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    • July 10, 2012 2:22 PM CDT
    • Check out The Wailers, contemporaries of The Sonics from the same region, Pacific Northwest. Also, The Music Machine and The Seeds. The Nuggets box set is a good place to start digging too.

    • July 10, 2012 2:17 PM CDT
    • Call me a traditionalist but I dont want to go see a band with two people onstage with no Bass guitar. I'm a drummer myself and couldn't dream of wanting to create a rythym section with no throbbing pounding bass guitar there beside me.

      I just dont understand it?

      Your thoughts please.

    • July 10, 2012 2:06 PM CDT

    • July 10, 2012 1:01 PM CDT
    • Have you tried posting them on Vimeo?

    • July 10, 2012 12:15 PM CDT
    • I've tried to upload them to my videos page but I can't, as they're on .flv format. I'm not a big expert on these things, exactly, hahahaha. Any suggestions?

    • July 10, 2012 11:58 AM CDT
    • It looks like it's not available anymore... Luckily I saved it, knowing many things disappear from Youtube at any moment due to licenses, rights or just because the will of the uploader. BUT the files are too big to be uploaded here, as they're 4 files between 38 and 65 MB, approx. I can only upload a maximum of 7 MB. If someone knows how can I upload them, I'll do it gladly.

      Long live Lord Sutch!

    • July 9, 2012 6:08 PM CDT
    • A while back, someone posted a link to a documentary on Screaming Lord Sutch.........and I didn't save it..(duh)....a long shot I know.....but if it was you, please could you post it again?.....I'd like to watch it again....


    • July 10, 2012 12:33 PM CDT
    • Cool:)

      Victor Lopez said:

      All the Chesterfield Kings-haters in the house will be disgusted with the release of the first 7" single by Greg "Stackhouse" Prevost, in a Blues vein similar to the sound of the "Drunk on Muddy Water" Cd from 20 years ago. Out now on Barcelona's Mean Disposition label, part of the Penniman records empire. Me, I'm delighted.

      Mr. Charlie b/w Rollin Stone

      (Mean Disposition)


      First solo recordings by the man who fronted the Chesterfield Kings during the last…er…35 years! A lesson in raw blues which is bound to fascinate the toughest types in your neighborhood. It’s a pity that the recent de-luxe reissue of “Exile on Main Street” did not include an extra CD with the demos from the album, as these two waxings by Greg and his slide guitar would have fit like hand in glove. Limited edition of 450 copies.

    • July 10, 2012 12:26 PM CDT
    • All the Chesterfield Kings-haters in the house will be disgusted with the release of the first 7" single by Greg "Stackhouse" Prevost, in a Blues vein similar to the sound of the "Drunk on Muddy Water" Cd from 20 years ago. Out now on Barcelona's Mean Disposition label, part of the Penniman records empire. Me, I'm delighted.

      Mr. Charlie b/w Rollin Stone

      (Mean Disposition)


      First solo recordings by the man who fronted the Chesterfield Kings during the last…er…35 years! A lesson in raw blues which is bound to fascinate the toughest types in your neighborhood. It’s a pity that the recent de-luxe reissue of “Exile on Main Street” did not include an extra CD with the demos from the album, as these two waxings by Greg and his slide guitar would have fit like hand in glove. Limited edition of 450 copies.

    • July 10, 2012 8:20 AM CDT
    • My setup right now is:

      Fender Jaguar Special Edition HH >

      1968 Ampeg Scrambler >

      EHX Big Muff Germanium 4 >

      (sometimes) EHX LPB-1 >

      Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III w/ an Eminence Red, White & Blues speaker

      The Scrambler is usually only used on solos as a really filthy boost/ fuzz. Most everything else is the Big Muff. Some of the stuff that is on our (The Evil Eyes) 7" was done with an old Colorsound Supa-Tonebender and a 1968 Fender Princeton Reverb that was at Ghetto Recorders. 

    • July 10, 2012 5:38 AM CDT
    • I have an Ovation acoustic. Not that model, one with a regular round soundhole. It's my knockabout guitar, the one I leave out to play when I feel like grabbing one quick. 

      The Parker Fly? Great player, smoothest whammy bar ever. I only played one, one time, but it was pretty cool, I thought. 

      BC Rich? Wouldn't touch it with latex gloves.

    • July 10, 2012 12:29 AM CDT
    • the Parker Fly is easily the uncoolest guitar in rock n roll.


    • July 9, 2012 7:41 PM CDT
    • Everybody has their favorite brand of guitar, but the list of horrible and uncool guitars is worth putting together.  These would be the guitars you wouldn't play even if someone gave them to you for free.  I'll kick it off with one acoustic and one electric - an Ovation and a B.C. Rich.  Truly awful.   

    • July 9, 2012 11:14 PM CDT
    • Mein Gott ! He brought the Berin Wall down . too , just ask him , as well as having a voice as smooth as silk and 3/4TH OF AN OCTAVE MORE THAT ROY ORBISON.
       Audio Gasoline said:

      The Hoff "Hooked On A Feelin"

    • July 9, 2012 10:44 PM CDT
    • Ohhhhhh booooy!  Wow, I cannot even list all the ways this sux. At least they wore their coolest sweatpants when they were rockin' that empty sand bag warehouse. 3 guys playing and 3 douche-bags a-growlin', can't stop laughing, this is awesome.



    • July 9, 2012 10:51 PM CDT
    • It's kind of like when Jack Benny played the violin , you HAD to be a good violinist to do bad violin so well. Neil Innes , of course , is a fine Guitarist . This whole song was a walking , talking parody , even by The Bonzos' standards , but the Guitar Solo is a parody of a bad Guitar solo....It's like when The Deviants did that extended acid Guitar solo on their first album, It's a put - on , but , it sounds great. Someone in the background says "WOOOOW , JUST LIKE JIMI HENDRIX !!".
      Psychiatric Consultations said:

      Here is a classic lead guitar solo, beyond wimpiest. In a cool n funny way!

      <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    • July 9, 2012 7:34 PM CDT
    • I think "A Bigger Bang"is a great record. It sounded like "Exile " outtakes , when I first heard it. When the alleged official " Exile" outtakes package came out (Jagger singing , today , over instrumental tracks not used on"Exile".)....There were plenty of existing tracks they could have put out , legitimately , for the first time... TAYLOR IS A MONSTER , BUT , IT SOUNDS LIKE THEY'RE REALLY PISSED OFF AT EACH OTHER , STILL. I don't know if it'll ever happen , maybe a guest spot on a show or two....
      doornail said:

      you know the more I hear the boots from the 70's with Mick Taylor, the more I tend to like his era best.  His guitar work was some of the best guitar work in a Rock and Roll band, ever, In my opinion.  He even made Keith step up his game during this period.  It is hard to rule out the Brian Jones years, which I am not.  I also dig some of Bigger Bang too.  The interplay between Ron and Keith is amazing too.  Those weaves of sound they creat live are incredible.  So, I guess if I had to choose one era, it would be the Mick Taylor years.  I am hoping for a reunion with Taylor for the 50 anniversary.  

    • July 9, 2012 7:25 PM CDT
    • Wow. I don't know what's more subversive , The Mothers advertising in Marvel comics , or their records selling at Woolworth's.....Different times indeed.  When I was a kid  , some of the "variety" stores would have a shitload of one and two hit wonder LPs , but only once a year , maybe. Nothing like The Seeds , tho'.

    • July 9, 2012 5:36 PM CDT
    • In '66-67, when I was 12-13, I used to scour the cutouts at Woolworth's. I remember getting earlier Stones albums for less than new singles. All kinds of other stuff, too, like the first two Mothers albums, Seeds, whatever stopped selling after a year. It was a different world.

    • July 9, 2012 7:19 PM CDT
    • Hope you can find it....It came out around 1990 , and was easy to find , as were some comps like "Glam Crazee" (My copy of that was stolen , but , I've been able to replace most , not all the tracks....), which came out on CD and Cassette. A DVD of both volumes of "GlamRock" would be the ticket , but , I guess it's never sell , here. They might have been anticipating a Glam revival in The U.S. that never happened.
      Frank S said:

      Glam Rock may be correct.  I've just dug through a bunch of stuff looking for it to confirm, but I can't seem to find most of my old VHS tapes.  I'll keep searchin'.

      John Battles said:


      GREAT STUFF. There's a volume 2 , not released in the states , with Sparks , Alvin Stardust , Mud , Suzi Quatro and the usual suspects. 
      Frank S said:

      A good friend gave me a video on VHS many years ago with all the old school glam fav's like Sweet, Gary Glitter, Slade, T-Rex with the footage being sourced from American Bandstand style British television.  This was fantastic since there was no such thing as YouTube back then.  I may have to dig that up.  Overall, I think Sweet had the catchiest/hookiest songs to back up their outlandish persona.  Check 'em out here:

    • July 9, 2012 7:15 PM CDT
    • That's so cool. : )

      Kyle M. Thunder said:

      My mum was a massive Glam fan, heard a lot of it as a kid. The Sweet are still a band I can listen to at almost any given time.

    • July 9, 2012 5:37 PM CDT
    • Glam Rock may be correct.  I've just dug through a bunch of stuff looking for it to confirm, but I can't seem to find most of my old VHS tapes.  I'll keep searchin'.

      John Battles said:


      GREAT STUFF. There's a volume 2 , not released in the states , with Sparks , Alvin Stardust , Mud , Suzi Quatro and the usual suspects. 
      Frank S said:

      A good friend gave me a video on VHS many years ago with all the old school glam fav's like Sweet, Gary Glitter, Slade, T-Rex with the footage being sourced from American Bandstand style British television.  This was fantastic since there was no such thing as YouTube back then.  I may have to dig that up.  Overall, I think Sweet had the catchiest/hookiest songs to back up their outlandish persona.  Check 'em out here:

    • July 9, 2012 7:12 PM CDT
    • Especially on the nekkid lady Amazon label !
      James Porter said:

      "You, I" b/w "Stay With Me" - Rugbys