isn't some kinda new trend...

    • August 26, 2011 2:20 AM CDT
    • Congratulations!.. Schecters are great value!  But are you sure you really need to "upgrade" the pups?.. Was considering changing the DDes. humbuckers on my Schecter Corsair, but found out my money was best wasted elsewhere.

      A mix of tron and hb for neck and bridge sounds ideal by the way, a hbs in neck position can get excessively "dark" and muddied if you ask me... I have no experience with Filtertrons, but – like you – imagine them to be in the P90 neighborhood... which is an ecellent place to be!

      Anyway, if you want to try out different options, you should try out GFS pups (on Ebay)... They do all sorts of clones and crossbreeds, and sound great (have a couple of their P90's in a cheap Epi, which rival the one in my SG jnr.)... and don't be fooled by the price, cause they're dirt cheap!



    • August 26, 2011 12:36 AM CDT
    • I got this pretty little guitar recently, a Schecter Vintage Solo which I call the 'poor man's Gretsch Duo Jet' and I'd like to upgrade the stock PUs. It comes with a Duncan Designed Filtertron clone in the neck and some regular Humbucker sized PU in the bridge.

      It's my first Humbucker guitar so I'd like to know what you guys think, are vintage PAF Humbuckers(maybe the 55 model or 57 or 59 - all sound great to me) or Filtertrons the way to go with Fuzz? Or a mix?

      The info I gathered is that PAF have about the double DC resistance than Trons and will sound more dark/warm/less trebely(is that a word?) than the Trons. As I play with P90s in another guitar, that sounds like the sound I am used to.

      But there is TV Jones and his Powertrons and Magnatrons, which have higher output than the standard Filertrons. Does anyone play them with fuzz?

    • August 26, 2011 12:26 AM CDT
    • I've owned a bunch of 'classic' fuzz pedals over the last months, searching for 'the' fuzz sound. As usual it depends also on the guitar, the PUs and the amp how it will sound but of course there are tendencies. I sold all pedals again but my Smitty Fuzztone, a Maestro FZ-1S clone. I'd look into  Maestro or  MK2 Tonebender clones if I was you.

    • August 25, 2011 9:28 PM CDT
    • "BELSEN WAS A GAS"   SeX PisToLs

      "HOMOSEXUAl" Angry Samoans

    • August 25, 2011 9:16 PM CDT
    • DMZ

    • August 25, 2011 4:04 AM CDT
    • Individual Hall of Famers for me...

      Sean Bonniwell

      Rocky Erickson

      Arthur Lee

      Julian Cope

      Link Wray

      Graham Day

      Billy Childish

      Mark E SMith


    • August 25, 2011 10:13 AM CDT
    • You DON'T Need to go Vintage to get certain sounds. You Can do a lot with Modern Gear to make it sound old without beating it up. You can buy a Power Soak to load your speakers so you don't have to run the amp at full tilt. You don't have to slash and/or poke holes in your speakers either, you can make Buzz Speakers with a Plastic Garbage bage stretched over the front of the speaker to buzz when the speaker makes noises. There are many good (and affordable) pedals out there too.Invent your own sounds. Try to innovate off of what you hear from the Sonics sound, but not ape them.


      I have seen there Backline and know their soundman. It is all Modern Gear. I could ask about what Larry uses on his guitar, but probably won't get more than a generic answer back. It is really the musician NOT the Gear.

    • August 25, 2011 5:32 AM CDT
    • i reckon for the you really got me tone ,rather than damage an expensive vintage amp or try to find an old harmony on ebay ,get a hollow body and send it through an old fuzz pedal (your couce really) and then into an old style amp like an ac30 ,then decrease the bass and raise the treble.

    • August 25, 2011 5:26 AM CDT
    • i do this to if ireally like some ones sound ill spend hours on the interweb finding out what they used ,particulaly with amps and pedals (particulaly fuzz)

    • August 24, 2011 1:53 PM CDT
    • I heard Link poked holes in his speakers with a pencil to get that airy distort...however the mood strikes, you just gotta listen.


      PS stop using effects and just hear the room.  Or destroy your equipment.  

    • August 24, 2011 8:58 PM CDT
    • Just plain Cool!!  Love this site, the tunes, the members, the bands, Podcasts and the Comps!!!


      So glad to be here, thanks for starting it all and keeping it going kopper.



    • August 24, 2011 3:41 PM CDT
    • id love a phantom thatd be kick ass