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    • October 15, 2012 5:22 PM CDT
    • Too sentimental to my taste but is a good song:

    • October 15, 2012 5:13 PM CDT
    • all everly brothers all the time..its not very sexy or crazy but that two part close harmony is pretty interesting

    • October 15, 2012 5:12 PM CDT
    • WoW!  Sounds cool!! Thanx

      Copy the embed code you find under the YT-clip: (>share>embed) and paste on "media". sorry my english sucks, hope you got it! 



      Im new to this, how do I get it to come up with a thumbnail of the video. 


    • October 15, 2012 4:43 AM CDT
    • Guten Morgen!!

    • October 15, 2012 5:05 PM CDT
    • Tune in now till November on The Wrekking Hours is the annual Horror Rock Monster-billy extravaganza for Halloween!

      All Monster Rock - Voodoo-billy - Horror-billy for two weeks straight!!  to listen online or use TuneIn radio app to listen on your phone!!

      Join the Gothabilly Man November 1st for the Detroit Psychobilly Alliance Day of the Dead party at Small's, Hamtramck, MI  -  Hi-Fi Hellcats - Jane Rose & The Dead End Boys & THREE BAD JACKS!!   Gothabilly Man spinning horror-billy all night long! 

    • October 15, 2012 4:56 PM CDT
    • Meet Jacqueline

    • October 15, 2012 3:40 PM CDT
    • FIRST POST - Post all your favorite Troggs songs here, I love the songs I have heard but have never owned an album or any 45s, just wanna hear some of the ones I may have missed...

    • October 15, 2012 4:45 PM CDT
    • Thanks for the posting swt -- a senseless, crazy crime. Such a loss.


    • October 15, 2012 9:19 AM CDT
    • Damn, that's horrible. Thanks for posting.

    • October 15, 2012 4:05 AM CDT
    • The lead singer of The Hombres, most famous for "Let it Out (Let it All Hang Out)" was shot and killed in Memphis early Sunday.

      He was working as a security guard in an apartment complex (at the age of 70!) Apparently he heard gunfire in a nearby complex, went to investigate and got killed.

      In addition to The Hombres, Cunningham also played in Jerry Lee Lewis' band in the '90s.

      An obit is here:

       "Let it Out (Let it All Hang Out)" is the opening theme song of my local radio show. In his honor, tonight I played it twice.

    • October 15, 2012 4:41 PM CDT
    • Screaming Blue Messiahs - Jesus Chrysler Drives a Dodge (love that tittle...)

    • October 15, 2012 4:31 PM CDT
    • Great site! Thanx for sharing.

    • October 15, 2012 4:15 PM CDT
    • R.I.P. for one of the greatest musician of this time!!!!

    • October 15, 2012 4:02 PM CDT
    • Exactly.

      Alison said:

      Selling out means changing your sound/vibe/look/ethos in order to please the masses and get more attention and make more money.

    • October 15, 2012 3:19 PM CDT
    • Ask away. Come and say hello if you manage to get to our gig on the 27th.



      Adam Kemp said:

      Hi Allan,

      Thanks for getting back to me. So many amazing bands you've been in! I'll get some questions written up and email them to you. I'll try and come see your new band when you play in Dalston too, not too far from where I am.


    • October 15, 2012 2:54 PM CDT
    • Hey Garagepunk Hideouters...

      After years of lugging CD's and LP's with me to DJ gig, I think I'm finally ready to switch to working off of a laptop. 

      Any suggestions for decent and usable DJ software to run on a Mac laptop? I'm willing to pay if it's totally killer, otherwise something free would be preferred.

      Also.. any thoughts about an outboard soundcards? My friend runs one so he can designate one soundcard (cpu headphone jack to mixer) as channel one, and the other (external USB driven soundcard to mixer) as channel two.  He then plugs the unit into the external mixer for choosing the channels, fading etc.

      I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter.



    • October 15, 2012 12:29 PM CDT
    • Come and listen to The Mobbs! There's some songs on our profile here or links to all the social networky things on


    • October 15, 2012 10:43 AM CDT
    • Have a look at a band called the Witches from Brighton on FB, bit darker and psychy, they're also on tour soon. As above with Dirty water, all I posted was what I'd bought recently, the Dustaphonics album is excellent. Snakeman 3 were in France for a week and are trying to finish their new single so probably wont be playing again for a while, check out the Fallen Leaves, their guitarist was in the Subway Sect, they regularly play at a club night in Hackney, name of which escapes me now but they have a couple of albums out. Not English but Acid baby jesus are also excellent, their album was played a lot by me. And the Embrooks need to be checked if only for Jack!

      And for a lovely bit of psychyshoegazing look for the Koolaid electric company, Untitled is ace!

      Blimey! Bit of a ramble there, it's me age!!

    • October 15, 2012 10:29 AM CDT
    • Nice one guys - knew this was a good idea.  I've got more than enough to sink my teeth into now.  Thanks again. Will check these out and feedback

      PS: anyone with other recommendations are always welcome!

    • October 15, 2012 9:32 AM CDT
    • There are quite a few really great UK-based bands included on the Hideout Comp Series. The Thanes, The Creeping Ivies, Pussycat & the Dirty Johnsons, The Parents, The Past Tense, Lot Lizards, Les Bof!, The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies, Rattlin' Bone, Los Tentakills, Atomic Suplex, Mutants of the Holocaust, One Fathom Down, The Mourning After, Agent Twang, Acid Fascists, and Al Hotchkiss are all from either England or Scotland.

      And yeah, like Dave said, check out Dirty Water Records. They're one of our advertisers here, too, and offer a discount in their store for Hideout members.

    • October 15, 2012 7:39 AM CDT
    • Although I'm no bassplayer, I've borrowed my brother's – more upscale model – SG a couple times for studio work, and have no complaints.  In my experience, it is an "easy" bass to play, and personally I think four-stringed SG's look cool too. My bro. has several other basses, but the SG is usually his first choice.

      Be aware though, that a properly set up guitar is – at least part of – the key to great guitar (or any instrument for that matter) sound and feel… 

      Generally branding certain gear as "crap" based on a single experience (I'm sure there are a few shitty Casady's lying around too), hearsay, or even looks (and in my book the EB2 is a real non-looker – but each to his own) regrettably seems to be a quite popular "modus operandi" on the www.  Sadly, the quality of such opinions is… well, crap.  Hope you have the integrity to realize their limited value.

      Now, I won't tell you that the budget-priced "faded" model SG is the only/best alternative for you, but if you want shortscale, and you dig the design, then it just might be… But, in any case; "try before you buy" is my best advice, and if possible; have a good guitar tech look it over before the "trying" part. 

      Best of luck.


      The Revox said:

      Thanks guys for your answers. I heard it s a easy bass to play (it's shortscale) and it s one of the reasons of my interest. The Casady looks great but I'm really a shortscale guy (when speaking about bass :-) )...