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    • October 20, 2011 9:33 PM CDT
    •  Dracula's Greatest Hits - Gene Moss as Lugosi and Karloff w/ music by Billy Lee Riley. Great Jack Davis artwork. It even came with Jack Davis Monster Cards , but , I've never seen 'em.

      Spike Jones in Stereo/Hi Fi.           Late 50's. Great novelty Horror songs with Lorre , Karloff , Vampira and Lugosi mimics (Very good , too , but , the best moment is "I Was a Teenage Brain Surgeon" by a guy who's voice is so impossibly low , I thought it was the singer from the original (And only ) "Grinch" , but it's not ).

    • October 20, 2011 9:13 PM CDT
    • Anything by Transylvania 500

      Rob Zombies Halloween Hootenanny

      Ghastly Ones et. al

      Anything by Murder Lane on the album Ghoul TV......if you can find a copy.

    • October 20, 2011 7:52 PM CDT
    • "Right , Vamp , you're messing with The Big Boys , now !" - Neil "The Young Ones".

      Once , I saw The Damned do "Nasty" , live.

      Dennis Guthrie said:

      Nasty- The Damned
      Halloween (Misfits cover)- Crimson Ghosts

    • October 19, 2011 9:21 PM CDT
    • Nasty- The Damned
      Halloween (Misfits cover)- Crimson Ghosts

    • October 20, 2011 9:22 PM CDT
    •  "More American Grafitti" - Doug Sahm peforms a tuff version of "I'm a Man", and a musician is referred to as a "Member of The STRAWBERRY PRUNES!". Sahm also gets to take a joyride in the band's van , knocking over everything in his path , while "96 Tears " plays in the background. Also features the original Country Joe and The Fish , performing  "The "I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die" Rag" , of course , as though they never recorded anything else. It's cool , tho'.

      Which movie was it that Doug Sahm appears in as Kris Kristofferson's perpetually wired buddy?

      "Laaaawwwd , it's TOO MUCH , we gotta get our THANG together , man , it's gonna be a STONE GROOVE ! I CAN DIG IT ! " . HE BASICALLY PLAYS HIMSELF.  Was that "The Border "? Or , was that the one with SAM tHE SHAM ? sORRY , DRAWING A BLANK , HERE.

    • October 20, 2011 9:12 PM CDT
    • There's "Angels From Hell" which I've never seen , featuring The Lollipop Shoppe. Fred Cole is not actually shown singing , I do know that . You SEE him when he's singing , but , he's not lipsynching to his own voice on the two songs of theirs , because the studio did not want to let him have a Screen Actor's Guild card for appearing as what he was , a Rock'n'Roll singer. If you were seen talking or singing in a movie , they were required to give you an S.A.G. card , which made you a professional Film Actor. I've been told it's since become easier to get one.

    • October 20, 2011 9:01 PM CDT
    • I've never even seen the DVD. I have a promo video that J. Michael McCarthy gave me at the time. But , I found one of those Horror Movie multi - monster movie box sets , with ''Sore Losers " on it. I was'nt even aware that "Sore Losers ' was on DVD. iT CAME OUT IN '97 (Or '96?), when everybody did'nt have a DVD player , and almost everything was still available on VHS . I did'nt have a DVD player for quite some time after that.  

      Recordgrooves said:

      I'm impressed by the level of movies that you all have posted here!

      The Sore Losers

      Damn, I just looked at Amazon, I didn't know this DVD was so rare.

    • October 20, 2011 9:15 PM CDT
    • Murder Lane

      Viva Le Vox


      The Taboos

    • October 20, 2011 5:45 PM CDT
    • The Moontrekkers- Night of the Vampire.

      Its an Instrumental produced by Joe Meek. Has a sort of scary intro and outro and a organ sound in the middle which you could imagine dracula playing. Fantastic reverb through the track and some nice giutar.

    • October 19, 2011 11:29 PM CDT
    • 'Spook Rock' wise check out the 3D-Invisibles and Forbidden Dimension. It doesn't get any better. Tons of Psychobilly bands sing bout Horror stuff but the best imo are 80s Meteors and Demented Are Go(esp. the first 2 albums 'In Sickness and In Health' & 'Kicked Out Of Hell'). There are some nice 50s Rock'n'Roll 'Horror' compilations out on LP and CD like 'Monster Bop' and 'Rockin' Nightmares'. Great stuff worth tracking down!

    • October 19, 2011 8:38 PM CDT
    • Thanks! These are great! Keep em' coming!

    • October 19, 2011 7:24 PM CDT
    • Yeah, the Zombeatles E.P is very cool... Dick Dale (of Kamikaze etc fame) gave me a copy... my favourite is the take on 'Rain', called of course 'Brains'... ha ha!


      "The Go Go Haunters" from Queensland, Australia are wild! We play them regularly on our shows on 3D Radio here in Adelaide.... and they've played down here in South Australia a few times to ecstatic response... they've got a couple of singles/E.P.'s (plus groovy T-shirts!) and these are available from their site... check 'em out!

      Good ol' Aussie weirdness!!!

    • October 19, 2011 7:04 PM CDT
    • I was gonna post a vid of The Fang by Nervous Norvus... and then I stumbled on this!

    • October 20, 2011 5:23 PM CDT
    • DD:


      I usually use 12's or 13's with a wound G. I love the feel and sound of flatwound strings for more jazzy and smooth stuff but I'm a treble pickup twang guy first and foremost so round-wound does that best. I've got 12's on the Hallmark right now and haven't had any trouble, although I think I might need a wider set of rollers for the bridge- I've definitely knocked strings off a couple of times. 


      In the end, it's all about what you like and what you're looking for, and cool factor just doesn't matter if it doesn't play and perform well for you. I can vouch for the Hallmarks. I don't really have experience with the other models you listed above so I won't talk about of my ass about them. Let us know what your findings are.





      DammitDave said:

      Slim - It's beautiful.  Good information, too.  I've been entertaining the idea of a twangy type guitar;


      Bison 62

      Shadow Special
      I'm curious about a couple of the features that are different.  The Shadow and Shadow Special both have Knife Edge tremelo like the Cobra and the Bison 62 has the Burns deluxe tremelo unit.  I wonder what's the dif?  I'm concerned about knocking the thing out of tune constantly if I get all Hank Marvin with it.
      I'm comparing these with a Fender Classic Player Jaguar Special and the sunburst would match my Fender Bass VI perfectly. 
      Musician's Friend has these for $799.00.


      DiPinto has a couple that have my attention; Galaxie 4 and MachIV (with added twang bar option).



      What size strings do you use?  Flats or roundwounds?

    • October 20, 2011 3:55 PM CDT
    • Oh, yeah, Dipinto guitars are totally cool, I forgot to mention them as a possible company to look into for groovy retro stylings.


      Here's another: Italia Guitars


      If you are looking for good-yet-dirt-cheap guitars, check out Rondo Music or Guitar Fetish. There are some really cool instruments there that they sell for peanuts (sure, you may need to spend a few bucks to get tweak it to high standards, but it is worth it).

    • October 20, 2011 2:37 PM CDT
    • Last year I did Mary Shelly and this year, next week I'm doing Steve (30 days of night) Niles. Stay tuned!

    • October 20, 2011 11:11 AM CDT

      Here's my all-new 20011 BIG ENCHILADA Spooktacular, right here:


      Some Halloween favorites like The Cramps, The Fleshtones, Roky Erikson & The Nervebreakers; lots of tunes from our Hideout compilations and other bands I met in here; plus a weird little song by ME!

      I see You Got Good Taste has a new Halloween show one too, but I'll let Mr. A give you those details.

    • October 20, 2011 12:31 PM CDT
    • This makes me sad and reminds me of a breaking up exchange:

      Woman (to Man): There's an old saying: "When God closes a door..."
      Man (to woman): When God closes a door, sometimes He breaks your heart.


      I got that from an episode of "Monk."


      Armitage Shanks; rest in piss.


    • October 20, 2011 7:59 AM CDT
    • Saw these guys in St. Louis a year ago(?). They were incredible.

    • October 20, 2011 9:43 AM CDT
    • Hey guys,

      I just have ONE huge request for those of you who post about your radio shows, podcasts, or 'zines that have new episodes/volumes/issues that come out from time to time and need updating here and on other group forums on the Hideout, and that is to ask you each to just create ONE discussion topic for your show or 'zine. After you create that ONE topic, then each time you want to post about a new episode or issue, just go back to that topic and post an update in the form of a reply. That way the topic will get bumped back to the top of the discussion list and fans or anyone else wishing to comment on it can still do that, but this way it's all kept neatly in one place instead of spread out throughout the forum. It also keeps the group forums from getting too overloaded with "show spam." Make sense? This goes for ANYONE on this site posting about new episodes of your shows, by the way, not just the GaragePunk Pirate Radio team (who should be using the GPPR Fans group for this, anyway).



    • October 19, 2011 10:48 PM CDT
    • The Dogs - Slash your face.  Savage.


    • October 19, 2011 10:20 PM CDT
    • We're not looking for a "point of view," just simply redoing the page so it's accurate. As it is right now, it's not. It's incorrect.

      mark young said:

      It is a main philosophy of the wikipedia to maintain a "neutral point of view", which none of us have.  It's difficult to construct a neutral article from a non-neutral point of view, without raising the eyebrowels of the wikinazis.