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    • April 2, 2013 8:16 PM CDT
    • Cool. Nice Cramps shoutout , too. When Lux and Ivy were on 120 Mins. with that guy I thought was Morrissey for years , Lux cited their influences as "Everything from Charlie Feathers to The Sex Pistols "......Tho' Bryan Gregory claimed he left The Cramps "Because I found myself liking PIL more than Johnny Burnette.". 

    • April 2, 2013 5:17 PM CDT
    • John Lydon on The Fall

    • April 2, 2013 1:06 PM CDT
    • "I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST THREE - CHORD ROCK'N'ROLL , AS LONG AS THE THREE CHORDS ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE !".    Hank Hill.    Strickland Propane and Propane Accessories.
      doornail said:

      If you're going to play it out of tune, then play it out of tune properly.”

      Mark E. Smith

    • April 2, 2013 3:46 PM CDT

    • Johnny Lurg said:

      I always thought that ? & the Mysterians were the first band to be called punk.

    • April 2, 2013 2:43 PM CDT
    • My vote goes to '66! None More Hip!

    • April 2, 2013 2:30 PM CDT
    • The big turning point for me was in 1990 (I was 18). I bought "Stay Sick" by the Cramps, just because of the cover! Even if before 1990 I listened to various rock stuff, that was really the start of it all. I fell in love with the Cramps, then digged deeply into any kind of punk and garage punk. I even had my own radio show at the university, focusing on 60's garage punk, indeed... the prehistory of garagepunk podcasts ;). I am now 41 and am still deeply into it, I have my band (fortunately for my mental health!)  

      So, of course, I had additional love strucks during those 20 years but everyting began with the opening tune of "Stay Sick": "Bop Pills" blew my mind and I would never be the same again...

    • April 2, 2013 2:02 PM CDT
    • Made in the early 80's mate. Handmade Films. Totally funded and supported by George Harrison. Fkn amazing film and a real huge cult statusacross here. Y'know kids upbringings here if ya hear them quoting it directly. Richard Griffiths who played Uncle Monty in it died a couple of days ago. a really big loss to British acting. Check this movie out if ya's haven't seen it already.
      John Battles said:

         I've never seen this , it looks great . When was it made ?  That one character's 'Do looked kinda 80's for the late 60's....Just sayin'.  A friend of mine played Buddy Holly in a BBC movie , and had to explain to the writers that Buddy Holly would NOT have been ordeing egg , bean , bacon and chips at a Lubbock , Texas diner in 1955 , so , there ARE bigger anachronisms about... It was also the end of an era , here in the states , when Woolworth's closed. They still have 'em in Mexico. About 10 years ago , there were Ramones T-shirts everywhere , it was just the thing to do , a lot of people wearing 'em did'nt know who The Ramones were. The other band T's you mentioned , I don't know about , but , it could happen , here....
      Andy Climax said:

      Am I wrong here? There's a famous line in the fabulous movie 'Withnail & I' which goes 'Its the end of an era man! They're selling Beatles Wigs in Woolworths!' I was in town with my daughter on Sunday. We went into Asda (Wal Mart) and they were selling Ramones t shirts, Sex Pistols T shirts, Smiths T shirts and fucking Pixies sweat shirts Wot the Fuckin Fuck???!!! All the high street stores over here are selling'em. Have our threads and sensibility really became the latest summer must have? Wot really got my goat tho was a t shirt with the classic Che Guivara silhouette, with paint splashes over it and 'I predict a Riot!' printed around it. Don't wanna sound like the cranky old fuck that lives next door, but i'm afraid the kids are being sold a culture that's unreal makes a mockery of the spirit of all that's decent and political! FFS!!!

    • April 2, 2013 1:00 PM CDT
    •    I've never seen this , it looks great . When was it made ?  That one character's 'Do looked kinda 80's for the late 60's....Just sayin'.  A friend of mine played Buddy Holly in a BBC movie , and had to explain to the writers that Buddy Holly would NOT have been ordeing egg , bean , bacon and chips at a Lubbock , Texas diner in 1955 , so , there ARE bigger anachronisms about... It was also the end of an era , here in the states , when Woolworth's closed. They still have 'em in Mexico. About 10 years ago , there were Ramones T-shirts everywhere , it was just the thing to do , a lot of people wearing 'em did'nt know who The Ramones were. The other band T's you mentioned , I don't know about , but , it could happen , here....
      Andy Climax said:

      Am I wrong here? There's a famous line in the fabulous movie 'Withnail & I' which goes 'Its the end of an era man! They're selling Beatles Wigs in Woolworths!' I was in town with my daughter on Sunday. We went into Asda (Wal Mart) and they were selling Ramones t shirts, Sex Pistols T shirts, Smiths T shirts and fucking Pixies sweat shirts Wot the Fuckin Fuck???!!! All the high street stores over here are selling'em. Have our threads and sensibility really became the latest summer must have? Wot really got my goat tho was a t shirt with the classic Che Guivara silhouette, with paint splashes over it and 'I predict a Riot!' printed around it. Don't wanna sound like the cranky old fuck that lives next door, but i'm afraid the kids are being sold a culture that's unreal makes a mockery of the spirit of all that's decent and political! FFS!!!

    • April 2, 2013 12:42 PM CDT
    • Yeah , but , it will have evaporated ,by then.
      The shirt , I mean . Hopefully not my body. The band was selling the shirts for only $5 , anyway . I got a couple for my friends , too.
      Glenn Barton said:

      Old man shrinkage might work...

      John Battles said:

      I would be , too , but , it shrunk in the wash , years ago. IF I SHOULD LIVE TO BE  , MAYBE IT'LL FIT , AGAIN !
      Glenn Barton said:

      I am barely into any of that music but I say NO CUT-OFF! Get burried in it when you are a hundred and five if it's what you like. I'll be wearin' my Blues Magoos T till about then, myself.


    • April 2, 2013 12:16 PM CDT
    • Yeah, bummertown. I think people that where Che G shirts are usually pretty clueless about him and history anyways so nothing's really new about that. Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood were clothing designers, this lifestyle is always going to be a fashion to sell.

      Andy Climax said:

      Am I wrong here? There's a famous line in the fabulous movie 'Withnail & I' which goes 'Its the end of an era man! They're selling Beatles Wigs in Woolworths!' I was in town with my daughter on Sunday. We went into Asda (Wal Mart) and they were selling Ramones t shirts, Sex Pistols T shirts, Smiths T shirts and fucking Pixies sweat shirts Wot the Fuckin Fuck???!!! All the high street stores over here are selling'em. Have our threads and sensibility really became the latest summer must have? Wot really got my goat tho was a t shirt with the classic Che Guivara silhouette, with paint splashes over it and 'I predict a Riot!' printed around it. Don't wanna sound like the cranky old fuck that lives next door, but i'm afraid the kids are being sold a culture that's unreal makes a mockery of the spirit of all that's decent and political! FFS!!!

    • April 2, 2013 9:51 AM CDT
    • Am I wrong here? There's a famous line in the fabulous movie 'Withnail & I' which goes 'Its the end of an era man! They're selling Beatles Wigs in Woolworths!' I was in town with my daughter on Sunday. We went into Asda (Wal Mart) and they were selling Ramones t shirts, Sex Pistols T shirts, Smiths T shirts and fucking Pixies sweat shirts Wot the Fuckin Fuck???!!! All the high street stores over here are selling'em. Have our threads and sensibility really became the latest summer must have? Wot really got my goat tho was a t shirt with the classic Che Guivara silhouette, with paint splashes over it and 'I predict a Riot!' printed around it. Don't wanna sound like the cranky old fuck that lives next door, but i'm afraid the kids are being sold a culture that's unreal makes a mockery of the spirit of all that's decent and political! FFS!!!

    • April 1, 2013 7:46 PM CDT
    • Oh , you mean BILL (NOT his real name!) . That's an interesting observation , on his part , or the industry's part.....Color can be used to grab your attention , to entice the buyer , but , I was just telling our friend , Pope (Also not his real name!) , about how colors can really fuck up the whole presentation , in terms of detracting vital information from the consumer (No , I'm getting this from Ralph Nader , tho' I met him in about 1986.).....Case in point , Reverend Horton Heat's most recent (And , very possibly , his best.) CD , "Laughin' and Cryin'". Well , Yep Roc , tho' they host some fine acts , has always been distribution - challenged , so when I could find ONE store in Chicago that had it in stock , I finally had to have somebody show me where it was , because the lettering , in black on medium - dark blue , was impossible to read. You have to think about complementary colors (RED/GREEN , YELLOW /PURPLE , ORANGE /BLUE.) , OR JUST COLORS THAT COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER , SOME THINGS STAND OUT BECAUSE THEY'RE LIGHT , SOME BECAUSE THEY'RE DARK. THIS VELVETT FOGG SLEEVE , NOT ONLY IS IT UGLY , THE COLORS DON'T EVEN WORK TOGETHER , BUT , i'M SURE THAT WAS INTENTIONAL.   THE TRENIERS CD , NOT THE UGLY ONE , THE COLORS ARE SUBDUED , NOT PASTEL , SORTA SEPIA TONE , AND , I THINK , LIGHT BLUE. SOMEBODY DID THEIR JOB.
      James Porter said:

      A friend of mine who does liner notes for reissues (John, you know him too) once told me that major labels HATE to run black and white photos on covers. It subconsciously keeps younger buyers away. Okay, I admit that a few embellishments here 'n' there don't hurt - say, a black-and-white photo with color print (like Bear Family did for the Treniers), or even a mockup of an old 50s poster (like Sony Legacy did on They Rock!). But that bad colorization job that Sony Special Products used on Rockin' Is Our Bizness is unforgivable, even for a budget label.

    • April 1, 2013 7:31 PM CDT
    • 'Love Story " is pretty good. But ,there's very little period footage . Then again , not much is known to exist. I see where some footage from the 1970 tour of Europe (Supporting Hendrix) is turning up on You Tube. Some people can't get past "Forever Changes" , but I like that era , too.......I see where John Fleckenstein , Love's first Bass player, rejoined The Standells , whom he played with in '67.

    • April 1, 2013 3:45 PM CDT
    • You guys rock. Thanks a million for that. Just ordered maself a copy. any other docu's you can recommend, please keep'em comin.

      fuckin love this track!

    • April 1, 2013 3:20 PM CDT

    • Andy Climax said:

      Can I jump in here and say....'Bout fuckin time! Strikes me when the popular media script of the 60's always favours , Morrisson, Joplin, The Beatles, Hendrix, The Stones, the Monkees etc etc. Don't get e wrong, they're all great an fab an groovy etc, but... Done to death??? I yhink so. It really warms the heart then when the perceived 'Underground' get a hearing as well. 'Searching for Sugar Man' was a real point in case here. Hardly anyone had heard or knew of Rodriguez. A damn shame, if you ask me. I may be a bit naïve here but can anyone  recommend any good documentaries on The Animals and Love. I'd pay good money for those

    • April 1, 2013 3:14 PM CDT
    • There is 'Love Story'. A documentary made around four years ago. I haven't personally seen it yet. There is also a Pretty Things doc coming out. More about that when I have more info.

      Andy Climax said:

      Can I jump in here and say....'Bout fuckin time! Strikes me when the popular media script of the 60's always favours , Morrisson, Joplin, The Beatles, Hendrix, The Stones, the Monkees etc etc. Don't get e wrong, they're all great an fab an groovy etc, but... Done to death??? I yhink so. It really warms the heart then when the perceived 'Underground' get a hearing as well. 'Searching for Sugar Man' was a real point in case here. Hardly anyone had heard or knew of Rodriguez. A damn shame, if you ask me. I may be a bit naïve here but can anyone  recommend any good documentaries on The Animals and Love. I'd pay good money for those

    • April 1, 2013 2:36 PM CDT
    • Can I jump in here and say....'Bout fuckin time! Strikes me when the popular media script of the 60's always favours , Morrisson, Joplin, The Beatles, Hendrix, The Stones, the Monkees etc etc. Don't get e wrong, they're all great an fab an groovy etc, but... Done to death??? I yhink so. It really warms the heart then when the perceived 'Underground' get a hearing as well. 'Searching for Sugar Man' was a real point in case here. Hardly anyone had heard or knew of Rodriguez. A damn shame, if you ask me. I may be a bit naïve here but can anyone  recommend any good documentaries on The Animals and Love. I'd pay good money for those

    • April 1, 2013 6:34 PM CDT
    • Damn -- garage/surf in Italy in the summer? How much fun is THAT? *pout* No can go! *double pout*

    • April 1, 2013 5:56 PM CDT
    • Who woulda though Rap could stoop so low, haha

    • April 1, 2013 5:51 PM CDT
    • Here y'are. Scotland's finest giving ya 3 for 1 in the incorrect stakes, haha. hats off to Watty and co. Bless! Y'gotta love'em!

    • April 1, 2013 2:40 PM CDT
    • The Violent Femmes debut album is just sublime. Talk about budget albums. I love it!

    • April 1, 2013 1:51 PM CDT

      PORK MAGAZINE said:


    • April 1, 2013 11:27 AM CDT

    • March 31, 2013 8:16 PM CDT
    • .....OH , ALL RIGHT. LEAVE THAT STUFF TO ME.   Here's one -

      The Cramps - "Goddamn Rock'n'Roll".   "And Lou Reed did it in the park"  , "Adam and Eve did it in the park".