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    • April 1, 2012 2:18 PM CDT

      April 5th- Murphy's, Philadelphia, PA w/Gold Crowns

      April 6th- The Shop, Pittsburgh, PA w/ Raw Nerve, Divine Right, Drug Lust

      April 7th- Now That's Class, Cleveland, OH w/ Moonrises, Terminal Lovers, Dream Beings

      April 8th- Cafe Bourbon St., Columbus, OH w/ Slave Labia

      April 9th- Subterranean, Chicago, IL w/BigJoy, Slushy, Bad Bad Meow

      April 11th- Gay Dudes Annex, Bloomington, IN w/Nervous Curtains

      April 12th- Quarter's Rock N Roll Palace, Milwaukee, WI

      April 13th- Crown Tap Room, Chicago, IL

      April 14th- Mainstay Rock Bar, Cincinnati, OH

      April 15th- The Pilot Light, Knoxville, TN w/The Burning Itch

      April 17th- Little Kings Shuffle Club, Athens, GA w/ Shehehe, Nuclear Spring

      April 18th- The Milestone, Charlotte, NC w/The Orchidales and Secret Hospitals

      April 19th- Strange Matter, Richmond, VA w/Eurotics

      April 20th- Side Bar, Baltimore, MD w/Lexington Arrows, Thee Shut Downs

      April 21st- Union Pool, BK w/Liquor Store, The Burning Itch(TN), The Jigglers

    • April 1, 2012 2:17 PM CDT
    • Awesome book and great downloadable soundtrack!!

    • April 1, 2012 1:56 PM CDT
    • Hey I am part of a garage rock band from Philadelphia

      here is a link to our site Roofies

    • April 1, 2012 11:36 AM CDT
    • What I think is odd is when I see somebody eyeballing an album cover with that "should I?" look.

      I might tell them, "hey, that's a good one; you should buy it." And they'll shoot back: "And how come you're not buying it?"

      It never dawns on them that I might have that same record at home and might want to recommend it to others. Is that so wrong? It's like they're assuming that just because they've never heard of it, others haven't either.

      Hell, if I didn't own it, I might be silently wishing they'd put the damn thing back, so I could grab it for myself!

      John Battles said:


    • April 1, 2012 11:19 AM CDT
    • Once, in the early nineties, I met a couple of people who knew who Hasil Adkins was. Now, it's not so much of a big deal, but twenty years ago it sure as hell was. We were at a party around that time where I was accused of talking about music too much. And I can't really blame myself, considering how few people I knew back then (including John Battles) who were into that kind of music. Not that I was afraid to change the topic, but I wanted to milk that cow dry before we moved on down the list. And these people weren't even collectors, per se - they were just ordinary citizens who just happened to cross paths with Hasil's music somewhere down the road.

      At that point, I was in my early 20s and did know people whose musical tastes were close to mine. But not to the point where they could go deep like that. I could wear a Replacements or Velvet Underground or Robert Johnson T-shirt and get thumbs-up from passersby. But as far as cratedigging for obscure 45s, I was the Lone Ranger. (Remember, this was when most people my age were dumping their vinyl for CDs.)

      It's not like now, where every other hipster (male and female) goes digging for old singles and then gets a DJ night. Matter of fact, this is how much things have changed in two decades: back then, if I saw someone wearing a Sun Records T-shirt, ten times out of ten it was a stone-cold Sun fanatic who knew the lesser-knowns as well as the stars. Now, if you see someone in that same T-shirt, they probably won't know Sun from Moon; they just bought it because it was in the gift shop at Graceland.
      Alex said:


      I almost never run into people with the same music taste.  Basically if I want to go to a show or even the record store, I go alone.  When I do run into someone with the same taste at a party or something, I get pathetically giddy.  That said, I'm still amused every time my friends make jokes about my not liking bands that have more than 50 fans or bands that someone else has actually heard of.  It's a point of pride.

    • April 1, 2012 9:28 AM CDT
    • no,i don't know it.When ''she smells so nice'' was ''released'' recently,i posted about it on the discussion forum and got ...maybe one or two replies.

      melissa scott said:

      Yes, and you know it -- Doors and Stooges.

      At least we have the Hideout to 'meet' people with the same tastes in music, films, tv, cars, drinks, etc.... :D

      Yeah, WTF? Could be because out and about people in general believe the hype that all strangers can't be trusted. But those same people are ok talking to strangers online. Go figger.

      Ghislaine Korb said:

      NEVER!...oooh how come all of us say the same?WTF?

      anybody a Doors fan here?

    • April 1, 2012 2:17 AM CDT
    • Gonna go against the grain here and say pretty damn regularly. We're in a small city, but there are quite a few rock n roll bars that fill up every weekend with rockers and rollers. I moved here three years back from Manchester (UK) and, while there there's a massive amount of folks who you meet on a night with similar tastes, I never thought I'd be able to walk into a bar on a Sunday afternoon and hear The Sonics follwed by Tom Waits. I guess it also helps that everyone talks to strangers here. There's not that immediate cynicism that they must be after something.

    • March 31, 2012 9:39 PM CDT
    • Nope. Even in a city as big as Los Angeles. Hell, ESPECIALLY in Los Angeles.

    • March 31, 2012 7:01 PM CDT
    • This stuff's been known , on a collector level since the early to mid 70's , then became something of a movement by the late 70's. But , there still are'nt enough people behind it to dismiss it as a "Fad".

      Mardy Pune said:

      Never, I'm known as the guy who listens to that weird music. One of my friends once told me the whole garage rock/punk thing was a fad that would be all gone in a couple of years...

    • March 31, 2012 6:57 PM CDT
    • Virtually NO ONE trusts anyone else , even if they're just saying hello , or dispensing with a stray compliment , to just say SOMETHING....Sometimes it does take something , like someone wering a T-shirt  or button that suggests they may like some of the same music as you. Even then , a lot of people are'nt real keen on conversing with people they don't (Yet) know....Not that that's the absolute rule , but it'slike that , most of the time.
       Alot of people think they're too cool. Merde.   
      melissa scott said:

      Yes, and you know it -- Doors and Stooges.

      At least we have the Hideout to 'meet' people with the same tastes in music, films, tv, cars, drinks, etc.... :D

      Yeah, WTF? Could be because out and about people in general believe the hype that all strangers can't be trusted. But those same people are ok talking to strangers online. Go figger.

      Ghislaine Korb said:

      NEVER!...oooh how come all of us say the same?WTF?

      anybody a Doors fan here?

    • March 31, 2012 6:51 PM CDT
    • True. I'm lucky we still have some , here.

      dave said:

      Every day!

      That being said, the number has dwindled drastically with the closing of most record stores.

    • March 31, 2012 6:10 PM CDT
    • Never, I'm known as the guy who listens to that weird music. One of my friends once told me the whole garage rock/punk thing was a fad that would be all gone in a couple of years...

    • March 31, 2012 6:07 PM CDT
    • let's just all meet then

    • March 31, 2012 6:06 PM CDT
    • It happened a lot when I worked in a record store in the mid-'80s.  Not so much since then.  I met quite a few recently at SXSW, but I'll have to wait a year to meet any more.

    • March 31, 2012 4:36 PM CDT
    • Yes, and you know it -- Doors and Stooges.

      At least we have the Hideout to 'meet' people with the same tastes in music, films, tv, cars, drinks, etc.... :D

      Yeah, WTF? Could be because out and about people in general believe the hype that all strangers can't be trusted. But those same people are ok talking to strangers online. Go figger.

      Ghislaine Korb said:

      NEVER!...oooh how come all of us say the same?WTF?

      anybody a Doors fan here?

    • March 31, 2012 4:21 PM CDT
    • ...and c'mon aren't we all Stooges fans?

    • March 31, 2012 4:20 PM CDT
    • NEVER!...oooh how come all of us say the same?WTF?

      anybody a Doors fan here?

    • March 31, 2012 2:55 PM CDT
    • ....Not very often. People in record stores tend to be very focused on liner notes and stuff ....Well , so am I , BUT , i CAN'T SEE FOR SHIT. iT'S ALSO BECOME MORE OF A "COUPLES" thing. So , people generally don't want to be bugged by the likes of me , tho' I could probably teach them PLENTY....SOMETIMES , I'LL SEE SOMEONE CHECKING OUT A GREAT RECORD WITH A LOOK , LIKE "SHOULD I ?", AND I'LL TRY TO ENCOURAGE THEM. But , that rarely turns into a real conversation... AS FOR THE WORLD OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY OF A RECORD STORE , It seldom happens. But , it used to. When I first moved to Chicago , 25 years ago , people seemed friendlier and more outgoing , regarding meeting people with similar tastes in music , because we all WANTED to meet such people , wherever they were , and they seemed to be almost everywhere , back when.

    • April 1, 2012 8:15 AM CDT
    • ewwwww

      Mardy Pune said:

      I have a hideout fest in my man-cave every time I download a new podcast...

    • March 31, 2012 11:15 PM CDT
    • I have a hideout fest in my man-cave every time I download a new podcast...

    • April 1, 2012 2:31 AM CDT
    • Number 16 with a bullet. Can't wait to hear our compilation mates.

    • March 31, 2012 9:14 PM CDT
    • Hi!

      Love comes in spurts! Murder City Nights #15 is available now!

      SET LIST:

      • Fuel - Brats
      • Rock 'n' Roll Is Dead - The Hydeouts
      • Why Did I Listen To You? - NRA
      • Cornered - D Generation
      • Little Misfit - The Chelsea Smiles
      • Outta Control - Peter Pan Speedrock
      • Baby, You'll Regret Me - Hookers
      • I Miss Her Beer - Cows
      • Murder By Guitar - Crime
      • She's Not Changed - Sonny Vincent's Shotgun Rationale
      • Punk Church - The Consumers
      • Run Away From Me - Movie Star Junkies
      • Love Comes In Spurts - Richard Hell & The Voidoids
      • Warsaw - Joy Division
      • Corprophagist - Thee Oh Sees
      • Caesar - Ty Segall
      • Joe Strummer's Grave - Billy Childish
      • Teenage Kicks - Thee Headcoatees
      • King's Lead Hat - The Dirtbombs
      • Afro - Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
      • Mr. Pharmacist - The Other Half
      • The Witch - Coachwhips
      • Someone Else's Hand - The Juke Joints
      • Crimson Ballroom - The Hellacopters

    • March 31, 2012 4:45 PM CDT
    • Yeah, I've seen quite a few of the Northwest sixties bands over the past 20 years or more and the Kingsmen only impressed me once (more to do with HOW they played, not WHAT they played though they did throw in stuff like Dirty Robber and Justine butthat was just the one time).  Most of the time they suck.  Wailers were good the first time I saw them but each performance afterward just got more boring.  While it's sad that Kent Morrell passed on, he was more fun  for people who grew up with him than the cureent garage fan.

      John Battles said:

       In the 80's ,  I saw The Kingsmen  (Minus Lynn Easton and virtually nothing from their back catalogue. Too slick and bar bandish.) , Larry and The Blue Notes  (Technically very good , but ,no Garage classics , theirs or others .More Bar Banditis.), And Mitch Ryder , who's never failed , but you may not call him Garage. .

      SOME OF THE BEST i'VE SEEN HAVE BEEN Richard and The Young Lions , ? and The Mysterians , Electric Prunes , New Colony Six , Third Bardo , Alarm Clocks , Standells , monks , Remains , Sky Saxon and The Seeds ,  Wailers , Box Tops (They came on like a Garage band !) , Mark Lindsay.
      Good but not always great - Blues Magoos , Zakary Thaks , Kenny and The Kasuals (GREAT the first time ,but they don't do many 0f their  originals ).
      Not so hot - Gants , Beau Brummels , Bad Roads.
      Terrible -Greenfuz.
      British section - Pretty Things , Creation ,  Yardbirds, Downliners Sect , TROGGS !
      hONORABLE MENTION , HARD ROCK- Blue Cheer , Iron Butterfly .

    • March 31, 2012 3:49 PM CDT
    • Little Willy was the first 45 I bought with my own money. I felt so proud. THEN , of course , my Brother brings home a K-Tel LP with Little Willy on it.....I saw SWEET in '90 , with Mick and Andy. Then , later , with just Andy .....Brian was too out of it , and , sadly , losing his voice , to pass muster when given the option of rejoining the group. Reportedly , he'd kicked the bottle by then , but , there's documentary footage of his last tour , or one of the last...It's terrifying. He still seems very polite and reserved , overall , but he looks like he'd just passed an audition for the part of The Crypt Keeper. Bryan Gregory just LOOKED the way he did. Everyone knows Brian Connolly was once the ace face on the Glam and mid - 70's Hard Rock scenes. To see him looking THAT horrifying , less than 20 years after leaving theoriginal band , it's beyongdtragic.

    • March 31, 2012 3:07 PM CDT
    • Good call , Mike L . Two of my favorites by The Ramones  are "I Don't Wanna Be Learned , I Don't Wanna Be Tamed" and " I Can't Be" , which , like most people , I never heard until the 90's.  i'M NOT A BIG BEATLE FAN ANYMORE , but  I SAW MACCA on TV , with The Queen in the audience , and , when he finished playing "The END" , I WAS GOING , LIKE "DO IT ! DO IT !!!" , But , he did'nt do all 30 seconds (?) of "Her Majesty".   Don't think she would have been amused.  There were a couple of short , unlisted vignettes that , I'd say , qualified as songs on "The White Album"  like "Can You Take Me Back (Where I came From)".