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    • October 24, 2011 1:38 PM CDT
    • No , I did'nt know about that. I'll have to drive by the Stop'n'Shop and pick it up .

      Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho said:

      Yeah, "Loretta" is a damn good classic as well! There is "Eaterville #1" , as you might know, a compilation of some early material ('73-'75) which also includes their first two 7". A good record to have, i think.


      John Battles said:

      I agree. Of course , "Loretta" is an early Punk Rock classic. I'm told their second album is'nt bad. Their first , with Andy Paley ( Then still remebered as one half of the Pop - Rock pretty boys , The Paley Bros. , though he went on to produce what is probably Jerry Lee Lewis' best all - around album , "Young Blood" in 1996.), is ....OK.    THERE MUST BE ENOUGH UNRELEASED EARLY MATERIAL FOR A CD COMPILATION !!! The reformed Nervous Eaters played here , recently , but , I was'nt going to stand for 8 hours waiting for them to come on. There's some great footage on You Tube .

      Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho said:
      "Just Head" by Nervous Eaters is in my opinion one of the greastest songs done in the era of the 70s raw punk/rock n roll. In fact both of the songs on this 7" are a good example of it. Even though they released later on some material not as striking as this, i tought it should be mentioned here ;)

    • October 24, 2011 9:06 AM CDT
    • Yeah, "Loretta" is a damn good classic as well! There is "Eaterville #1" , as you might know, a compilation of some early material ('73-'75) which also includes their first two 7". A good record to have, i think.


      John Battles said:

      I agree. Of course , "Loretta" is an early Punk Rock classic. I'm told their second album is'nt bad. Their first , with Andy Paley ( Then still remebered as one half of the Pop - Rock pretty boys , The Paley Bros. , though he went on to produce what is probably Jerry Lee Lewis' best all - around album , "Young Blood" in 1996.), is ....OK.    THERE MUST BE ENOUGH UNRELEASED EARLY MATERIAL FOR A CD COMPILATION !!! The reformed Nervous Eaters played here , recently , but , I was'nt going to stand for 8 hours waiting for them to come on. There's some great footage on You Tube .

      Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho said:
      "Just Head" by Nervous Eaters is in my opinion one of the greastest songs done in the era of the 70s raw punk/rock n roll. In fact both of the songs on this 7" are a good example of it. Even though they released later on some material not as striking as this, i tought it should be mentioned here ;)

    • October 23, 2011 8:24 PM CDT
    • I agree. Of course , "Loretta" is an early Punk Rock classic. I'm told their second album is'nt bad. Their first , with Andy Paley ( Then still remebered as one half of the Pop - Rock pretty boys , The Paley Bros. , though he went on to produce what is probably Jerry Lee Lewis' best all - around album , "Young Blood" in 1996.), is ....OK.    THERE MUST BE ENOUGH UNRELEASED EARLY MATERIAL FOR A CD COMPILATION !!! The reformed Nervous Eaters played here , recently , but , I was'nt going to stand for 8 hours waiting for them to come on. There's some great footage on You Tube .

      Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho said:

      "Just Head" by Nervous Eaters is in my opinion one of the greastest songs done in the era of the 70s raw punk/rock n roll. In fact both of the songs on this 7" are a good example of it. Even though they released later on some material not as striking as this, i tought it should be mentioned here ;)

    • October 23, 2011 8:07 PM CDT
    •  Phillip , Yeah , I sort of happened by The Feederz later in life , tho' I knew who they were.

       I was'nt really crazy about a lot of Jello Biafra's "Discoveries"  (The Butthole Surfers being an exception , though the first time I saw 'em , they were pretty bad.  Paul Leary even volunteered that much , when I spoke with him , later.) . But I talked to a friend who happend to be Frank Discussion's ex - Roommate , and it kind of piqued my interest ....I bought the CD (Could have had the LP about 20 years ago for $5. Big mistake.) This was not a Hardcore band , nor a "Hi , we play our instruments with our ass and feet , and sing like a colonoscopy , minus anaesthesia !"  group. But , it IS plenty twisted.

      "Gacy's Place" by The Mentally Ill was also on a UK bootleg comp called "Death Dealers" with Johnny Legend , The Bugs , Eddie Noack , Red River Dave , and The Uncalled 4 (Donna Reeves , R.I.P.). Plus recorded testimonies by Dahmer , Manson , Lucas and other celebrated sick fucks (Plus , a cover painting , by Gacy , of Elvis. I guess no pictures of him with The Kinks could be procured.).

      The Mentally Ill staged an extremely low key comeback ,by appearing on "Chic - A - Go-Go"  (Chicago Public Access. It's probably up on You Boob.) . They were in the process of recording a new CD , with Steve Albini. The CD , "Spank The Bottom Red" , never officially came out (Which is a shame , as they basically picked up where they left off.) , though copies (With a 3-D cover) have turned up , in small numbers , around Chicagoland ....

      When Joe Losurdo's Chicago Punk documentary "You Were'nt There" had it's debut at The Portage Theatre , The reformed (As opposed to Orthodox) Mentally Ill played their first gig , EVER (Depending on who's telling the story , the band did a couple of , or no , gigs , around the Late 70's - Early 80's.)at the after party . Lead singer , Larry/Sado Marquis , turned up at the screening  , with his wife and kids , in a Limo. The band has done a total of three shows , to my knowledge. I saw two of them , they were great !

      Phillip Jaggar said:

      The Feederz kill. I just got the "Ever Feel like killing you boss?" LP and I can't put it down. Super snotty and offensive. 


      The Mentally Ill are amazing too. Gacy's place is on KBD 2 and Alt Tentacles put out a collection of their songs in 04'. It's great all around cept for the reworked vocals they put on a few songs. wicked fuzz and SUPER offensive.


      Angry Samoans- nuff said.


    • October 23, 2011 5:50 PM CDT
    • "Just Head" by Nervous Eaters is in my opinion one of the greastest songs done in the era of the 70s raw punk/rock n roll. In fact both of the songs on this 7" are a good example of it. Even though they released later on some material not as striking as this, i tought it should be mentioned here ;)

    • October 24, 2011 1:37 PM CDT
    • Yeah , including Roy Loney and The Longshots and The Legendary Stardust Cowboy ! Or , no , waitaminnit that's the Ripoff Records show , is'nt it?

      P.S. -THE CYNICS , NOV. 3 , BOTTOM LOUNGE , CHICAGO. Your only excuse is that you live 100 miles away , or more.

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      The Rip Offs are playing with a slew of Japanese garage bands this weekend at the Back from the Grave Halloween Ball!

    • October 24, 2011 1:20 PM CDT
    •  I saw Los Straitjackets Saturday , with their new , improved Burlesque revue , and the Singing Merch Guy. There's only one original Pontani Sister in the act , now , but , collectively , they could play Vegas , IF Vegas was'nt Disneyland , now. IT WAS BAD ASS. And, good......

      Tommorrow , Milt Trenier is doing a very rare Chicago gig (He still plays out like crazy for a Roctagenarian , but , mainly , in the suburbs.) at The Cultural Center 78 E. Washington (Washington and Michigan.) for the "Flying Saucers Rock'n'Roll" Book Release Party.

      The book is a compilation of Roctober Magazine articles , inc. my Treniers feature from '97.

      Then , I have to haul ass to The Metro to see The Damned . They're playing "Damned Damned Damned " and "The Black Album" in their entirety.

      I also saw my friend , Patty Elvis , the Female Elvis Interpreter , with The Revellettes , a local Go Go Dancing troupe , and a B -52's cover group , Planet Claire. I don't even particularly like The B-52's , but they were very entertaining , and the two Female singers were @#!!$%gorgeous.   I did'nt say my priorities were straight , I just said I was.

    • October 24, 2011 7:45 AM CDT
    • The Rip Offs are playing with a slew of Japanese garage bands this weekend at the Back from the Grave Halloween Ball!

    • October 24, 2011 1:05 PM CDT
    • ...Does self - promotion enter into it ? Bloodshot Bill and I have performed together twice as Bloodshot Battles Overdrive , and we did "Tongue - Tied Jill" once. We've talked , casually , about doing a show together again , now that La Migra is off his ass. Unfortunately , I'll be out of town when he plays his first show in Chicago in 5 years , with NoBunny , Tandoori Knights (Bloodshot Bill and King Khan , Ragabilly , Ragabilly ,  Rockabolly Boogie! ) and Bloodshot Bill , solo. But if YOU'RE in town , it's at The Bottom Lounge (I forget the date.).

      Of course , real obvious Orbison covers include "Claudette" by The Everly Bros. , and they each did "Love Hurts". I defy any Garage band to cover "Twinkle Toes", BTW.

    • October 24, 2011 5:39 AM CDT
    • Cavan also did 'One Hand Loose'. It's on their 'The Way It Was' album with early demos etc.

      So did the 13 Cats...and Flying Saucers...and I bet a million other Teddyboy and Rockabilly bands.

    • October 23, 2011 9:25 PM CDT
    • Sean , You're right about the others , and I think you're right about Panther Burns.

      You reminded me , The Nomads also did Jungle Fever. Crazy Cavan's "Tongue - Tied Jill" is pretty killer....Funny , I was just talking to someone about them , last night. You have to remember , when Crazy Cavan's name is mentioned in the states , a pin drops.

      IDON MINE said:

      I'm a bit late with thanks, but both Panther Burns and Guana Batz sound like perfect matches. that Crazy Cavan version also sounds cool! It's been a while since I listened to that band - so thanks for that ;)

      Sean Law said:
      I seem to recall Panther Burns covering 'Jungle Fever'. (I think ?)
      The Guana Batz covered Orbison's 'You're My Baby' on their first LP ('Held Down To Vinyl.. At Last', ID Records 1985).
      The Cramps covered 'Problem Child', though it never went beyond the demo stage. It's available on various bootlegs.
      Crazy Cavan 'n' The Rhythm Rockers covered 'Tongue-Tied Jill'.
      All the above mentioned are from the Neo-Rockabilly side of things, no surprise there.

    • October 23, 2011 9:19 PM CDT
    • Axel , I wanted to hear them do the growl in Finnish ! Oh , yeah. It's the same in any language. Carry on.

      The Raw Cuts said:

      some awesome Orbison cover from Finland...

    • October 23, 2011 9:14 PM CDT
    • IDON MINE , You have to understand (Well , know , you don't HAVE to , ha ha...) , my idea of "Current" means , in the last 30 years or so....I told someone today , I only see a few current movies a year , mainly cos so few of them look like they're worth it !


      But , The Cramps were heavily influenced by Charlie Feathers , arguably moreso than Orbison.

      They covered "I Can't Hardly Stand It" , "It's Just That Song" , and their version of "Tear It Up" was based of Feathers' arrangement , so that's sort of a Feathers cover....They probably did some others that were never released , or that they only did once or twice , live.

      Hmmm...who else , The Stray Cats (No , I don't like 'em no more.) did "One Hand Loose".

      Bloodshot Bill did some of Charlie Feathers' songs. I forget , now , because practiaclly all his stuff sounds like Charlie Feathers. I think '68 Comeback did "Uh - Huh Honey" and maybe "Tongue - Tied Jill" , but , I'd have to double check...

      The Gibson Bros. did "Chicken Hearted" , Creedence Clearwater Revival did "Ooby Dooby" , The Blasters did "Go! Go! Go!" , Rev. Horton Heat and Los Straitjackets did "Move on Down The Line " (Jerry Lee's version of the same song.)......There are others , I'm justdrawing a blank. I'll think about it , though.

    • October 24, 2011 12:43 PM CDT
    • Forbidden Dimension is one of my all-time favourites and the greatest band ever to have combined fuzz guitar with trashy horror themes.  Necromantix and all that stuff is 2nd rate (at best) cosplay... stick to the Meteors!!!


      Okay... while "greatest band ever" my be overstating things a bit, I can't understate the influence of Forbidden Dimension on my life and tatses in trash culture (I met my wife at a FD show). That being said, I have to admit that I have little interest in what they are doing these days. Seek out the early stuff, preferably the material with the drum machine.



      The Raw Cuts said:

      'Spook Rock' wise check out the 3D-Invisibles and Forbidden Dimension. It doesn't get any better. Tons of Psychobilly bands sing bout Horror stuff but the best imo are 80s Meteors and Demented Are Go(esp. the first 2 albums 'In Sickness and In Health' & 'Kicked Out Of Hell'). There are some nice 50s Rock'n'Roll 'Horror' compilations out on LP and CD like 'Monster Bop' and 'Rockin' Nightmares'. Great stuff worth tracking down!

    • October 24, 2011 11:34 AM CDT
    • The Moon-Rays - self-proclaimed halloween band and spot-on spooky!

      I was born in October and it is my favorite month and Halloween, holiday, and love how it can tie into 60s garage.  Very stoked to see the Halloween Podcast recommendations next, but wanted to check back on this string.  Was surprised to see that The Moon-Rays arent on this list. 


      you can check out samples here...


    • October 24, 2011 11:54 AM CDT
    • Is there going to be a full documentary, or is that it? There's lots of footage out there for a full length on the 70's Canpunk scene.

    • October 24, 2011 7:02 AM CDT
    • any one tried the eastwood airline bighorn rrp is £319 its got a strat hardtail bridge bu if  got one id replacethe bidge with a tremolo like a bigsby (no routing requried see) maybe a morite one or a bigsby and a tune omatic bridge


    • October 24, 2011 6:59 AM CDT
    • id love a mosrite

    • October 24, 2011 6:54 AM CDT
    • no just the standerd


    • October 24, 2011 4:55 AM CDT
    • Adventure With The Saint Episode N 4 The Reluctant Revolution

      The saint are back and with his courage and your help defeat the boredom post-rock,the ribbish hip-hop and the scum crossover.
      The rock'n'roll triumph!

      1) The Mastersapprentices - Wars or hand of time (Complete recordings 1965-1968,2009)
      2) The Planet's - Ci piace star così (S/t,1967)
      3) Thee Headcoatees - Davey Crocket (Archive from 1959-The Billy Childish story,2009)
      4) The privates hammond orchestra - I'm sorry (can i please come home) (S/t 7",2009)
      5) Bermudas - In your bones (VV.AA. La mano #1)
      6) The dukes of stratosphear - Bike ride to the moon (25 o'clock,1985)
      7) Mushuganas - Summer shoes (Lows in the mid 90's,2010)
      8) Detroit cobras - Time changes things (The original recordings,2008)
      9) Clem Sacco - Twist di mezzanotte (Twisted!!!,2011)
      10) Radio birdman - You're gonna miss me (Radio's appear,1977)
      11) Wilson Simonal - Ecco il tipo che cercavo (Stasera shake #2,2004)
      12) Paul Collins beat - This is America (Yellow submarine 7# split with Radio days,2011)
      13) The mean things - Change my ways (Change our ways,2011)
      14) Chromosomes - Surfin'around (More time to relax!,2000)
      15) Wylde Mammoths - Run from here (Things that matter,1998)


    • October 24, 2011 4:54 AM CDT
    • Adventures With The Saint Episode N 3

      The saint and Doctor Black are pleased to present:
      Adventure with the saint episode n° 3 : The russian prisoner.
      The Saint can stand the heat and once again the forces of evil.
      Get ready for an exciting new adventure!

      1) The Thoughts - All night stand (AA.VV. Nuggets II Original artyfacts from the british empire & beyond,2001)
      2) I Colours - Hush (AA.VV. Arriva la bomba The easiest italian party of the year,1998)
      3) Killer Klown - Drunk redneck in a pick-up truck (Born to rock!!!,2011)
      4) Dragontears - No salvation (Turn on tune in fuck off!!!,2010)
      5) Buzzcocks - Promises (Singles going steady,1979)
      6) I Barbieri - W il lunedi' (AA.VV. Atto di forza n° 10 Neo-garage sounds 1980-2008)
      7) Curlee Wurlee - Big bang shot (Likes milk,2011)
      8) Tony Face big roll band - Abba (Old soul rebel,2010)
      9) Travoltas - Do it again ( The singles collection,2002)
      10) Movements - You're alone (Follow,2011)
      11) Cute leppers - 77 (Adventure time 2010)
      12) Sick rose - Don't keep me out (Shaking street,1989)
      13) Barabba - Sono stufo di te (AA.VV. Atto di forza n°9 Italian beat from the mid-sixties)
      14) Locators - High today,dead tomorrow (S/t,2010)
      15) Pyramids - Penetration (The original penetration,1964)
      The villians are arranged!

    • October 24, 2011 4:51 AM CDT
    • Adventures With The Saint Episode N 2

      The Saint and Doctor Black are pleased to present: Adventures with the saint Episode n° 2 The house on dragon's rock.

      1) The Smoke - My friend Jack from ...It's the smoke time 1967
      2) Booohoos - Tv Krooger from The sun,the smoke and the hoo 1987
      3) Dead 60's - Riot on the radio from S/t 2005
      4) The Wavers - Guarda che luna from Calavera 2011
      5) McRackins - Burnin'bridges from Bet out of shell 2006
      6) The Dials - We've seen... from S/t 2007
      7) Os haxaxins - Meu ben from Debaixo das pedras 2010
      8) Flamin'groovies - Yesterday's numbers from Teenage head 1971
      9) Sciacalli - Tutto ciò che vuoi from E la cosa si ripete 1993
      10) The Beat - Walking out of love from S/t 1979
      11) Mara Grazia Buccella (musica di Armando Trovaioli) - Dove vai tutta nuda from AA.VV. Beat at cinecittà vol.3 1999
      12) Killer sound - I'll be ready from Bored kids are back in town 2010
      13) Link Protrudi & the Jaymen - Bodacious from The best of... 2010
      14) Fiftyniners - L'ultima notte from Psychorama 2011
      15) The Sonics - Psycho from Here are the sonics 1965

      The best of rock'n'roll that you could possibly want! Good listening!


    • October 24, 2011 4:50 AM CDT
    • Adventures With The Saint Episode 1

      Adventures with the saint Episode 1
      The Queen's ransom Welcome on this new rock'n'roll podcast.

      This is the tracklist:
      1) Creation - Making time from We are painterman
      2) Apache - Russian roulette from Boomtown gems
      3) I Mat 65 - Un riparo per noi from AA.VV. Atto di forza n°1 Italian beat from the mid sixties
      4) The Untamed - Ghost radio from Delicious death
      5) Ronny & the Daytonas - Antique '32 studebaker dictator coupe from G.T.O.
      6) Hardcore superstar - Punk rock song from Bad sneakers and a pina colada
      7) Squali 66 - Venne un uomo from AA.VV. Fiori e colori
      8) Cherry overdrive - Shut 'em up from Go prime time honey!
      9) Conjunto de Oliveira Muge - Suspensa a un filo from AA.VV. Cazumbi vol.1 African sixties garage
      10) Tunas - I don't wanna walk around with you from Coverones
      11) Sonia e le sorelle - Lo faccio per amore from AA.VV. Lost trail d'Italia vol.1
      12) Le Carogne - Pedissequa from Le Carogne
      13) Loveland - Waiting from Order to love
      14) The Jon Spencer blues explosion - Son of sam from Jukebox explosion
      15) Hoodoo gurus - I want you back from Stoneage romeos ;

      Good listening! Thank you to Doctor Black for the indispensable help!


    • October 24, 2011 4:49 AM CDT
    • Adventures with the saint.

      The best rocknroll podcast ever!!!!!