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    • January 11, 2013 2:37 PM CST
    • Only at Harristock JB. What happens at Harristock stays at Harristock!

      John Battles said:

      You're a bad man , Mr. Harrison.
      Mark George Harrison said:

      The one in my living room every weekend when the missus is out and the kids are in bed!

      Now send me some stuff please!!;)

    • January 11, 2013 1:48 PM CST
    • Not sure where this came from, but I spotted it on their Facebook page this morning. Doesn't look like it's been shared here yet, so:

    • January 11, 2013 12:47 PM CST
    • It's not exactly a band in a cartoon but I'm still struggling to believe I saw Henry Rollins as a Rainicorn in Adventure Time. That is a very weird cartoon.

    • January 11, 2013 4:05 AM CST
    • Ok, it's not a cartoon, but here's a clip of Cliff Richard and the Shadows from a dream sequence in 'Thunderbirds Are Go', a Thunderbirds movie made in 1966. For the uninitiated, the fact that they're all puppets has nothing to do with it being a dream sequence, that's just how they did things back then.

    • January 10, 2013 7:46 PM CST
    • Those Ramones cartoons that were posted are great. Cheers for posting.

    • January 10, 2013 7:20 PM CST
    • I actually had a dream , once , that The Ramones had their own saturday morning cartoon show. Of course , much later in their career , Ralph Bakshi's original Spiderman footage was used in their "Spiderman" theme song video. Also , Dan Clowes did the cool cartoons for the video for their cover of Tom Waits' "I Don't Wanna Grow Up". Dan actually postponed his honeymoon when he got the call. Joey Ramone was once on the mostly - shit music JBTV SHOW IN CHICAGO. Hosted by annoying , Jerry Garcia - wannabe JB (NOT NONE OF THIS JB!), Joey spoke about how the video came about , mispronouncing Dan's name as "Dan Close", though JB later called Petula Clark "Petulia Clark".....

    • January 11, 2013 12:34 PM CST
    • {The Fall- Bury Pts. 1 + 3 } Nice and noisy, pretty garage-y for The Fall.

    • January 11, 2013 9:46 AM CST
    • found these guys. I love'em

    • January 11, 2013 12:21 PM CST
    • Its a travesty. Wilco Johnson. Often copied, never bettered. Alot if not most British punk rock bands of the 70's til present day owe a great debt of gratitide to this great man. His attack and humility sets a great example. Very sad news.

    • January 11, 2013 7:46 AM CST
    • Plate of shrimp...Wilko popped into my frame of consciousness a couple of times in the past couple of weeks.  The first was watching the same Top of the Pops rebroadcast posted here with some friends and later when reading an Ian Dury biography.

      Wilko is being very inspirational for both his talent and fortitude. 


    • January 11, 2013 12:19 AM CST
    • Yeah , the DVD odf "Transatlantic Feedback" is a must because it has CLEAN copies of All the monks' Beat ! Beat ! Beat! performances . I met the Director at a screening here. Actually , I met him before at the monks' first American concert. He was asking fans what they thought of this incredibly unlikely prospect , on film . I told him "Y2K IST MONK TIME!". HE EVEN REMEMBERED ME SAYING THAT , AND , YET , HE DID'NT USE IT !
      Tersicore said:

      Here is still called this way i believe. (but i´ve seen some wrong titles on YT-vids)
      I´ve found two version of this song: one running for 1:26 (was a single?-not sure) while on Black Monk Time rec. it runs for over 3 min. But still in this album they have the Drunken Maria (what a beautiful title name;) with 1:48.

      Well, i guess Elvis was earlier and for a shorter time in Germany and being all the time in the Army had much less contact to Germans as the Monks did. The Monks remained there after the dismissal from Army, Elvis went back. As well i suppose the Germans in mid 60s were a little drop different than those on late 50s, for the War being a further bit remote.

      But definitely, as you correctly said, they have been strong influenced (if not even formed, as it looks to be) by their managers Karl Remy and Walther Niemann, which were into Art. Even Monks themself admit to have been a "Project" of both.
      On the other hand, of course, they were great Subjects!! :)
      I guess you have seen "Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback"? Fantastic Docu.!!! Love it!

      John Battles said:

      OH , YEAH. IN GERMANY , IT WAS ORIGINALLY CALLED "BOYS ARE BOYS AND GIRLS are Choice".....Seems they changed it to "Girls are Joys" ! Now why did'nt Elvis experience such a culture clash when he was in Germany? Maybe because he was'nt exposed to Dada , Expressionism , and his Manager was'nt a hip German conceptualist ! Dave Day was The ELVIS OF tHE group  , the one who loved to "Mach Shau !" .
      Tersicore said:

      WoW, very cool Bees´s buzz!!

      I guess you´ll like this one, John! :)         (on record < 1:30)

      John Battles said:

      The Bees - Voices Green and Purple.    The new , authorized , 45 reissue is available in the new Ugly Things. One of the great , early "Bad Trip" songs. 

    • January 11, 2013 3:39 AM CST
    • Pls pass this msg on to Dick if anyone here can.....GET WELL SOON....SURF'S ALWAYS UP with DD:):)



    • January 11, 2013 12:33 AM CST
    •   Reportedly , he's doing much better , he is touring......When I interviewed him , almost 20 years ago , he spoke candidly of having had Rectal Cancer in The 60's. He said his chances were slim , as they knew so little about it then , but , they asked if he'd consent to experimental laser surgery, and he said "Bring it on". He claims Hendrix's comment , "You'll Never Hear Surf Music Again" was'nt a put - down ( I did'nt take it as one , and I'm light years past caring about post - Chitlin Circuit Jimi Hendrix.) , but , rather , his reaction to hearing of Dale's Cancer , and thinking he was going to die.

      Arthur Lee , on being told he was going to be playing the same weekend at the same venue as Dick Dale , IN 1993 : "Dick Dale? ! I used to go see him in The 60's. That man's got to be  EIGHTY YEARS OLD !"

    • January 11, 2013 2:27 AM CST
    • Really good 'Love Me' version but I thought this topic was about covers of Cramps songs, not covers of songs the Cramps covered. But well, as the music to many of their own songs was stolen from other songs anyway, maybe it doesn't matter ;-)

    • January 11, 2013 1:42 AM CST
    •  I thought Mick Ronson's non - solo on "Jack and Diane" was sad.  This hideously awful two note intro that goes from electric to acoustic Guitar. When I first heard it , I thought the acoustic part was going to go somewhere. It does'nt. When I learned , after his death , that that was Mick Ronson , I was deeply saddened that that would go on to be one of his most famous musical moments, when "Width of a Circle" pours napalm all over that unfortunate mess.

    • January 11, 2013 1:37 AM CST
    • Don't feel bad ,I still don't know how to put my own videos up , and lack the software. This is a cool video. Not my favorite song of theirs , but , who cares? I saw The Weirdos in 2004. They were great , not as thrashin' as this , and , yet the whole venue became this huge , swirling mosh pit , with people dropping half empty Foster's cans from the balcony ,  landing on people's heads. Even the band did'nt know what the fuck was going on or why. Their set got cut short , so I DID'NT HEAR THEIR HANK MIZELL AND LINK WRAY COVERS. I WAS PISSED ABOUT THAT. I know , the ones fucking shit up , they were PUNKS AND I WAS NOT , just because I was alive when Punk was actually happening........

    • January 11, 2013 1:18 AM CST
    • OK , to be fair , I never liked  Disco , but , it was more because that's what the popular kids liked than a backlash in my mind against Blacks or Gays. I also did'nt like , or sometimes merely tolerated, what passed for Country , Pop and Rock , also . Some of the early Disco stuff was not that far removed from Soul , so I did'nt mind it so much. But , overall , it smacked of elitism. Go to a dance , ask a girl to dance , ANY girl , get turned down . I know , boo hoo hoo.  They still played Rock music at our school dances , even had live bands , but Disco was for the well - adjusted , good looking , self - satisfied crowd. I did'nt relate to it. I visited Chicago in the summer of '79 , right after The Disco Demolition (Please see Kopper's photo of annoying Talk Radio Jock , Steve Dahl.). It was an exciting time . People were pissed , wanting to reclaim Rock'n'Roll , even though The Loop , the station that sponsored the Disco Demolition , was fair to middlin'at best.....I met a kid who told me he bought $10 worth of Disco records , just to run them over with his bicycle. Sure , I said some things I should'nt have , regarding the likes of The Bee Gees and The Village People. On the other hand , their fans said the same about The Stones.......Movies usually get that tension all  wrong . Especially the Studio 54 schlong - bulgin' white slacks and chains crowd coming up against the CBGB Punk Rockers in Spike Lee's "Summer of Sam". I guess the macho , macho men looked authentic enuff , but the Punk Rockers had 7" high green GBH mohawks. IN 1977 !!!! IN NEW YORK !!!!!

      I asked my Sister - in - law , who went to CB's , Max's , Mudd Clubb , Hurrah (And also Studio 54.), if anyone even had a mohawk in New York , in 1977. She said Richie Stotts from The Plasmatics MIGHT have been working his first Travis Bickle job , a flat , military mo' , but , otherwise , HELL, no. My friends and I would go to the skating rink , and they'd play enough Rock to keep us at bay , but , you were guaranteed a LOT of Disco , and WE'D SIT THOSE NUMBERS OUT. I REALIZED THEY WERE TRYING TOO PLEASE EVERYBODY. The music got on my nerves , tho' I KNEW A LOT OF MUSIC I LIKED , AND STILL DO , GOT ON A LOT OF PEOPLE'S NERVES. Disco was getting more minimal , so was Funk , both morphing into Rap , and , by then , there were barely any instruments involved. I tried , I just could'nt dig it.....Early Grandmaster Flash and Whodini , some of that , I thought was OK , BRIEFLY.

      i COULD'NT DANCE TO NON - BEATS. that's just me , though. When I found out about Punk (Not that I had'nt read and heard about it.),I FOUND SOMETHING i COULD DANCE TO , MY OWN WAY , WITHOUT TAKING LESSONS. and , generally , people used to be more friendly. If I asked a girl to dance , I was almost never turned down. It was'nt about violence or exclusion , it was about having fun , something I could'nt find in Disco , not even on a "Camp" level. But , for me , it was'nt about persecuting other groups. Anyone could participate (See "Black Punk Time" at  ) . Did Disco ever go away ? To me , it became Rap , Hip Hop , House Music , Industrial Dance music ......Not all the same thing , but bound by superficiality. But , If I dared to say anything contrary about that stuff, people would call me "Closed minded". I don't make people listen to music I like , but , as I've said , I've gotta hear Rap and Hip Hop every day.  Tim Warren said , the squares have heard about 10% of my world , and I've heard 90% of theirs. It's so true. Disco , I went thru it , I have no desire to go back. I guess it does'nt bug me , now , as much as it did , then. For me , it's over. If other people like it , I'm not out to convert them or put them down. We all have our choices to go to or not go to certain vnues. We have no control over people blasting their SHIT music in public.

    • January 11, 2013 12:39 AM CST
    • Unfortunately , when he blew up all those Disco Records , all he could think of to say was "PARRRRRRRRR - TEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!".
      kopper said:

    • January 10, 2013 11:17 PM CST

    • Andy Climax said:

      Yeah. Dead Meadow are great. Brilliant live. never always came across in their albums, but raw as fk. Have you all heard or heard of Black Mountain???

      The time I saw Dead Meadow, Boris had played the previous night so I didn't enjoy them as much as I could have as it was hard to compare to Boris.

    • January 10, 2013 10:07 PM CST
    • I am the bass player for Thee Swank Bastards and DJ Beelzebozo Partridge. I would ratheranswer questions than volunteer information.  What do you want to know?

    • January 10, 2013 9:57 PM CST
    • Well, to give an answer for an album from 2012, I really enjoyed the sweet ode to La La Land that is the single, "The Only Place" from Best Coast, only to be completely disappointed by the album that shares its title.

    • January 10, 2013 8:37 PM CST
    • Seems like it already came and went , here. We have ONE second - run theatre that I know of . Maybe they'll show it.

    • January 10, 2013 7:42 PM CST
    • Thought it was well done. Showed the essence of a band trying make it but in the end knowing that it's about your friends & having fun (well that was my view of it). With David Chase at the helm, certainly had that Sopranos vibe to it, especially with Gandolfini as the Father.

      The soundtrack was pretty cool too.

      Certainly worth the watch. Not too many (if any) films out there like this.